Early in January, 1760, the first furnace
was blown at Carron. Dr. Roebuck, who was the founder of these works,
which, with the exception perhaps of Coalbrookdale, are the oldest of
any importance in the country, was also manager until 1773; when,
getting overwhelmed in difficulties, from the flooding of his mines, he
was obliged to sell out; and, in that same year, the company received a
charter of incorporation by which its capital was fixed at 150,000
pounds. Roebuck’s father was a manufacturer of cutlery in Sheffield.
The son studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, and afterwards
graduated at Leyden. Returning to England, he ultimately turned his
attention to the chemical and metallurgical arts, and, along with Mr.
Samuel Garbett, became a manufacturer of sulphuric acid in the village
of Prestonpans. Here he got acquainted with Mr. William Cadell of
Cockenzie, who was anxious to engage in the production of iron, and a
company for that purpose was forthwith organised, consisting of Roebuck,
his brothers Thomas and Ebenezer, Samuel Garbett, William Cadell, sen.;
William Cadell, jun.; and John Cadell. The leading articles by which the
works, even at the outset got a world-wide fame, were the cannons,
mortars, and chain-shot manufactured for the arsenals of Europe.
Ordnance, mortars, and carronades were sent out to Russia, Denmark, and
Sardinia; while the latter country received, in addition to a quantity
of extra large mortars, a shipment of guns ten feet in the bore. The
British Government, however, were by far the most extensive purchasers
– the whole battering train of the Duke of Wellington having gone from
Carron. The last order for guns came from France. Not since 1852 has
there been a single carronade moulded; and this war-casting, which had
its name from the works, has in fact become obsolete. It was cast solid
in an upright position, and afterwards bored to the required calibre.
It was undoubtedly an unequalled
superiority of material and workmanship that gave this establishment
unrivalled fame, both at home and abroad, and induced many distinguished
men to pay it a visit. In 1821, Prince Nicholas, afterwards Emperor
Nicholas, went over the foundry, and was followed by Prince Leopold and
Prince Maximilian of Austria. The latest royal visitor was the Prince of
Wales, who, in July, 1859, inspected all the chief departments of Carron;
and, as an illustration of the moulder’s work, the casting of a common
three-legged pot was shown him, the patterns for which consist of nine
pieces – two for the body, three for the feet, and two for each of the
ears. But, one Sunday afternoon, another prince – the prince of
Scottish bards – knocked at the Carron gate. Need we further mention
his name? Burns, the Ayrshire ploughman – the poet whom all Scotland
delights to honour. No admittance, however, could that day be granted
the "Great Unknown." So with a diamond, and a stroke of
keenest satire, he scratched the following verses on a window-pane of
the neighbouring inn: -
"We cam’ na here to
view your warks,
In hopes to be mair wise;
But only, lest we gang to hell,
It may be nae surprise.
But when we tirl’d at
your door,
Your porter dought na hear us;
Sae may, should we to hell’s yetts come,
Your billy Satan sair us."
It is generally allowed that the lines
were first seen by Mr. Benson, a traveller to Carron Company, who
immediately copied them into his order book, and afterwards penned the
following reply – Burns having applied for admission incognito.
"If you came here to
see our works,
You should have been more civil,
Than give us a fictitious name,
In hopes to cheat the devil.
Six days a-week to you and
We think it very well;
The other, if you go to church,
May keep you out of hell."
