WITH the unrestricted liberty
secured at the Revolution arose a desire for social fellowship heretofore
unknown. Men had hitherto assembled to concert measures against a despotic
government, and provide means for the common safety. Now they met for social
pastime and literary recreation. But assemblages in each other's houses were
impracticable, for the domestic accommodation of even opulent citizens
forbade any considerable gatherings under the family roof-tree. Clubs were
instituted—that is, fellow-citizens of kindred sentiments formed themselves
into associations, consenting, under the guidance of certain rules, to meet
together in taverns or other public places at regular or stated intervals.
From the commencement of the eighteenth century such institutions were
planted in the principal towns subsequently they obtained existence in the
several provinces.
On the 12th May 1712 the Easy
Club was constituted at Edinburgh. One of the prominent founders was Allan
Ramsay, who, in honour of his fellow-clubmen, presented on the occasion the
earliest rhymes which he is believed to have written. His inceptive ode
includes these verses:—
"Were I but a prince or king,
I'd advance ye, I'd advance ye;
Were I but a prince or king,
So highly I'd advance ye.
"Great sense and wit are ever
Among you always to abound,
Much like the orbs that still move round,
No ways constrain'd, but easy.
"Most of what's hid from
vulgar eye,
E'en from earth's centre to the sky,
Your brighter thoughts do clearly spy
Which makes you wise and easy.
"All faction in the church or
With greater wisdom still you hate,
And leave learn'd fools these to debate,
Like rocks in seas, ye're easy.
"I love ye well—O let me be
One of your blythe society,
And, like yourselves, I'll strive to be
Aye humorous and easy."
According to the
constitution, each member of the Easy Club was required to assume a dramatic
name, by which he was to be addressed at the meetings and denoted in the
proceedings. At first Ramsay chose the name of Isaac Bickerstaff, Steele's
pseudonym in the Tatler; he was latterly known as "Garvin Douglas."
The secretary and historiographer elected George Buchanan as his social
appellative. His real name is not entered in the papers, but he may
certainly be identified as Ramsay's early associate, John Clerk, younger of
Penicuik, afterwards Sir John Clerk, Bart., and a member of the Privy
Council. When the club started, Ramsay was twenty-six, Clerk about
twenty-eight. Among the papers is a letter which the pseudo Buchanan had
prepared for the Spectator, in which, while discussing the merits or
peculiarities of social clubs, Steele had already indulged some curious
speculation. The first of the Spectator's Club papers appeared on the 10th
March 1711, and the last of five others on the 8th November of the same
year. Whether Clerk's communication had been despatched to Addison and his
coadjutors and been declined by then cannot be ascertained, but as a
graceful ebullition of social feeling, it may be printed now. The pseudo
"Buchanan" proceeds:
"Edin., August 15, 1712.—Did
I think it a pardonable fault to praise a man to his face, I could with a
great deal of satisfaction discover my judgment of your writings. However,
allow me for once to tell you that your happy talent for raising such
handsome thoughts from subjects which to men of an ordinary capacity would
seem altogether barren, makes me hope you may perhaps find something in what
I presume to trouble you with, which will not be altogether disagreeable.
"I am a member of a civil
society which goes under the name of' the Easie Club. The main reason of our
assuming this name is because none of an empty, conceited, quarreling temper
can have the priviledge [sic] of being a member, for we allow all the little
merry freedoms among ourselves, rallying one another at our meetings without
the least appearance of spleen upon account of whatever we discover to be
amiss or weak in any circumstance of our conversation, which produces rather
love than dislike, being well persuaded of the esteem each of us bath for
his fellow, and his design to see no blemish in his character.
"Our Club consists just now
of eight members, all of us within some months of either side of twenty-one,
unmarried, and resolved not inconsiderately to rush into a state of life
even the wisest cannot foresee whether it shall be more happy or miserable,
without making the tryall, and when be the luck good or bad there is no
disengaging. I confess a married life has many tempting advantages, but I am
affrighted when I see so many dayly instances of these being overballanced
[sic] by a greater number of inconveniences which attend that state, and to
which nothing but death alone can put a period. Therefore we are resolved as
much as possible to subject every passion to the pleasure of freedom, each
of us knowing how to live upon our own without the help of a well promised
ill pay'd portion.
"Tho' our humours be
sympathetically united, yet there are several pleasant varieties in our
qualifications, or rather in what Ave discover ourselves to be admirers of
in others. Every member at meeting is called by the name of whatever author
he bath the greatest esteem for. Our Wit goes by the name of Lord Rochester;
our Mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton; our Merchant, Sir Roger L'Estrange; the
brave Poet, Sir Richard Blackmore; our Historian, George Buchanan; the
Merchant, Robert Collinson; the Humorist, Thomas Brown, and the Censor of
the Club, Isaac Bickerstaff.
The first thing that induc'd
us to join in a Society was the reading of your Spectators, where it is
frequently recommended, and the better to make us acquainted with such fine
thoughts, we have observed as one of our fundamental laws that one, two or
more of the Spectator shall be read at every meeting. That in case any
passage or sentence occur we have any scruples or doubts about, every one
may give his thoughts out, and thus (as the rubing [sic] of two hard bodies
together will smooth both) we have all been satisfied about the thing, each
of us by ourselves could not be convinced of. Consider, Sir, we are but
young, and have need of advice; and seeing you are the fittest person can do
it, I earnestly beg, you'lI lay down the best methods and rules to be
observed in a Society of our constitution, and to say something in
vindication of Societies in generall [sic] and this in particular from the
implacable hatred of some here who have professed themselves irreconcilable
enemies to us and all such who attempt the forsaking of vice and aiming at
virtue. Hoping in some issue you'll answer the expectation of him who has a
profound respect for you, and your incomparable writings, I subscribe myself
your admirer.-
G. Buchanan."
The pseudo George Buchanan
was, amidst the socialities of the Easy Club, endeavouring to forget a
memorable disappointment. In the year 1708 he had met at Edinburgh a
celebrated beauty, Susanna, daughter of Sir Archibald Kennedy of Culzean,
then in her eighteenth year. Deeply smitten he declared his love after a
romantic fashion. He sent the young beauty a flute, which on receiving she
proceeded to use. As no sound was emitted, she unscrewed the instrument,
when a missive dropped into her lap. It bore these lines:—
"Harnionious pipe, how I envye
thy bliss,
When press'd to Sylphia's lips with gentle kiss
And when her tender fingers round thee move
In soft embrace, I listen and approve
Those melting notes, which soothe my soul to love,
Embalm'd with odours from her breath that flow
You yield your music when she's pleas'd to blow
And thus at once the charming lovely fair
Delights with sounds, with sweet perfumes the air.
Go happy pipe, and ever mindful be
To court the charming Sylphia for me;
Tell all I feel—you cannot tell how much—
Respect my love at each soft melting touch;
Since I to her my liberty resign,
Take thou the care to turn her heart to mine."
Clerk might have been a
successful wooer, but that the young lady's father preferred that she should
wed another suitor of higher rank, Alexander, ninth Earl of Eglinton, who
consequently made her his third wife. Though disappointed in his love, Clerk
was gratified to find that the object of his early affection subsequently
became a patroness of his attached friend, Allan Ramsay. For in 1725 she
accepted the dedication of "The Gentle Shepherd," which the author expressed
in a eulogy composed in prose.
A poet of no inconsiderable
elegance, Sir John Clerk is noted as author of the popular song with the
alliterative opening Line, "Merry may the maid be that marries the miller."
Under his roof at Penicuik Ramsay spent much of his time, and when the poet
died, Clerk reared in his grounds an obelisk to his memory.
James Edgar, another member
of the club, whose pseudonym was latterly Michael Scot, also claims
particular notice. Younger son of David Edgar of Keithocl:, in the county of
Forfar, he was born on the 13th July 1688, and at the time of his admission
to the club its 1713 was consequently in his twenty-fifth year. A college
student, he not long after his admission into the club proceeded abroad,
with the professed intention of following out his literary studies at the
University of Leyden. Within some eighteen months he was settled at Rome, as
private secretary to the Chevalier St George. Before leaving Leyden, but
without notifying a change of residence, Edgar had communicated with the
secretary of the Easy Club, and his letter after an interval the secretary
proceeded to acknowledge. Despatched under care of a shipmaster "to the care
of Mons. Oublie, at the castle of Antwerp in Leyden," it was in Edgar's
absence brought back to Edinburgh. The letter, which remains among the
papers of the Club, proceeds thus:—
"Last Wednesday the subject
of our conversation in the Easy Club was Friendship. We had not long
discoursed of it, and considered ourselves as engaged to one another by that
nearest relation, till we found we are justly blameable for being so much
wanting to ourselves and unfaithfull [sic] to our obligation to you as a
friend and fellow member of this Society, by so neglecting epistolary
correspondence. Upon winch I was appointed to write you as I here do without
any ceremonie [sic]. That we excuse you as not knowing whether the Club yet
subsisted, and frankly acknowledge ourselves in the wrong. But we hope that
your good humour and agreeable easy temper will easily pardon this neglect.
"To make some amends I shall
give you a short account of the state of the Club for these two last years.
We had no meeting for six months after you left this place, then we had
about two months' session, in which we made some improvement upon our
constitution. We rejected English patrons and chose Scots authors or heroes.
