Winnie jumped out of bed, happy
and excited. "Today's my birthday! Today's my birthday! Hoorah!"
Her cat, Patches, rubbed himself
on her legs. "Oh, hello, Patches. It's your birthday today too! Should
we bake a cake?"
Patches purred and licked his
legs. He ran into the kitchen and hopped on the counter.
"I think that's a yes. All right.
We'll make a cake for me and a cake for you and we'll do it before
Patches growled. He wanted
breakfast first.
"Oh all right. Breakfast first."
Winnie fed Patches a can of salmon and then she had scrambled eggs,
toast and orange juice. "There now. We're all fed." She found a large
bowl, wooden spoon and got out all the ingredients needed to make two
cakes. She stirred and swirled and when she was finished mixing, she
gave the spoon to Patches to lick clean. "There you go, Patches. Enjoy."
Winnie poured the batter into her
cake pan. When it was filled up, she noticed there wasn't much cake
batter left for Patches' cake. "Patches, you'll have to have a small
Patches scowled, ran off and went
to sleep behind the bed. The cake baked. Winnie checked on her cake.
After it finished baking, she took it out of the oven and let it cool.
She put Patches' cake in. Since it was so small, it didn't take very
long to bake or cool. She spread icing on top of both and put a candle
in each. "Patches! Come and get your cake."
Patches ran into the kitchen.
Winnie walked around with a huge cake in her hands. "It's my birthday!
It's my birthday! Hoorah! Hoorah!"
Sitting on the floor was a tiny
cupcake. Patches sniffed it, glanced at Winnie's cake and then turned up
his nose.
Winnie ate the entire cake,
including every drop of icing. She saw the Patches wasn't eating his.
"Patches, if you don't eat that, I will."
The cat ran over and gobbled it
down. It might be small, but it's all the birthday cake he was going to
Later that day Winnie left and
went somewhere in her car. Patches sat at the window watching for her.
She came back later and gave Patches a present. "Happy Birthday
Patches!" Patches tugged at the ribbon and pulled it off. He tore the
wrapping paper with his claws and left it in a pile. When he managed to
open the box, inside was a huge cake, just for him. "Happy Birthday!"
Patches purred and licked all the
icing from his cake. He lay on the bed and fell asleep, content and
happy that he had a big birthday cake just like Winnie's.