John sat on the front porch
of his house, blowing bubbles. His mother had just bought him a new bottle
of bubbles. He held the thin, red, plastic stick in his hand and blew
through the hole. He watched the purple, blue, green, red, and yellow
bubbles float up into the air and swirl all around him. They sparkled like
rainbows in the midday sun. It didn’t take long for them to start to pop.
Soon all John could hear was POP! POP! POP! POP! POP! He put his bubble
bottle down and started chasing the ones that hadn’t popped yet.

One of the bubbles was very
huge. It floated up into the air, wriggling and changing form as it lazily
climbed higher into the sky. John watched it float away. John closed his
eyes and wished that he could be a bubble and sail through the sky,
looking down at the land below. Suddenly, like magic, John was changed
into a bubble. He felt funny and very light.
"WOW!" he said as he saw a
red fire engine racing down the street below him. He heard the wailing
noise of the siren as it headed towards a fire. John knew if he went near
the fire, it would make him go POP! He was so busy looking at the fire
engine that he wasn’t watching where he was floating. He didn’t see the
building he was soon to hit. He was just about to go POP, when a man
opened a window and John flew right through it and came out the other side
of the building through another open window. "That was a close one," John
said. "I’d better be more careful."
He looked down and saw that
he was above a fairground. "Look at all the rides! I hear merry-go-round
music. It’s spinning around slowly. I wish I was on it," John sighed. He
watched a little girl as she ate her cotton candy. "That looks good," he
said, wishing he could eat a bite of the pink fluffy spun sugar. He saw
some kids carrying stuffed animals. "They must have won a game," he noted.
There seemed to be colorful balloons everywhere he looked. Just then a
child let go of a bright green one and it came soaring towards John. "Oh
no!" John called out. He had to swerve out of the way so it didn’t hit
him. The balloon went higher and higher and soon John couldn’t see it any
The wind carried him
further away. He passed over some flower gardens. "Daffodils are kind of
pretty," he said, never having noticed that before. "The violets and
primroses are too," he added. He floated past a tall birch tree. He could
see a nest sitting in the branches. A robin was perched near it. There
were several blue speckled eggs inside the nest. The bird flapped its
wings. "Don’t pop me," John begged. He was afraid the robin might stick
her beak into him and pop his bubble, but she sat still and watched as he
floated away.
The next thing John saw was
a farm. He floated over a red barn. He could see the hay sticking out of
the loft. "Look at the black and white cows grazing in a field. There’s a
flock of sheep huddled together. They look like a fluffy white cloud," he
said. "There are some fat pink pigs and a green tractor. I like farms."
John could see fields and fields of amber-colored wheat growing in all
directions around the farm.
Ahead, John saw a tall
building. He watched for an open window and headed towards it. He floated
inside and sailed into the bathroom. There was a little boy taking a bath.
The tub was filled with bubbles. They floated up into the air and
surrounded John. "WOW! Look at the bubbles. Is that what I look like?"
John wondered. The bubbles began to pop all around him. POP! POP! POP!
POP! Just then the little boy stuck his finger up and poked it into John.
John woke up and rubbed his
eyes. "Hi there, sleepy head," his mum said. "Ready to get up? It’s a
beautiful day out there. Why don’t we go to the fair? Would you like
that?" she asked.
John realized that he must
have been dreaming about being a bubble. He laughed and jumped out of bed.
"I’d love to go the fair, Mum," he said. He saw his bottle of bubbles
sitting on top of his drawers and laughed, as he got dressed for a fun day
at the fair. |