The opening of Hampden Park, 31st October, 1903, was an
important event in the history of football. The ground was spacious, and
well equipped in every way for the purpose for which it was intended. While
many who attended the function were prepared for something great, they were
compelled to admire the enterprise of the Queen's Park, and gaze in
amazement at the results which had been obtained. The ground reflected glory
on the club, the architects, and the contractors. The last named were
pressed for time, and would have been excused had they failed to carry out
to the full the task they undertook. The result of the combined effort
produced the finest athletic enclosure in the country. While the Olympic
Games, the product of latter-day international athletic rivalry, may have
caused the erection of stadiums in London and on the Continent, yet modern
Hampden Park stands still unrivalled. Its holding capacity has, since 1903,
been more than doubled by extending the banking; at the present time it is
capable of holding 120,000 spectators easily, and every one has a full and
comfortable view. A natural amphitheatre, there is no danger to life and
limb, as all stand with feet on solid ground. The grand stands, on either
side of the pavilion—opened 1914—are spacious and commodious. The reserved
enclosures in front of the stands hold 10,000.
The opening of the new ground was performed by that
generous patron of football, Sir John Ure Primrose, Bart., the Lord Provost
of Glasgow, in 1903. Though more closely allied with the Rangers Football
Club, Sir John is cosmopolitan in his football and athletic tastes, and
makes it a point to be present at all important events. Sir John was
surrounded by hosts of gentlemen associated with athletic enterprises from
all parts of the kingdom, and was supported by many civic and other
dignitaries. Among those present were Bailies Calderwood, Sorley, Richard
Browne (an ex-president of the Queen's Park), Finlay, Dunlop, Alex. Brown,
Dallas, Miller, P. G. Stewart, Alexander,, Mitchell, Watson, Burrell, Shaw,
and Willox; Dr. Neilson, Procurator-Fiscal (now Stipendiary Magistrate) ;
Mr. John Lindsay, Police Clerk (now Sir John Lindsay, and Town Clerk of
Glasgow); Mr. Thomas Nisbet, Master of Works; Mr. J. D. Ramsay, Clerk to
Dean of Guild Court; Mr. J. V. Stevenson, Chief
Constable; Rev. Robert Primrose; Rev. Alexander Brown; Mr. William Primrose;
Mr. William M'Killop, M.P.; Mr. R. P. Gregson, Lancashire Association,
representing the Football Association; Mr. J. K. M'Dowall, secretary,
Scottish Association; Major R. M. Christie, president, Scottish Football
Association; Mr. A. Ross Scott, president, Scottish Amateur Athletic
Association; Captain Harding, Chief Constable of Renfrewshire; Dr. John
Kerr, Allan Glen's School; Colonel R. B. Shaw ; Colonel J. B. Wilson; Mr.
James Miller, architect; Mr. Alexander Blair; Mr. William Clark, of
M'Creaths & Stevenson, engineers; Mr. W. H. Dinsmore, measurer ; Councillor
George Taggart; ex-Bailie Robert Graham; Bailies Pollock and Smellie, of
Hamilton; Mr. Bonn, engineer for the stands; directors of Celtic Football
Club, of Rangers Football Club, 3rd Lanark Football Club, Partick Thistle
Football Club; past presidents, Scottish Football Association ; Mr. J. K.
Horsburgh, president, Scottish League; and Glasgow Association-committee.
Also former Queen's Park players—Walter Arnott, Robert Smellie, Thomas
Robertson, John Gillespie, W. Gulliland, W. H. Berry, T. S. Waddell, D. S.
Allan, William Sellar, J. L. Kay, Alex. Hamilton, D. C. Sillars, Dr. John
Smith, Davidson Berry, Archibald Rowan, R. A. Lambie, T. C. Highet (the list
includes fourteen " English " International players).
