At an Extraordinary
General Meeting of the Bannatyne Club, held on Monday the 29th of
February, 1836, in the Apartments of the Antiquarian Society,
“There was brought under
the notice of the Meeting a work on the eve of publication, entitled the
“Life of Lieut.-General Hugh Mackay of Scoury, Commander in Chief of the
Forces in Scotland, 1689 and 1690, Colonel-Commandant of the Scottish
Brigade in the Service of the States General, and a Privy Counsellor in
Scotland: By John Mackay, Esq. of Rockfield originally compiled for the
purpose of accompanying the Memoirs of the War, 1689-1691, by General
Mackay, printed for the Club in 1833; when it was
“That One Hundred and One
Copies of the Life of General Mackay be purchased for the use of the
Extracted from the
Minutes of the Club.
D. Laing, Secretary.
The first sketch of the
following work was drawn up with the view of its being prefixed to an
edition of General Mackay’s Memoirs, then in course of preparation for
the press, from a manuscript copy in the Library of the Faculty of
Advocates. The Editors were three members of that learned body, viz.
Patrick Fraser Tytler, Adam Urquhart, and James Hogg, Esquires, who, as
members of the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, were about to enrich their
historical collections, by presenting, according to custom, each member
with a copy of that valuable work.
It may be proper to state, for the information of some readers, that
these clubs are composed of noblemen and gentlemen, associated for the
laudable purpose of drawing from the obscurity of public and private
repositories, and printing for distribution among the members, original
manuscripts and works out of print, calculated to elucidate the history
and antiquities of Scotland, not otherwise easily accessible. As the
clubs consist of nearly two hundred members, considerable publicity is
given to works put into their hands, and thus comparatively ready access
is afforded to future historians.
General Mackay’s Memoirs found their way into the Advocates’ Library
about a century ago, but they do not appear to have attracted much
notice, till about the year 1776, when the first edition of Sir John
Dalrymple’s Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, was published. That
ingenious and imaginative historian, frequently refers to them, in which
his example has been followed, with more or less care and impartiality,
by all subsequent writers concerning that period. It is General Mackay’s
public conduct, however, with which they are chiefly concerned. Of his
family and private history, they appear to have known no more than what
they were able to collect from the few incidental notices, communicated
either by himself or by Bishop Burnet, from whom they have copied, and
transmitted to posterity, at least one material error.
To supply this want of correct information, the learned Editors,
understanding that I was the General’s representative in the male line,
requested of me to furnish them with some particulars of his life, to be
prefixed to the proposed volume. I accordingly drew up for their use, a
brief sketch of the parentage, life, and character, of my distinguished
relative, of which the Editors inserted an abstract in their
“Preliminary Notice,” considering the whole too long for their purpose,
but recommended the enlargement and publication of the sketch submitted
to them, which would thus diffuse more widely a just impression of the
peculiar merits of the General.
To appear before the public in the character of an author, was to me an
idea, which, though not altogether new, I had not till then seriously
contemplated, and could not easily venture to adopt. Though not
unacquainted with letters, I had never before written a line for the
press ; and at the age of threescore and twelve, it seemed too late to
begin. To these were to be added the still more formidable difficulties,
arising out of my having spent the last forty-three years of my life
excluded from the light of heaven, with “wisdom at one entrance quite
shut out.” Keenly alive to the obstacles thus presented to my performing
the duty of biographer of my venerated kinsman, in a manner that should
prove worthy of the subject, or satisfactory to myself, I applied to two
eminent literary friends in succession, to undertake the office, namely,
to the late reverend and deeply lamented Dr. M‘Crie, so advantageously
known to the public, by his learned, historical, and biographical
researches, and to Thomas Thomson, Esq. whose acknowledged learning and
taste, as well as the facilities afforded him by his official situation,
as Deputy-keeper of the Records, pointed him out as peculiarly fitted
for such an undertaking. Both these gentlemen admitted the strong claims
of the subject, but declined engaging in it, on account of the
multiplicity of their other vocations. They were pleased however, to
approve of the sketch put into their hands, and advised me to proceed
with it myself, kindly promising me every assistance in their power.
Disappointed, on the one hand, in my endeavours to engage a more
practised pen, and thus encouraged, on the other, by two such high
authorities, to undertake the work myself, I re-commenced it about three
years ago, but made slow progress with it, owing to the necessity I was
under, of employing the eyes of other men, and to impediments proceeding
from ill health, and other unavoidable causes. Having now at length
brought it to a conclusion, I am forcibly reminded of the saying of a
young Italian painter, who, when first introduced to the works of the
great masters, felt abashed at the inferiority of his own performances,
and exclaimed, in a tone of deep humility, “ed io cmche son pittore.” I
in like manner, might exclaim, and I too am a biographer; but alas, at
what an immeasurable distance have I followed those eminent men Who have
preceded me in the same walk. It is however some consolation for me to
reflect, that my ill success, (if such should be the result) will in
some measure be attributable to the scantiness of my materials.
For the General’s public history during the two short periods of his
service in Scotland and Ireland, he has himself left ample materials in
his memoirs, and official correspondence, French and English, from which
a limited selection will be found in the Appendix to the following work,
extracted from a larger, in that presented to the Bannatyne and Maitland
clubs. With respect, however, to what constitutes the great charm of
biography, the interior of the man, his social and domestic habits,
there is not a single letter, or even line, bearing on these points, to
be found in the repositories of Lord Reay, descended from the General’s
eldest sister, of the Hon. Mrs; Fullarton, descended from his eldest
daughter, or of his relatives, the Hon. Cornelius, and John Louis
Mackay, both Barons of the kingdom of the Netherlands, with all of whom
I have been in communication on the subject. This is the more to be
lamented, as it makes it impossible to give, in the present sketch, that
prominence to the General’s religious character, which formed so
essential a part of the man, and will disappoint the pious reader of a
view of the Christian experience, and the devout meditations and
reflections of this eminent Christian soldier.
