We fail to discover in succeeding Pictish
sovereigns that excess of proselytising zeal which turned King Nectan into a persecutor.
We read of no second act of bigotry similar to that which disgraced his reign. His
successors on the throne could hardly fail to see that Nectan had committed a great error.
The proofs of this were but too visible. He had created a great void at the heart of his
kingdom. He had weakened the moral power and endangered the civil order of the nation; he
had kindled the flames of war after they had been extinct for a century and a half; in
fine, he had brought revolution on himself, and been fain in the end of his days to seek
the shelter of a convent, and after having worn a crown, die in a monk’s cowl. These evil consequences had followed the tyrannical
act which the Pictish king, influenced by the flattery of Abbot Ceolfrid, and the
persuasions of the Roman missionaries, and impelled moreover by his own fanatical zeal,
had been driven to commit. His successors, warned by his example, would learn not to be
enamoured of Roman novelties, or open their ear to readily to monkish counsellors. Still,
though they saw Nectan’s error, they might not be in a position to rectify it. To
revoke the edict and recall those whom it had driven into banishment might not now be in
their power. They had a war on their hands with the Scots, which demanded all their
attention. While that war lasted it would not be a wise policy to recall the Columban
clergy. They were mostly Scotch, and might have difficulty in maintaining the attitude of
neutrals during hostilities. They would at least be liable to be suspected of secretly
favouring the triumph of the Scotch arms. The correction of Nectan’s error must lie
over for the present. And hence it was that, although there is no evidence that the Roman
innovations meanwhile made much progress beyond the court of Nectan, or found favour with
the Pictish people, farther than the royal edict might compel them to an outward
uniformity in the Easter celebration, the return of the Columban clergy to the Pictish
dominions did not take place till the war between the two races had ended in their union
into one nation. The return of the Columbites, as we have seen, was under Kenneth
Macalpin: their full restoration to their ancient liberties was half a century later in
the reign of King Grig, or Gregory, to whom we now return.
The strong hand of Gregory on the helm,
Scotland began again to make headway (883). It had stood still, or gone back, during the
troubled but, happily, short reign of the "Swift Food," whose policy had nothing
of the progressive quality with which nature had so largely endowed his limbs. While he
sat on the throne the gloom kept thickening above the country, but with the new ruler
there came a new dawn. Gregory had opened his reign with a measure of good augury, and not
less of wise policy" for it is not necessary to support that in relaxing the bonds of
the Columban clergy he was actuated solely by religious considerations. He had respect, no
doubt, to the benefit which himself and his nation would reap from this act of justice.
If, as is strongly suspected, his title to the throne was doubtful, he did well to make
sure that so influential a body as the Columbites should be on his side and in favour of
his government.
Having by one and the same act enlarged the
liberties of the "Scottish Church," and strengthened his own throne, Gregory
addressed himself to the task of correcting the disorders in which the defeat at Crail and
the reign of "Swift Foot" had involved the kingdom. A portion of the Pictish
nation had brought their loyalty into suspicion. Their behaviour in the late disastrous
battle had been equivocal. Their treachery or cowardice was believed to have led to the
loss of the day, and the many calamities that followed thereon. Gregory did not choose
that so grave a dereliction of duty on so critical an occasion should go without
chastisement. Since the battle other circumstances had come to light which tended still
farther to strengthen the doubt entertained respecting the thorough devotion of a section
of the Picts to the cause of the union. The Danes, on quitting the country after the
battle of Crail, left this part of the coast in the possession of the Picts. This looked
like keeping open the door for the return of the enemy. Gregory could not permit the keys
of his kingdom to be in the hands of men who were disaffected to his government, and who
seemed not unwilling to sacrifice the union between the two races provided they recovered
thereby their standing as a separate and independent nation. He drove this body of
disaffected Picts out of Fife across the Forth. He pursued them through the Lothians to
Berwick, in which they shut themselves up, and were Gregory made them captive, the
citizens having opened their gates to him.