Mr. Alfred Dalziel, president, Queen's Park Football
Club, introduced Lord Provost Sir John Ure Primrose, Bart., who was
accompanied by Lady Primrose. His lordship, assisted by her ladyship,
unfurled the flag, and declared the ground open. His lordship said he
esteemed it a very high honour to be invited to inaugurate the new home of
the Queen's Park Football Club. In the historic past the Queen's had
occupied a prominent position, and a position of honour, because they were
the first exponents of the beautiful Association game in Scotland, and from
them sprang all the clubs they found in every part of the British Kingdom
and Britain beyond the seas. After a passing reference to professionalism,
his lordship said amateurism, as personified in the Queen's Park, was still
a vital force in the community, and he asked how the spirit of the pure
amateur was to be preserved in the future, and compete successfully
with the organised teams, the members of which devoted their lives to the
practice of the game? He thought the solution was to be found in selecting
from their public schools the most highly trained young men in physical
discipline, to recruit the ranks of the premier club. (Applause.) If that
were done, he predicted that the Queen's Park would lead the van. Football
had become the national game of the kingdom, and he was thankful it had done
so, because there was an outcry for recreation, and to his lordship there
was no more delightful sight than to witness an exhibition of manly skill,
strength, and endurance. In conclusion, he trusted the Queen's Park Club
would go on and prosper. (Applause.)
Mr. Arthur Geake proposed a vote of thanks to Sir John
and Lady Primrose ; and, on behalf of Scottish football, he said they were
under a deep and lasting obligation to his lordship and her ladyship for
their presence and countenance. Amidst loud cheers, Mr. Geake then handed
Sir John a massive silver cigar box, in commemoration of the occasion.
Sir John returned thanks, after which ceremony the
opening match, Queen's Park versus Celtic, was proceeded with.

The first match played on newest Hampden Park was a
Scottish League game, in which Celtic formed the opposition, and it proved
worthy of the occasion. As was to be expected, the ground was heavy, and
consequently the working of the ball not easy. Long shots with a sodden ball
are never satisfactory, and the young Queen's Park team over-indulged in
that kind of play. The Celts, on the other hand, played football which was
the envy of the amateurs; but the back Play of Campbell and Richmond, and
the goalkeeping of Adams, were important factors in keeping the home
fortress intact. The delightful work and heady tactics of the Celtic
forwards told its tale, but fortune was with the Queen's Park on this
occasion. Things took a turn latterly, but admiration was not wanting for
the splendid attack of the wearers of the green. After Jones had missed a
favourable opportunity, the Queen's Park awoke from their lethargy. Eadie
initiated a run, Currie and Logan joined in, the last named bored his way
through his formidable opponents, and, centring, D. Wilson got his foot to
the ball, and scored the first goal for the Queen's Park on their new field.
It was an appropriate success, as Wilson was the oldest member of a rather
juvenile combination. Until the welcome interval— and never before did
minutes pass so slowly—the Celts were most aggressive, but luck was not to
them, and their pressure, fortunately for the Queen's Park, was not
represented in goals. Like giants refreshed, the game was resumed, and the
home forwards, heartened by a goal in hand, were almost in the happy
position of making the one goal into a pair, but M'Allister, who had been
doing good work, hesitated too long, and Battles cleared. Jones again took
the wrong foot with an open goal before him, and missed by inches. The home
half-backs shone here, as their placing was well timed, Eadie and Templeton
being specially commended. The Celtic had now to face similar pressure to
that which they had compelled the Queens' Park to undergo in the opening
period, but stood up to their work well. The cup overflowed when Fullarton
missed scoring from Jones' centre. Battles and Watson were ramparts
difficult to break through. The Celts had now their innings, but it was only
a brief look in. M'Allister struck the post. Quinn and Somers were very
troublesome on the Celtic left wing, and a wild shot went very wide. The
Queen's were now holding their opponents, and were decidedly the better
team. Time was slipping on, and every kick was watched with feverish
anxiety, every yard gained applauded, and still the whistle was silent. It
was rather nerve straining for the Queen's Park supporters. All things have
an end, and this historic match came to a finish, and the Queen's Park won
by 1-0. The home eleven was a compact and well-trained one, and, if
individuals have to be selected, Skene in goal, Campbell and Richmond at
back, Eadie and Templeton at half, with Logan and Wilson forward, must bear
off the palm. No one can deny the better team won, and if ever a team was
overplayed the Celts were that afternoon. Teams :—
Queen's Park—L. H. Skene; T. F. Campbell and A. Richmond;
James Eadie, W. M. Fullarton, and A. Templeton; A. Currie, J. L. Logan, A.
M'Allister, D. Wilson, and P. F. Jones.
Celtic—Adams; Watson and Battles; Orr, Loney, and Hay; Bennett, M'Menemy,
Gilligan, Somers, and Quinn.