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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Boris' New Friends

Boris didn't have any friends. He was a grumpy bear and he growled at all the other animals that got in his way. “Nobody likes me,” he said and moved to another part of the forest. Tired after the long walk, Boris lay down on top of a hill and fell asleep.

A few animals saw the big brown mound of fluff and not knowing how grumpy Boris was, they ran up the hill and climbed on top of him, cuddling in his fur.

The mouse, beaver, rabbit, sloth and birds all played in Boris' hair. The mouse had a long tail and it tickled Boris' nose.

Boris opened his eyes and saw animals all around him. At first he was going to growl and chase them all away, but then he realized how much he liked having friends.

Every day from then on, Boris went into the forest to eat and when he was done he went to the top of the hill and fell asleep, knowing his new friends would keep him company.

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