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Children's Poems
by Margo Fallis
Here or There?

Here or There

Mandy Crow couldn’t decide,
If she’d rather stay home, or go for a flight.

Howard Crow knew what to do;
He wanted to go to the local zoo.

Mandy wasn’t so sure about that
She picked up Howard’s royal blue hat,

Plopped it on his head and let out a caw.
“I want to stay home and drink milk from a straw.”

Howard scowled and picked up his pack.
He slung it over his wings to his back.

“I’m going to the zoo. I’m not staying here.
I want to go for a flight, over there.”

Many fluffed her feathers and sat down on the floor.
“I’m not stepping one step out that door.”

“Very well,” Howard said, “I’m off to the zoo.
I might be back home at one or at two.”

That suited her fine. “Now where is that drink.”
She sat on a chair right next to the sink,

And drank all the milk with a straw that night
And went to bed without Howard or a fight.

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