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A History of our Firm
Appendix V. Family Histories

Only so far as this History is concerned, I have endeavoured to trace the family record and connections of those of the Polloks, Gilmours, Ritchies, Rankins, and Fergusons who have been mentioned in the foregoing pages. Perhaps later I may get together a fuller set of genealogies. Unfortunately for my purpose, all records of the Mearns Parish before 1829 were burnt, or are at any rate missing.


Allan Pollok, of Craigton, married Margaret Warnock, 1666. He died about 1696.

Their son, Allan Pollok, of Craigton, married Elspeth Paton.

Their son, Allan Pollok, of Craig-ton, married Margaret Anderson. He died at Faside about i800. They had of children—

Thomas Pollok, of Faside, and
James Pollok, of Craigton.

The former was the father of John and Arthur Pollok (the Polloks of Pollok, Gilmour and Co.) and Allan Pollok, of Faside; whilst James Pollok, of Craigton, was the father of Allan Pollok, of Blackhouse, and William Pollok, of Titwood.

Arthur Pollok's daughter married her cousin, Allan Pollok, of Lismany, &c., the son of Allan Pollok, of Faside.

Allan Pollok, Blackhouse, was the father of Jas. Pollok, Blackhouse.

William Pollok, of Titwood, was the father of John and 'William Pollok, Calcutta, and of Thomas Pollok of Liverpool.


Allan Gilmour, of South Walton, married Elizabeth Pollok. He died 8 March, 1793. They were the parents of :-

Allan Gilmour, ultimately of Hazelden, the original A. G. senior, of the Firm.
Barbara, born 26 March, 1770, who married David Ritchie of Auchintiber, Neilston. (See Ritchie History). John Gilmour, of Craigton.
David Gilmour, born 12 March, 1780, of Shotts, father of A. G. of Ottawa.
James Gilmour, born 14 October, 1782, who went with A. Rankin to found G., R. & Co., Iliramichi, grandfather of Allan Gilmour of Eaglesham, Renfrewshire.

Returning to—

John Gilmour, of Craigton: married Margaret Urie, (born 29 October, 1780) he died 1841-2; they had of children:—

Mary, wife of David Hutchison, Middleton, Mearns. Born 22 October, 1803. [Two sons after being in Glasgow office went to Quebec, and thence to the Canadian saw mills of the fine.]
Allan Gilmour, who founded Allan Gilmour & Co., Quebec, subsequently of Ardilamont, Lundin, and Montrave. Born 29 September, 1805. Died 18 November, 1884. [Father of Sir John Gilmour, Ban., Montrave.]
Barbara, wife first of John Gilmour, South Walton; secondly of Robert Hutchison, Liverpool. Born 14 July, 1810. Died 4 April, 1884. [Mother of James Hutchison, Liverpool Mother-in-law to Wm. Strang, of London. § One son still engaged in lumber trade in Canada; one in the U.S.]
John Gilmour, of Quebec firm. Born 31 October, 1812. Died 25 February, 1877. [Father of Lady Gilmour, Moutrave.]
'David Gilmour, of Quebec firm. Born 20 August, 1815. Died 1856.
James Gilmour, of Montreal firm. Born 22 July, 1818.


David Ritchie, of Auchintiber, Neilston, Renfrewshire, born 15 May, 1765, who died March, 1844, married Barbara Gilmour, daughter of Allan Gilmour, of South Walton (see above), born 26 March, 1770, died 10 November, 1857.

They had issue among others :—

*David, born 2 April, 1800, died 2 June, 1876. [Father of David and John Ritchie, Liverpool.]
t William, born 17 August, 1804, died 17 January, 1856. [Who founded Win. Ritchie & Co, Montreal, afterwards Gilmour & Co., Montreal, the father of William Ritchie of Moffat, and Arthur Ritchie, Liverpool.]
Arthur, born 7 February, 1807. [Who founded Arthur Ritchie & Co., Dalhousie and Campbeltown.]

Robert, born 30 June, i8og, died 17 January, 1842.; and several others. All being nephews of A. Gilmour senior. [Who accompanied Arthur Ritchie to Dalhousie.]


James Rankin, of Mains House, Mearns, born 1752; died io March, 1815, married 5 July, 1786 ; Helen Ferguson, of Auchintiber, (Ayrshire), born June, 1764, died 29 January, 1838. They had issue:-

James, born 2 September, 1787, died 26 December, 1870. [Married Marion Ferguson, of Old Hall, Dunlop --- of Francis and John Ferguson. Father of Robert Rankin II and John Rankin, Liverpool.]
Alexander, born 31 December, 1788, died 3 April, 1852. [Who founded Gilmour, Rankin & Co., Miramichi.]
Arthur, born 23 September, 1790, died 4 January, 1838. [Father of James Rankin of Miramichi.]
Marion, born 30 June, 1792, died 16 July, 1856.
John, born 31 May, 1794, died 4 August, 1815. [Who was drowned at Miramichi.]
Robert, born 31 May, 18oi, died 3 June, 1870. [Father of Sir James Rankin, Bart., and Mrs. David Maclver. Founded Robert Rankin & Co., St. John, and Rankin, Gilmour & Co., Liverpool.]