These successes at home would seem to have
tempted the Scottish monarch to venture on exploits outside his own kingdom. Instead of
returning within the limits of Alban, which were already considerably overpassed, he led
his army farther into Northumbria. These parts were then much infested by the Danes. When
repulsed from the coast of Scotland they not unfrequently turned their galleys in the
direction of England, and overspreading the northern counties, then almost defenceless,
they gathered no end of spoil, and shed very much blood. Gregory doubtless reckoned that
if he could clear out these invaders from the northern counties of England the chance was
so much the less of having to fight them on the soil of Scotland. As an acknowledgment of
the services Gregory had rendered them by ridding them, for the time at least, of these
troublesome visitors, the petty sovereigns which then ruled in England, seem to have given
him some sort of authority or dominion over the border counties of Northumberland,
Cumberland, and Westmoreland, happy to commit their defence against foreign invasion to
the sword of Gregory.
The Scottish monarch is described as pursuing
his triumphant career further west. We next find him with his army in Strathclyde. The
Britons of the Kingdom of Cumbria had offended by appropriating a narrow strip of Scottish
territory which lay on the northern banks of the Clyde, and which included that famous
rock (Dumbarton) at the foot of which the great apostle of Ireland had passed his youth.
The stolen territory was all the more likely to have interest to the man who had
"Given liberty to the Scottish Church," inasmuch as it was the birthplace of
that great Scotsman who had been the founder of the "Scottish Church," first by
christianising Ireland, and in the next place by putting the evangelical torch into the
hands of Columba that he might carry it across and light with its sacred flame the dark
land of Caledonia. Having rescued this hallowed spot, for such doubtless it was to
Gregory, and have chastised the Britons for appropriating it, it was given back to
Not yet had Gregory finished his victorious
course, if we are to believe his Scotch chroniclers. He next crossed to Ireland, where he
is said to have waged a campaign with great glory, quelling an insurrection which had
broken out against the King of Dublin, an ally of Gregory’s, and restoring him to his
throne. It must be added, however, that the record of these wars is somewhat dubious, and
we despatch them with brevity. The English and Irish chroniclers are silent respecting
them. We hear of them only from Fordun and other Scotch historians. That, however, is no
sufficient reason for regarding them as altogether apocryphal. The "Registry of the
Priory of St Andrews" says expressly "that Gregory conquered Ireland and the
greater part of England,"1 by which we understand it to be meant that his
conquests in these two countries were extensive, and had a decisive effect on the
governments of both kingdoms. Those who maintain that these campaigns were never waged,
and that their record is illusory, defend their allegation by saying that Gregory was a
munificent patron of the church, and that the monks of St Andrews, to show their
gratitude, carved out this brilliant career for the Scottish king, and exalted him to the
rank of a hero. But it does not appear that Gregory surpassed other Scotch kings of his
age in the gifts he bestowed on churchmen, his one well known act of grace excepted.
Besides, the benefactions of Gregory were bestowed in the end of the ninth century,
whereas his apotheosis as a great warrior, which it is insinuated was done in recompence
of his liberality to the church, did not take place till the middle of the thirteenth
century, the Registry of St Andrews having been written in 1251. It is truly refreshing to
find the gratitude of the monks remaining fresh and green after four centuries. Seldom is
it found that the sense of obligation to be benefactors is so deep and lasting on the part
of corporate bodies whether lay or cleric, as to call forth warm expressions of thanks
centuries after the authors of these good gifts have exchanged their thrones for their
stone coffins. Long before this wreath was placed on his tomb by the monks of St Andrews,
Gregory was nothing more than a handful of ashes.
In that age it was difficult to keep England
and Scotland apart, so as that their affairs should not intermingle. The same terrible
people from beyond the sea were the enemies of both, and made their hostile descent now on
the coast of the one country and now on the coast of the other. This drew England and
Scotland together, and helped to maintain the peace betwixt them. If so be the Danish
hordes were driven back, and their galleys chased off the coast, it mattered little
whether the feat had been achieved by Scotch or by English valour, since both countries
shared in nearly equal measure in the benefits of the victory. So did it happen in this
instance. Gregory on arriving in Northumbria, whither his pursuit of the fleeing Picts had
led him found the Danes, under their leader Hardnute, laying waste the country and
slaughtering the inhabitants. The England of that day was miserably distracted and torn.
