The soil of the county is greatly
diversified. It may be divided into five kinds – carse, dryfield,
hill, moor, and moss. The first extends along the banks of the Forth
from the neighbourhood of Bucklyvie to the eastern extremity of the
shire, about 28 miles long, and on the average 2 miles broad, making
towards 30,000 acres. It is composed of the finest clay, without stones,
and interspersed with strata of marine shells. The quality is the finer,
the nearer to the present boundary of the parent ocean. The highest
elevation is 25 feet above high water, and the depth in some places has
been found to be upwards of 20 feet. The etymology of carse is
conjectural. The word is used by Barbour, who says
"Our thwort the Kerse
to the Torwood he geed."
Of the carse of Falkirk, Trivetius,
describing an invasion of Edward I., remarks, "causantibus
majoribus loca plaustria,propter brumalem intemporiem, immeabilia esse."
The meaning seems to be, that the English army could not arrive at
Stirling without passing through some of the carse grounds, and that
they were impracticable for cavalry at that season of the year. Kors,
in the Cambo-British, is marsh. The ancient Swedish, and the Icelandic,
use Kaer in the same sense, while Ciers has also that
meaning in the Armoric dialect of the Celtic. The operations of rivers
in forming such deposits of soil is very justly questioned, and the
action of the ocean agitated beyond the effect of either tempest or tide
is alone conceived to be adequate to the production. A tempest, indeed,
affects the mighty deep only superficially, and the tide is merely an
undulation, or heaving.
The following is an analysis of the carse
soil: -
Water |
10 parts |
Silica |
44 parts |
Alumina |
28 parts |
Carbonate of lime |
2.5 parts |
Organic matter |
6 parts |
Oxcide of iron |
1.5 parts |
Soluble salts |
1 part |
Soluble matter |
2 parts |
Loss |
5 parts |
100 parts |
The valleys form the richer parts of the
dryfield, in which there is some inferior land. The Lennox hills,
stretching from Strathblane to the neighbourhood of Stirling, and
occupying nearly a fourth of the county, have a soil chiefly arenaceaous,
mixed with till, sometimes interspersed with peat earth, and constitute
the most valuable pasture tract in Scotland. Ben Lomond may be classed
with the hill tract, for, although his base be moor, his sides and
shoulders are covered with verdure. Another fourth of the shire consists
of moor, or ground more or less inclined to heath. Some parts of it are
cultivated, and afford a moderate vegetation of artificial crops. Mr.
Nimmo, in 1777, classed as "moor," what, in 1812, Dr. Graham
calls "dryfield." We may here discern the progress of
cultivation. Perhaps a thirtieth part of the county, in various
quarters, may be occupied by peat, some of which is incumbent on a fine
clay. At Airth alone there are about 300 acres of moss, on an average 12
feet deep, and covers ground of most excellent quality. Much, no doubt,
has been done to reclaim this waste land, by at least two of the late
Earls of Dunmore; but it takes not less than 30 pounds to clear each
acre, while the rent of the acre when cleared and cultivated is, over
all, about 2 pounds.
The advance and general diffusion of
agricultural knowledge, of late years, has completely changed the
character of the county in its soil. Apart from systematic husbandry,
the importance of thorough draining and trenching where the land was
damp began early to be understood, but it was only when the landlord
found it convenient to do the work at his own expense that any progress
in this direction was made; for, however willing the tenant might be to
have his ground improved by tile draining, it was rare that he could
command the funds thus to be sunk. Sub-soil ploughing – the invention
of Mr. James Smith of Deanston – was also soon found necessary for a
good crop, especially in the dryfield. This was done by means of a large
plough, in the shape of an old Scotch plough, without a sock, and
generally drawn by four horses. Liming and guano, with its chemical
compeer, dissolved bones, were next gradually resorted to, that the best
possible return might be got out of the land.
The primitive home-made utensils contrast
strangely with the improved agricultural implements of the present day.
Ploughs in the earlier times were seldom bought, but, as a rule,
manufactured on the farm. In 1330 we find their price one shilling.