NOTE.—Re our correspondents Borthwick, Wark & Co., London Alexander Wark was a nephew of my grandfather Robert Ferguson, of Old Hall, and of my grandmother Helen Rankin, as above.


Robert Ferguson, of Old Hall, Dunlop (a son of Auchintiber, Stewarton, Ayrshire), born 1772, died 1857. Married 4 June, 1802, Agnes Logan, of Dunlop, born 1783, and had issue a large family, of which—

Marion, born 18 August, 1804, died 3 September, 1880. [Married James Rankin, father of Robert Rankin II, Mrs. Jarvie, Alexander Rankin junior, London, and John Rankin.]
Francis, born 18 February, 18o8, died 9 September, 1875. [Who founded Ferguson, Rankin & Co., and was afterwards of Robert Rankin & Co.. St. John.]

John, born 20 November, 1813, died about 1877. [Of F., R. & Co., Bathurst—the Honourable John.]
Jean, born 25 December, 1816, died 27 December, 1897. [Mother of Alexander Harvey, London, and of Andrew and Frank Harvey (Harvey Bros., London). Managers of the Tinnevelly Mills.]

The Fergusons, who have been in possession of Auchintiber, Stewarton, in continuous line from eldest son to eldest son for over 400 years, furnish me with an interesting document. The name changed from Fergushil to Ferguson about 1750. I mention this as I have thought the following record too quaint to be omitted, with its allusion to the 'sorrow kow ' and 'auld hors.'

The Testament Dative and Inventar of the guids geir debts sowmes of money quhilkis pertenit to umquhile John Fergushill in Achintibir quha deceist untestit in the Moneth of Februar In' VC four scoir yeiris (1580) faythfullie maid and gevin up by Jonet Robesone his relict, Robert Fergushill his onlie Iauchtfull sone executor dative decernit to his guidis and geir be decreit of the Commissar of Glasgow the day and dait of thir presentis.


Item the said umquhile Johne had perteining to him and his spous the tynie of his deceis two tydie ky (cows) price of the peice £10 summa XXii. Item ane


The following document is a copy of an old parchment, one of several that I have received from the present owner and tenant of Auchintiber, Alexander Ferguson. It purports to be a certificate of delivery of possession in accordance with the terms of the marriage contract of one of my forbears. I only hope she understood its purport better than I do. Some of the writing is almost illegible, and the document has with difficulty been transcribed for me by Mr. J. A. Twemlow, Lecturer in Palaeography in the University of Liverpool. On the phrase 'Eleven shillings one penny half-penny land of old extent 'Professor Hume Brown kindly supplies the following note :-'The phrase means a piece of land valued at us. i4d. of the old valuation (i.e. extent) of the whole lands of Nether Auchintiber. The "old extent" is the old valuation taken probably in the reign of Alexander III for the purpose of assessing the feudal casualties due by the crown vassals, or of paying a contribution to a royal subsidy. For a discussion of the Old and New Extent, see Lord Karnes, Historical Law Tracts (Edin., 1792) No. XIV.'

Mr. J. Maitland Thomson adds :-' Old extent means the valued rent in the time of King Alexander III. The War of Independence greatly reduced the value of land, and it became customary in Retours (Brieves of Mortancestor you would, I think, say in England) to state that the lands are now worth so-and-so, and "in time of peace" so-and-so. Gradually the fall in the value of money reversed things, and the "new extent" became the higher—in the 17th century the regular rule was that £1 land of old extent was £3 land of new extent. The old extent used to be a fine thing for the lawyers, as the qualification for a vote in a county was the possession of 40s. worth of land of old extent held in caile of the crown. But that beastly Act of 1832 stopped that. Cosmo Innes held, on the authority of a 17th century decision of the Court of Exchequer, that a 405. land of old extent is the same thing as a ploughgate. On the whole matter, see Cosmo Innes, Scotch Legal Antiquities (1872), pp. 270 Seq.'