Rockingham] is now Lord Napier, Is[aac] Bick[erstaff] is Gawin Douglas,
Richard Blackinore is Blind Harry, Heywood is Dr Pitcairn, Tom Brown chose
Samuell Colvill (but lie is ejected and extruded the Club). I continue the
same. We have added Zachary] Boyd, Sir William Wallace, La. Bellhaven, [The
prototype was John Hamilton, second Lord Belhaven, a zealous opponent of the
arbitrary measures of Charles II., and a warm supporter of the Revolution
Settlement. He latterly became conspicuous by his determined opposition to
the Union. He died in 1708.] Davie Lindsay, Hector Boethius, and John
Barclay, [The prototype was the celebrated John Barclay, author of "Argenis."]
all of your acquaintance. We call you by the name of Michael Scot. If you
are not pleased, you have the liberty of choice. During this session there
was a poetick war between Gawin and Lord Napier ; we were often amused with
letters and poems, and spent many evenings very aggreeably [sic]. After this
we had ten months vacance [sic] till the 6th of December last, from which
time we have not failed to meet once a week. The co-operating spirit gains
upon us, and we grow every day more sociable, and as proof of it, by a
special act have appointed the 12th of May, being the day this our Societie
[sic.] first met, and was constitute, an anniversary feast to be observed in
all times coming by the Club, and accordingly spent the 12th of last month
in countrey [sic] diversions, mirth and jollity, and ended it as true
gallick juice inspired; we remembered you frequently that day.
"Our correspondence and
friendship is [sic] so sollid [sic] and secured, that we now meet in a hall
or dome of our own, where we enjoy ourselves at large, free from tavern
noise, and the slavish obligation of drinking contrary to our inclinations.
Mere we are in no fear of being overheard by such who are ready to
misconstruct our irnocent mirth, but have all the advantage of a private
"Our conversation is as free
of party as ever. But upon all other subjects we express ourselves with a
great deal of freedom. Though not in a university way, we improve so fast
that in a little time we shall be able to give rules to your professors for
deciding the controversies which are so disturbing to the, world. There is
one rule which about eighteen months ago we made a law of the Club, which
may be very usefull [sic]; it has been so among us in determining many
debates, and so effectually that none of the parties could ever complain of
being wronged. It is this—that when any debate or argunienting arises and
proves unneasie [sic] upon the complaint of any one member time Praeses
shall state the controversie and call a vote for the decision, or order the
disputants to remove and decide it between themselves, by FORCE OF REASON.
You know we are not nairrow [sic] spirited, or so churlish as to make a
secret of what may be of publich use. So if you please you may communicate
this to [a blank] and your other professors and wrangling ducti. We have
also attained much of the art of conversing on grave subjects, which are
reckoned nauseous, dull and disagreeable [sic] by unthinking fops and are
realy [sic] so as discoursed by the PANNICK TRIBE. But in our easie and
well-honoured way of treating them are the most aggrecable [sic] and
edifying and afford us the greatest pleasure.
"In short (we may tell you as
a friend), we look upon ourselves as the best constitute, most harmonious,
aggreable [sic] and happy corporation in the three kingdoms. There is no
jarring amongst us, no strife of humours, but a mutuall [sic] esteem and
affection, an easie acquiessance [sic] in one another's opinions, and a
frank submission of our best notions to the judgements of our fellows. Thus
we live easie, and grow rich in wit and humour, by a free commerce of minds.
We long for your return, to assist and bear a part with us, and hope you
will make up some of our loss by frequent accounts from you; we will all
rejoice in your welfare. And here I must acquaint you that our Praeses title
of Honour is Master Easy, disclaiming that of Lord as common among tippenny
"I shall be -lad of an
opportunity of giving you a fuller account of our constitution, as to how we
have improved since you left us, and proud of the honour of introducing you
to our green table, which, with the kindest and hearty wishes for your
health and happiness, conclude this letter from your loving fellow and most
humble servant, " Geo. Buchannan, Secretary."
Mr Edgar.
At the Easy Dome,
Edinburgh, June 29, 1715,
And of our Club the 4th year."
While the secretary of the
Easy Club was thus addressing at Leyden his quondam associate, and referring
mysteriously to someone who might not be named, that associate was actually
in Scotland, fomenting in the interest of his master that spirit of
disaffection, which into open insurrection developed a few months later.
From this course of adventure Edgar made a narrow escape; he exchanged
clothes with a crofter on his father's estate of Keithock, and in this
disguise escaped from those who certainly had consigned him to a traitor's
Two odes, or sonnets,
strongly imbued with Jacobite sentiments, are included among the MSS. of the
Easy Club. These may unhesitatingly be ascribed to the pseudo Michael Scott.
One of the compositions originally described as "Verses under the Prince's
Picture, 1710," had subsequently in a bold hand got the following
title—"Under the Pretender's Picture with his Sword Drawn." The sonnet
proceeds:— Born to a
triple empire I submit
To Providence in all that heaven thinks fit
And if the powerful king of kings ordain
His worthless servant in due time should reign,
I'll sheath my sword, not claim th' avenging rod,
Caesar demands not what belongs to God.
Oh I could the sufferings of an injured heir
Bring mercy down the guilty lands to spare,
After the great example of my syre,
With patience would I bear th' Almighty's ire,
While virtuous Anna, sprung from James the just,
Preventing greater ills, deserves the trust,
Still let her rule, for it's her right alone,
While I ain absent, to supply my throne."
By another hand:—
But when to do him right these lands incline,
The pious sister will the crown resign
Which to her farne will greater glory gain
Than all the wonders of great Anna's reign."
The second Jacobite sonnet, copied on the back
of the former, is entitled, "Advice to the Duke of Marlborough, by a Penny
Poet when he was at St James' boarding and lodging there".—
Trust not in glittering gady height,
Or fortune's crazy towers;
If justice don't prop up the weight,
In vain's all human powers;
Your glorious meteor Noll's extinct,
Whose cursed name remains;
Your William's blasted trophies sink
In spight of all your pains
But the eternal Monk shall live
While heaven and earth doth last
To blot out { His footsteps only can retrieve
{ The loss of what is last."
In the MIS., the words "blot out" precede the
two concluding lines, to which they are joined by a hyphen.
If these odes were really composed by James
Edgar, do we not thereby derive a clue towards discovering the authorship of
those numerous Jacobite ditties heretofore anonymous? Till his death, which
occurred on the 24th September 1764, Edgar possessed the means of
despatching into Scotland from Rome such missives as might subserve a cause
to which he had most unwisely dedicated his energies.
In the Secretary's letter to Edgar, we are
informed that Tom Brown, otherwise Samuel Colvill, had been ejected from the
club. The actual name of the extruded member was Andrew Brown ; and among
the club's papers is a poem by Ramsay, inscribed, "On Andrew Brown hanging
himself." From the opening stanza, it would seem that Brown's chief offence
had been a vicious parsimony—an offence obnoxious to the sociable. The
verses commence:- "Now,
what could be the carle's drift,
To which Auld Nick lent him a lift,
Unless it were a wylie shift
To hain his bread?
Now he'll cat nine, and that is thrift,
Since he is dead." Not
improbably, Andrew Brown was a near relative of that Dr Andrew Brown,
commonly called Dolphington," from his estate in Lanarkshire, who, as an
Edinburgh physician, excited prejudice among the members of his profession
by introducing in the treatment of fever the new system of Dr Sydenham. John
Moncrieff, called "Tippermalloch," from his lands in Perthshire, had already
issued his book of medical receipts, which in their absurd and disgusting
details had excited loathing and contempt. Hence, as an additional disgrace
to the extruded member, his successor in the club sported "Tippermalloch "
as his pseudonym. The
celebrated Dr Archibald Pitcairn (lied in October 1713, and soon afterwards
Ramsay prepared for the Easy Club an elegy in his honour. Though not
included among his published poems, this composition was printed by the
club, and was by his friend Clerk acknowledged in the following lines :—
So much good sense join'd with so just a thought,
And both with so much art and number wrought,
As in your poem clearly doth appear,
Can't fail to please the mind and charm the ear
Of all, but those who show their want of witt,
By crying down what they themselves can't write.
Such is your poem, and such must be its fate,
For such detraction shall enhance its rate.
Let dulness still envy and criticks rage,
Yet truth impartiall shall clear every page,
And leave them still to show their wicked spite;
For doggs who bark, yet want the power to bite,
Only, as such you are them to regard,
And let them have their barking for reward.
So may your pen continue aye to write,
And your impartial soul [still] to indite
The praises just of those who loyal are,
And for their native soil have such a care,
As deer in midst of danger still defend
Their darling liberty for having end,
That unborn ages may the heroes know
To whom old Scotland did its freedom owe;
And then at last by whom 'twas basely sold
For the dire thirst and love of English gold,
That they may hate their execrable name
For bringing on them poverty and shame.
Thus shall you be by all good men caress'd,
Your Easy CIub by loyal souls address'd,
Who with your wish'd for company are bless'd.
G. L.
Included in Ramsay's published works are three
compositions written for the Easy Club—the "Elegy on Maggy Johnstoun," the
lines "On Wit," and "The Gentleman's Qualifications Debated." In the last
the poet, in reference to a discussion in the club on what constituted a
gentleman, proceeds:— As
in each thing we common topics shun,
So the great prize nor birth nor riches won,
The vote was carried thus—that easy Iie
Who should three years a social fellow be,
And to our Easy Club give no offence
After triennial trial, should commence
A gentleman. According
to the rule thus poetically expressed, the club, on the 12th May 1715,
declared "that Dr Pitcairn and Gawin Douglas having behaved themselves three
years as good members of the Club, were adjudged to be gentlemen." Ramsay
was elected Poet Laureate on the 2d of the preceding February. The club had
no active existence subsequent to 1715, and it is not improbable that the
sittings were suspended on account of Edgar's political disaffection,
combined with a general apprehension that the purpose of their meetings
might consequently be misconstrued. The Club's papers, secured by the
Laureate, were attained as an inheritance by his son Allan, the
distinguished painter. Allan Ramsay, the artist, was husband of Margaret,
eldest daughter of Sir Alexander Lindsay, Bart., of Evelick, whose sister,
Mrs Murray of Henderland, was mother of Sir John Archibald Murray,. better
known by his judicial title of Lord Murray. On the painter's death, his
family papers fell into the possession of Lord Murray, who evinced his
appreciation of the treasure by rearing in Honour of the poet a colossal
marble statue in the Public Gardens at Edinburgh. The Ramsay papers,
including the proceedings of the Easy Club, and the original MS. of the
Gentle Shepherd, were at Lord Murray's death exposed to sale, and being
secured by the publisher of the present work, were by him presented to Dr
David Laing, the well-known antiquary. Consequent on Dr Laing's bequest, the
papers are now in the possession of the University of Edinburgh.
