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Kentucky Journal
December 20

Today I went to Pikeville with Deb who was going to see her daughter Jaimie.  This was a great opportunity to take some more pictures of the snowy weather we've been having over the past couple of days and another new bit of Kentucky :-)

The above pictures were on the way down the hollow and the last one is us turning onto the 4 way towards Pikeville

And this was us entering Pikeville

and Pikeville College with its famous 99 steps

and the sun came out as we headed back home :-)

We were going to go to the Wal-Mart store but Deb saw how much traffic there was and decided to give it a miss... and it did take around 20 minutes to just drive through the car park!  We did make a stop at Appleyards to have a meal with Jamie and I enjoyed a draft Killians Irish beer there :-)  Certainly well worth a visit if you're heading for Kentucky or any other part of the USA that has them.  We also make a stop to buy some live food for Hissing Sid.. the snake <gulp>.  Thankfully the snake is contained in its own tank and I make tracks any time it gets out :-)

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