In June, 1894, the lease of second Hampden had just been
renewed for another five years by Messrs. Dixon Limited, as from 1st August
following. Mr. W. Sellar, the newly-appointed president, raised the question
of the unsatisfactoriness of spending large sums of money in improvements
with no fixity of tenure, and suggested the advisability of buying ground
outright at Battlefield, or in the neighbourhood of Hampden Park. A
committee of two, Messrs. Sellar and Geake, were appointed to make inquiries
about new ground by buying outright, or a ninety-nine years' lease. Nothing,
however, definite resulted until August, 1896, when the committee considered
plans and estimates for the purchase and formation of a ground to the east
of Hampden Park, including pavilion, two stands, cement cycling track, and a
cinder track for foot races, which had been prepared without any request
from the club by Mr. Alexander Blair, F.S.I., and voluntarily placed by him
before the committee. The ground sub-committee had already gone into these
plans, etc., and the probable cost had been estimated by them. Mr. Blair was
introduced to the meeting, and submitted his plans and estimates, and
explained them in detail. The meeting discussed the matter fully, especially
the cost of the ground, and the various means of raising the necessary
capital. Mr. Sellar, the president, was authorised to ascertain from the
landlords at what price they would sell the ground. Messrs. Dixon Limited
quoted a price per square yard for ground to the east of the present
quarters, but the majority of the committee were rather disposed to acquire
the present ground by purchase, with extension round about, and Mr. Blair
was requested to give a rough estimate of the probable cost of such a
scheme. The sub-committee were to go into this latter proposal, and report.
Mr. Sellar at the half-yearly meeting reported progress, stating the club
was very seriously handicapped, living on a lease which could be terminated
at any time. The stand accommodation could not be increased with safety. The
committee considered it advisable to purchase the second Hampden Park and
ground adjoining, amounting altogether to thirteen acres. The Dixon Trustees
were willing to sell at a price the committee thought reasonable, for the
part they owned, and negotiations were carried on with the Corporation of
Glasgow for the purchase of the remainder of the ground contemplated. The
money was to be raised privately, and the membership would not be personally
liable. The lenders would require to depend on the assets of the club only.
It was not then proposed to form a limited company. The question of a new
street to the south delayed the negotiations for a time, Dixon's Trustees
and the Town Council being in consultation on the point. In February, 1898,
the club was informed the Corporation refused to sell, and Messrs. Dixon
Limited were not in a position to give a definite answer. The club now
decided to look elsewhere, and made full inquiries regarding suitable ground
in the neighbourhood. The lease of Hampden Park expired in 1899, and
President Lawrence and Messrs. Geake and Sellar were appointed as a
subcommittee to inquire into the whole question of the lease and ground, and
report. When the question of a new lease arose, Messrs. Dixon informed the
club they were themselves only sub-tenants of the ground, and their term
expired in three and a half years, beyond which they could not give the club
the ground, and for that period the rent was to be £150 a year instead of
£115. The above sub-committee had not been idle meantime, as they had in
view a piece of ground in close proximity to Hampden Park, which could be
purchased at a moderate figure, and they were authorised to go further into
the question. Now greatest Hampden Park looms on the scene. The
sub-committee had approached Mr. Alexander Blair, surveyor to the agents of
Mr. Henry Erskine Gordon, of Aikenhead. Mr. Blair had drawn out plans of
ground on the Aikenhead estate, which the subcommittee considered very
convenient and suitable. The ground was immediately to the south of Mount
Florida, the extent being ten and a half to twelve and a half acres,
fronting Somerville Drive, which could be obtained at a cost of £850 per
acre, which meant about £10,000, Mr. Gordon being willing to accept £6,000
in cash, and to allow the remainder to remain on bond at four per cent.,
repayable in instalments of £1,000. Mr. Blair explained what cutting and
levelling would be necessary. The club was to form half the streets, bear
half the cost of sewers, to build a brick cover over the Mall's Myre burn,
which ran through the ground, at its own expense, and have a right of
passage through Somerville Drive for all time coming, with immediate entry
after making satisfactory arrangements with the agricultural tenants, the
price to be paid at Candlemas (2nd February), 1900. Armed with a favourable
report from Mr. William Clark, of Messrs. M'Creaths & Stevenson, civil and
mining engineers, Glasgow, on the marketable value, and suitability for
athletic and feuing purposes of the ground, the plans were laid before a
special general meeting of the club, 22nd November, 1899. There was a little
difficulty over the working of the minerals under the ground, as it was
stated this might cause a subsidence at some future time, affecting the
feuing, and probable damage to the brick sewer, which last was to be an
expensive item to construct. The mineral tenants were to be asked not to
work the coal beneath the park; but on a survey of the coalfield, on behalf
of the superior, by Messrs. William Robertson & Son, mining engineers, it
was found that there was no workable coal seam under the proposed site. To
shift the site further west would have cleared the coal measures, but Mr.