Under the guidance of Allan Ramsay was formed at
Edinburgh the Select Society. This society sought to improve the members in
the art of public speaking; also to induce philosophical inquiry. The first
meeting, held in the Advocates' Library, was attended by fifteen persons;
the members, who were afterwards elected by ballot, latterly numbered an
hundred and thirty. On the roll were such social magnates as the Duke of
Hamilton, the Earls of Aboyne, Cassius, Errol, Lauderdale, Rosebery,
Selkirk, and Sutherland, and the Lords Aberdour, Aboyne, Belhaven, Dalmeny,
and Gray, while letters were represented by Principal Robertson, Dr Hugh
Blair, David Hume, Dr Adam Ferguson, Dr Adam Smith, John Home, James Burnet,
afterwards Lord Monboddo, Dr Alexander Carlyle, Alexander Monro, and William
Cullen. Among the more prominent debaters were Mr Wedderburn, afterwards
Lord Chancellor, Lord Kames, Sir Gilbert Elliot, Principal Robertson. The
club met each Friday evening while the Court of Session was in sitting. One
of the members, Mr Robert Alexander, a wine merchant, supplied, according to
Dr Carlyle, his deficiency as a speaker, by entertaining the members at warm
suppers. "At these convivial meetings," adds Dr Carlyle, "the members were
more improved by free conversation than by speeches in the Society. Those
meetings in particular rubbed off all corners, as we call it, by collision,
and made the literati of Edinburgh less captious and pedantic than they were
elsewhere." The Select Society had an existence of only six or seven years.
The Duke of Hamilton, the highest member in social rank, attended only when
under the influence of liquor, and it is not improbable that the pernicious
example of one so elevated in rank induced those more soberly inclined to
withdraw their attendance.
From the ashes of the Select Society sprung up
in 1762 the Poker Club, which embraced among its founders several leading
members of the former institution. The Poker Club had a distinct practical
purpose. There was a prevailing belief, especially in the capital, that in
being denied the privilege of embodying a militia Scotland had by English
statesmen been regarded contumeliously ; and to concert measures for redress
the club was organised. According to Dr Carlyle, who presents a narrative of
its origin and progress, the club's name of "Poker" was suggested. by Dr
Adam Ferguson, for reasons which the members understood, but which was to
the public presented as an enigma. In reality the name was intended to imply
that the society was formed to stir up the question at issue. Accordingly
the chairman assumed a poker as his rod of office, while on the parchment
diploma a poker was emblazoned as the society's symbol.
"This establishment," writes Dr Carlyle, "was
frugal and moderate. . . . We met at our old landlord's ... near the Cross,
the dinner on the table soon after two o'clock at one shilling a head, the
wine to be confined to sherry and claret, and the reckoning to be called at
six o'clock." After the first fifteen, who were chosen by nomination, the
members were to be chosen by ballot, two black balls to exclude the
candidate. There was to be a new preses chosen at every meeting. William
Johnston, Esq., now Sir William Pultency, was elected secretary of the club,
with a charge of all publications that might be thought necessary by him and
two other members with whom he was to consult. The club, adds the gossiping
chronicler, "continued to be in great perfection for six or seven years,
because the expense was moderate, while every member was pleased with the
entertainment as well as the company. During these seven years, a very close
attendant told me that he never observed even an approach to inebriety in
any of the members." In
1769, owing to a quarrel with Thomas Nicholson, the landlord, the Poker Club
removed its headquarters to Fortune's tavern, where the excessive charges
led to a diminished attendance. Thereupon arose the Tuesday Club, which met
weekly at Sommers' tavern, but ceased after two years. At the Poker Club the
attendance continued steadily to fall off, till in 1784 its proceedings
terminated. The records
of the Poker Club were on its discontinuance entrusted to Professor Adam
Ferguson, by whose son, Sir Adam, they were in 1864 deposited in the library
of the Edinburgh University. The preserved records commence in 1774 and
extend till the day of winding-up. Latterly, owing to the uncertain
attendance, two "attending members" were nominated its a nucleus for the
next meeting, and if these did not present themselves, or make satisfactory
excuse for their absence, they were mulct in the cost of two or more
dinners. The imposer of penalties was Andrew Crosbie, the original of
Councillor Pleydell in "Guy Mannering," who, because of the unpleasantness
of his post, was humorously styled "the assassin." The assassin's "assessor"
or counsel was David Hume, who was chosen in compliment to his uniform good
nature and easy manners.
In 1768 the Poker Club had on its roll sixty-six
members. Among these were the titled names of the Earl Marischal, the Earl
of Dunmore, Lord Elibank, and. Baron Grant. The literary and scientific
membership included Principal Robertson, David Hume, Adam Smith, Dr Hugh
Blair, John Home, John Clerk of Eldin, Islay Campbell, afterwards Lord
President, George Dempster, M.P., Dr Alexander Carlyle, and Dr Joseph Black.
Till September 1783 the club met weekly, when monthly meetings were
substituted in the hope of reviving the general interest. But a revival did
not follow, and subsequent to a meeting held on the 3d January 1784, at
which five members were present, the club ceased to exist.
The Belles Lettres Society is cursorily noticed
in Dr Thomas Somerville's "Life and Times." At the first meeting held in the
College of Edinburgh on the 12th January 1759, it was resolved by the
founders, six in number, that the society should meet each Friday evening,
when "a, discourse shall be pronounced," and "a question debated." Among the
early subjects of debate were these sentimental themes:—"Whether mankind
have been happier since the introduction of the arts, or before the
invention of them; whether a good condition, with the fear of becoming ill,
or a bad one, with the hope of becoming well, please or displease most;
whether avarice or ambition are the predominant passions in the human mind;
whether there is such a person as one disinterestedly malicious; and whether
the poor sort of people are of most advantage to the rich, or the rich to
the poor." These quaint topics were discussed, "whether the fool or the wise
man is happier, the fool in esteeming himself, or the wise man in being
esteemed by others; whether it is more useful to study men or books, and
whether is popular esteem any test of merit." But the members did not
reserve their dialectic skill for questions of abstract speculation. After a
time they indulged debate on practical questions which involved the common
welfare. They reasoned as to whether a great town or a small one is the most
proper place for a university; whether the stage in its present state is of
advantage to society; and whether the present prevailing game of cards tends
to corrupt the morals of young people. On social and patriotic themes they
debated as to whether the liberty of the press is of advantage or
disadvantage to the country; whether entails are advantageous or
disadvantageous; whether by the laws of nature, females are entitled to an
equal share in succession with males; and whether it would not be more for
the advantage of society that condemned criminals should rather be employed
in public works than sent to the new or to the other world. Even questions
of ecclesiastical polity were ardently contested, such as whether the
settlement of ministers by presentation or by election is preferable; and
whether the repenting stool should be taken away. Not without an allusion to
prevailing manners strongly cynical must have been that member who proposed
as a subject of discussion, whether a foundling hospital at Edinburgh to be
maintained by a tax on old bachelors would be for the advantage of Scotland?
The earlier attendances on the Belles Lettres
Society were limited, but in about a year after its origin, twenty and even
thirty persons would be ordinarily present at the weekly meetings. These
included honorary members and visitors. Among the visitors in 1760 and 1761
appear the names of Dr William Robertson, soon afterwards Principal; Dr Hugh
Blair, David Hume, Dr Alexander Carlyle, Professor Adam Ferguson, George
Dempster, afterwards M.P., Sir William Forbes, Bart., Dr Joseph M`Cormick,
afterwards Principal of the United College, St Andrews, Professor William
Cullen, and James Boswell. Of these the greater number were elected honorary
Ordinary members were chosen
by ballot, and from those only who by respectful memorial solicited "the
honour of admission." On the 7th March 1760, "Henry Dundas, Esq., student of
the Civil Law," sought election, and at the second weekly meeting thereafter
his name was added to the roll. As an exercise, he, on the 3d of April,
"delivered a discourse on religious liberty," which, according to the
record, "received the universal approbation of the society." Mr Dundas, who
was then in his eighteenth year, proved so efficient as a member, that on
the 29th May 1761 he was "appointed to give an occasional oration at the
sitting down of the next session of the society." The eloquence wherewith
this precocious youth had electrified the Belles Lettres Society was
destined to move the British senate, and to obtain for the speaker, as
Viscount Melville, a powerful influence in national affairs. By Dr Thomas
Somerville, who joined the society in the winter of 1761, Henry Dundas is
with Robert Blair named as among the "best speakers."
The minute-book of the Belles Lettres Society,
containing a record of the proceedings from its commencement to the 29th May
1761, is preserved iii the Advocates' Library, being there deposited by
David, Earl of Buchan, one of the members.