An unlimited command of mineral
resources, together with the readiest channels of export, have always
been highly advantageous spokes in the Carron wheel. Now, as in days
bygone, the company have rich and extensive workings, both in coal and
ironstone, the "hands" of which, from their numbers, form
several well-populated villages. Upwards of a century ago, they opened a
pit in the parish of Kilsyth, where the ironstone strata have been found
from four to fourteen inches in thickness. The coal in the neighbourhood
of the works, which dips, for the most part, to the south-east, has been
wrought for ages. It is of various qualities. Some of it, being brittle,
falls to be chiefly used for the furnaces and forges; while other sorts
burn clear, giving a good heat and cake, so that the very dross is
valuable. At one time, the company held an enormous quantity of
pig-iron, which was made and stored under Mr. Joseph Dawson’s
managership. A workman concerned, alluding to one of the immense piles,
received the following characteristic reply from plain "old
Joe," – "Gang on, man, ye’re a lang way frae the roof
yet," referring to the sky. In 1872, however, when the revenue
demanded the best appearance possible, this "sunk capital" was
thoroughly cleared out, and realised in cash.
By water, as by rail, the company are at
no loss either for the bringing in of raw material, or the throwing out
of manufactured goods. A railway, which was laid down some twenty years
ago, stretches from the interior of the works to Burnhouse, where it
meets the Polmont branch of the North British line, connecting with that
of the Caledonian on the west; and where a large basin also adjoins the
Forth and Clyde Canal. On this railway one or two powerful locomotives
are kept ploddingly at work, while others do gigantic service in coal
traffic between the outlying pits and furnaces. What changes come about
with time! It is scarcely sixty years since the rails leading from
Carron to the Bainsford basin were laid, and even that enterprise in its
day was considered no mean undertaking. The first line, stretching from
Kinnaird colliery into the interior of the works, was constructed in
1766. The rails in that instance were of wood, covered with a sort of
hoop-iron. In the course of the following year, however, rails wholly of
iron were got from Coalbrookdale. Six magnificent screw-vessels, that
sail from Grangemouth, are likewise owned by the company, and carry the
produce of the foundry to London, for the extensive warehouse there; but
large quantities of freight are, at the same time, taken from local and
metropolitan traders. For the conveyance of goods to the west and east,
sixteen lighters, or other small craft, ply on the canal.
Throughout the works, some splendid
machinery plays its part in the smelting and manufacturing processes.
There are, for example, the patent hammers, in the forging departments,
devoted to axle-making; and the stationary engine, of enormous power,
employed in the production of blast. The steam-cylinder of the latter
machine is 6 feet in diameter, the piston having a stroke of 10 feet.
The blast cylinder is 104 inches in diameter, and 10 feet deep. But a
gigantic piece of similar mechanism, which was erected by James Watt for
pumping work, is also to be seen, in the old "engine-house,"
wonderfully complete, barring the furrows of oxidation, taking into
account that its services have been dispensed with for the last 30
years. This engine, which was constructed on the atmospheric principle,
was fitted with 4 pumps, which raised to a height of 36 feet 40 tons of
water per minute. Its cylinder was 6 feet in diameter by 8 feet in
depth, and the beam about 30 feet long. The steam was supplied by 3
cast-iron boilers, two of which were globular in form. Two of the
original water wheels, 5 feet in diameter, and overshot, are still
going. One drives a turning lathe, &c.; and the other Smeaton’s
blowing engine, which was erected in 1766. This engine embraces 4 air
cylinders, about 3 feet in diameter, and is so arranged as to give a
continuous blast.
But the furnaces are undoubtedly the
headquarters of danger. In 1788 there were only eight of these in blast
in Scotland, of which four were at Carron, two at Wilsontown, one at
Bonaw, and one at Goatfield – the two latter being fired with
charcoal. The largest of the kind, however, is that at Ferryhill, in
Durham, whose height is 103 1/2 feet, with cubic contents of 33,300
feet. A few years ago, the Carron Company erected three new blast
furnaces upon the plan which has so generally commended itself to the
experience of the Cleveland ironmasters, who may be regarded as the most
skilful, scientific, and enterprising members of their craft in the
world. This step was taken on account of the then high prices of
pig-iron, which were realizing to some of the larger manufacturers a
clear profit weekly of over 10,000 pounds.