Clark, the club's engineer, reported, to do so would be a much more costly
undertaking. The sub-committee, Messrs. Lawrence, Geake, and Sellar, under
the circumstances, decided to take the risk of subsidence, even though Mr.
Clark thought workable coal might still be obtained on the eastmost site,
and he suggested that Mr. Gordon be offered £100 less—that is, £750 per acre
for twelve and a half acres—and the club take all risks. This met with the
approval of the full committee. Negotiations were entered into with Messrs.
A. J. & A. Graham, the law agents of Mr. Gordon, and ultimately £800 per
acre was agreed upon—£4,000 cash down, and the balance, £6,000, was to
remain on heritable bond at four per cent., the latter to be paid off in
£500 instalments at the convenience of the club, no member of the club to
undertake individual personal responsibility. When the present lease
of the mineral tenant expired, a condition was to be inserted in any new
lease that Mr. Gordon would be liable for surface damage to the extent of
£1,000, the club meantime during the run of the existing mineral lease to
take all risks, as before mentioned. The lease of Messrs. Crookstons, who
worked the coal, expired in 1912, and the ground had been immune from
disturbance. The estimated cost of levelling and formation, building covered
sewer, forming streets and sewers, surface drains, and turfing pitch was
£2,470, and purchase price of ground £10,240. The special general meeting
called for 3rd April, 1900, to homologate the action of the committee,
decided to leave over the formation of streets and sewers (£900) and turfing
of the pitch (£200), and go on with the other items in the estimate of
formation, expending thereon £1,370. The office-bearers and committee were
elected trustees for all club property, with the usual powers, particularly
power to feu, sell, or borrow. Messrs. M'Creaths & Stevenson were appointed
engineers for the formation of the ground, of which firm Mr. Clark was a
member. The finance and ground committees were con- stituted a special
committee for the purpose of formulating a scheme for meeting the cost of
formation and equipment of the ground. This committee put forward certain
proposals for raising money, which were unanimously adopted by the general
committee of the club. At this time the club had £4,550 on deposit receipt
and £210 on current account. The necessary steps to complete the bargain
were taken. Mr. Blair, in September, 1900, submitted to the committee a
model of the new grounds as he suggested that they should be laid out, and
it was agreed that the whole of the ground belonging to the club, twelve and
a half acres, be utilised for football and athletic purposes, that the pitch
be removed further northward to leave more space on the south side, that the
pavilion be placed in the centre of the stands on the south side, and that
space be left for a cycle track with banking, etc., as shown in the model.
All the preliminary arrangements for acquiring a new ground had been carried
out under the regime of Mr. Lawrence. At the annual meeting. in May, 1900,
Mr. Arthur Geaka, who was so closely identified with the construction of
second Hampden Park, was elected to the presidential chair for the second
time, so that his" great experience might be at the disposal of the club.
