THIS is a freakish spirit, who
delights rather to perplex and frighten mankind than either to serve or
seriously to hurt them. Shellycoat, a spirit who resides in the
waters, and has given his name to many a rock and stone upon the Scottish
coast, belongs to the class of bogies. When he appeared, he seemed to be
decked with marine productions, and in particular with shells, whose
clattering announced his approach. From this circumstance he derived his
name. One of his pranks is thus narrated :—Two men, on a very dark night,
approaching the banks of the Ettrick, heard a doleful voice from its waves
repeatedly exclaim, "Lost! Lost!" They followed the sound, which seemed to
be the voice of a drowning person, and, to their infinite astonishment,
they found that it ascended the river. Still they continued, during a long
and tempestuous night, to follow the cry of the malicious sprite; and
arriving, before morning’s dawn, at the very sources of the river, the
voice was now heard descending the opposite side of the mountain in which
they arise. The fatigued and deluded travellers now relinquished the
pursuit, and had no sooner done so than they heard Shellycoat applauding,
in loud bursts of laughter, his successful roguery. The spirit was
supposed particularly to haunt the old house of Gorinberry, situated on
the river Hermitage, in Liddesdale. |