Mr. Mungo Ritchie, the first president of the Queen's
Park, left the next year, as he resigned from the club in 1868 on the
occasion of his marriage, though pressed to remain a member. A deputation
was sent to him to request him to withdraw his resignation, but he asked
that his name be taken off the roll.
Mr. Lewis Black came from the North Country— Grantown-on-Spey.
He occupied the chair at the meeting at which the Queen's Park was formed,
9th July, 1867, and at that meeting was elected captain, with a seat on
committee. He was promoted to the presidential chair in 1868, and appointed
secretary, April, 1869, but did not accept the office, remaining on
committee, however. He did excellent service for the club on committee, on
which he sat until April, 1871. He remained a member of the club until 1875,
when his name ceases to appear on the roll.
Mr. Alexander Gladstone, jun., resigned from committee in
June, 1868, business engagements preventing him from taking part in the
committee meetings, and as his name is not to be found on the 1869 roll he
must be assumed to have left the club on his resignation from committee.
Mr. J. C. Grant, one of the original members of committee
of the Queen's Park in 1867, occupied the position of goalkeeper for five
years, and during that space of time he never lost a goal, nor even a touch
down, in an official match, and this latter Rugby relic often decided a game
up to 1872. Mr. Grant is with us to-day, and has a lively recollection of
all his old confreres in the club. He took a great interest in legislative
matters until 1873, when he resigned, owing to the strong views he
entertained regarding the election of a patron, to
which he was opposed. The committee decided otherwise, and he left. The
modern managers of Queen's Park have recently discovered Mr. Grant was still
in the and of the living, and have elected him an honorary member of the
club. His information regarding the past has ,been most valuable, and has
thrown light on many points hitherto considered obscure.
Mr. J. C. Grant is very emphatic in his opinion that the
quick success of the Queen's Park is due to no person more than Mr. H. N.
Smith, of Smith & Wellstood, Dixon Street, an early member, and president of
the club in season 1871-72, who, by notices to the press, and more
particularly to the " North British Daily Mail" and "Glasgow Herald," kept
the club before the public. Having a literary gift—the poetry regarding the
Hamilton Gymnasium match is attributed to him, a copy of which is now a
treasured possession of the club—he wrote brief reports of the doings of the
club from time to time, and these ultimately led to the newspapers
themselves taking up the sport. Thus we find excellent reports of the first
International match at Partick in 1872 in both the "Glasgow Herald" and
"Daily Mail," and fully a column report of the game between the Queen's Park
and the Wanderers, telegraphed from London next day, 6th February, 1876. The
racy account of the first crosscountry paper chase in the "Herald" of 18th
October, 1870, given elsewhere, was no doubt contributed by Mr. Smith. He
also took a prominent part in the management of the club, and, as well as
being its president, served for several years on committee.
The brothers Smith, Robert and James, Banffshire men,
occupied seats on committee at the institution of the Queen's Park in 1867,
and both were prominent players. It is reported that the latter was a daring
player, and it is recorded that at the Hamilton Gymnasium match, the first
played from home, the ball having gone over a hedge at the back of the goal,
he dashed through the hedge and gained a touch down in the next field, at
considerable expense to his clothing and body. The two brothers subsequently
went to London, where they played for South Norwood. Robert represented
Scotland as a member of Queen's Park in the first two of the pseudo
Internationals, organised by Mr. C. W. Alcock, with great acceptance, and
both brothers were brought from London to assist the Queen's Park in its
greatest venture in undertaking the whole responsibility of representing
Scotland in the International match at Partick in 1872. Robert subsequently
emigrated to Canada, the club forwarding to him there
an illuminated address thanking him for his invaluable
services. Robert and James represented the club on the committee of the
English Association, and frequently attended the annual general meetings of
that Association, successfully advocating the views of the Queen's Park
regarding certain modifications in the rules of the game. Robert is referred
to in the minutes as " one of the principal props" of the club, on leaving
for London in 1869. James followed to London in November, 1871. A third
brother, John Smith, an enthusiastic member of Queen's Park, died recently ;
his name first appears on the roll of 1870.
W. M. Klinger, though of German extraction, proved a
thorough Scot so far as sport is concerned. He lodged with the brothers
Smith, at 22 Eglinton Terrace, and the three were inseparable companions,
having tastes in common. He was the first secretary of the club, a post he
held for one year. Appointed captain of the team in the following season,
1868-9, he played in most of the early matches, and continued a member of
committee until October, 1870, when he also removed to London. He was one of
those who first proposed the holding of athletic games, his predilections
lying that way. Mr. Klinger seems to have been an authority on rules, as he
was a member of both subcommittees which bravely undertook to revise the
Rugby and Association codes.
Mr. R. Gardiner, also one of the originals, is known as a
goalkeeper. Beginning as a forward, he succeeded Mr. J. G. Grant in goal in
1872, and the brilliancy of both players can be estimated when it is stated
they kept their goal inviolate from all attacks when opposing other clubs.
Such games were few, it is true, but the fact remains. Mr. Gardner was a
legislator of considerable originality, as his name appears frequently in
suggested alterations, both in the rules of the constitution and the laws of
the game. Elected captain in 1869, and also in 1870, he wielded the
secretarial pen in season 1868-69. He played for the club against the
Wanderers in London, and kept goal at Partick in 1872 in the first
International of the official series between Scotland and England. He left
the Queen's Park in 1873 over some dissatisfaction in connection with his
representation of the club on the committee of the Scottish Football
Association, and joined Clydesdale. He received further International
honours in 1873, 1874, and 1875, the last two as a member of Clydesdale. He
captained both the 1872 and 1873 International teams, and in that capacity
was responsible for the selection of both teams.