Schedules were issued at once, and estimates taken—the work of levelling,
etc., to be completed within six months. The club would remain at Hampden
Park for another season; indeed, they retained the old field until August,
1903. Mr. Robert Provan, contractor, Grosshill, secured the contract for
this preliminary work, and had two-thirds of the work completed by the end
of July. The same contractor also undertook the second part of the
construction—namely, the covering of the burn, formation of the field, and
turfing the pitch. Good progress was made by November, 1901, quite to the
satisfaction of the club's engineer. By May, 1902, things were very well
forward, the enclosure rapidly assuming definite shape. The turfing of the
playing enclosure was finished, and a great deal of the banking had been
done. The amount spent on the work so far had reached £3,000. Accommodation
had been provided for 40,000 spectators standing, 4,000 on stands, and 530
on pavilion. The chairman (Mr. Geake), at the annual general meeting in May,
1902, in explaining the progress of the construction of the new ground, gave
the above figures, and added that were the proposed cement cycle track not
constructed accommodation would be provided for an additional 17,000
spectators, besides giving a largely increased reserved area in front of the
pavilion and stands, and, as cycle racing was on the decline, a cycle track
would be unnecessary, and would mean a great loss to the club in the way of
spectator accommodation. What the club had now to consider was the erection
of the buildings, etc., necessary to equip the ground. A paling or fence was
absolutely necessary, as was a stand. A temporary pavilion might serve the
purpose for a few years. It had been decided to erect a permanent
pavilion—delayed meantime—between the two stands and opposite the centre of
the field, with press box, and the drains had been arranged accordingly.
Messrs. M'Creaths & Stevenson, the engineers, had reported the banking could
be made up gradually to hold 100,000 spectators. The probable cost of
dressing slopes, putting division rails on embankments, railing round track,
and corrugated iron fence enclosing grounds, would be about £4,000—making
roads, running track, and erecting pay boxes were not included in the above
items. Mr. Geake saw his way clearly to meet all these obligations. After
consultation with Mr. Clark, of the above firm, and Mr. Alexander Blair, it
was decided to select two good architects to work
in conjunction with engineers, who were to submit competitive plans for the
Pavilion and stand. Messrs. Miller and J. B, Wilson were the
two architects chosen, with Mr. Bonn, engineer. Messrs. Clark and
Blair prepared specifications, on which the architects were to base
their competing plans. It was a comforting statement that the chairman, Mr.
Geake, announced to the half-yearly general meeting, that everything in
connection with the ground was paid so far, and no further substantial sum
would be required before the annual meeting in May, 1903. At a committee
meeting in the Alexandra Hotel, 5th December, 1902, the plans prepared by
the two architects were examined, Messrs. Clark and Blair being present.
These plans, after careful examination, were remitted to Mr. W. H. Dinsmore,
measurer, to measure same, and report as to the cost thereof in each case.
Mr. Dinsmore's report was remitted to Messrs. Clark and Blair for
examination and advice. The report of these gentlemen favoured the plans of
Mr. James Miller, with some slight alterations, and it was unanimously
agreed to accept Mr. Miller's designs for the pavilion and stands. That
gentleman, in January, 1903, was authorised to proceed with the preliminary
work of the stands at once, and so prevent further delay.
Mr. Geake, the retiring president, was enabled to inform
the annual meeting in May, 1903, that the stands would accommodate 2,200,
and the enclosure in front of each stand 5,000. He thought there would be
little difficulty in financing the scheme. The stands would cost about
£5,000, and this work was entrusted to Messrs. P. & R. Fleming, whose
estimate of £5,085 was later accepted. Mr. Alfred Dalziel was elected
president at this meeting. On 23rd June, 1903, the Queen's Park Football
Club was incorporated as a limited liability company, and went ahead with
its work under the same officials and committee as a board of directors,
with Mr. Dalziel as chairman and president. The ground was now approaching
completion—that is, so far as the playing pitch and surroundings were
concerned, though the stands and pavilion continued to give the management
food for thought. The fencing was in the hands of Messrs. P. & B. Fleming,
and the enclosure was rapidly taking shape. In the absence of a pavilion,
temporary headquarters had been secured at 113 Somerville Drive, a vacant
house on the ground floor, opposite the park, while a small detached
pavilion was being erected, capable of holding the home and; visiting teams.
