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Kentucky Journal
January 23rd

We had a narrow escape today due to the very cold weather we've been experiencing... down to 20 below last night.  We left our George Killian's Irish Red premium lager outside and bringing it in today there was a load of ice in each bottle.. could have lost it all and that would have been a disaster!!!  This lager is the favourite tipple of the May household.. well to be exact it's Steve's favourite tipple but must confess I'm enjoying it as well :-)

In actual fact as they have a well system for water it was necessary to put the heater on for the water pump and even run the water to ensure it didn't freeze in the pipes.

The May household is ill.  Steve has something wrong with him but won't say what.  Deb has some virus and it's just cost her a fortune to visit the doctor and the resultant drugs she's had to purchase.  Cost $65 for a visit to the doctor and $108 for the drugs. And daughter Laura seems to be down with a severe case of the Flu.  That said Steve says they are all hypochondriacs and whatever Deb gets Laura just has to get the same.  I am however pleased to report that I am still healthy and am regaling them all with stories of hot toddies, vapour rubs and all kinds of interesting cures :-)

Fats, the male cat of the household has been spraying all over the place downstairs and so is due to be sent outside for an extended visit.  I seem to be the favourite plaything for the cats these days as when I go to bed they chase up after me and then fight among themselves to see who gets to bite my big toe first [ouch!]. Mind you it can be dangerous as Dip likes to sleep down at my feet and the other night I had a weird dream which ended with me kicking out at something only to hear a waiting meow as I kicked Dip right off the bed!

Today I booked my flight down to Moultrie in Georgia for the Scottish Weekend.  I was told if you book early it's not too expensive and indeed it was only $243 return.  I note I'm getting back at around 1.20pm in the afternoon so plenty of time to visit books-a-million where they have what seems like millions of books in stock.  We really must get these in Scotland!

I have managed to finish all my re-design work and so am back to normal... well for me anyway.  So part of this week was returning to some OCT work to scan in books for the site.  Next week we'll be getting down to various business things like getting the bank accounts opened now I have my new Electric Scotland USA LLC formed.  Also getting a car on the road so it's over to getting it insured, licence plates organised and a tune up at the garage. Then I'm going to given a couple of driving lessons.  Will also find out what is needed to get a Kentucky Driving Licence.

Hey.. found Twix biscuits in the shops.. real chocolate biscuits!  Mustn't eat too may of them mind you as I need to watch my waist line!

Deb was telling me about the private health care system she's working for and I must say it sounds very poorly run.  She and another book around 80% of their time to clients but most of the others are way down around 20% meaning they are not making money for the company.  It seems extraordinary to me that they don't have some incentive scheme to reward folk that do well and a disciplinary system for those that don't seem to do their jobs properly.  I mean it is private enterprise so I can't quite understand how they can operate in that fashion.

And here is Dip guarding our Killian's.. or perhaps she took a wee drink and fell asleep!

Figured I'd take a picture of them all being ill but they got all shy on me and Laura and Deb decided to hide under blankets and cushions... but I got them later in the second picture.  Pity they aren't a wee bit better then they could have appreciated my humour better! :-)

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