Justin loved going to the
circus every time it was in town,
Because more than anything he wanted to be a clown.
He laughed when the clowns performed and cheered, “Yeah! Yeah!
I’m going to be a clown like you some day.”
He didn’t want to be a lion tamer and work with a wild cat;
He didn’t want to ride an elephant or do anything like that.
He wanted to wear floppy shoes and have a big red nose
And don a spotted outfit, maybe even one that glows.
He wanted to hold balloons and twist them into shapes;
Maybe make a helicopter, or maybe make some apes.
He wanted to ride on a unicycle round and round the tent.
Justin believed that being a clown would be time well spent.
He grew up to be a man, quicker than he’d thought
And got a job being a clown; should he wear big shoes or not?
He put on his fluffy wig and then his bright green shoes
And tossed a rubber ball up high amid the cheers and boos.
But after just a little while, Justin wanted to change his mind.
He thought of all the other jobs, more fun, that he always could find.
So he put away his clown suit and but on pin stripes and a tie
And got a job selling apricots and frozen pumpkin pie.