in Prussia As part of Prussia is now part of Russia it
was though appropriate to put in a link to this account in here.
Its History and Condition to 1877 in three volumes by Sir Donald
MaKenzie Wallace. Volume 1 |
Volume 2 |
Volume 3 in pdf format
Slavonic and East European collections - Scotland and Russia
"Scotland and Russia" listing on
the National Library of Scotland website (
This is a selective list of some 200 book and article titles (many of
which are held in the National Library) which are relevant to the
"Scotland and Russia" theme.
Russia: 1000 Years Of History - History Documentary [video]
An exploration of Russia's medieval origins through to its bloody
expansion to become the biggest country in the world. It's a tale that
set the scene for one of the world's most enigmatic figures, and his
vision of modern Russia.
Ancient Origins of the Kyivan Rus: From Rurikids to Mongols [video]
Kings and Generals' historical animated documentary series on Medieval
History continues with a feature length episode on Ancient Origins of
the Kievan Rus: from Rurikids to Mongols, as we will talk about the
history of the Eastern Slavs, their relationships with the Turkic steppe
peoples, Eastern Roman Empire and the Norse. This video will cover the
rise and fall of Kiev, Christianization of the Rus, attacks against
Constantinople, the wars against the Khazars and other nomads, as well
as the Mongol invasions and the struggle of the Novgorod Republic
against the crusaders. We will talk about the Sieges of Constantinople,
Battle of Kalka and battle on the Ice (Lake Peipus).
Scythians - Rise and Fall
of the Original Horselords
Kings and Generals' historical animated documentary series on the
history of Ancient Civilizations continues with a video on the rise and
fall of the Scythians - the first nomadic conquerors in history,
original horselords, who managed to take over most of the Ponto-Caspian
Steppe in the Ancient era, fighting wars with Persians, Greeks and
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