* * * * * *

In the name of God soe be it. Be it known to all men be this present publick instrument that upon the twenty-first day of Aprill one thousand seven hundered and twenty years, and of the reign of our soveraign lord George king of Great Brittan, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, the seventh year, in presence of me nottar publick and witnesses underwritten, compeared personally John Fergushill, laufull son to Alexander Fergushill of Netherauchintiber, for himself and in name and behalf of Heliri Gilmour, laufull daughter to John Gilmour, portioner of Grainge in the parochin of Dunlop, his futur spouse, and past to the ground of the lands after specifit, haveing and in his hands holding a certain contract of marriage past betuixt the said John Fergushifi with consent of the said Alexander Fergushifi his father, and he as taking full burden in and upon him for his said son, on the ane part, and the said Helin Gilmour, with consent of the said John Gilmour her father, on the other part; wherby, for the dote to her good and other causes therein specified, the said Alexander Fergushifi band and oblidged him, his heirs and successors, with all convenient diligence deuly and laufullie to infeft and sease the said John Fergushil his son and the said Helm Gilmour his futur spouse in her pure virginity, and longest liver of them tuo, in conjunct fee and lyfrent, and the heirs to be procreat betuixt them, whichs failreing sic], to the said John Fergushill his nearest and laufull heirs and assigneyes whatsomever, heretably and irredeemably, but any manner of reversion redemption or regress, in all and haul his elevin shilling one penny half penny land of old extent of Netherauchintiber lying in the parochin of Stewartoun, bailliary of Cunninghame, and shirrefdome of Air, and bounded in manner mentioned in his originall rights, reserving aliwayes to the said4 Alexander Fergushifi the lyfrent of the just and equall half of the forsaids lands of Netherauchintiber during all the dayes of hisi lyfe, and in case the said Helin Gilmour should happen to survive the said John Fergushifi her futur husband, then she is to lyfrent the just and equal half of the foresaid mailing all the dayes o her lyfe, she being allwayes oblidged to pay the publick burdens. effeiring to the equall half of the mailing she is to lyfrent. And ther the said John Fergushill for himself and in name and behalf of the said Helin Gilmour his futur spouse presented and delyvered the foresaid contract of marriage containing therein the precept of seasin above and after mentioned to a discreit man Robert Fergushill, portioner of Netherauchjntjber, bailie in that part specially constitut be the said precept of seasin, humbly requyring and desyring him to execute his office of baillie in that part incumbent to him therby, which contract and precept of seasin therein the said Robert Fergushil, baillie in that part foresaid, received in his hands and delivered the same to me nottar publick undersubscrybing, to be read by me in audience of the witnesses underwritten standing about, of the which precept of seasin the tenor followes attour To my lovit *Robert Fergushill portioner of Netherauchintiber *and ich ane of them conjunctly and severally my bailhies in that part specially constitut greeting. It is my will and I charge you straitly and command that, incontinent thir presents sein, ye passe to the ground of the said elevin shilling one penny half penny land of old extent of Netherauchintiber, and ther give heretable state and seasin to the said John Fergushill my son of the saids hail lands, and to the said Helin Gilmour lyfrent state and seasin of the equal] half of the saids lands for her lyfrent use allenerly, with real! actuall and corporall possession in manner above mentioned, with houses biggings yeards parts pendicles and pertinents thereof, be deliverance to them or ther certain attumeyes in ther names, bearers hereof, of earth and stone of the ground of the saids lands as use it, reserving to myself the lyf rent of the equall half of the saids lands during my lyfetyme in manner above mentioned, and this on noe wayes ye leave undone, the doing wherof I committ to you my baillies in that part foresaid my full frie plain power expresse bidding mandament and charge be ther presents, in witnes wherof this with the tuo preceeding pages wherof thir presents consist and the other just double hereof are written be Ninian Bannatyne chamberland to the earle of Glasgow on stampt paper, and subscrybed be the saids parties at place day moneth and year of God above written, befor these witnesses James Robertson in Nether house of Auchintiber and James Robertson his son, and the said Ninian Bannatyne sic subscribitur, John Ferguson, ,' Alexander Fergushil, John Gilmor, James Robison, witnes, James Robertson witnes, Ninian Bannatyne witnes. After reading of the which precept of seasin in audience of the witnesses underwritten standing about,, the said Robert Fergushil bailhie in that part foresaid, be vertew wherof and of his office of baillie incumbent to him therby, gave heretable state and seasin reaii actuall and corporall possession of all and haffi the said elevin shilling one penny half penny land of Netherauchintiber to the said John Fergushill, and lyfrent state and seasin actuall reall and corporall possession of the equall half of the saids lands to the said Helin Gilmour, for her lyf rent use allenerly, with houses biggings yeards parts pendicles and pertinents thereof, be deliverance to the said John Fergushil, for himself and in name and behalf of the said Helin Gilmor his futur spouse, of earth and stone of the ground of the saids lands respective and successive, according to the tenor of the said contract of marriage and precept of seasin therin contained in all points. Wherupon the said John Fergushill, for himself and in name and behalf of the said Helin Gilmor his futur spouse, asked and took instruments ane or mae in the hands of me nottar publick undersubscrybing. Thir things were acted and done betuixt the hours of elevin and twelve in the forenoon day moneth and year of God abovewritten, and of his majestie's reign above exprest, befor James Robertson in Netherhouse of Auchintiber and James Robertson his son, and Andrew Fergushill brother to Robert Fergushill portioner of Netherauchintiber, witnesses specially called and requyred to the premisses.

Here follows a long document of witness, beginning "Christus est spes mea ........."


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