The Danes were inflicting upon the Saxons all the horrors which the Saxons had inflicted
on the Britons at a former epoch. The throne of Wessex was filled by one of the bravest
and wisest princes of his age, nevertheless a great part of the reign of Alfred was passed
on the battlefield to prevent his dominions being overrun and devastated by these northern
marauders. Occupied with these greater cares, the remote Northumbria was left largely to
take care of itself. It was here that the barbarian leader and his merciless followers
were now ravaging. Although he found them on English soil, Gregory not the less recognised
in Hardnute and his warriors the enemies of his own country, and gladly seized the
opportunity now offered him of avenging upon them in Northumbria the injuries they had
inflicted upon his nation in Fife. If a brother sovereign should be the first to reap
advantage from the success of his arms, this consideration, so far from making the
Scottish king hold back, made him only the more eager to effect the expulsion of the
Danes. Gregory inflicted such a slaughter upon them that it broke their power in the north
of England, and delivered the petty sovereigns that then ruled in that land, as well as
the great prince of Wessex, from their terror. The bonds of amity betwixt the two nations
and their rulers were strengthened by this interchange of friendly acts. The bloody fields
of the borderland were effaced from the memories of men by the bloodier fields of the
Dane. Northumberland was placed under the suzerainty, if not the formal sovereignty, of
the man whose sword had redeemed it from the spoiler. Alfred appears to have felt no alarm
at the nearer approach of the Scottish border to his own dominions. What stronger defence
could he have on his northern frontier than the arms of Gregory? He rightly judged,
doubtless, that ruled by him Northumbria would a protecting wall to himself against the
tempests from the German Sea. And as regards the Anglo-Saxons now professedly Christian,
how much more preferable, as allies and neighbors, were the Scots to the Danes, in whom
the wolfish instincts of paganism were yet unbroken and rampant. The Saxons of the north
of England, says Fordun, "thought it better willingly to submit to the Catholic
Scots, though enemies, than unwillingly to the Pagan infidels."
In the dark sky of the ninth century there is
seen a star of pure and brilliant radiance, on which we love to fix our eyes. We cannot
come within the proximity of its orbit without pausing to admire and speak of it. In no
age would a creation so lovely have failed to attract and fascinate our gaze, but shining
out amid the clouds and tempests of this age, we hail it with wonder and delight. Alfred,
Prince of Wessex, exhibited the rare union of the scholar, the legislator, the warrior,
and the patriot. To these he would have added, had his days been longer, the Christian
reformer. Such, indeed, he was, but only in limited measure, for hardly had he begun to
develop his enlightened plans for the reformation of his realm when the grave closed over
him, and with Alfred went down into the tomb the hopes of England for four centuries. Till
the days of Wyckliffe there came no second dawn to Christendom.
Few princes—not one in an
hundred—have had the inestimable privilege of the same training and discipline
through which Alfred passed. The range of his education extended far beyond the science
and philosophy of his day. His instruction in the liberal arts was not overlooked: not
only was he a patron of men of letters, he himself cultivated letters, and the success
with which he did so is seen in his translation of the Pastoral of Gregory I. and
Bede’s Ecclesiastical History. But to these accomplishments Alfred added a higher
wisdom than that of the schools. His great qualities were rooted in a piety which was
drawn from the Sacred Writings, rather than from the precepts and traditions of churchmen.
Moreover, Adversity had taken him to school, and for some terrible years that stern
instructress made him give good heed to her lessons. At one time the Danes had well nigh
wrested his kingdom from him. He was obliged to flee in disguise and hire himself out as a
cowherd. In the quiet of the woods and fields thoughts would arise which had not come into
his mind amid courts and armies. When he recovered his throne and had rest from war, these
thoughts bore fruit. He gave himself to the work of establishing order, promoting
industry, cultivating commerce, and extending the maritime powers of England. His son and
Grandson, Edward and Athelstan, followed in their father’s steps, and these three
princes were among the first to show the world that the road to fame is open to the man of
peace not less than to the man of the sword. In the successful voyages of Other and
Ulfstan into the then unknown northern seas, the English nation under Alfred early
displayed their natural bent, and gave prognostication of what they were destined to
accomplish in the field of discovery in after ages.2
But these were not the highest of the labors
of Alfred. He panted above all things to effect a religious reform of his realm. What
instrumentality did Alfred employ for effecting his grand purpose? Did he send to Rome for
instructors? Did he multiply his "celebrations"? A dogma, till then unheard of,
was just beginning to be broached by Paschasius Radbertus in France, that in the eucharist
the communicant receives the literal flesh and blood of Christ for his eternal life. Shall
Alfred illuminate his realm with this new gospel? What England needed was not more
mystery, but more light. The dark ness was thick enough already, and there was no need to
turn twilight into midnight by promulgating the Cimmerian dogma of transubstantiation.