The question of financing this gigantic enterprise was
faced by the club with a stout heart. Contracts involving an expenditure of
many thousands of pounds had been entered into, and payments had to be met
as necessity arose. In this emergency the business acumen of Mr. John
Liddell, one of the joint treasurers of the club, proved a valuable asset.
From time to time he placed before the committee the aggregate sums due, and
put forward concrete proposals regarding their discharge. He interviewed
bank managers, suggested methods by which money could be raised, and in this
latter respect the many friends of the club gave generous and practical
help. The ground itself, being now the property of the club, was an asset of
considerable value—about £10,000--and, with this to fall back upon, should
it be necessary, all difficulties were overcome, and this not forgetting
that a bond existed for £6,000 on the property. Suffice it to say that, with
temporary assistance from the bank, support from friends, and judicious and
careful management, all obstacles were safely surmounted, and the chairman
was able to tell the annual meeting in April, 1910, that the club was free
of debt, and everything completely cleared off, with a balance of over £100
to the good. Attention could now be directed to the erection of a pavilion
worthy of the club and its magnificent enclosure. Few clubs could have
entered into such a gigantic undertaking, certainly no professional club.
The sources of revenue of an amateur and a professional club of equal
standing are the same, and in the question of economy in management the
amateur club must always have the advantage.
The main consideration of the construction of the field,
which is situated in a natural basin, is the safety of the public. An
enclosure was made which surpasses any existing athletic enclosure in size,
in originality of design, and in the all-important matter of security. Using
the bottom as a basin for the playing pitch, which is thirty-five feet below
Somerville Drive, the slopes have been utilised as standing room for
spectators, the ground in its main idea reminding one of the Crystal Palace
football enclosure. At Sydenham, however, the slopes still remain slopes
without any support, while here the space has been broken up and divided in
such a manner that comfort is secured, and a full view of the proceedings in
the arena obtained. The entire enclosure is inside a corrugated fence eight
feet in height. Entering the ground from Somerville Drive on the north, the
spectator looks down on the various vantage points, and chooses his
position. The long sides and curved ends of the ground have been banked with
great care, and, in addition, a new theory for controlling large, swaying
crowds has been used. Practically the tier plan has been adopted, the
spectators standing on solid ground, not as in other such enclosures on wood
and steel supports. To minimise the danger of swaying and crushing,
divisions have been created of uniform size, so that eighty people inside
one of these divisions form a group by themselves. This has been done by
enclosing spaces adjacent to each other on three sides with wire cable one
inch thick, the cable being inserted in massive barrier posts, which again
are steel-stayed, and have a special concrete foundation. The whole oval,
with the exception of the reserved stand enclosure and stands, is split up
in this fashion, and the beauty and safety of the plan will be realised at a
glance. The main entrance is from Somerville Drive, where quite an artistic
gateway has been erected. Over fifty turnstiles have been provided. Though
on the opening day the stands were not quite ready, they were finished by
the contractors, Messrs. P. & R. Fleming, before New Year's Day, 1904 ; but
the handsome pavilion of four storeys which now adorns the ground was not
completed until 1914. This pavilion was opened with some ceremony. It is
admittedly a ground now for the greatest things—grand in conception and
great in area—and only the greatest successes can be deemed adequate reward
for the enterprise which rendered such an enclosure possible. In view of the
International match between Scotland and England, played at Hampden Park,
7th April, 1906, plans were submitted by Mr. Alexander Blair for a reserved
stand and press box combined, in the centre space between the east and west
stands, where the pavilion was ultimately erected, which was to afford
accommodation for 450 spectators and eighty reporters, and to cost £450.
