Harriet and
Penelope loved to do things together. Best of friends for many years,
the two spent most of their time with each other. They went to tea
parties, movies, brunch and shopping.
Penelope smelled
of moth balls and peppermint drops. Harriet reeked of cheap lavender
perfume which she generously dabbed behind each ear.
“Harriet, since
it's such a lovely morning, would you like to go to the zoo?”
Harriet smiled.
“That would be heavenly. I'd love to see the tigers and elephants. We'd
have to take the bus. It's too far away to walk.”
Penelope patted
Harriet's hand. “We'll take the bus.”
They packed
their handbags and headed for the bus station. “There it is, Penelope.
It's the bus that goes straight to the zoo.”
The drive to the
zoo was uneventful. They spent the entire day going from cage to cage,
watching the flamingos and rhinoceros. As the afternoon sun lowered in
the sky, the two ladies walked back to the bus station.
“Oh my, Harriet.
It seems as though we missed the bus. There's another one coming in an
hour.” Penelope sat on a bench.
“I'll just read
my book,” Harriet said.
After a day of
fresh air and sunshine both ladies found themselves fast asleep, leaning
against each other for comfort. The bus came and the bus left. Another
bus came and another. Three hours later Penelope woke up. “Harriet!
Harriet! We've missed our bus.”
Harriet sat
straight and yawned. “What?”
“The last bus
has gone. We're stuck here at the bus station. We fell asleep!” Penelope
frowned. “How will we get home?”
Harriet picked
up her book and walked to the pay phone. She made a call and then sat
next to Penelope. “Not to worry, Penelope.”
A few minutes
later old Mr. Ingalls from around the corner drove up in his car. “You
ladies need a ride?”
Penelope blushed
as the man opened the car door for them. “Thank you, Larry.” She sat in
the back next to Harriet as Mr. Ingalls drove them home. Her elbow
nudged Harriet in the side. When Harriet looked, Penelope smiled.
Once they
arrived home, Harriet and Penelope invited Mr. Ingalls in for some tea.
He parked the car and joined them while they told him of their
adventures at the zoo.
“It's a good
thing you've got each other for friends, isn't it?” Mr. Ingalls grinned.
“Yes, it is.”
And Harriet sipped her tea.