Alfred took up his position on ground which
no churchman of his century had courage to occupy. Turning away from priest and sacrament
he went to the Word of God. He conceived the great idea of translating the Scriptures into
the vernacular of the Saxon people. He assembled a select body of learned men at his
court, and set them to the work of translating the Bible: he put his own hand to the work,
so much was his heart set upon it, and like Columba, he was engaged in translating the
Psalms at the time of his death.3
Alfred stands at the head of the noble army
of Bible translators. It is a higher glory than his fifty battles by land and sea. The
work in which he led the way can know no termination till the Word of Life has been
translated into the tongue of every people on earth, and its light has shone round and
round the globe.
It would be interesting to know the personal
relations that subsisted betwixt Gregory and Alfred. If the character of the first
approximated the portrait which the Scottish chroniclers have left of him, these two
princes must have been drawn to one another by a warmer sentiment than mere conventional
friendship. Both, we are permitted to believe, were magnanimous, princely, and patriotic;
and it is interesting to see two such men occupying contemporaneously the thrones of
Scotland and England. Alfred was surrounded by men who loved and admired him, and who have
painted him in colours that remain fresh to this day. We are sure we see the true likeness
of the great English prince of the ninth century. His Scottish contemporary enjoyed no
such advantage, and we are not certain that we have the real features of Gregory. But it
corroborates what has been transmitted to us concerning him to know that, like Alfred, he
aimed at effecting a religious reform, more or less extensive. For no other interpretation
can we put upon the statement that Gregory gave freedom to the Scottish Church which till
his time had been kept bondage among the Picts.
During the century and a half going before,
great deadness, doubtless, overspread the east and north of Scotland, the ancient
territory of the Picts. The Columban Church in those parts had been all but rooted out.
The Sabbath services in many places had ceased; and where they were still continued it was
with great inefficiency and coldness by the poor substitutes which had been found for the
expelled Columbites; men from the north of England, were the influence of Rome was now
dominant, or monks from the houses of Adamnan foundation, ion which, as in the case of
Adamnan himself, the spirit of the Roman Egbert was struggling with the spirit of Columba
for the mastery. The schools had been closed, and the instruction of the youth was
neglected. There is no evidence to show that the Roman ideas and customs had infected the
people to any great extent. It was religious apathy and Pictish coercion, rather than
Papal propagandism that weighed upon the land. In the old days when Columba directed the
evangelisation of Scotland from Iona, no royal will circumscribed his plans or fettered
the steps of the missionaries he sent forth. The land was before them, and they might to
whither they would and kindle their light at all the great centres. They did so, and in a
generation or two the country was dotted with evangelical beacon-fires, and the Aryan
darkness of the Druid was dispelled. This was a freedom of action which had been unknown
to the Columban Church in Pictland for a century and a half. The consequence was that,
denied the liberty of evangelistic enterprise, the inclination to enter upon it departed.
The Columban Church in Pictland lay down and sunk into slumber, leaving her lamp
untrimmed, and the region around immersed in spiritual gloom. With her release from
thraldom there came, doubtless, to the church in Pictland, and, perhaps, also in the
ancient territory of the Scots, a reawakening of zeal and a revival of the light. That
light, it is true, burned less brightly now than when it was first kindled on Iona, four
centuries before. But the old lamp was not to be permitted to go out. The appearance of
the Roman tonsure on the heads of certain of the Columbite clergy gave emphatic warning
that years, and it might be centuries, of darkness were yet in store for Scotland. In
presence of these gathering shades, what could the friends of the gospel do, except watch
around their lamp and feed its flame, and if they could not bring back its pristine
brightness, they could keep it alive, till the night had numbered its watches, and the
hour had struck for that great dawn to appear for which the world was waiting.
1. Hic subjugavit sibi Hyberniam totam et fere Angliam."—Innes’
Critical Essay, pp. 801, 802.
John Von Muller, Universal History, vol. ii. p. 134. Lond., 1818.
Wilkins (Concilia, i. p. 186, et seq.) has given us a specimen of
Alfred’s labours in a portion of the law of God translated by him. |