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Children's Poems
by Margo Fallis
Big Brothers

Julie’s big brother could sometimes be nice,
When he wasn’t off chasing the rats and the mice.
He played games and read and took her to the zoo,
But sometimes he was mean and that made Julie feel blue.

One day he and Julie went to Wilson Park
To feed all the ducks, geese, sparrows and lark.
She bought a balloon, bright green, with a string
And skipped through the park with it tied to a ring.

When Julie saw a huge lollipop
All swirly and colored, she started to hop.
She spent her last quarter and took it in hand,
While she walked past the gazebo and a marching band.

Her big brother didn’t bring any money with him;
He held Julie’s balloon while she played on the gym.
The lollipop sat in his other hand too
And it dripped on his fingers and made messy goo.

When Julie was finished she held out her hand
So her brother would give her the balloon on demand.
He held it way up high so she couldn’t reach
Took a bite of the lollipop, tasting raspberry and peach.

She cried and she sobbed because she wanted it back,
But her big bully brother had teasing down to the knack.
“I want it. I want my bright green balloon!
Give it to me, big brother, I need it back soon!”

He laughed at his sister and put the string on her finger,
But kept licking the lollipop; his lips and tongue lingered.
When Julie cried harder, her brother felt bad
That she was sobbing and feeling quite sad.

So he gave her the lollipop and she started to smile
And they went home together and played for a while.
They played marbles and jump rope and chased bumblebees.
Julie was happy and her brother quite pleased.

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