In connection with the Belles Lettres
Association, Dr Somerville names the Theological Society, which, originating
in 1759, ceased in 1764, after a duration of five years. To his attendance
at these two institutions Dr Somerville ascribes his early progress "in
literature, in composition, and in solid intellectual improvement." But the
Theologians, or many of them, adjourned to taverns after their weekly
meetings, and so, unhappily, fell into social irregularities. [Dr Thomas
Somerville's "Life and Times," pp. 39-42.]
A prominent literary and convivial organization
was the Club or Order of the Cape. After a less conspicuous existence of
several years, this association acquired in 1764 a distinctive footing. Part
of the original purpose was to establish branches, whereby provincial and
colonial clubs might, wvitli authority derived from the parent society,
"extend the benign influence of their Order to every region under the Grand
Cape (or Cope) of Heaven." [According to Dr Robert Chambers, in his
"Traditions of Edinburgh" (ed. 1869, pp. 164-5), the Cape Club derived its
name consequent on a social incident. A burgher of the Calton was in the
habit of spending some hours each evening in the city, often so late that
the Netherbow Port was closed. He had, therefore, to thread his way homeward
towards Leith Wynd by turning with difficulty a rectangular corner. This
operation he described as doubling the Cape; and the phrase becoming
familiar, led to its being appropriated as a club name.]
The members of the Cape Club were styled Knights
Companions, while the administration was vested in a sovereign, a
deputy-sovereign, a secretary, a treasurer, a recorder, an assistant
recorder, twelve councillors, a chaplain, and the past sovereigns. Ordinary
meetings were held in "Cape-Ball," which signified the private dwelling of
the sovereign, while the knights resident in Midlothian observed a
half-yearly festival. At these festivals the dining-hour was three o'clock,
and both on these occasions and at the ordinary meetings gaming and
tobacco-smoking were disallowed. Those who removed newspapers were amerced
"in a green stamp," that is, one shilling and fourpence. Candidates were
admitted by ballot, on the approving vote of two-thirds of the knights
present. The diploma, printed on white satin, presents, in the upper part,
between two cupids, an escutcheon displaying two pokers crossed, one bearing
the cap of the sovereign, together with a wreath, exhibiting the motto of
the Order, "Concordia Fratrum Decus." Below is a wine-flaggon, the emblem of
conviviality and friendship. The printed form reads thus:—
"Be it known to all men,—That We, Sir, the
Super-Eminent Sovereign of the Most Capital Knighthood of the CAPE, having
nothing more sincerely at heart than the glory and honour of this most noble
Order, and the happiness and prosperity of the Knight Companions, and being
desirous of extending the benign and social influence of the Order to every
region under the Cope of Heaven; being likewise well informed and fully
satisfied with the abilities and qualifications of _____, Esq., with the
advice and concurrence of our Council, We do create, admit, and receive him
a KNIGHT COMPANION of this most social Order, by the title of Sir ______,
and of C.F.D., hereby giving and granting unto him all the powers,
privileges, and pre-eminences that do or may belong to this most social
Order, and We give command to our recorder to register this our patent in
the Records of the Order. In testimony whereof, We have subscribed these
presents at our Cape-hall, this ____ day of _____ in the year of Our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and ____
_______Recorder." At
the meetings of the Order, the sovereign assumed a velvet cap or crown of
crimson velvet, ornamented with gold and silver lace, and in front
embroidered with two hands clasped together, as a token or badge. Duly
enthroned, the sovereign received each novice, by extending to hint the
great poker, which being taken hold of, he proceeded to raise the lesser
weapon so menacingly that instant stooping became a natural impulse. As a
further step in initiation, the knight-elect was required to exercise his
gifts by some appropriate recital.
Among twenty-four knights created in 1764 occur
the names of David Herd, the literary antiquary, who chose "Sir Scrape" as
his appellative; Alexander Runciman, the painter, who became "Sir
Brimstone;" and Michael Bruce, the poet, who was styled "Sir Tomas." Thomas
Lancashire, the comedian, was, as first sovereign of the Order, designated
"Sir Cape." In 1766 was dubbed James Cumyng, herald painter, afterwards
secretary of the Society of Antiquaries; he was known as "Sir Nun and
Abbess." On the 10th
October 1772 was admitted as "Sir Precentor" the ingenious Robert Fergusson.
Elected laureate of the Order, the young bard derived from the meetings a
chief source of enjoyment. The Cape Club he has in his poem of "Auld Reekie"
celebrated thus:--- "Now
many a club, jocose and free,
Gi'e a' to merriment and glee:
Wi' sang and glass they fley the pow'r
O' care that wad harass the hour.
But chief, O Cape, we crave thy aid
To get our cares and poortith laid.
Sincerity and genius true
O' knights have ever been the due;
Mirth, music, porter deepest dyed,
Are never here to mirth denied
And worth, o' happiness the queen,
Blinks bonny, wi' her smile serene."
When Thomas Lancaster died, the laureate
commemorated him in these lines:—
"Alas, poor Tom! how oft with merry heart,
Have we beheld thee play the Sexton's part!
Each comic heart must now be griev'd to see
The Sexton's dreary part perform'd on thee."
On the 3d September 1774 AIlan Masterton of the
High School was dubbed as "Sir Pole"; on the 27th December 1774 Walter
Ruddiman as "Sir Mill Dam;" on the 27th September 1782 John Rennie as "Sir
"Hatchet"; on the 8th June 1787 John Logan as "Sir Heather"; on the 14th
June 1791 Alexander Nasmyth as "Sir Thumb"; and on the 26th September 1791
Henry Raeburn as "Sir Discovery."
When in September 1799 the roll closed, 650
knights were found to have been admitted. Among the more humorous pseudonyms
chosen or imposed are—Sir Snore, Sir Canker, Sir Snaiknaked, Sir Sobersides,
Sir Coup, Sir Truth, Sir Hayloft, Sir Beefstakes, Sir Toothache, Sir Sark,
Sir Stick, Sir Fork, Sir Breeks, Sir Acid, Sir Nick, Sir Coalhole, Sir
Splitbeard, Sir Spitfire, Sir Gutter, Sir Handbarrow, Sir Droddlepouch, Sir
Wickstick, Sir Black-face o't, Sir Kailpat, Sir Bottle, Sir Whinbush. The
sovereigns are entered after the manner of reigning princes. Thus William
I., William II., William III., James I., James II., and James III., are
names and designations to be found in the minute-book.
On the 11th December 1841 the Society of
Antiquaries received from four surviving members of the Cape Club a cabinet
containing the records, documents, and paraphernalia of the society. Along
with the cabinet was handed a missive, declaring that the accompanying
articles were "for depositation, it being understood that should the Club be
at any time hereafter revived, either by any of the descendants of the late
members or other body of respectable citizens, the documents and effects
will be given up to them." Among the MSS. so deposited are the minute-book
of proceedings from 1764 to 1788, [A postscript appended to the last minute
bears that "the great parchment roll containing the signatures of the
knights on admission, was some years ago delivered to Mr A. Sievwright (Sir
Jordan), for the purpose of summoning a meeting of the existing members,
with a view of reviving the Club. From enquiries recently made at his widdow
[sic] there seems no doubt that the roll was ignorantly destroyed after his
death along with various useless papers belonging to himself."] and an
alphabetical list of knights or members. All the insignia have been
preserved. Subsequent
to the rehearsal of the tragedy of Douglas in a private lodging on the 1 4t
December 1756, those who took part in it adjourned for festivities to the
Griskin Club, which met in a tavern in the Canongate. Among those present at
the rehearsal and at the Club subsequently were Principal Robertson, Dr Hugh
Blair, Professor Adam Ferguson, Dr Alexander Carlyle, and John Home."
During the sitting of the General Assembly of
the same year was established at an inn in the West Bow the Diversorium, a
gathering of the moderate clergy, members of Assembly. This institution was
established by Dr Carlyle and John Home. Prior to the meeting of Assembly
the founders requested Nicolson the landlord to provide for early use twelve
dozen of claret, at eighteen shillings a dozen. Among the members of the
Diversorium were Lord Elibank, Sir Gilbert Elliot, Principal Robertson,
David Hume, and Professor Ferguson.
On the ruins of "The Tabernacle," a literary
coterie of whose proceedings there are no records, was founded the "Mirror
Club," of which the leading members were Lord Abercromby, Lord Bannatyne,
Lord Craig, Lord Cullen, and Henry Mackenzie. In the conversations of the
"Mirror Club " originated the idea of the Mirror, a well-known serial,
conducted after the manner of the Spectator. Of this pleasing and
instructive periodical the first number appeared in January 1779, and the
last in May 1780. From the sale the club derived a profit sufficient to
purchase a hogshead of claret, also to hand a balance of £100 to the Orphan
Hospital. Chiefly
memorable in connection with the poet Robert Burns, the club of the "Crochallan
Fencibles" was founded in 1777 by William Smellie, printer and naturalist.
With head-quarters established in the Anchor Close Tavern, kept by Donald
Douglas, it was designated Crochallan after a song Cro Chalein or Colin's
Cattle, which the landlord effectively sung. The word "Fencibles" was added
to the title owing to the embodiment of fencible regiments to compensate for
the absence in America of the regular troops, being at the time a popular
topic. Burns was in January 1787 introduced to the Club by his friend Mr
Smellie. As a semi-military fraternity, the club gave its office-bearers
warlike designations. William Dunbar, Writer to the Signet, a particularly
mirthful associate, was Colonel, Lord Newton, the bibulous judge,
Muster-Master-General, and Mr Smellie Executioner. In the initiatory
ceremony novices were subjected to much rough handling, chiefly by Smellie.
