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Kentucky Journal
December 25

I will make this kinda brief as we've just had the ceremony of opening the presents on Christmas Eve and Deb is making the second batch of Egg Nog which is fairly leathel :-)

I should also be putting up a warning message... "Warning.. you are now entering a High Cholesterol Zone :-)

So here are a bunch of photos I took while all were having fun...

Yet more presents arrived and the family are gathering to open them :-)

Dave and Frankie in the first photo and Danielle in the second

Tina, Debs sister in the first photo and William in the second

The two sisters together and William showing off his tattoo

The other two sisters, Laura and Jami

Steve looking a bit bemused with it all and the two brothers William and Dave

A picture of Laura and John and finally my attempt at getting a picture with Dave smiling :-)

So these are all the shots of all the presents under the Christmas Tree and all the family and friends gathered around for the holiday :-)

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