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Kentucky Journal
January 1st

Well the Christmas decorations are all down and we saw the New Year in with Deb leading me astray by getting me to drink Tequila the traditional way...

This is me before New Year where Bandito decided I'd make a very nice resting place and the other picture is from the Tequila session.

I should mention that I was ok with the Salt and ok with the Tequila but when it came to biting into that lemon [YUK].  It was as sour as anything.  In fact if someone had caught my facial expression at that point you'd have had a good laugh.  Deb was killing herself with laughter!  So at the end of the day it was just myself, Deb and Steve and the cats that saw the New Year in but we had a good time and the cats did their best to entertain us with their antics.

You'll also note my desk has been shifted due to there being a lot more room and the cats are having loads of fun around it.

This was a late night excursion into Williamson for Steve to go the bank to get some money and then to get in some drink to see the New Year in.

I did in fact ensure that the May household would have a good 2004 by opening their front door to let the New Year in and opened the back door to let the Old Year out!

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