Burns, though acknowledging himself thrashed in a manner beyond his former
experiences, preserved his equanimity, which was recognised as high evidence
of his fraternal qualities. The Cochallan brotherhood he greatly enjoyed;
several of the members are celebrated by his muse. William Dunbar, whom he
describes as "one of the worthiest fellows in the world," he thus poetically
celebrates--- I cam by
I cannilie keekit ben;
Rattlin, roarin' Willie,
Was sittin at yon boord-en',
Sittin' at you boord-en',
And amang gude companie;
Rattlin, roarin' Willie,
Your welcome hame to me."
The Bard hailed Mr Smellie in like fashion--
Shrewd Willie Smellie to Crochallan came;
The old cock'd hat, the grey surtout, the same,
His bristling beard just rising in its might,
'Twas four long nights and days to shaving night,
His uncomb'd Grizzly locks, wild staring, thatch'd
A head for thought profound and clear, unmatch'd;
Yet tho' his caustic wit was biting rude,
His heart was warm, benevolent and good."
Two other attached friends of the poet,
Alexander Cunningham and Robert Cleghorn, were prominent members of the
Club. Inspired by their skill in rendering the older ballads, Burns composed
songs in similar strain, to be used only at the Club. In these compositions,
be indulged his humour by scathing the levities of a former age. Having
after his death been found in his repositories, they were, under the title
of "The Merry Muses of Caledonia," injudiciously printed.
According to Robert Heron, there existed in
Edinburgh about the close of the century a Club composed of young men of
rank and fashion, known as "The Caledonian." The Boar Club met at Hogg's
Tavern, in Shakespeare Square. Organized in 1787, its sittings were
continued every evening for about twenty years. The officers consisted of a
Poet-Laureate, a Champion, and a Procurator-fiscal. While dispensing with
pseudonyms, the members were under a penalty called on to address each other
as "Sir," without using their ordinary names. As the infliction of penalties
at length became oppressive, the institution was abandoned.
The Spendthrift Club derived its name, not from
the extravagance of the members, but rather from their parsimony. There were
originally six, latterly four weekly meetings, while the cost of supper,
liquor, and attendance was at first restricted to fourpence-halfpenny, and
latterly to sixteenpence. In 1824 the Club was wound up.
The Cormorant Club, which was noted for its
fish-dinners, met at Leith. At the Soaping Club, every member was allowed to
soap his own beard, that is, he was privileged to ventilate his own
opinions. The Capilliare Club was formed in order to create a taste for
certain fashionable liqueurs. About the close of the century there were
social organizations known as "The Knights Nun and Abbess," "Knights of the
Royal Order," "Knights of the Fleet," and "Knights of the Speech." The
Marrow-bone Club, composed chiefly of Lords of Session, met in the Flesh
Market Close; they recorded their proceedings in verse, and ate from plates
of solid silver. "The Presbytery," an association of merchants, assembled
daily in Milne's Square, High Street. "The Pious Club," writes Dr Robert
Chambers, "met in a pie-house, so that the members might rest under the
agreeable uncertainty as to whether their name arose from their piety, or
from their pie-eating." The members were restricted to fifteen; and each
associate was expected to consume not more than one gill of spirituous
liquor. On Sunday evening, the members met for serious conversation.
Of the social and scientific institutions
established in the eighteenth century, and which have survived to the
present, the most conspicuous is the Speculative Society. Instituted on the
17th November 1764, the founders were six college students, of whom the most
notable was William Creech, afterwards Lord Provost. During the University
term, meetings were held weekly, when essays were read and debates
conducted. Members who for several years gave regular attendance were
appointed "extraordinary members," and as such exempted from active duties.
From the small fee of one shilling and sixpence, the payment on admission
was increased to five guineas. Several members have, in their writings,
expressed the deep interest which early in life they had experienced in its
discussions. From the Society Lord Cockburn derived his first notions of
composition and debate. In an octavo volume are embraced sketches of
distinguished members, together with interesting details of the Society's
rise and progress. At
the Forum, an Edinburgh literary club, young persons desirous of improving
in the art of oratory conducted public discussions. In 1790 Alexander
Wilson, the future ornithologist, took part in a debate as to whether Allan
.Ramsay or Robert Fergusson had done greater honour to Scottish poetry, by
reading his poem. The Laurel Disputed. He gave the palm to Fergusson.
In his autobiography Lord Brougham remarks that
on the 22d December 1792 he founded at Edinburgh the Juvenile Literary
Society; and among the members he names Francis Horner, Henry, afterwards
Lord Mackenzie, John Forbes, afterwards Lord Medwyn, and the afterwards
celebrated Dr Andrew Thomson. During the college session the society met
each Saturday morning, the members presiding in rotation. Essays were read
and public questions, apart from political, energetically debated. The
society existed several years, and the practice of debate acquired at its
meetings enabled the projector, he informs us, to enter with facility on the
practice of his profession. The minute-book of the society is preserved at
Brougham Hall. The
Esculapian Club, consisting of physicians and surgeons, which on the 2d of
April 1773 was constituted at Edinburgh, has maintained an active existence
ever since. On the 14th 'November 1873 its centenary was celebrated by an
appropriate banquet. Two volumes of the minutes of the club, preserved in
the library of the Royal College of Physicians, exhibit in the roll of
members many notable names. Among these the more conspicuous are Sir James
Hay, Dr Andrew Duncan, Andrew and Alexander Wood, Benjamin Bell, and
Professors Alexander Hamilton, and John and Thomas Charles Hope. The
Esculapian Club has twenty-four members; it meets annually.
The Wagering Club, established on the 28th
January 1775 "to promote friendly and social intercourse," continues a
prosperous existence. And in practical operation the betting feature, which
in some respects is calculated to excite prejudice, really serves to sustain
the general interest. At one annual meeting "wagers" are chosen, for
settlement at the next, the members on a written card adhering to one side
or the other. When the cards have been fully subscribed they are sealed up,
the packet being entrusted for keeping to the chairman to be publicly opened
at the next anniversary. As the bets relate to events which must have been
determined in the interval, those who have registered on the winning side
obtain credit for their prescience, while the bets they have won, each one
shilling in value, are added to the fund conducing to defray the cost of the
entertainment. Some of the bets illustrate at different epochs the state of
national feeling. A bet in 1798 that Buonaparte shall not be alive or known
to be in existence on the 26th January 1799 was repeated in the following
year. Thereafter was the bet, "that Buonaparte shall be alive at next
meeting," repeated annually till the ex-emperor's death in 1821. From the
beginning of the century a portion of the annual bets have related to the
price of consols and of grain. Wagers in regard to the probable marriage of
rich heiresses or celebrated beauties or of bachelor members of the club are
frequent. In reference to an agitation now in active progress for securing a
political minister for Scotland, it is interesting to remark that an
antecedent movement led to the first wager of the club on the 29th January
1855, which is, "will the office of Secretary of State for Scotland be
revived, or will any other public officer, to attend specially to the
affairs of Scotland, be appointed betwixt and the next meeting of the Club?"
Under the rule of Bain Whyt, the genial founder (whose monument adorns St
Cuthbert's Churchyard), the membership was restricted to thirty, but nearly
double that number have for some years taken part in the annual celebration.
Among the more notable members or visitors appear the names of Sir Wilfred
Lawson, Bart.; John Hunter, LL.D., Auditor of the Court of Session; Charles
Mackay, comedian; Sam Bough, James D. Marwick, LL.D.; James Drummond,
R.S.A.; Mr Sheriff Nicolson, and the Right Hon. Sir George Harrison, LL.D.,
the present Lord Provost. The surplus funds of the society were in 1862
invested in purchasing a silver medal to be worn by the chairman at the
annual re-union, which is held on the last Monday of January. Apart from the
president who is annually chosen, are two permanent officers, the secretary
and the chaplain, of whom the latter chronicles the leading events of the
year in a humorous summary, of which the reacting forms no uninteresting
part of the general proceedings. The minute-book of the club has been
carefully preserved.
Among the clubs which have sprung up during the progress of the century,
some of the more prominent may be named. The Friday Club, so called from the
day on which it met weekly, was in 1803 originated by Sir Walter Scott.
Among the early members were Professors Playfair and Dugadd Stewart, Sir
James Hall, the Rev. Archibald Alison, Henry Brougham, Henry Mackenzie,
Thomas Campbell, Francis Horner, Malcolm Laing, Thomas Thomson. and Francis
Jeffrey. Latterly the chief promoter was Lord Jeffrey, who, up to an
advanced age, regarded the Friday monthly meetings of the Club as "a guide
and solace."' On the
27th May 1817 was established at Edinburgh the Albyn Club, one of the
earliest of those joint-stock institutions in which the members obtain
entertainment and otherwise enjoy the comforts of a home. Among the
promoters were the Marquises of Douglas, Tweeddale and Queensberry, the
Earls of Eglinton, Elgin, Fife, Glasgow and Kintore, the Hon. William Maule,
afterwards Lord Panmure, and other titled and distinguished persons. Law and
science had their representatives in Andrew, afterwards Lord Rutherfurd,
John Hope, afterwards Lord Justice Clerk, Dr, afterwards Sir David Brewster,
and Patrick Miller of Dalswinton. In 1820 the club was joined by Sir Walter
Scott, and among those admitted subsequently were Archibald, afterwards Sir
Archibald Alison, Bart., Robert Liston, the Right Hon. Fox Maule, the Duke
of Hamilton, the Earl of Buchan, Sir John Sinclair, Bart., and Sir Henry
Jardine. By one of the fundamental laws, the membership was restricted to
200, and though twelve years later the number was extended to 220, the roll
did not at any time contain more than 125 names. At length, on account of
embarrassments, the club was on the 11th January 1830 legally dissolved. On
this event sprung up at Edinburgh the New Club, which as the city
head-quarters of a large and important constituency, chiefly of Scottish
landowners, has continued to flourish.
