Every circumstance connected
with the history of this great and good man must have
its interest. The publication of the present volume has
been delayed that further particulars and documents
received from India during the present year might be
The birth and parentage of Sir Henry Havelock have been
stated over and over again: for the information of those
who have never read, or may have forgotten, that
statement, we may briefly say that he was born at Ford
Hall, Bishop Wearmouth, a suburb of Sunderland, on the
6th of April, 1796.
A very long pedigree haa been assigned to him, and his
descent traced back to the Norse kings. He is esteemed
for his own rare qualities and valiant deeds, and
therefore he need not draw on the resources of these
defunct gentlemen for his respectability.
You can read the rest of this article here
You can
also read a book about him here
Memoirs of
Major-General Sir Henry Havelock K.C.B.
By John Clark Marshman (Third Edition) (1867)