Notwithstanding the great, and in many
instances powerful, competition now connected with the casting
departments of the iron trade, Carron is still the iron-works of
Britain. And such general public confidence in its various domestic and
industrial products, which include grates, cooking ranges, stoves,
boilers, kettles, pots, stew-pans, sugar-pans, rain-pipes, &c., is
due, no doubt, to the shrewd and devoted conduct of those men who, for
the last 120 years, have held successively the onerous position of head
of the works. Mr. William Cadell was one of the earlier managers. He was
eventually succeeded by Mr. Charles Gascoigne. Getting embarrassed
financially, the latter, while in office here, accepted an offer from
the Empress of Russia, who wished to have works constructed in her
dominions for the casting of guns, shells, and shot, and, taking with
him a number of skilful hands, foundries were accordingly erected at
Petrozabodsky, and elsewhere in the country. For Gascoigne this proved a
step on the way to position and fortune. In course of time he was
created a knight of the order of St. Wladimir, had the rank of general
in the Russian service, and died worth 30,000 pounds. Next in order came
Mr. Joseph Stainton, a native of Cumberland, who had been for several
years chief clerk in the counting-house of the works. This was a man of
great decision of character, and, as is engraved on his monument in
Larbert churchyard, "by economy, diligence, and scientific skill,
he relieved the company from embarrassment, and placed it in unrivalled
prosperity." He died in harness in 1825, at the age of seventy, and
was followed in the management by his nephew, Mr. Joseph Dawson, also a
native of Cumberland. "Joe," as he was familiarly called, was
likewise much respected by the workmen, and controlled the destinies of
Carron for about a quarter of a century – his career terminating in
January, 1850, when he had reached his seventy-second year. A brother,
Mr. William Dawson, then got hold of the managerial reins, but who did
little, from his retiring, "jog-trot" spirit, in whipping the
concern into anything like enterprise and progress. Afflicted latterly
with partial blindness and other physical infirmities, he resigned his
managership, and went to the grave at the ripe age of eighty years. Mr.
Thomas Dawson, another brother, was now entrusted with the same
responsible duties. Scarcely, however, had he been installed in office,
when he took seriously ill and died suddenly. This led, in December,
1873, to the appointment of Mr. Andrew Gordon, than whom none have shown
more of energetic and practical oversight.
Although Carron for many years turned a
listless ear to the demand for improvement, she no longer rests on her
oars in sluggish inertia. Under the late able management, the works have
been carried on with a vigour and enterprise which will compare
favourably with the most spirited of their modern competitors. Extensive
alterations and improvements are at present being executed. The public
road on the north side has been diverted outwards with a considerable
sweep, and the future boundary of the works at this part will consist of
a substantial wall with the chief entrance and offices intervening.
Indeed, these are now so far forward that a short time will suffice for
their completion. Internal reconstructions are also being rapidly pushed
on. The additional space, which the diversion of the rod above referred
to gives the company, is being allocated for workshops, to take the
place of those dilapidated and smoke-begrimed buildings which,
throughout the rise and progress of Carron, have been scattered over the
works without either plan or method. These modernising operations will
throw the centre of the vast industrial establishment entirely open,
and, apart from the desirable appearance of order, will afford increased
facilities both for productive power and the dispatch of goods
manufactured. The alterations at present contemplated will, according to
estimate, cost about 100,000 pounds. Above the main entrance to the
works there is now a tower with vane and clock. Underneath are the
Carron "arms" - cannons crossed, with the motto, Esto
Perpetua. Still, the old east gate, with the counting-offices on the
south, fronted by a narrow enclosure containing a few stunted and
blackened trees, and the "stable-row," humble and retiring on
the north, will not soon pass from local memory.
The farm connected with the iron-works is
called the Roughlands, and its lands, extending to 400 acres, lie, for
the most part, in the immediate neighbourhood. From the well-stocked
steading and the Mulloch field, everything necessary in the form of
feeding and fodder is got for the foundry horses; but these have been
comparatively few since the locomotives were introduced.