Donald Edmiston, an Aberdonian, one of the founders of
the club, and a member of its first committee, a player of some ability, and
also good at hammer-throwing and other athletic exercises, suffered injury
in the English tie between Queen's Park and Wanderers in London. His loss in
that game was severely felt, and in all probability prevented Queen's Park
annexing the English Cup in the first competition for that trophy. When he
resigned from membership in March, 1873, the secretary, in his report to the
annual general meeting, 1st April, 1873, says:—"Of those who have left us, I
may be allowed to name one who, for his playing abilities and genial
character, was respected by the whole club—I mean Mr. Edmiston. He is gone
North to engage in business. Gentlemen, Mr. Edmiston's health and
prosperity!" Mr. A. Rae was the writer of this exordium.
Mr. J. Skinner, also an original committeeman, served
only one year on committee. He took considerable interest in the club, and
remained a member until 21st April, 1874.
Mr. Robert Reid remained on committee for one year, and
he sent in his resignation, 23rd April, 1874.
Mr. Robert Davidson, one of the few left, was an original
committeeman. He went to West Africa in 1869, and remained there for two
years. His health breaking down, he returned home to recruit, married, and
did not again join the club. It was not known until quite recently he was
still in the land of the living. Mr. R. Davidson is an Ayrshire man, but has
resided in Glasgow nearly all his days. He is a partner in the firm of R. &
W. Davidson, provision merchants, 68 Virginia Street.
Mr. P. Davidson was not a member of the club after 1869.
Messrs. L. Black, H. N. Smith, and J. C. Grant were
companions. Mr. Edmiston was one of the best of the hammer-throwing section,
as was Mr. P. M'Hardy. Mr. Grant excelled at putting the stone. Mr. Gardner,
who attained such great distinction as an International goalkeeper, played
forward in the Hamilton game on the ducal policies, and was captain on that
occasion. He was the first to issue a card to the players indicating each
man's position on the field, and these were distributed for the first time
in this match.

The Queen's Park team for the first thirteen years was
under the control of a captain, whose power was absolute, and who settled
all matters on the field of play. He appears to have been sole judge of the
merits of a player, and he had also to be thoroughly conversant with the
rules. Lewis Black was the first captain of the Queen's Park after its
formation into a regular club in 1867. He was succeeded by W. Klinger in
1868, who gave up the secretaryship on taking up the office of captain. R.
Gardner was captain for two seasons, 1869-70 and 1870-71. He was followed by
James Smith, who led the team in 1871-72. Then R. Gardner again shaped the
destinies of the team on the field in the famous International year,
1872-73, leaving the club in the following season for Clydesdale. William
Ker held the position until December, 1873, when he left for America. Then
J. J. Thomson came into power, retiring at the end of that season, and was
replaced in season 1874-75 by Joseph Taylor, the great full back, who was
captain for this and the following two seasons. T. C. Highet was elected
captain in 1876-77, but declined the honour, and J. Taylor was induced to
act for a third term. Then came Charles Campbell, a giant among half-backs,
and his reign lasted for two seasons, until the end of season 1878-79. The
last of the old captains was the genial and ever happy Harry M'Neil,
1879-80. At the annual meeting, 29th April, 1880, the office was abolished.
On the motion of Mr. Joseph Taylor, the words "captain, vice-captain, and
second eleven captain" were deleted from Rule II,
and the management of the teams, senior and junior, and the fixtures
therefor, handed over to the match committee, which was to consist of
president, treasurer, match secretary, and other two members. As far back as
the annual general meeting held 6th April, 1874, a rule was introduced, on
the motion of Mr. Inglis, "That the arrangement of matches lie with the
committee, or such subcommittee, as may be appointed for the purpose, due
provision being made for club practice," and the
following gentlemen formed the first match committee : Messrs. Taylor,
Campbell, M'Hardy, and Norval; but no name is
given as match secretary. Thomas Lawrie was the first match secretary. He
was appointed at the annual general meeting, April, 1875. Still up to 1880
the office of captain, in the ancient sense, remained with certain
restrictions after 1874. The captainship was never afterwards a permanent
position, or by annual selection. The match secretary became in course of
time one of the most important officers in the club, the success of the
team, and by consequence of the club itself, largely depending upon his zeal
and energy. The vice-captains also held a semi-official position, as they
selected teams to play practice and club games against a side chosen by the
captain, the results of which were duly recorded in the early minutes. In
those days few club matches could be played, for the want of opponents, and
the art of football was acquired by practice between teams of members.
The position of vice-captain was not established until
1873, when J. J. Thomson was appointed to that office. In the following
season, 1874-75, and also in 1875-76, C. Campbell was vice-captain during
the two years J. Taylor was captain. He was followed by J. Philips for
1876-77, J. B. Weir supporting G. Campbell in 1877-78, H. M'Neil doing ditto
in 1878-79, only to be promoted in 1879-80, being the last to hold the
captaincy, George Ker acting as vice-captain. Though the first match
secretary was appointed at the annual general meeting in 1875, it was not
until 1880-81 that the match committee, with Mr. Arthur Geake as convener,
held full control, with power to select teams and arrange matches. Mr.
Geake, as match secretary, steered the fortunes of the team in its best
period, with great appreciation and much success, and retained his seat on
committee until his death in June, 1920, without a break. Then followed a
series of very able men, until the appointment of the paid secretary in
1894, one of his most important duties being that of match secretary, under
the guidance of the full committee.