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Kentucky Journal
December 14

I've been real busy on the web site so haven't had a chance to get out of the house during the day but today (Sunday) the Belfry Pirates Football Team who one the State championships were to have a parade and a gathering at the local mall so this was my opportunity to get out and about.

The weather was not good and there is also a flu virus going the rounds which had closed the local school for the past two days so the gathering was a lot smaller than would normally have been expected.  All that said I got a bunch of photographs for you to get an idea of what the local area is like so here they are...

This is a view of more Christmas decorations in the house and a photograph taken from the house looking down the hollow.

Cats all over the place here and that's Tig on the left and Dib making herself at home in my desk

Deb's Dad came for a visit and another picture of cats who this time have adopted my chair!

House on left is available for sale at around $35,000 and this is the view just past it. The house is only 100 yards from Steve and Deb's house.

The next set of pictures are us continuing down the hollow towards the four lane

I did say the weather wasn't too good but hopefully you are getting some idea of what the area looks like

This is us at the end of the Hollow and turning onto the four lane which takes us to Belfry and then onto Williamson which is in West Virginia.

In the above two pictures you get an idea of the Christmas decorations that go up outside homes in this area and the other picture is of Steve driving the truck.

This was us in the queue waiting for the parade to start. Steve's talking to another Belfry fan :-)

One of the local fire trucks and a self portrait as I've been asked to insert the odd picture of myself :-)

We're all juggling for positions in the parade :-)

lots of folk wearing Belfry clothing to support the team

A Kentucky number plate!

We are going in convoy behind the fire trucks that are taking the Football team to the mall

We arrive at the mall

This is where the team were presented to the gathering fans

The gathering in the mall of the football team where there were various speeches and loud applause from the supporters. The rest of the mall was mostly deserted as this went on

And a couple of pictures from outside the mall

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