Between 1351 and 1370, however, their value was one shilling and
six-pence. The implement, of course, was common carpenter’s work, and
subject to no demand. Even after the iron plough was in general use,
there were several parishes – Slamannan, for one – where the old
Scotch plough was still preferred on account of its making a wider
furrow. But what see we now in the fields? Steam ploughs and grubbers;
potato planters and diggers; turnip lifters, toppers, and tailers; drill
harrows; sowing machines; reaping machines; sheaf binders; and weed
eradicators, which weed wheat before the wheat plant begins to ear. Then
at the farm-steading, in addition to the portable threshing machine,
there is the engine for fodder cutting, which cuts ten trusses of hay
for one pennyworth of gas; also, the Scotia incubator, for the wholesale
manufacture or hatching of chickens. And if landlords and tenants are to
derive any profit from agriculture, all this inventive energy cannot be
overrated. At the present moment any country that has a fertile soil
which produces more than its inhabitants can consume, is devising means
to forward to us its surplus. Wheat may soon be sold in our great
centres at an average of 35s. per quarter. Fresh meat in unlimited
quantities can be imported from Australia at 3d. per pound. Chickens,
reasonably fat, can be bought in Hungary and Transylvania for 3d. each,
and could be sent to us in refrigerating wagons. No doubt the scene of a
band of the young of both sexes, striving with the sickle as to who
should have the honour of carrying off the "maiden" for the
crown of the harvest-home, was attractive; but although hoeing and
weeding, and even sheafing, may still be done on our smaller farms by
manual labour, the days of the corn-field are gone for both sickle and
scythe. Some great feats in shearing were, however, performed with the
"hook," notwithstanding the fact that the reaping machine
sweeps down the grain, in regard to time, in the ratio of ten to one.
One old woman was known to make over 400 good-sized sheaves daily; while
George Bruce, in the parish of Tough – a wiry man with very long arms
– could shear 36 sheaves in a day. He drove the "rig" of say
18 feet from side to side, and never lifted his hand till he had a
sheaf. He used a long sickle, and drew the corn to him.
Wheat is one of the most commonly
cultivated of the cereals. It belongs to the natural order Gramineae
(grasses) of which it is the most prominent member. The genus of plants
which yield the various sorts is called by the botanist Triticum,
from tritum, ground or rubbed, because the fruit or seed, in its
preparation as a food for man, requires the process of grinding or
trituration. No other grain assimilates so well with the human
constitution, and so fully represents the two great classes of
constituents necessary to sustain the wear and tear of human life, viz.,
food fuel, and food materials. In earlier times, oats, barley, peas,
beans, and rye, entered more largely than at present into the ordinary
food of the people; but, when these are used exclusively as substitutes
for wheat, they generally derange the bodily health of the consumer.
Formerly, wheat was frequently divided into two classes – the winter, Triticum
hibernum, and the summer, T. aestivum. This classification,
however, is no longer recognised, as it is now well-known that the
cereal, by being constantly sown in the spring, quite changes its habits
as to its time of ripening. The produce of wheat sown in the spring
acquires the habit of perfecting its growth quicker than the produce of
the same wheat sown in the autumn. In soils containing large proportions
of sand, or of organic matter, but deficient in clay, we often see the
young plant very luxuriant at first, but without the power to build up
its stem, for which a certain amount of silica and potash is necessary.
Silica and lime are also required for the chaff, with potash, phosphoric
acid, magnesia, and ammonia for the seed. In no other description of
soil will wheat flourish. These substances are generally found to exist
in clays to a greater extent than in other kinds of earth; hence the
fertility of the Stirlingshire carse for this important crop. In a wet,
late season, on inferior land, its weight may not exceed 60 lbs. per
imperial bushel; but on the better class farms its yield is not
unfrequently as high as 68 lbs.
