IT is neither fitting nor necessary
to reproduce here the many resolutions recording the admiration, esteem,
and affection for the Superintendent of Missions and the many expressions
of regret at his early death—he was only sixty-three—from Church courts
and Committees, nor is it necessary to publish any of the scores of
letters from distinguished citizens of Canada and from humbler friends,
breathing love and gratitude for his public services to the nation as well
as for his personal qualities. But it seems right that here there should
be found a place for a few of these expressions that embody the sentiments
of those who wrought with him in official relations in different parts of
Canada. There have been selected these four. The first is from the
farthest west of all the Presbyteries, the Presbytery of Westminster:
"The Presbytery of Westminster
having learned with profound regret of the death of Rev. Dr. James
Robertson, Superintendent of Missions in Manitoba, the Northwest, and
British Columbia, desires to place on record its deep sense of the loss
the Church has sustained.
"For twenty years the leader and
representative of the Church in the outposts of the rapidly-advancing
frontier of our Western civilization, he endured cheerfully the hardships
of pioneer life and discharged with splendid fidelity and magnificent
success the arduous duties of his important but difficult position.
"Possessing in rare combination the
statesman’s outlook and the prophet’s fervour, and animated by an
unfaltering confidence in our country’s future, he formed his plans with a
far-sighted wisdom that the course of events has abundantly justified, and
bringing to the performance of his great work the admirable qualities of
mind and heart for which he was distinguished, and displaying the highest
type of true patriotism as well as the most attractive form of Christian
service, he laid broad and deep the foundations of national and religious
life in the western half of the Dominion of Canada.
"A man of heroic mould, but of
tenderest heart, charitable in his judgments of men, generous and
sympathetic in his dealings with them, he was himself a living embodiment
of that Gospel which he preached as the only hope for the individual or
the nation.
"His whole career was an exemplification of the spirit
of devotion and self-sacrifice which he expected to see manifested by the
servants of the Church whose work he was appointed to superintend. Genial
and kindly in his disposition, and keeping himself in closest touch with
the world’s best thought, his visits to the homes of the missionaries,
living in isolated positions and doing their work under many
discouragements, were a source of keenest delight and an inspiration to
nobler effort.
"While mourning his loss, the Presbytery gratefully
recognizes that the story of his life will form one of the brightest pages
in the Church’s history, and expresses the conviction that the future of
the country will show with increasing clearness the impress of his marked
"To the sorrowing members of his bereaved household the
Presbytery begs to extend its respectful sympathy, commending them to the
Father of mercies and God of all comfort who comforteth us in all our
There was one body of men with whom, more than any
other, Dr. Robertson was closely associated in his life-work, and that
body was the Home Mission Committee of the Synod of Manitoba and the
Northwest Territories. He was its first and only Convener, and twice a
year for seventeen years the Superintendent met with this Cornmittee to
formulate policy and to make plans and to discuss ways and means; and
every year of their work together strengthened the bonds that bound them,
till they became, indeed, a band of brothers. It was not his official
position as head of the Committee, but his personal qualities that drew
and held their love and confidence. There is no word in this resolution
but properly carries with it its full weight of meaning
"It is with deep sorrow and an
overwhelming sense of loss that we, the members of the Synod’s Home
Mission Committee of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, deplore the
absence from our Committee to-day and from henceforth, of our Convener,
the Rev. Dr. Robertson, Superintendent of Missions. This Committee has
never known another Convener, for since its organization in the year 1884,
seventeen years ago, Dr. Robertson has guided our councils and presided at
our deliberations. During the twenty-one years of Dr. Robertson’s
superintendency, the Home Mission work of our Church in Western Canada has
developed with a rapidity unparalleled in the history of Christian
missions, so that the one Presbytery of 1881, with its four congregations
and eighteen missions, has developed into eighteen Presbyteries with 141
congregations and 226 missions, giving service at 1,130 points ; and
to-day in the Canada that lies west of the Lakes, we have the foundations
of a great Church laid solidly and well.
"We, whose privilege it has been to
be associated with Dr. Robertson in this work, know in a measure how much
these remarkable results have, under God, been due to the statesmanlike
leading and to the untiring personal labours of our late Convener. But
neither we, nor the Church as a whole, will ever be able fully to estimate
the value of the service he gave in this Western country, nor how much our
country owes to Dr. Robertson’s fervent patriotism and wise
"For his position and his work Dr.
Robertson was thoroughly furnished. To his strong common sense and sound
judgment he added a genius for administration, for the selecting of men,
and for the mastery of detail, a singleness of aim, and a true sympathy
with his fellow-workers; and thus it was that he was able to gain and to
hold, and ever more and more firmly, the confidence and the admiring
affection of those who shared with him in his toil. How often at this
table have we been stimulated by his faith, cheered by his hope and
courage, rebuked by his surpassing self-devotion, and encouraged by his
sympathy. To-day we mourn not only the leader who has so surely shown us
the way, but the friend and brother to whom our hearts were knit with true
and tender ties.
"The loss the church has sustained
in the death of Dr. Robertson is greater than we know. Our loss, as a
Committee, and that personal loss which we each feel in our own lives by
his removal, we are not yet able to measure; but with the Church we bow in
humble submission to the will of God, in the faith that the influence of
that strenuous and devoted life will long abide in the whole Church, and
especially in this section of it to which he gave his life; and that we
who laboured with him will continue to feel the uplifting influence of his
splendid and heroic self-devotion. And we earnestly pray that the same
Lord who so richly endowed His servant and gave him to us these many
years, will not forsake the work just begun, but will continue it to the
"To the bereaved wife and family we
offer our sincere and respectful sympathy. We measure the greatness of
their loss by our own, and pray for them the consolation of the Divine
Grace, and abiding presence of Him who has declared Himself to be the
husband of the widow and the father of the fatherless."
