The waves crashed against the hull of the ship as the storm raged all
around. Thunder rumbled in the distance and lightning flashed across the
darkened sky. The baby ostrich cage moved ever
closer to the railing of the ship. A cresting wall of water slammed
into the hull and the cage went over the edge, landing
on a row of jagged rocks. A lone ostrich
chick tumbled out of the broken wreckage of the cage and onto the boulder.
He turned his head and watched the ship sail away. Rain pelted his
body. The ostrich stood and took a step back to scan the distance to
shore. He leapt from boulder to boulder until his clawed feet touched
rich Scottish soil. His cries echoed
across the clearing, but no ostrich responded with a cry of their own. The
baby bird waddled and pecked at tiny grass seeds scattered among the field.
A winding road twisted through the field and ran along the coast line. The
roar of an engine coming closer made the ostrich lift his head and stare
toward the automobile. He held out his wings and squawked in his fiercest
cry, but the truck continued to barrel down the road. The ostrich flapped
his wings and ran in the opposite direction, screeching the entire way. He
tripped over a tree root and fell down a hill, scattering dirt and pebbles.
With his spindly legs spread eagle, he rolled to a stop.

clouds rolled in from shore and he hid under a bush, but the rain poured
from the sky and soaked his downy feathers. He squawked and wobbled from
beneath the leaves. He spotted a red barn in the distance and hoped toward
the building. He scrambled inside the barn seeking refuge from the cold that
seeped through his pin feathers. Chickens sat in boxes lined with fresh cut
straw. The ostrich sniffed and smelled chicken seed. His little stomach
rumbled and pecked at the scattered seeds left over on the ground. His
eyelids drooped and he spied a mother hen with baby chicks nestled under he
wings. He hopped into the box and wiggled in, creating a place for himself.
Their yellow downy bodies snuggled up next to him and he closed his eyes and
fell asleep. At first the mother chicken clucked, but she saw that the
ostrich did not threaten her babies and was fast asleep among them.
The next
morning, farmer Ted came into the hen house and fed the chickens. “What have
we here?” He drew up short at the sight of the biggest chick he had ever
seen. “You look nothing like the other chickens, you know that?” Ted cradled
the ostrich in the curve of his arm and fed him a handful of chicken feed.
The ostrich ate every bite. A few minutes later, his eyes closed and the
ostrich’s head lolled to the side. The farmer gently placed the ostrich back
in the nest and finished feeding the other chickens.
A few
minutes later, he walked back to the house and sat down for his morning cup
of tea. Looking over the newspaper, he said to his wife, Kathryn. “One of
the chickens laid a doozy of an egg and now the chick has hatched. He’s
looked up from the stove where she was making flapjacks. “Just how big is
pointed to the crook of his arm and held out his arm. “He’s as long as my
forearm. He’ll make a nice rooster some day.”
snorted. “If he’s as big as you say, he may eat too much food and not be
worth keeping.”
He went
back to reading his paper. “I think he’ll be fine.”
went by and the ostrich grew well over 6 feet and 175 pounds. Kathryn
berated Ted over the rising expense of chicken feed they were now spending.
“We just
can’t afford it dear.” She would complain over the morning bowl of oatmeal
and tea.
He would
argue. “I can’t see getting rid of him. He’s the biggest chicken in the
whole land. I am the envy of every farmer in the valley.”
night when the chickens were settling in for the evening a growl erupted
from the edge of the forest. Golden eyes narrowed at the chicken coop.
Stealthy foot steps crept closer and closer and slid into a hole in the
chicken wire. The fox drooled as he tiptoed toward the chicken nests. His
mouth opened and his white razor sharp teeth gleamed in the moonlight.
From out of no where, the ostrich ran toward the fox and
squawked with all his might. He opened his black wings and waved them back
and forth at the fox. One clawed foot rose and he pounced toward the fox,
scratching his hind legs.
The fox yelped and ran toward the hole in the fence and
scurried though. The ostrich stood guard over the hole, daring the fox to
Light spilled onto the ground, pushing away the darkness
and Ted and Kathryn came running toward the chicken coop. Farmer Ted saw the
tail of the fox as the creature ran back toward the forest.
He and Kathryn stared at the ostrich. “Wow…he saved my
The shrill ring of the phone cut into the silence and she
ran in to answer. A few minutes later, Kathryn came running out, panting for
breath. “It was the neighboring farm. They called to warn us that a fox was
raiding the chicken coops and had eaten almost all the chickens at the last
five farms he attacked.” She stared at the ostrich and patted him on the
head. “You may not be much of a chicken, but you make a nice guard dog.”
The ostrich spent the rest of his days guarding the chickens and eating the
left over table scraps of the farmer’s wife. He was the strangest chicken,
but he fit in just fine.