Juicy, red, crisp
apples sat in a bowl on the kitchen table. Angus reached for one and took
a bite. “I love apples. Nothing in the world tastes better.”
Another bowl sat
on the table next to the apples. It was full of oranges. Arthur picked one
out, peeled back the orange rind and broke the fruit into segments. “I
love oranges. Nothing in the world tastes better.”
“Stop saying that,
Arthur. Oranges are gross. Apples are the best,” Angus said.
“I don’t have to.
I love oranges. They’re the best. I’ll prove it to you. I’m going to eat
every single orange just to show you how great they are.” Arthur took the
bowl of oranges and went outside. He sat on a lawn chair and peeled each
orange. He tossed the rind on the ground next to his chair. After he
carefully broke the oranges into sections, he ate them.
Angus, seeing his
brother outside, took all the apples and sat in another chair. “I’ll show
you. I’m going to eat all the apples, even the skin and core and seeds.”
Angus gobbled one apple after another, until there wasn’t one left in the
bowl. His tummy rumbled and he didn’t feel so good. “I think I’m going to
lie down and take a nap. All that eating made me sleepy.” Angus went to
his bed and laid his head on the pillow.
Arthur’s tummy
started rumbling. “I think I ate too many oranges. I feel sick.” He put
the bowl on the ground and went to his bed and lay down.
Angus and Arthur’s
mum came home from the shops and saw the empty bowls. “Don’t tell me those
boys ate all that fruit! They’ll be sick.” She picked up all the orange
rind and apple stems and carried the bowls inside. After unloading the
groceries, she filled one bowl with bananas and the other with grapes.
When she peeked in on her sons, they were both sound asleep. She closed
the doors and went back to the kitchen.
Angus dreamed that
he was in a room full of apples. They were huge and red and he could
hardly move. He climbed on top of one and sat with his legs dangling over
the edge.

Arthur dreamed
that he was in a room full of oranges. There were dozens of them, all
giant and round. He climbed on top, fearful that one might roll on top of
him and squish him. Suddenly the oranges wiggled around and mouths
appeared. They nipped at Arthur’s legs and fingers. Arthur screamed and
woke up.

During Angus’s
dream, the apples started bouncing up and down and grew big eyes and large
teeth. They nipped at his ears and elbows. Angus screamed and woke up.
Both boys ran into
the kitchen. When they saw their mum they gave her a hug. “Why don’t you
boys have some fruit,” she said.
Angus looked at
the grapes. “No thank you, Mum.”
Arthur looked at
the bananas. “No thank you, Mum.”
Never again did
the boys fight and argue over which fruit was the best and never again did
they eat more than one apple or one orange. |