The Medico-Chirurgical Club was founded in 1822
with a compliment of twenty members. These assemble at dinner three times a
year, in March, June, and November. At each meeting the secretary produces
an historical report, which embracing a vidimus of professional progress,
humorously expressed, is suggestive of sparkling wit and enlivening
conversation. These secretarial reports are engrossed in the minute-books,
which already extend to fifteen volumes. Among the members are to be
remarked the names of Dr John Abercrombie, Professor W. P. Alison, Dr James
Gregory, Sir James Y. Simpson, Bart., Sir Robert Christison, Bart., and
Professor .Tames Syme.
The Heather Club was devised in 1823 for promoting a healthy recreation and
social friendship, the members making an annual excursion to the Pentlands
attended by a piper. The principal officers of the Heather Club are a
Captain and Lieutenant.
"The Contemporary Club," which upheld
Conservative principles, had among its early members Sir Walter Scott, John
Hope, afterwards Lord Justice Clerk, Robert Dundas of Arniston, and about
fifty others. When in 1825 John Gilson Lockhart was about to leave Edinburgh
for a permanent residence in London as editor of the Quarterly Review, he
was by the Contemporary Club, of which he was a member, invited to dinner.
His reply to a letter of invitation addressed to him by the President, Mr
Dundas of Arniston, now in the possession of the Publisher of the present
work, proceeds thus:— "Chieswood,
November 18, 1825.
"Dear Dundas,—You may easily believe that leaving Scotland even for a season
is to me no matter of pleasing contemplation. Yet having considered it as my
duty to go, I cannot exert quite so much self-denial as to decline carrying
with me the recollection of one meeting more with gentlemen whose society
has afforded me the highest pleasure during the best years (I fear I may now
begin to talk so) of my life, and whose good opinion it shall ever be my
chief pride to retain and cultivate.
"This courtesy was neither merited nor expected.
But I am not the less sensible to it, nor to the additional value which such
a communication must ever bear from coming through hands such as yours.
"I propose being in Edinburgh on Saturday the 3d
December, for the purpose of dining with the Contemporary Club, and if the
Monday following should happen to suit your convenience it would mine
perfectly.—Believe me, my dear sir, yours very sincerely,
"P.S.—On second thoughts I take the liberty of
requesting you to see Mr William Sharpe, and inform him that I request the
honour of seeing the Contemporaries at the British Hotel, either on Saturday
the 3d, or Monday the 5th of December, leaving it to you to determine on
which of these days your dinner takes place, and so fixing the other, which
ever it may be, for mine and the Club.
"I hope you will pardon the additional trouble.
Menzies [Afterwards the Hon. William Menzies, one of the Supreme Judges at
the Cape of Good Hope.] will gladly relieve you of it, however, if you are
busy." Sir Walter
Scott, in his "Diary," records that he was present at the dinner given to
Lockhart by the Contemporaries, and which came off on Saturday the 3d
December. At the
"Dilettanti Club," Professor John Wilson presided, with an abundant Humour.
Among the members were J. G. Lockhart, and the early staff of Blackwood's
Edinburgh Maguzine.
When, in 1835, the late Professor Edward Forbes was a college student, he
along with other young men of a kindred spirit, established a social
organization, under the name of the Malta Club or Order. Each member wore
across his breast a narrow silk ribbon, rose coloured and black, with the
mystic letters O. E. M. worked into its texture—the initials of three Greek
words signifying time, love, and learning. At the meetings of the Order, the
higher class brethren wore a small silver triangle, styled "Oineromaths or
Red-Ribbons." The members in 1838 sought to avoid criticism by constituting
themselves into "The Universal Brotherhood of the Friends of Truth," which
in the rules is described as a union of the searchers after truth, for the
glory of God, the good of all, and the honour of the Order, to the end that
mina may hold its rightful sway in the world." Of this latter association
Forbes was Arch Magus. Its next President or leader, John, afterwards
Professor John Goodsir, was, in November 1838, when in his twenty-fourth
year, elected to a fellowship. The society included clergymen, physicians,
artists, and other cultivators of learning.
Glasgow Clubs have an appropriate chronicler in
Dr John Strang. ["Glasgow and its Clubs," by John Strang, LL.D., London,
1856, 8vo.] Of these western fraternities some had quaint appellatives.
There were the Banditti and Gegg Clubs, also those with the prefix of Face,
Pig, Duck, Crow, and Cowl. Provincial. Clubs resembled and imitated those in
cities. Some took names from public courts and corporations. At Cupar-Fife
met a "Parliament," at Falkirk a "Presbytery," at Stirling a "Session." In
provincial clubs each member was designated after his farm, or his trade, or
his office. In the provinces as well as in the capital, members of clubs
indulged the sport of "high jinks." In this game dice were thrown by the
company, those on whom the lot fell being obliged to assume and maintain a
fictitious character, and repeat certain fescennine verses. When
recollection failed, forfeits were imposed, compounded by a contribution to
the reckoning. Written summonses to club meetings were issued quarterly.
When certain Edinburgh clubs were convened, the members were invited "to
hold a fast." Among the
existing Edinburgh Clubs "the Monks of St Giles " obtains a special
interest. The members use a monkish costume, compose spirited verses, and
under the presidentship of a Prior, hold monthly reunions. "The Monks"
assemble in a hall in St Giles' Street, which is adorned with paintings
executed by the members, several of whom are artists of reputation.
A history of those provincial clubs, of which
the records have been preserved, might prove a pleasant exercise to the
compiler, while it would amply tend to set forth and illustrate the national
manners. Of two clubs of this rural character, of each of which the father
of the present writer was an official member, some details may not be
unacceptable. One of the earlier of the farm clubs in this country, the
Lunan and Vinney Farming Society, was, on the 4th July 1803, established at
the village of Dunnichen, near Forfar. The founders were Mr George Dempster,
formerly M.P., who in his later years became a zealous agriculturist; and Mr
James Roger, afterwards minister of Dunino, who had acquired some
distinction as reporter to the Board of Agriculture on the husbandry of
Angus. At the initiatory meeting, attended by thirty-four persons, of whom
eleven were landowners, Mr Roger was nominated permanent secretary, and Mr
Dempster the perpetual president. In opening the society's business, Mr
Dempster expatiated on the importance of maintaining superior breeds of
cattle and horses, on the duty of extirpating weeds, on the necessity of a
stern resistance to smuggling, and on the desirableness of upholding the
constitution. With his approval, it was arranged that the society should
assemble at least once a. year, that its proceedings should be accompanied
by as modest feast at 1s. 6d., afterwards 2s. 6d. a head, and that on each
occasion liquor of native manufacture should be used exclusively.
At the second meeting, held in July 1804, Mr
Dempster invited attention to the rotation of crops suggesting various
methods, and maintaining that by a proper alternation of green and grain
crops, fallowing might be dispensed with. To each member he handed a slip of
rules, which he termed golden; they consisted of injunctions to keep the
land rich and clean and dry, to use efficient manure, and to avoid two grain
crops in succession. Poultry and hogs, he maintained, should be largely
reared. The secretary read an essay on the rearing of horses and cattle.
Prior to the reign of James I., he said, Alexander, Earl of Mar, imported
horses from Hungary; while James I. was himself a promoter of farm stock, by
introducing on his lands at Falkland a superior species of mulch cows. In
reference to grazing, he remarked that one of the members had recently sold
cattle of three years old at £18 each, while another member had reaped from
about an acre a quantity of red clover which produced 154 lbs. of seed. At
the meetings held in August 1805, and in July 1806, Mr Dempster recommended
the cultivation of Swedish turnips, and suggested that the tops of the
carrot should be used in feeding milch cows. His former proposal as to the
disuse of fallow ground was disapproved, it being strongly held that the
land required rest at least every tenth year. It was agreed, on his
recommendation, that wheat ought to be more extensively cultivated, and that
it should be sown late in August or early in September. At the close of the
meeting an indigent person, formerly a farmer, and then said to be in his
106th year, was awarded a little money.
The fifth meeting, held in August 1807, was
attended with an exhibition of live stock. Various subjects were discussed.
Gypsum as a manure, recommended by the Board of Agriculture, was, on the
motion of the Rev. James Headrick, [This reverend gentleman was then
assistant in the parish; he was ordained to the care on the 11th August
1807. He recommended himself to Mr Dempster's notice by his agricultural
papers in the Farmer's Magazine. His "View of the Mineralogy, &c., of the
Isle of Arran," is of much value and interest. He died on the 31st March
1841, in his eighty-third year.] disapproved. Flax-raising was commended by
several members, and by others styled unprofitable. The question as to
whether carcases of meat might be transmitted to distances packed in ice,
was mooted and generally affirmed.