The Carron Company are also amongst the oldest merchants of Glasgow. In
1765, they projected Duke Street, for the purpose of obtaining a direct
route from Cumbernauld to the city; and, in 1816, acquired ground in
Buchanan Street, upon which they erected a warehouse and manager’s
An amusing circumstance is attached to
the preliminary arrangements for the Carron works. There happened to be
one more than the landowner to be bargained with in the feuing of the 14
acres as a site; viz., the farmer, whose lease of the grounds extended
over some couple of years. A very reasonable sum was asked for the right
of immediate possession; but the demand, from its mistaken exorbitance,
could not be entertained. Thus, unable to come to an amicable
understanding, the representative of the negotiating firm gave the
tenant time to reconsider his terms. In the interim, the farmer had a
call from a friend, shrewder, commercially, than himself, who observed
that the Englishman had probably mistaken pounds Scots for pounds
sterling. And so it turned out; but, just as an explanatory letter was
on the eve of being dispatched, forward came the company’s acceptance,
thereby agreeing to pay twelve times the money asked.
From the south is got the most striking
impression of Carron, with its ringing industry and flaming furnaces.
The latter are a most trustworthy barometer to the surrounding
villagers. Should they, in the gloom of night, cast a glowing belt over
the atmosphere, the following day is certain to be showery. Opposite the
western portion of the works are several heavy hills of ironstone, and
as much old metal in patterns as would be a handsome capital for many a
smaller foundry; while on the north side of the river, immediately
opposite the furnaces, there is an enormous mass of rubbish, called the
cinder-hill, and which keeps continually smouldering, like some
miniature Vesuvius. Of this mountain of old scraps and ashes – the
accumulation of many years – it could scarcely be credited that its
every particle, so to speak, had been carted out of the works.
Until lately, the great body of the
Carron men were natives of the district, whose forefathers had been in
the same service; and, as stock goods were invariably made when a
temporary dullness affected the demand for certain articles, few of the
employes ever thought of leaving the place. But old men and old customs
have passed away. Those now at the head of affairs, in following out the
spirit of the age, care nothing for old servants. What is sought for and
got is the man who, all through, is cheapest for the masters. The
present average rate of wages earned by moulders is 24s. a-week; by
pattern-makers, 21s.; by wrights and blacksmiths, 20s.; and by labourers,
15s. Connected with the works there is a friendly society, which holds
an interest, by shares, in the company, and provides pecuniary
assistance for its members in days of ill-health or accident. This
"club" was founded about sixty years ago, and has a membership
of over 700. There are, however, other two principal benefit societies,
with a number of minor ones. A co-operative store has also been in
existence here for upwards of fifty years, and no similar association
could be more harmoniously and successfully conducted. From its start,
indeed, it has been exceptionally well kept together, notwithstanding
the rival societies in almost every adjacent village. About twelve years
ago, the company erected a large and commodious schoolroom for the
education of the local children; while, on 2nd October last (1880), the
memorial stone of a U.P. church was laid by the Rev. John Yellowlees,
minister of the congregation, who was, on the occasion, presented with a
silver trowel, bearing a suitable inscription. In a cavity in the wall
of the west gable, a glass bottle was deposited, containing the leading
newspapers and specimens of the current coins of the realm, over which
the stone was placed. The building is of Gothic design, and will, when
completed, accommodate about 500 people. Its entire cost is estimated at
1,700 pounds, and there is every prospect of the church being opened
free of debt. The architect for the work is Mr. James Boucher, Glasgow.
The Falkirk Iron Works, now the second
largest in Scotland, were started some sixty years ago by a number of
enterprising workmen from Carron, and only fell into the hands of the
present proprietors in 1848. From the outset, their progress has been
steady, but especially during the last thirty years the development of
the foundry in its various branches has been remarkable. The buildings
now cover 8 acres of ground, and the employes, numbering 900 (men and
boys) turn out over 300 tons of castings per week. Here an extensive
trade is done in the ornamental or artistic class of goods; but, during
the Crimean war, 16,000 tons of shot and shell were manufactured by the
Messrs. Kennaird; while their orders for guns of all sizes, for
mercantile ships, are considerable. The firm, with Mr. George Binnie as
manager, have also executed several foreign contracts of importance.