Oats form the genus to which the name of Avena
has been assigned, and the range of soils suitable for their cultivation
is very large. Indeed, wherever farming is carried on there is some
variety of this cereal grown. The last agricultural statistics of
Scotland show that, while the three other grain crops – wheat, barley,
and rye, were cultivated to the extent of 449,135 acres, the area
occupied by oats alone amounted to no less than 938,613 acres. The
potato oat, which takes its name from having originally been found
growing in a field of potatoes in Cumberland, in 1788, is probably the
most largely sown of all the varieties of the Avena sativa, or
common oat. With a straw rather short but clean and stout, it is highly
esteemed for mealing, or for feeding purposes. The sandy oat, a harder
variety, is generally preferred for late or uncertain districts. The
straw is heavy, firm in texture, and rarely seen lodged or broken by bad
weather. It was discovered in Aberdeenshire, in 1825.
Barley is generally admitted to the
second place in the order of our cereal crops, but our climate and soils
being, as a rule, better adapted for oats, the latter take the
precedence in the farmer’s estimation. In light soils, the chevalier
is commonly sown. Where the soil is strong, or in ungenial districts,
some of the coarser varieties, however, frequently give a better return.
The naked Peruvian, or the black four-rowed barley, yields the largest
amount of available food. This cereal is cultivated farther north than
any of the other grains. Fields of it are to be seen in the northern
extremity, in the Orkney Islands, in Shetland, and even at the Faroe
The bean belongs to the natural order Leguminosae,
of Jussieu, from bearing its fruit in legumes, or pods, which follow a
butterfly or papilionaceous flower. It is termed by the botanist Faba
vulgaris. There is only one species, though long cultivation has
produced a well-marked division between those of the garden and those of
the field. The tick bean and the Scotch, or horse bean, are the two
sorts grown throughout the carses. The ancients entertained some curious
notions in regard to this forage crop. The Egyptians, for example, held
it a crime to look at beans, judging the very sight unclean. But the
bean was not everywhere thus contemned, for Columella notices them in
his time as food for peasants, and for them only –
"And herbs they mix
with beans for vulgar fare."
There are two different
methods of sowing practiced – "broadcast" and
"drilling." "Dibbling" is now a thing of the past.
In Stirlingshire, broadcasting is still common. The process is a simple
one. The seed to be sown is carried by the sower in a bag or basket of a
convenient form, suspended from the neck in such a position that the
sower can have access to it, either with one or both hands, according to
the manner in which he intends to distribute the seed. The practice of
drilling was introduced by Jethro Tull, to obviate the difficulty of
keeping the land sown broadcast free from weeds. Owing to the vast
improvement in the adaptation and manufacture of agricultural machines
generally, this practice has widely spread of late years. The advantages
it offers are – a considerable saving in the quantity of seed
(measuring from one-third to one-half), on account of the greater
regularity in the proportion of seed sown, and the depth at which it is
deposited; also the power it gives to sow the seed in parallel lines at
any distance apart that may be desired, so that the surface may be
stirred after the heavy rains of winter, and kept free from weeds,
either by hand or horse-hoe, during the early growth of the plants.
Of the root and fallow
crops, turnips naturally take the precedence, being the keystone of our
improved system of farming – the crop by whose success or failure the
welfare of the whole rotation is mainly influenced. The common green-top
is the oldest variety of the Swedish turnip in cultivation. It has,
however, fallen into comparative disrepute, owing to the great attention
that has been paid to the purple-top varieties; but where care has been
bestowed on its cultivation, it has proved as productive, as hardy, and
as high in its feeding qualities as any of the more favoured sorts. Of
the common turnip there are some forty-six varieties. The white globe is
that most generally grown, and is an excellent description of root for
early consumption.
The potato (Solanum
tuberosum) is, without doubt, a native of South America, having been
found growing wild in Chili, Buenos Ayres, and along the coast of the
Pacific. Although its first appearance as a field crop in this country
was about 1730, its introduction into Britain is supposed to have been
in the year 1584. Difficulties which it did not meet with elsewhere,
seem to have opposed its reception in Scotland. The zealous but mistaken
religious opinions of that period were against the new plant, which was
declared a sinful root because no mention of it was made in the Bible.