General Mackay was a man of high station as well as character, who had
stood before kings and princes, assisted at their deliberations in
council, and commanded their armies in the field, so that even at the
present day, the circumstances of his life and death form a part of the
history of Europe.
It is therefore not a little singular that, of such a man, the only
written memorials extant should be confined to a small quarto manuscript
volume, comprehending a history of military transactions in Scotland,
from the period of his arrival at Edinburgh to assume the chief command,
the middle of March 1689, to that of his final departure from Scotland,
the end of November 1690; and the history of his Irish campaign of 1691,
commencing in May and ending in October of the same year, when he
returned for the last time to Holland. The Memoirs may be divided into
the three following parts, first, a narrative of military transactions
during his command in Scotland, to which are added fragments containing
additional facts, and observations on the foregoing; second, a narrative
of the Irish campaign of 1691, in which he served under the Baron de
Ghinkel; the third consists of letters to the King and the Earl of
Portland, from 14th January to 4th November 1690. Both the second and
third parts are in French, evidently drawn up with greater care and
attention to style; the second especially, as being probably more
intended for the public eye. Of these I should have inserted extracts,
as specimens of the General’s manner, had I not been dissuaded by a
military friend better acquainted with the French language, on account
of their numerous inaccuracies, which appear to have proceeded from the
transcriber’s imperfect knowledge of the language. The first part is in
the first person, after the manner of Caesar’s Commentaries, and is
written in a homely and rather antiquated style, such. however, as was
in general use among the educated classes of that age in Scotland. The
sentences are long, involved, and often obscure, from their length and
the little attention paid to punctuation ; all which faults have been
multiplied and aggravated by the negligence, or ignorance of those
through whose hands they appear to have passed. The whole was written,
or transcribed at Bommel in Guelderland, where the General resided with
his family; the first part written during the winter of 1690-91, the
second during that of 1691-92, and the third at the dates which the
letters respectively bear.
The reader is requested to take notice, that what has been usually
termed “General Mackay’s Memoirs,” is limited to the small quarto volume
already mentioned, and that it is now swelled to a larger, by the
addition of the selections from his English letters in the edition
presented to the clubs. These bear evident marks of having been written
in haste, on the spur of the moment; such of them as are addressed to
the privy council frequently concluding with a request that their
Lordships would be pleased to order copies to be taken, and forwarded to
Court, as he had no time to get them transcribed.
The Scottish campaign, though in it General Mackay was
Commander-in-Chief, while only fourth in command of the Irish, was, of
the two, by much the more irksome and trying to his patience. In the
former, it is true, he had the sole responsibility, but he was harassed,
sometimes by injudicious interferences with his peculiar department,
sometimes by a factious op. These faults, when glaring, I have taken the
liberty of correcting, by modernizing to a certain degree, the
orthography, shortening the sentences, and amending the punctuation, I
trust without injury to the character of the composition. position to
his measures on the part of his colleagues in the council, and what was
still more mortifying, he received not that support from his sovereign,
which his character deserved, and the interest of the service required.
In Ireland he had no such annoyances to endure. A large army was there
assembled, regularly organized, and well disciplined, under general
officers of great experience, and knowledge of their profession. The
Commander-in-Chief, the Baron de Ghinkel, though his military talents
were not of the first order, yet possessed such urbanity of manners,
that the service went on smoothly under him, and though differences
occasionally took place among the general officers at their councils of
war, in which Mackay sometimes stood alone, that circumstance never
interrupted the harmony of their meetings. Responsibility was so
divided, that it was only a small part fell to his share, and the
specific duties assigned to him he performed in a manner so masterly,
that to him, more than to any other individual, was by general consent,
ascribed the successful issue of the war. Of the general officers
present, four-fifths were foreigners, and these, on returning to their
respective countries, spread throughout all Europe the fame of General
Mackay’s exploits in the Irish campaign. To this circumstance, together
with another co-incident in point of time, that of Marlborough’s falling
into disgrace with King William, in consequence of his alleged
clandestine correspondence with the court of St. Germains, was probably
owing the distinguished honour conferred on Mackay, of commanding the
British division of the grand allied army in the following campaign.
The circumstances stated in the preceding pages, will, I trust, plead my
excuse for thus obtruding myself on the public notice. It cannot be
expected, that in the present turmoil of public affairs, this, or indeed
any other work of a nameless author, not affecting private interests, or
stirring up private passions or fhe prejudices, will excite much public
attention. I feel however a secret satisfaction in the consciousness of
having collected, as it were, into a focus, from various quarters,
scattered rays of information, relating to the life, death, and
character of General Mackay, whom I have ever held in the highest
veneration, and the contemplation of whose character, I conceive, may be
beneficial to private Christians, as well as to men of the profession of
arms. In particular, I indulge the hope that it may refute the erroneous
notion of Bishop Burnet, respecting the supposed tendency of piety to
unfit men for military command; and prove useful to young soldiers and
sailors, by shewing them that ardent piety, so far from being
incompatible with the character of a hero, gives it a brighter lustre;
and by proving to them that no man is so fit for any daring enterprise—a
forlorn hope, for instance, mounting a breach, or storming a battery, as
he who to the military requisites, adds habitual piety towards God, a
firm reliance on his Providence, and in regard to himself, a well
grounded assurance that, let death come when it may, it will be to him
an immediate entrance to a happier and more glorious state of existence.
22d February 1836.
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