Bradley's favorite thing to do was jump on his bed.
His mama kept telling him, “Don't jump on the bed,
Bradley. One day you'll fly through the air and land on something and
hurt yourself.”
But Bradley never listened to his mama. Each morning
after he woke up, he'd jump on the bed. Sometimes his pillow fell off.
Sometimes the blankets did. If Bradley jumped high enough he could see
out of his bedroom window. If he jumped really high, he could see his
mama's car in the driveway and the oleander bushes blooming in front of
the house.
One morning Bradley climbed out of bed and put on his
clothes. His mama had told him not to jump on the bed and he was going
to do just like she asked. He pulled the blanket up over the pillow and
tucked it in. He was about to put his stuffed tiger on the pillow when
he started to giggle. “Mama will never know if I jump just a little
bit.” He climbed on the bed and jumped. “Whee! Whee! Whee!” He went
higher and higher. “I can see Mama's car. I can see the oleander bushes.
I can see Mr. Ogilvy's dog.”
He was paying so much attention to the things he saw
out of the window that his foot slipped off the bed. He went flying
across the room and landed with a crash on his toy car. It broke into
pieces and hurt Bradley's leg. He sobbed and shouted for his mama.
Mama came running when she heard Bradley's cries. She
saw the covers lying on the ground. “Bradley, have you been jumping on
your bed after I told you not to?”
Bradley kept his head hung and didn't look at his
“You have. Now look what's happened. You've hurt your
leg and broken your brand new toy car.” Mama picked him up and put him
on the bed. “I'm going to have to take you to the doctor, Bradley.”
Bradley cried and didn't want to go, but Mama took
him anyway. His leg was broken and the doctor had to put a cast on it.
When they got home, Mama told Bradley to lie on the couch. She went into
his room and made his bed and then brought him some broth and a
sandwich. She carried through his favorite toy car and threw it in the
trash. “I guess you'll not be jumping on your bed any more, will you,
Bradley ate his soup. “No, Mama. I will never jump on
my bed again. I promise.” And he never did.