For its general cultivation, the lighter class of loams form the best
soil – the produce being of superior quality. But even on peat and bog
lands good crops are obtained, especially where there has been the
previous application of lime. The sad visitation of the disease, in
1843-5, greatly checked the planting breadth of this tuber. It has,
however, again resumed its place on the fallow portion of the farm, not
only as an important article of diet, but as a supporting crop of the
While there are no
celebrated breeders of live stock in the county, there are several
successful exhibitors who have also studied the physiology of nutrition,
and advanced with the times in their treatment of farm cattle. They have
had materials analysed to ascertain the extent of their suitability as
food for stock. Oilcake, and still more corn, appear to injure the
constitution of the beast; grass, turnips, and straw, are its only
healthy food. There can be no substitute for the natural feeding, except
for a limited period, though in times of scarcity, and to give the last
dip to fat cattle, the other materials are valuable auxiliaries. Twelve
years ago, the dairy stocks of the shire were all but decimated by an
outbreak of rinder-pest. The plague was of the most virulent type, and
veterinary skill was utterly unable to grapple with the mysterious
epidemic. All were alike ignorant of how the disease was generated, and
how propagated, and all helpless alike in their efforts to arrest its
progress. Common slaughter was the only panacea. Daily there were
reports of fresh farms and districts being most capriciously seized, and
latterly there seemed no hope of the abatement and extermination of the
plague until our entire bovine stock had gone. In 1873, it reappeared in
one of the richest grazing districts in Yorkshire, and naturally created
some alarm amongst our larger stockholders. The herd, twenty-two in
number, which were swept away, came from the coast, and it is not
unlikely therefore, that the infection was caught by contact with
foreign cattle. On that occasion, however, prompt and stringent measures
were adopted for isolating the infected victims. With the local
magistracy there was neither hesitancy nor delay. Realizing the
seriousness of the outbreak, they acted with praiseworthy vigilance and
decision. A cordon of police were at once placed round the unlucky farm,
and the few surviving animals of the herd that had not yet succumbed to
the malignant pest were swiftly slaughtered and buried in quicklime.
Each district has
naturally its own peculiarities of soil. The lands in Alva parish are
arable and pasture. The former may be distinguished into four kinds.
That which extends from the bottom of the hills consists of a rich hazel
mould, intermixed with gravel and small stones. This is succeeded by a
stratum of moss over a bed of clay, and extends from 50 to 100 yards in
breadth, and in some places it is found 7 feet deep. Next to this is a
strong clay, extending a considerable way towards the Devon. Then
follows what is called haughing ground, such as is usually found on the
banks of rivers; and the inundations of the Devon, which occur twice or
thrice a year, leave great quantities of sand behind. The soil at the
river’s bed appears to be, in many places, more than 20 feet deep. The
improvement of the land here, as elsewhere, was long kept back by the
farms remaining limited to a few acres; and also by the farmers being
bound by their leases to drive coals from the pits on the south bank of
the Devon to the shore of Alloa. Lord Alva, however, at length
prohibited this absurd and unprofitable practice. Since 1796, the extent
of the farms has been enlarged with great advantage to the landlord, and
greater respectability to the tenant.
Dairy, pastoral, and
mixed husbandry are all pursued in the district of Campsie. Green crop
is chiefly raised, particularly potatoes. The oats sown are of the
earlier sorts, which, in moist climates, are the most suitable. Lime is
to be had prepared at sundry places in the parish, and the soil being
generally of a ferruginous quality, it is often found to act with good
effect. Peas and beans are rarely sown; flax only in small quantities,
if at all. Carrots have sometimes been successfully tried in patches of
deep free soil. Only a small breadth of turnips are raised, chiefly for
the use of cattle, as the ground can be more profitably employed in
potato cropping. The dairy is a branch of chief importance in the
farming throughout the parish, on account of the ready and profitable
market found in Glasgow for all its produce. The Ayrshire breed of cows
has been carefully cultivated for many years, and few crosses are to be
seen in the district.
The arable land of
Dunipace parish is of a very inferior quality. Two-thirds of it lie on a
substratum of sandstone, the remainder on whin-rock. A considerable
quantity of turnips are grown in this district, and still more of
potatoes, which are generally of a good quality. Formerly, flax was sown
on every farm; but since foreign flax was so plentifully imported, that
crop has given way to wheat, which grows here well.