In his address to the meeting in July 1808, Mr
Dempster recommended the cultivation of vetches, to be sown in drills. The
Chinese method of economising manure was explained and urged by Mr Headrick;
while the importance of draining marshes, described as "magazines of
mischief," was duly maintained. At the meeting in 1800, the president
remarked that he had lately been making trial of kale with a view to its
more extensive use. He regarded the sowing of spring wheat as worthy of
consideration, and exhibited a sample of naked barley, resembling wheat,
imported from Egypt, and commended by Sir John Sinclair. By individual
members different agricultural topics were submitted for discussion. Mr
Guthrie of Craigie, an important landowner, held that the Swedish was much
inferior to the yellow turnip, especially as the latter might be reared on a
greater variety of soils. Mr Scott of Reswallie recommended a more general
cultivation of barley, and suggested the erection in the district of woollen
mills. He condemned the disuse of "the Scottish" or woollen bonnet, and
hoped that at next meeting all the members would discard hats and appear
bonneted. To this proposal Mr Dempster expressed an objection. The hat, he
held, was not cumbrous, as the bonnet was; it protected the face and did not
retain moisture. As to woollen manufactories, these had been established in
East Lothian and elsewhere, and had failed. Manufactories of sailcloth and
coarse linen, long common to the district, were, he maintained, worthy of
encouragement, and no others. It was suggested that a donation should be
presented to Mr Meikle, inventor of the threshing-machine, who was
represented as aged and indigent.
The society's roll in September 1810 was
seventy-four; it increased to eighty. At the anniversary then held, Mr
Dempster remarked that sixty years ago the district was covered with furze
and broom, while bogs were to be found at every turn; now the fields were
clean and well drained, roads were abundant, and wheat was largely
cultivated. The establishment of local farming societies he believed was
most beneficial, as they brought pleasantly together landlord and tenant,
and enabled them to be mutually helpful. Respecting the destruction of
weeds, a member remarked that in Strathmore, a riding committee inspected
farms every summer, and, as authorised in the leases, imposed fines on those
who permitted weeds to grow unchecked. Of spring wheat Mr Guthrie expressed
his disapproval; the grain was inferior and the straw discoloured and
feeble. There was a
competition among exhibitors of live stock in 1811, Mr Dempster presenting
several gold and silver medals to be used as premiums. In his presidential
address, he recommended wheat-sowing in drill rather than broadcast,
suggested the use of single-horse carts, and remarked that cattle might be
trained for use in the threshing-mill. These proposals were generally
approved, especially the drill-sowing of wheat. But naked barley was
unfavourably reported upon—a third only of the seed being found to
germinate, while the grain could not be threshed without difficulty. Some
members discussed the respective merits of "Angus" and "Potato" oats, but
the subject was left open.
In July 1812 the society held its tenth
anniversary. At this meeting wheat-sowing in drill was warmly commended, a
member remarking that the produce of wheat sown in this manner was one-third
more than under the broadcast system. At the following meeting Mr Dempster,
who had formerly congratulated the members on the general disappearance of
field weeds, recommended drainage as "the most necessary of agricultural
operations." He pleaded on behalf of crows that they destroyed grub, and
ought to be encouraged, a view strongly supported by Mr Guthrie but objected
to by Mr Headrick. Fiorin grass had at a former meeting been brought under
discussion; the subject was revived, and among those who took part in the
debate was Mr John Pinkerton, the antiquary, who, being Mr Dempster's guest,
was present as an honorary member. Mr Pinkerton remarked that Camden had
referred to a field of florin grass which was so fertile as to be cut four
times a year. At the
Society's twelfth anniversary, held in July 1814, Mr Dempster described the
clergy as the first promoters of agriculture. "Around the monasteries," he
said, "the best soil was a garden and the worst a grave." It was remarked by
a member that while the Roman Catholic clergy largely cultivated and made
use of wheaten-flour, it had since the Reformation been generally disused.
This sentiment was confirmed by Mr Headrick, who stated that his father, who
was a farmer in Ayrshire, had endeavoured to introduce wheaten-flour, but
without success. A return to the use of oxen in tillage was suggested; the
blight in barley, some held, might be prevented by pickling the seed; and
the yellow turnip was unanimously ruled to be preferable to the Swedish.
The Society did not re-assemble. Having attained
his eightieth year, Mr Dempster was unable longer to discharge the
presidential duties, and as his election was for life it was deemed
ungracious to choose a substitute. Mr Dempster died on the 13th February
1818, and the Society's minute-book, preserved by the secretary, became by
inheritance the possession of the present writer, by whom it was deposited
in the Scottish National Museum.
In the hands of the Rev. Dr J. F. S. Gordon,
incumbent of St Andrew's Episcopal Church, Glasgow, are preserved the
records of another provincial society, in which the writer's father held
office as chaplain. The Musomanik Society had its head-quarters at
Anstruther in Fife, and was there founded in 1813 by several resident
cultivators of learning. Of these the more conspicuous were William Tennant,
afterwards author of the poem of "Anster Fair," latterly Professor of
Oriental Languages in the University of St Andrews, Charles Gray, afterwards
Captain R.N., author of "Lays and Lyrics," William Macdonald Fowler, author
of "The Spirit of the Isle and other Poems," and Matthew Forster Conolly,
town-clerk of Anstruther, latterly Nvell known by his "Men of Fife" and
other biographical writings.
The Musomanik Society held monthly meetings;
also a grand anniversary. Iii an Edinburgh newspaper the annual meeting of
1814 is reported in the following animated strain:—
On the 30th of September the first anniversary
of the Musomanik Club of Anstruther was celebrated there, in the hall of
Apollo, with the pomp and festivity becoming the worshippers of that
enlivening deity. At four o'clock the brethren, whose number is precisely
that of the nine .Muses, being attended by many honorary members, passed
into the hall, which, from its tasteful decorations, struck every eye with
admiration. The walls of the chambers were hung round with pictures of
ancient and modern poets, under whose names were inscribed portions of their
works, in English, French, Italian, German, Latin, also in Greek. Every
chair was entwined with laurels, myrtles, and nettles; the mixture of the
nettle leaf was appropriate, since it denoted the prickly nature of that
satire with which the rhymsters sting those who are opposed to them. The
dinner was choice and elegant, doing Honour to the genius of the provisor.
Every dish was symbolical, and had its innuendo denoting either the pride or
the vanity, or the poverty of poets. Directly before the Laureate, whose
head was over-canopied by an umbrella of bays, lay the immense roe of a
cod-fish, meant to be a figure not only of the multitude of modern bards,
but also of that fecundity, by favour of which they are enabled to send out
such voluminous productions. Much mirth was excited by a Parnassus of paste;
it was twin-topt, and had on each summit a sprig of laurel; on its side
appearing a Poet of paste, in the act of clambering; his hand was stretched
out towards the laurel sprigs, and from his mouth issued a parchment scroll,
containing the motto of the Society's seal, `Vos, O Lauri, Caspam.' The
cloth removed, a sacrifice of nine copies of their Pastimes was offered to
Apollo, every bard applying a lighted candle to the offering. The principal
toasts were:—
"May our great Patron, Dear Apollo,
Ne'er find our brains so boss and hollow,
If he should knock, but rhymes may follow."
"May the Shield of Good Humour throw back on our
assailants the arrows of criticism."
"The Kingdom of Fife, and may she long retain
her supremacy for fun, frolic, and hospitality."
At the close was sung by Mr Fowler, one of the
brotherhood, the following ode, which he had composed for the occasion:—
"Unextinguish'd spark of sky!
Spirit that can never die!
Hear, oh hear thy children's cry—
Sacred Poesy!
O'er this scene do thou preside,
Joy and pleasure at thy side;
From thy servants, hallowed guide,
Never, never fly!
Should misfortune sullen lour
On our short terrestrial hour
Still, thy silent, secret power
Sweeps the fiend away.
What is life without thy light
Cheerless gloom and sullen night!
Fancy never takes her flight
ever dreams of day!
Then thy wand, enchantress wave
Give, O give the boon we crave,
May we live beyond the grave,
Dear to memory!"
The Musomanik Society possessed a seal charged
with the Scottish harp, bearing an anchor on its chords, and surrounded by a
chaplet. Their diploma, conferring honorary membership on Sir Walter Scott,
was couched in the following terms:—
"Be it known to all men by these presents, that
whereas Apollo the Sovereign Lord of Poetry, hath, by particular
predilection, singled us out from the prosaic herd of men to be the special
vessels of his illumination, and, in consequence of that choice, hath, in
his high benignity, shed a generative ray upon the naturally barren soil of
our pericraniums, thereby rendering them exceedingly rich and prolific of
odes, ballads, bouts-rimes, acrostics, pastorals, epic poems, and other
rhythmical effusions. And whereas, deaming it unwise and unprofitable to
dissipate the richness and fecundity of our brains in the vulgar intercourse
with men, we have associated ourselves into a Musomanik Society, in order to
enjoy, by reflection of one another's fire, the coruscations of our own
festive minds, by that means truly tasting, with the heightened gust of
self-admiration, the pleasure of our poetical existences. Further whereas,
considering that gifted as we are with sharp and penetrating wisdom, we can
easily discern the seal of Apollo stamped upon the forehead of Walter Scott,
Esq., whereby it is evident that the Unshorn God claims him for his own ; We
the vicegerent subjects of the said Apollo in Anstruther hereby Admit,
Legitimate, Enfranchise and Inaugurate, the said Walter Scott into our
Musomanik Society, freely bestowing upon him all its rights and privileges,
and granting him liberty to rhyme and scribble in what shape, manner and
degree he will, whether he be pleased to soar in the Epopee, to sink in the
Son-, to puzzle in the Riddle, to astonish in the Ode, or to amuse and make
merry with the Louts-rimes.--Given at the Hall of Apollo at Anstruther, &c.
Wm. Tennant, Recorder."
By the author of "The Lady of the Lake" the
complement of the Anstruther rhymsters was acknowledged in the following
"GENTLEMEN, I am, upon my return from the
country, honoured with your letter and diploma, couched in very flattering
terms, creating me a member of the Musomanik Society of Anstruther. I beg
you will assure the Society of my grateful sense of the favour they have
conferred upon me, and my sincere wishes that they may long enjoy the
various pleasures attendant upon the hours of relaxation which they may
dedicate in their corporate or individual capacity to `weel timed daffing.'—I
remain, Gentlemen, your much obliged humble servant. WALTER SCOTT."