This was in January, 1906, and the work was completed in time for the
International on 7th April, and served its purpose until the new pavilion
was completed in 1914.
Mr. Nisbet, Master of Works for the City of Glasgow,
inspected Hampden Park in February, 1910, and passed the ground as being
sufficient to accommodate with safety 125,000 spectators, provided a stair
was put up at the southeast corner of the embankments to permit of
spectators ascending and descending with safety. Messrs. Shaw & Son
undertook the work at an estimated cost of £250, and six new passages and
new breakers, breasting, etc., were fitted. It might be said with these last
improvements Hampden Park had been completed, with, of course, the exception
of the pavilion, whose position was still occupied by the reserved stand. As
the club was now entirely free from debt, and all liabilities cleared off,
attention could now be directed to the pavilion, which was the only thing
required to make Hampden Park the finest enclosure and the best equipped of
its kind in the world. The triangular piece of ground fronting Somerville
Drive had just been acquired from Mr. Gordon, of Aikenhead, at a cost of 6s.
per yard, which secured for all time coming freedom of access to the ground
entrances. Some 1,136 square yards were bought at a cost of £341. Though the
project of taking in more ground to the west had been entertained,
and the price per acre obtained, the committee came to the conclusion to
delay action in the matter until better times came back. Perhaps this was a
mistake, as the value of the ground has greatly increased, and had it been
purchased at the time it would have been a bargain, and now an asset of
importance. The committee may have erred on the side of caution, but then it
must not be forgotten large financial responsibilities lay before them, and
perhaps after all they adopted the wiser course.
Perhaps to no one more than Mr. Alexander Blair, F.S.I.,
is due, not only the inception, but also the construction of newest Hampden.
It was he fixed on the site, the most appropriate that could have been
selected, and he it was who drew the plans, cast the estimates, and
generally laid the foundations of the finest football enclosure in the
kingdom. His interest in the club was that of a member only, yet he had a
wide athletic as well as a professional experience, and this is what no
doubt led him to devote the latter to the development of the former—a
combination which he placed at the disposal of his club in a crisis in its
history. Mr. Blair was in a peculiarly favourable position to help the club,
being a surveyor in charge of several large estates in and around Glasgow,
including that of Mr. Gordon, of Aikenhead, from whom Hampden Park was
ultimately purchased. While doing justice to both parties, his engineering
knowledge was of the greatest benefit to the club. He suggested the best
possible way the ground acquired could be utilised. He supervised contracts,
and gave his assistance generally to the committee, who, not being
specialists themselves, could not have successfully tackled difficulties as
they arose without Mr. Blair's valuable assistance. The club, in the first
place, made him a member of committee, so that he could be at hand when
dealing with matters of importance and urgency. Having been promoted to the
high Government post of Chief Valuer of the Valuation Department, Inland
Revenue, with Edinburgh as his headquarters, the club decided to take this
opportunity of expressing its gratitude to Mr. Blair, whose connection with
the Queen's Park had extended over a period of twelve years, by making him a
life member of the club in November, 1909, and in other ways recognised the
work he had done, voluntarily and willingly, for a club in whose success he
had taken the greatest pride. Hampden Park will for ever remain a monument
to his skill and enthusiasm. Mr. Blair was at one time a prominent official
of the Scottish Cyclists' Union, and occupied the presidential chair of that
body. In the days of the G.O.O. (good old ordinary) he was a successful
racing cyclist, and won several prizes on the track, in those early days the
races being for the most part on grass—a fact which impressed Mr. Blair, as
there were few cinder tracks at the time. Mr. Blair took a special interest
in tracks, and while acting as track inspector for the S.C.U. he suggested
several improvements both in the laying, construction, and banking of
tracks, which suggestions were adopted by the Queen's Park when laying their
cinder paths on second and third Hampdens. |