autumn leaves fell from the trees, landing on the ground below. Iggy
spider and his friends loved it when the leaves fell. “Let's play a game,”
he said to his friends, Biggy, Miggy and Jiggy. “I'll count and you hide.”
Iggy counted, the others ran and hid under the leaves.
“Here I
come. I'll find you all.” Iggy giggled. He crawled under the leaves and
moved from leaf to leaf. After a few minutes he crept up to the surface.
“Hmmm. There are more leaves here than I thought.” He looked under a gold
leaf, but none of his friends were hiding there.
After an
hour he sat on an orange leaf and cried. “Boo hoo. I can't find my
friends. I don't want to play this game any more. Maybe they're lost.
Maybe a bird ate them. Boo hoo.”
Miggy and Jiggy heard Iggy's cries and ran to him. “You couldn't find us,
could you? We hid in good places,” Biggy said.
decided to run down to the river and float on a leaf. At least they were
all together. |