The Church and Manse Building Fund
owed its existence to Dr. Robertson, and this Fund under his
administration became a means of blessing to Western Canada greater than
can be estimated. With the members of the Board intrusted with the
interests of this Fund, the Superintendent of Missions kept in close and
cordial relation, and hence this resolution properly finds its place with
the others:
"At its first meeting after the
lamented death of the late Rev. James Robertson, D. D., Superintendent of
Missions, the Church and Manse Building Board wishes to place upon record
its recognition of the importance of his services in its department of the
Church work, and its sense of the loss sustained in his removal.
"Dr. Robertson was the founder of
this Fund. He collected nearly all the money which constitutes its
endowment, he recommended from his personal knowledge a very large number
of the loans and grants which it made, he advocated the enlargement of the
sphere of its operations so as to include, as it now does, British
Columbia and a large portion of New Ontario, and in general his assistance
was invaluable in administering its business because of the extent of his
information, the sanity of his judgment and the depth of his interest in
the work. The success of this Fund which has dotted the West with churches
and manses will be an enduring monument of the enthusiasm, the
strenuousness and the far ambition of Dr. Robertson’s life."
The following is the resolution by
the General Assembly’s Home Mission Committee (Western Section). It was
composed of those who stood among the very ablest men in the Church. It
was the Committee under whose authority the Superintendent of Missions
worked, and there is no more striking testimony to the quality of his work
and the character of the man than the increasing hold the Superintendent
gained upon the confidence of the Committee whose servant he was. And as
the members of this Committee came to see more clearly the single-hearted
devotion and the sane and sound judgment of their Superintendent, the more
there grew up in their hearts a profound affection for him, and a
willingness to be guided by his counsel.
"The Home Mission Committee (Western
Section) of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, at its first meeting after
his decease, does hereby record its sense of the noble character and
splendid achievements of the late Rev. James Robertson, D. D.
"Appointed by the Church in
hesitation and doubt to the office of Superintendent of Missions for
Manitoba and the Northwest, in 1881, he lived to enjoy every honour the
Church could bestow, and to behold, amid the marvellous development of the
Canadian West, largely as the result of his own efforts, the cause of
religion militant everywhere, and flourishing in almost every part.
"In the West, by his wonderful
versatility, he gained the respect and confidence of every class of the
population. Amid farms, or ranches, or mines, or villages, or cities, he
was equally known and venerated. He was always looked upon as a hero, of
the type the West is proud of, and spent himself in tireless labours for
the spiritual welfare of that vast region. A loyal Presbyterian, he was no
sectarian. He wanted the West for righteousness and the fear of God.

"To the missionaries under his
superintendence he was a comrade and most welcome adviser. A visit from
him was a stirring of hope and energy and trust in God. Quick to condemn
sloth and mismanagement, he was yet quicker to sympathize with genuine
misfortune and eager to relieve it.
"In the older portions of the Church
in Canada, and across the Atlantic, he was known as an enthusiast in his
work. It was due to his frank and pressing appeals that the money was
raised for extending the territory of Home Missions, and equipping the
fields with churches, manses, and pastors.
"It is a satisfaction to this
Committee to remember the perfect harmony and cheerfulness with which he
and its members co-laboured. While the docile servant of the Committee, he
was at the same time its chief leader and ruler. Knowing the difficulties
best, he was yet the most ardent and progressive spirit of all.
"We praise God that He gave our
Church such an apostle, and recognize the Divine kindness which called him
to his reward. While we feel the human impossibility of filling his place,
we remember that he in our position would be undaunted, and face with
confidence the task of carrying on the immense enterprise which he began,
and has left magnificently incomplete. We pray for faith as we recall some
of his last words, ‘The next few years are critical in this work. The
night cometh.’
"This Committee would convey to the
family their tender sympathy in the sorrow into which they have been
plunged, and pray that the God of all grace and consolation may be to them
a present and abiding refuge."
For many years the Presbytery of
Calgary formed the western limit of the Superintendent’s mission field,
and the history of no other Presbytery in the West is so full of the
romance of missions. The Home Mission Committee of that Presbytery, under
the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Herdman, who himself became afterwards one
of the Superintendents of Missions for the Western Church, was always the
pride of the Superintendent’s heart. Between these two men there existed
from first to last the very strongest ties of personal affection and
esteem. It is not surprising, therefore, that upon the wall of Dr.
Herdman’s church this tablet should hang:
recognition of the
worth and work of the
Rev. James Robertson, D. D.,
Superintendent of
Presbyterian Home Missions
from 1881 to 1902,
This tablet
in a church and city situated centrally among missions, is
erected conjointly by Presbytery
and congregation.
"‘Let no man glory in men, for all
things are yours, whether Paul, or
Apollos, or Cephas.’
"Canada, West of the Great Lakes, was his mission field."
In the cemetery of old Kildonan,
above the grave that holds his dust, there stands a block of granite
bearing this inscription:
"Rev. James Robertson, D. D.,
Pastor of Norwich 1869—1874
First Pastor of Knox Church, Winnipeg,
Superintendent of Western Missions
"Endowed by God with extraordinary talents,
entrusted by his Church with unique powers, he used all for the good
of his country and for the glory of God. The story of his work is the
history of the Presbyterian Church in Western Canada, and while
Western Canada endures, that work will abide.
To his memory and to the Glory
of God this stone is erected by a few of those who loved him and
counted it a joy to labour with him in his great work."
That monument of granite will become
dust, blown by passing winds, but coeval with Time the monument of his
Life will stand to the glory of His name who made him what he was. |