At the monthly meetings strings of rhymes were
supplied by time president, to which lines were forthwith added by the
members. Specimens of their poetical competitions were printed in a volume
entitled "Bouts-Prime's, or Poetical Pastimes round the base of Parnassus."
Of these two examples will suffice to show that the "musomaniks"
considerably shared a poetic inspiration.

The Musomanik Society ceased after an active
existence of about four years.
Reactionary to the rigid austerity prescribed by
the societies for the reformation of manners, which arose at the time of the
Union, prevailed a movement of which the promoters fostered levity and
abhorred restraint. Writing under May 1726, Wodrow remarks:—
"We have sad accounts of some secret
Atheisticall Clubs in or about Edinburgh. . . . I am told they had their
rise from the Hell-fire Club about two or three years ago at London, the
secretary of which, I am well informed, was a Scotsman, and came down not
long since to Edinburgh; and I doubt not propagat their vile wickedness. He
fell into melancholy.... and physitians prescribed bathing for him, and he
dyed mad at the first bathing,"
'These clubs, each possessing an unhallowed
name, and associated with demoralising orgies, had their real origin in the
more degrading rites of a rude and pre-Christian superstition. The fires
with which their observances were associated symbolized riot the spiritual
Gehenna, but the sacrificial fires of Druidic worship. There were Baalic or
"hell-fire" clubs in the capital and on the coast. Of a "Hell-fire" club at
Edinburgh, the president was named "the Devil"; it assembled in secret
haunts, and, according to Dr Robert Chambers, practised rites not more fit
for seeing the light than the Elcusinian mysteries." The Sweating Club,
partaking of the same character, flourished at Edinburgh about the middle of
the century. In a state of intoxication, the members sallied forth at
midnight, when they attacked or jostled any inoffensive citizen whom they
chanced to meet.
On the west coast, at every point where
prevailed a contraband trade, a hell-fire Club obtained scope and footing.
Those who constituted the membership were the smugglers and their abetters,
who had banded against the excise, and who kindling fires on the coast to
guide the skippers in making for the shore, leapt through the burning
embers, as did, the boys through the Beltane fires.
The contrabandist clubs of eastern Fifeshire
culminated in a society which met at Anstruther under the designation of the
Beggar's Benison.
Of this fraternity the existence may be traced
to 1732, when it was instituted as a knightly order. At its origin and long
afterwards, the members assembled annually in the ruin of Castle Dreel, at
Anstruther, where in a small chamber designated "the temple" they enacted
their mysteries. At the annual meeting, on the 30th November or "collar
day," they severally bore upon their breasts a silver medal, while the chief
or sovereign wore a medal pendant from a green sash.
The "temple" derived a dim light from an upper
window. Towards the centre was placed a small table designated "an altar,"
on which were placed symbols such as those used by John Wilkes in his Order
of St Francis, and which were irreverently consecrated by the monks of
Isernia. At the sound of a small trumpet or breath-horn were novices
severally admitted to the initiatory rite. The ceremonial was derived from
the Druidic rites of Ashtoreth and those of the Roman Lupercalia. When
proceedings in "the temple" had closed, festivities were conducted in the
inn. There the knights were entertained with verses in the style of William
Dunbar and with prose dissertations in the strain of Rabelais.
The Beggar's Benison having some years fallen
into abeyance, was revived about 1764 by John M`Nachtan, who, at Anstruther
held office as Collector of Customs. The Order was then described as being
founded by James V., in commemoration of an incident which happened to him
while travelling in disguise. In the dress of a piper he had proceeded on
foot to the annual fair at Anstruther, When, finding that the Dreel burn
which lie required to cross was in flood, he accepted the service of a
sturdy beggar-woman, who bore him through the stream upon her shoulders, and
from whom, on rewarding her with old, he received a benison or blessing. The
story is fictitious.
In Ruddiman's Magazine for 1768, it is set forth
"that on Wednesday the 30th November 1768, being Collar-clay of the most
puissant and honourable Order of the Beggar's Benison, the Knights
Companions re-elected as Sovereign, Sir John M`Nachtane, being the fourth
year of his guardianship." In his Humphrey Clinker, composed in 1770, Dr
Tobias Smollett has, in Mr Melford's letter to Sir Watkin Phillips,
described a dinner given by the chairmen of Edinburgh to their patrons after
the Leith races, and "the Beggar's Benison " is named as one of the toasts.
The Knight Companions of the Order, thirty-two
in number, included Thomas Alexander Erskine, the eminent musician,
afterwards sixth Earl of Kellie; Lord Newark, whose progenitor was the
celebrated General David Leslie; Sir Charles Erskine, Bart., a brave officer
who fell at the battle of Laffeldt in 1747; James Lumsdaine of that ilk,
James Lumsdame of Stravithie, William Ayton of Hippo, and David Austruther
of the old family of that name. But the most ingenious of the early members
was Colonel Alexander Monypenny of Pitmilly, who was constituted laureate.
To his pen has been ascribed a humorous composition, of which is preserved
the following fragment:—

Colonel of the 56th Regiment, Colonel Monypenny
was representative of a family which had possessed the lands of Pi to-idly
from the thirteenth century ; at a very advanced age he died in December
1801, surviving after the lapse of half a century, to remark that his
popular Benison ode was parodied by Burns in an Epistle to Captain Grose.
The families of Dischington, Malcolm, and Don, of which the representatives
are depicted in the Colonel's verses, deserve a passing notice.
Prior to 1330, William of Dischington married
Elizabeth, younger sister of King Robert the Bruce. His eldest son John, a
skilful architect, reared the Gothic fabric of St Monan's Church, which was
cornpleted at the cost of David II., his near relation. His descendant, Sir
William Dischington, obtained in 1429 the lands of Airdrie. Three members of
the house, Thomas, George, and Andrew Dischington, were charged with being
privy to Rizzio's murder. In 1626 Sir Thomas Dischington was one of the
keepers of the royal park at Farnham. The Town-Clerkship of Crail became in
the family an hereditary office. George Dischington succeeded his father as
"Clerk of Crail" in 1612, and was in turn succeeded in 1708 by his son
George, who was doubtless the "Clerk" of the ode.
Sir John Malcolm of the Beggar's Benison was
originally a writer in Kirkcaldy ; he succeeded to the baronetcy of Lochore,
and possessed the estates of Balbedic and Grange, the latter not distant
from Anstrutlier. Originally distinguished by wealth and culture, the
Malcolm family were latterly to be remarked for their peculiar manners.
Ignorant and boastful, Sir John's eccentricities subjected him to ridicule.
He died prior to 1747, and in the baronetcy was succeeded by Sir Michael
Malcolm, who when he came to the family honours was a working joiner, first
at Kinross, afterwards in London. Sir Michael was also celebrated in rhyme,
probably by the laureate of the Benison. Thus:—
"Balbedie has a second son,
They ca,' him Michael Malcolm;
He gans about Balgonie dykes
Huntin' and hawkin';
He's stown away the bonny lass,
And kept the widow waukin'."
Alexander, described as "Sandy" Don, Colonel
Monypenny's third hero, was parish schoolmaster of Crail. He was a relative
of Sir James Don of Newton, and the scion of an old family which owned an
estate at Doune in Perthshire. The schoolmaster of Crail was famous for his
Among other officers, the "Beggar's Benison"
engaged the services of a chaplain, who was bona fide a clergyman in orders.
The diploma by which the Reverend John Nairne, minister of Anstruther, was
on the 27th May 1767 constituted a knight brother and chaplain of the order,
has been preserved. Representing on its engraved surface certain Isernian
symbols, the diploma proceeds:—
"By the supereminently beneficent and
superlatively benevolent Sovereign of the most ancient and most puissant
Order of the Beggar's Denison and Merry Land I in the fourth year of his
guardianship, and in that of the Order 5771. Having nothing more sincerely
at heart than the happiness of our well-beloved subjects in our celebrated
territories of Merry Land, and the promoting of Trade Manufactures and
Agriculture in that delightful colony, and whereas we are well-informed that
the Rev. John Nairne has all manner of inclination, as well as sufficient
ability and other qualifications for these laudable purposes, and willing
that such well-qualified and bold adventurers should have all suitable
encouragement, we do therefore elect, admit and receive him, &c."
In respect of his chaplaincy, Mr Nairne was
styled "Dean of the Order for the shire of Argyle and of the Western Isles."
He held office till his death in 1795, when as his successor was appointed
the Right Reverend David Low, D.D., Bishop of Ross, who ministered to a
small congregation at Pittenweem, the adjacent burgh. Bishop Low died in
1865 at the age of eighty-seven. Several years previously he requested that
in the records of the Benison his name might be expunged from the
proceedings of each of the forty anniversaries in which lie had taken part.
This request suggested the propriety of destroying the register. Already the
order had ceased, for on the 30th November 1836 the knights met for the last
time. The dissolution was agreed upon, Lord Arbuthnot only expressing his
dissent. After a considerable interval, and when he had become the sole
surviving member, the secretary, Mr Conolly, handed the balance of funds,
amounting to £70, to certain local administrators, in order to provide
prizes in reward of merit at the Anstruther schools. [To our friend Dr J. F.
S. Gordon, incumbent of St Andrew's Church, Glasgow, son-in-law of the
latest secretary and last surviving member, Mr M. F. Conolly, we are
indebted for many of these particulars.] |