Amongst these were castings for some of the principal iron bridges in
India, Italy, and Spain. But fountains for the Calcutta Water Company,
and tubular telegraph post for South America have likewise been
supplied. The weightiest portions of work recently made, however, were
the columns for the Solway viaduct. These were cast in 10 and 20 feet
lengths, to be bolted together as the complete column. No establishment
in Britain can cope with the Falkirk Foundry in its elegant and varied
stock of patterns for such goods as the following: - register stoves,
hat and umbrella stands, garden-seats, verandahs, iron stairs, statuary
groups, mirror-frames, inkstands, etc. A small figure of a stag,
browsing, was shown, by the Messrs. Kennaird, at the Exhibition of 1862,
along with a variety of other castings, as illustrating the capabilities
of the sand-moulding process. In order to have the stag cast in one
piece, the mould had to be made in upwards of a hundred parts, each part
being simply a clod of moist sand, held together by compression.
Sugarpans for the West Indies; grates, pots, and pans for the million,
are only a further sample of the great variety of iron goods
manufactured here. Few foundries, in fact, have risen so rapidly into
fame and importance; and it may safely be affirmed that none show
greater promise of being able to "hold their own" in the vast
competitive field of iron manufactures.
A short distance west of the canal bank
are the works of Burnbank, the Gowanbank, the Grahamston, the Parkhouse,
and the Camelon iron companies; while at Lock 16 we have the Union
Foundry, with the Port-Downie and the Forth and Clyde iron works. In
additon to these eight establishments, there are three of recent date to
the eastward of the Falkirk iron works. These are the Abbot’s, the
Gael, and the Etna foundries – the last mentioned being a branch of
the Etna works in Glasgow. There are likewise two new foundries situated
close to the branch of the North British Railway at Grahamston, the one
being called the Callendar, and the other the Vulcan iron works. Here,
is also the extensive engineering establishment of the Messrs.
Blackadder. The reason so many foundries having been thus recently
started to the north of Falkirk is not far to seek. Middlesbro’
"pigs," which are now chiefly used in the manufacture of
castings, are brought by steamer to Grangemouth, and thence conveyed per
Forth and Clyde Canal to Glasgow (Port-Dundas); while the manufactured
goods are also forwarded along the latter route to Grangemouth for
shipment to London. Hence the great and double saving in carriage to the
Falkirk ironfounders – the distance to Glasgow from Grangemouth being
nearly seven times the distance to Grahamston. The following table will
show the rise and progress of iron-working throughout the foundry
district of the country: -

Nail making was introduced into Camelon,
about eighty-five years ago, by Mr. Caddell of Carronpark, who brought
workmen from England for the purpose, and thus the trade was taught
those belonging to the district. In 1830, there were about 500
nail-makers here; but, in 1833, the cholera cut off so many of this
class that Mr. Fairbairn, who had also become a manufacturer, found it
necessary to advance 40 pounds against interments, which was repaid from
the earnings of survivors. At that period, a man working from 5 to 5 1/2
days a week, and each day consisting of 10 hours, earned from 9s. to
14s. a week, and with a boy under him 14s. to 16s. Latterly, double that
money was got; but the machine-made nails from America and London have
ruined the hand-made trade. At present there are only about 50
nail-makers in Camelon, of whom Mr. James Jones employs 15, and Messrs.
Fairbairn & Co. 8. In St. Ninians, thirty years ago, there were 200,
who made from 1,000 to 1,200 nails in the day; but their working hours
were long, and their wages small. 8s. or 9s. per week was the most that
could be earned. Here, too, for the reason stated with respect to
Camelon, the nail trade is of no account. Only some 30 men are so
employed. |