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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
A Boat Ride

Lila and Leon sat in a pea pod and floated across the pond. The ladybugs felt the sun their polka dot wings.

Two ducks floated by. Lila and Leon waved to the ducks. The ducks quacked and swam past.

A frog leaped from one side of the pond to the other. Lila and Leon waved to the frog. It croaked and jumped into the bushes.

Three brown fish swam past, their fins and tails swaying from side to side. Lila and Leon waved to the fish. They blew bubbles and darted under the water.

Lila and Leon saw a dragonfly, a snake, and a fox taking a sip of water from the pond. They waved to them all and sailed away in their pea pod boat.

A wind blew them across the pond and they bumped into a rock. The pea pod tipped over and the two ladybugs fell into the water. The fish, ducks, frog, dragonfly, snake and fox all swam over to help Leon and Lila out of the water.

Lila and Leon were glad they waved to all their friends.

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