Glossary for
2nd of 12 book series
Some of the people, foods,
places and things mentioned in this glossary will be found in other books in
the series. Some will not. Some are merely mentioned in passing and have no
important part in the story; however, I included all characters, including
animals with names, into this glossary. Some characters will go on to be
important in future books, but since they aren’t yet, they’ve been listed in
the minor category column
Main characters:
Angus McAllister –
uncle and keeper of the orb in Inveralba, age 50, lives in croft with lots
of cats. Has light brown hair with gray and blue eyes.
Callum McAllister –10
years old, lives in Inveralba, Scotland, dark brown hair, brown eyes, cousin
to Fiona and Elspet.
Elspet McAllister –
10 ½
years old, lives in Inveralba,
Scotland, reddish hair, blue eyes, cousin to Fiona and Callum.
Fiona Isabella McAllister –
11 years old, lives in Inveralba, Scotland and is descendant of King Kegan
and Dugan. Has blonde hair and green eyes
Mairi Anna Ferguson
McAllister -
Fiona’s mum, makes honey from heather and bluebell and thistle. Sells it in
the shops to tourists and also sends it off to Edinburgh and Glasgow. She
also is a good cook and works part time at McKenzie’s bakery in town. Age
35, brown hair and fern green eyes
Drayton Steele
– 19
years old, descendant of King Dugan and Princess Isabella, lives in Truro,
Cornwall, England. Son of Shardow Steele and Penelope McAllister.
Jesse Thomson/Pond
– Spinel - One of the 12 men, who hid the 2nd jewel, spinel, in
Iceland. From Burell in Arabia so he has dark hair and brown eyes. 27 years
Jimmy Thomson/Cowan-
Obsidian - One of the 12 trusted men who hid the 1st stone,
obsidian, in Hydra. From Arabia with dark brown hair and brown eyes. Age 37
Johnny Thomson/ Alroy
Cathmore - Scribe
to King Kegan and author of the book that Fiona finds at Castle Athdara.
He’s from Arabia, but his heritage is Persian, so he’s got lighter brown
hair but still has brown eyes. Age 37
Minor Characters:
– Light fairy from Iceland
Princess Anna
– Daughter of King Kegan and ancestor of Fiona and Mairi, wife of Robert of
Ferguson. 14 at time of capture by King Dugan. 15 when gives birth to son,
Jorbi. She and Robert have seven children together.
King Bartolf –
Evil King. Brother of
King Rolfin, ruler, King of Zaanad in North Africa, formerly lived in
Nellie McAllister Crawford –
Fiona’s great aunt
on her father’s side. She is 72, oldest sister of Catriona and Penelope.
Drayton Steele’s aunt.
Creanth –
Malcolm McAllister’s hunting
dogs, Scottish Deerhound
Devlyn –
Malcolm McAllister’s hunting
dog, Scottish Deerhound
King Dugan
– Evil king, ancestor of Drayton. Last king of Zanaad. Father of Ithgar and
Jorbi, though didn’t know of Jorbi’s existence.
Colin of Ferguson –Brother
of Robert, married Princess Isabella
Robert of Ferguson –
Married Princess Anna,
brother of Colin
Talon Hormdin –
King Dugan’s scribe
Princess Isabella
– Ancestor of Drayton and daughter of King Kegan and Queen Sarmantha. After
going to Scotland, she became the wife of Colin of Ferguson. Mother of
Ithgar by King Dugan. Captured by him at age 16 and taken to Zanaad. Age 17
when she gave birth to Ithgar. She and Colin have four children.
Prince Ithgar – Son
of King Dugan and Princess Annabella, never knew his mother, is evil like
his father. Ruled Zanaad in north Africa.
– Son of Princess Anna and King Dugan, raised by Robert of Ferguson, doesn’t
know his true heritage.
King Kegan
– Descendant of King Rolfin. Ancestor of Fiona, Mairi, and Drayton, built
Castle Athdara. Ruler of Burill on the Arabian Peninsula. . Father of
Isabella, Anna, Cerdic, Gelis, Rayad and Gilian. Married to Queen Sarmantha.
