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Kentucky Journal
January 13th

Figured I'd try the wee 15 second video facility in my camera so below you'll see my first efforts!

Video of the Cats Video of the Cats (2) Video of the Cats (3)
Here are three wee 15 second videos of the May household cats :-)

Send food parcels to Kentucky!!!  I have just learned that there are almost no chocolate biscuits to be had in Kentucky.  I mean in Scotland there are whole shelves of them in our Supermarkets and I only just noticed today that there are almost none here in Kentucky!  <gulp>  Actually I also noticed that there is very little instant coffee to be had here whereas we have loads of it in Scotland. 

Today I am making progress towards getting a long term visa.  We spent ages on the phone and the way seems to be clear to getting that visa but it does involve me in some expense and effort.  It appears if I open up a USA company I also get a Tax ID and mostly with that and me having a business in Scotland I can then get in to the US to work for my subsidiary company in the USA.  So onwards we go to get things established.  I hope to have Electric Scotland USA, LLC up and running by next week :-)

In the process of setting up a company I was told if you do it in the state of Delaware you open up a company very quickly and in that state you have almost no documentation you need to file with the state.  That means you don't need to report shareholders or accounts as nothing is filed.  Their tax situation is also very low indeed.  As it was also explained to me... by being a LLC all profits go to members (shareholders) and it is the members that would pay tax and not the company.  That is sure different from the UK.  There the company pays tax although a dividend can be declared for the shareholders on which they only pay 10% tax.  So you certainly need to get your head around all the differences in the USA.

Another funny thing happened this week.  I was running a bit low in cash money and I'd forgotten my pin number for my visa debit card.  So... I emailed the Bank of America to see if they could issue me with a new PIN.  I got a reply back saying I needed to visit my local bank to get one.  I did email them back saying that was a 10 hour drive and could they not please just send me a new one in the mail.  So am now waiting to see what happens.

In actual fact there is another difference here in the USA when it comes to changing banks.  In Scotland if I wanted to transfer my bank account to another bank I can just go to that other bank and open the account and they would automatically handle all the transfer of funds and also setup any standing orders of direct debits, etc. for you.  Here in the USA you can't do that so you need to open up your new account then go cancel your other one then of course go find all the companies you pay by regular payment and sign up new agreements.

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