Many, many years
ago, in a kingdom far, far away there lived a beautiful
princess. She had long red hair and loved roses so much that
everyone called her Princess Rose.
Every evening after dusk, Princess Rose went out on the balcony
and clapped her hands. A golden bird came flying out of nowhere
and alighted on her shoulder. Instantly, the princess’s hair
began to shine, ablaze with brilliant red light. When the bird
started to warble an enchanting tune, Princess Rose joined it in
a song, and everyone in the kingdom fell asleep and had sweet
dreams till break of dawn.
Thus passed the years.
Every evening Princess Rose, along with the little golden bird,
sang a loving lullaby, so that all people fell asleep and had
sweet dreams till break of dawn.
Until one day something terrible happened. A wicked witch
learned about Princess Rose and decided to curse her.
“Abracadabra, Sim-Sala-Bim, may the rose’s color dim!” the witch
said, and Princess Rose’s hair instantly turned as black as tar.
That evening, too, Princess Rose went out on her balcony and
clapped her hands. But when the golden bird appeared, her hair
glowed black instead of red. The bird warbled its enchanting
melody, and Princess Rose sang her lullaby. Everyone in the
kingdom fell asleep, but that night they only had bad dreams and
On the following day, the saddened princess asked the bird,
“Tell me, golden bird, how can I make my people’s dreams so
sweet again till break of dawn?”
“Black hair in rose water,” the bird chirped in reply.
The princess wondered at this counsel, but abided by it,
nevertheless. She filled up a basin with water and sprinkled
rose petals on its surface. Then, she dipped her hair into the
rose water, and it instantly turned red again.
That evening, when the bird perched on her shoulder, the radiant
red glow of her hair lit up the night sky once more. The
princess sang her lullaby, and everyone in the kingdom fell
asleep and had sweet dreams till break of dawn.
The wicked witch was so very angry that her curse had been
broken that she decided to cast it again.
“Abracadabra, Sim-Sala-Bim, may the rose’s color dim!”And the
princess’s hair turned as black as tar again. Only this time the
witch also picked up all of the rose blooms in the entire
“Let's see how you'll break my curse now!” she sneered, filled
with rage.
Once again, the saddened princess asked the bird,
“Tell me, golden bird, how can I make my people’s dreams so
sweet again till break of dawn?”
“Black hair in rose water,” the bird chirped in reply.
“But where should I find a rose?”
“Black hair in rose water,” the bird chirped and flew away.
The princess didn't know what to do. So great was her anguish
that her eyes filled with tears, one of them falling to the
ground below.
At that very moment, a young and handsome prince, who had
stopped under the balcony of the princess, took out a little box
and a single red hair from within it.
He bent down and placed the hair atop the princess’s tear.
And then, a miracle happened.
Suddenly, the red hair turned into a red rose.
The prince picked the rose and took it up to the princess.
Upon seeing the rose, she immediately brushed off her tears and
plucked its petals to add to the water in the basin. Then, she
dipped in her hair, and the curse was broken.
Everyone gasped in astonishment, and the King asked the prince,
“Young man, where did you find that red hair?”
“When the princess and I were both children, I picked a single
strand of hair from her head as a sign of my loyalty to her. And
she did the same to me, pulling out a strand of my own hair.”
“It’s true, father,” the princess confirmed and took out a
little box. She opened it to reveal a single hair from the
prince’s head inside.
Everyone was delighted with this news. The prince and Princess
Rose got married on that very same day.
Upon learning that her curse had been broken again, the wicked
witch’s evilness swelled so much that she exploded into a
thousand tiny pieces.
Eventually, rose blooms sprang up in every garden in the kingdom
once again. And so it went: each evening Princess Rose sang her
loving lullaby, so that all people fell asleep and had sweet
dreams till break of dawn.
The End