Died at age 43. Son of King Abbasan and his wife, Queen Nadia.
Magnus Magnusson/ Thorri Hela
– Concierge in The Viking Ship Hotel in Iceland and an elf
Anne McAllister –Callum’s
mother - knits gloves and sweaters, uses Elspet’s mum’s wool and sells the
things she knits to tourists that pass through and stop in the village
shops. 36 years old, brown eyes, mousy brown hair
Catriona McKenzie McAllister
– Elspet’s mother.
She has a spinning wheel and spins wool from their sheered sheep. Spins it
into wool, cards it, and then she sells the wool to knitters etc. She knits
things for her own family Age 29, red hair, blue eyes
Elsie McAllister –
McDougals B&B in Inveralba
Malcolm McAllister
– Callum’s father,
gillie. When people come to the highlands to shoot grouse, partridge, or
hunt a deer, or want to go fishing, he takes them and shows them where the
best places are. He has a few hounds that he uses to scare out the grouse.
He often brings home fish he’s caught in the loch and streams for his family
and also venison. Age 38, brown hair, brown eyes
Murdoch McAllister
– Callum’s brother, age
5, dark brown hair, brown eyes
Shona McAllister
– Callum’s sister, age 2,
fair hair, brown eyes
Colin Donald McDonald –
26 years old,
husband of Jenny
Elizabeth McDonald –
5 years old, lives in
Jenny Ross McDonald –
25 years old, lives in
Inveralba, mother of Elizabeth, wife of Colin McDonald
Wizard Phelan
– Wizard of King Dugan,
wizard of Xilia
King Rolfin –
King of Burill, brother of
King Bartolf, formerly lived in Hadrumetum, near Carthage
Queen Sarmantha –
Wife of King Kegan, mother of
Princess Anna, Princess Isabella, Prince Cerdic, Princess Gelis, Prince
Rayad and Princess Gilian. Comes from Viking stock, born in Norway. Her
father, King Aluric, did trading with Kegan’s father, Abbasan, and when
Kegan and she met, they fell in love. She had fair hair, violet eyes, and
was 35 when she died. Her mother was Queen Finna.
Annabella Stewart –
Lives in Inveralba, 5
years old. Daughter of Flora and Walter Stewart.
Flora Sinclair Stewart –
30 years old, lives in Inveralba, mother of Annabella and Maggie, and wife
of Walter Stewart
Maggie Stewart
– Lives in Inveralba, 7 years old
Walter Stewart
– 32, husband of Flora and father of Annabella and Maggie.
Wizard Zerahemna –
of King Kegan, from Xilia, with
long nose, eyes sparkle like diamonds, but his iris are white, long dark
brown hair that hangs down his back, wears purple hat and robe decorated
with symbols from Xilia
Burill –
Kingdom where Rolfin lived and Kegan as kings, in the Yemen area
Castle Athdara
– Once home to King Kegan, now stands in ruins on a small island in Loch
Crianlarich -
Important in Train Routes of
Scotland. This small village
lies on the western fringes of Perthshire at the junction of Glen Falloch,
Glen Dochart and Strath Fillan. Comes from a Gaelic word meaning ‘low pass’.
It’s an ideal place for hillwalkers.
– Kingdom where brothers
Bartolf and Rolfin live, near Carthage
– One of the Westman (Vestmannayaer) Islands off southern Coast of Iceland
Inveralba –
Village in Scotland where
Fiona and her family and friends live. In the highlands.
– Religious capital of the Holy Land. Meeting place for Kegan and the 12 men
and Alroy Cathmore
Loch Doon
– a loch (lake) near Inveralba, Scotland
– Capital of Iceland
River Alba
– Flows through Inveralba
The Viking Ship Hotel in
Reykjavik –Where
Fiona, Callum and Elspet stay in Iceland
– Kingdom where banished Bartolf set up new kingdom in Northern African |