The Agricultural
Association of the Eastern District of Stirlingshire was formed in
Falkirk about forty years ago. The late Earl of Dunmore was patron, and
Mr. Forbes of Callendar, president. Its object was, and still is, to
promote scientific and practical improvements in agriculture. Two
prosperous auction marts were opened here in 1875. The sales which take
place weekly, create considerable stir, the fat stock brought forward
for the hammer from the farms of the surrounding districts being large
and varied. There is nothing peculiar to the husbandry of this parish.
With respect to cropping, experience has proved the six years rotation
system to be best adapted for the land, viz., first year, fallow;
second, wheat; third, beans; fourth, barley; fifth, clover and ryegrass;
and sixth, oats.
The lands of Gargunnock
parish consist of various kinds of soil, which are called moor, dryfield
and carse. The moor is of a wet, gravelly and clayey soil; yet it
affords sound healthy pasture for sheep and black cattle in the summer
months. The term dryfield is not descriptive of the soil, but is used
merely to distinguish it from the moor and carse lands. Its average
depth is 6 or 7 inches. It rests on a subsoil of gravel or till, and
under this subsoil are found strata of red and white sandstone. The soil
of the carse lands consists of 3 or 4 feet of mixed clay of excellent
quality, which lies on a subsoil of yellow or blue clay; but the blue
clay prevails. And below this blue clay, a bed of sea shells is
deposited about 10 feet from the surface. In some places along the banks
where the carse joins the dryfield, the ground has the appearance of
having been washed at one time by a river, or by the waves of the sea.
Particular attention has been paid in this district to the improvement
of the breed of black-faced sheep, and of cattle of the Ayrshire breed.
Throughout the parish of
Kilsyth, oats, barley, and green crops are adhered to as most productive
and profitable. Wheat was tried, but proved a failure. By far the
largest produce, however, is that of the dairy, to which the rest is
subsidiary, and consequently the husbandry is what is called the mixed.
Indeed, no other would suit the soil and climate. From a memoir
presented to the Board of Agriculture by William Wright, M.D., of
Edinburgh, it appears that potatoes, after their introduction into
Scotland, were first planted in the open field in Stirlingshire. Thomas
Prentice, a day-labourer in the parish of Kilsyth, is recorded as having
set the example in 1728. Mr. Robert Graham of Tamrawer had brought the
practice to some degree of perfection eleven years after; and, for the
supply of the public, rented lands near Renfrew, Glasgow, Perth, Dundee,
and Edinburgh.
Farming in the Larbert
district, where the lands have a retentive sub-soil, was at first much
improved by what was called wedge-draining; the section of the cutting
being a frustrum of a triangle inverted, whose base was about 10 inches.
A wedge of peat moss was then placed in the top of the drain, so as to
leave a space of 8 or 10 inches perpendicular for a water-course. This
system, however, was found to have only a temporary effect; and the plan
of laying for a water-course a semicylindrical tile, which reposed on a
flat tile of a breadth exceeding the diameter of the curved one by about
half an inch, proved more effective. A foot of space above the tiles was
filled with broken sandstone, or Carron cinders, through which the water
percolated. About 1837, a considerable work for making drain tiles was
established, by the late Mr. Stirling of Glenbervie, on the beds of clay
in the low ground near the Poo. Two or three years after, another field
for a similar purpose was opened near the same place by Mr. Bauchop of
Bogend. That species of moss, Hypnum, commonly called
"fog," is very frequent in the local pastures. It abounds on
all sandy soils, as well as on moist ground, and is by no means
nutritious to cattle.
The soil in the vale of
Avon (Slamannan) yields excellent crops of meadow hay, and when not
flooded proves wholesome and fattening for cattle. As the grounds rise
in regular ridges towards the south, they produce good crops of oats,
some barley, and occasionally a little wheat. The lands towards the
western district of the parish, being of a black mossy nature, yield but
indifferent crops when the season happens to be wet and cold. Towards
the south and south-west there are several hundreds of acres, entirely
moss, varying from 3 to 12 feet in depth; and the substratum being
chiefly sand, no inducement lies to remove it.
The following tabular statement shows the
acreage of each parish, with the number of acres under cultivation, and
in pasture, waste, and wood.
