We now approach a momentous crisis in the history of the
Ancient Capital: the arrival, in 1651, of Cromwell and his chosen band of
well-disciplined troops. If we except the inexcusable acts of vandalism of
which Cromwell was guilty, we shall find his rule and the principles which
governed his action a vast improvement on anything that Perth had
experienced from the Stuarts for at least one hundred years. The Protector
was a man of great force of character, a humane, not a cruel man, and
whatever he decided to do he did it fearless of consequences. The
inhabitants of the Ancient Capital experienced no cruelty from him, but they
never could be reconciled to the demolition of property which characterised
his visit, particularly the disgraceful conduct of his troops in removing
the stones from Greyfriars burying-ground to aid in the erection of his
citadel. Cromwell, who was now in Scotland, resolved to attack Perth, and
the inhabitants hearing of this and becoming alarmed assembled on the 6th
July on the South Inch and discussed the situation. The result of the
discussion was that they chose 100 men, who were instructed to proceed to
Burntisland to watch Cromwell's movements. These men were immediately
despatched. They proceeded to Burntisland, thence to Dunfermline, at which
latter place no less than 3,000 men joined them. A fortnight after the
meeting on the South Inch, or on 20th July, Cromwell, it is recorded,
overtook them at Inverkeithing, where a sanguinary and disastrous engage-ment
evidently took place. Though Cromwell's forces were small in number, they
seem to have had no difficulty in annihilating the troops from Perth and
Dunfermline. It is recorded that no less than 1,600 were killed and 1,200
taken prisoners, only a very few being able to make their escape. Andrew
Butter, Dean of Guild, commanded the Perth forces, and John Davidson, a
notable citizen who escaped, was lieutenant Cromwell then advanced with his
troops from Inverkeithing to Perth, halting one
night at FordeL In a day or two he arrived at Perth and found the gates shut
John Davidson ordered carts to drive up and down the streets and a drum to
beat continually so as to deceive the English guards, and it so far
succeeded. Eventually, however, the town was summoned to surrender, the
Protector offering honourable terms, which were accepted and the gates
thrown open. The Provost, Andrew Grant, attended the English officers, and
conducted them to John Davidson's house. After supper Cromwell asked the
Provost how in his defenceless position he proposed to keep him at the
gates. The Provost replied that they meant to try and hold out until they
knew that the King was in England. Andrew Reid, a wealthy citizen, was here
introduced to Cromwell, to whom he presented the bond granted to him by King
Charles. Cromwell returned it with a smile, and said he had nothing to do
with it, he was neither Charles nor his executor; to which Reid replied
rather hastily, "If your Excellency is neither king nor executor, you are
surely a vicious intermeddler." Cromwell took the remark in good part, and
with a smile, turning to the company, declared he had never before met with
such rudeness, no one had ever dared to address him in that manner before.
Reid, who was a courageous fellow, and must be admired for his pluck, was
fortunate in getting off. If he had made the same speech to a Stuart, he
would have lost his head. It is a curious fact that after the Protector left
Davidson's house the side wall fell down, and Davidson, who had a vein of
humour, wished it had fallen a quarter of an hour earlier, even though he
had disappeared in the ruins. Davidson was a lawyer, procurator fiscal, and
a rich man. He was also a scholar, and translated some of the town's
Charters. Some copies written with his own hand, and with gilded capitals or
initials, are amongst the papers of the Incorporated Trades.
Cromwell in his official report regarding Perth said:—
Wherefore, leaving with Major Harrison about 3,000 horse
and dragoons, we marched to St Johnstoun, and lying one day before it, we
had it surrendered to us, during which time we had some intelligence of the
enemy marching southward, but doubting it might be true, we left a garrison
in St Johnstoun, and sent General Monk with 5,000 men to Stirling to redeem
that place, and by it to put your affairs into a good position in Scotland.
Cromwell found in St Johnstoun four pieces of ordnance,
with abundance of arms, ammunition and provisions, and left in it a garrison
of one regiment of horse, another of foot and four troops of dragoons. The
next trouble the citizens had to face was the maintenance of Cromwell's
troops. The Magistrates ordered the Treasurer to provide meat and drink for
200 men of Cromwell's army. About this time took place the battle of
Worcester, fought by the Scots under Charles against Cromwell. The Scots
were totally defeated, and Charles made his escape to France. The government
of Cromwell was by no means agreeable to the community of Perth. The support
of the military became intolerable, and a petition from the inhabitants was
eventually presented to him. Disapproval was expressed at the demolition of
houses and other buildings by the army, on which Cromwell intimated that
indemnity would be granted. Proclamation was made that those who declared
their adherence to the Protector's Government by a certain date would be
pardoned, and that a fine would be imposed on
every parish and presbytery if they failed to report those who did not, as
these would be held as in a state of rebellion, and have their property
confiscated. The petition presented by the inhabitants said:—
We have long laboured in the furnace of unnatural
contests and divisions, and have become bettered neither towards God nor our
neighbour, and therefore the Lord has written in bloody characters our guilt
and punishment so that he that runneth may read. But whilst our miseries
increased, so did our curses, the want of love and charity to sympathise
with our suffering brethren in their disgrace; and distress hath like a
contagious plague overpowered this nation, in which we desire to vindicate
God's glory and justice by a humble confession. Therefore we humbly pray
that your Highness would be graciously pleased to enlarge the favours of
free pardon and protection, without fine or compensation, when we humbly
conceive them to be persons of as much civility and peaceable disposition as
any in the land: which undoubtedly will prove the most effectual means of
re-engaging our affections and theirs in a joyful return of thankfulness and
submissive obedience to the Commonwealth under your Highness's Government
At this very crisis the matter of the Scottish National
Records seems to have occupied the attention of the Protector. After the
surrender of Stirling Castle at this date, Cromwell despatched to the Tower
of London the whole of these Records. According to the Acts of the Scottish
Parliament, they amounted to 1,600 registers and other papers. These were
distinct from 1,600 volumes of private registers which had already been
returned to Edinburgh Castle. Considerable discussion took place in the
English Parliament about the custody of these important papers, and
additional accommodation was ordered to be fitted up at the Tower for their
reception, and to be under the jurisdiction of the Master of the Rolls. Six
years after this these Records were ordered to be returned to Scotland, and
on 18th September, 1657, the English Parliamentary Records contain the
following entry: "That the Commissioners of the Admiralty are authorised and
required to appoint a suitable vessel to receive and carry into Scotland the
Books and Records ordered to be sent there from the Tower of London." These
Books and Records were afterwards shipped from Gravesend in a vessel that
unfortunately was totally lost in a violent storm; and although the papers
were in whole or in part thrown into another vessel, this second vessel,
bound for Burntisland, also shared the same fate,
and was wrecked with its whole cargo. And so these Records carried
away by Cromwell were irretrievably lost, although we are informed that
several parcels of them were recovered, particularly those of Parliament and
of the Secret Council. This was a national calamity for the Scottish nation
that was beyond all hope of redemption. At the meeting of the Scottish
Parliament held at Edinburgh nth May, 1661, it is recorded in connection
with this matter that Parliament having discussed the conduct of Major
Fletcher, captain of the Eagle, as concerning these hogsheads and
cases wherein the public records of the kingdom were, and which were put
into the vessel to be carried to Scotland, finds by the depositions of
witnesses who were in the ship that if a great part of the hogsheads had not
either been thrown overboard or put into another vessel the ship, in all
probability from the violence of the storm, had immediately perished. Major
Fletcher, therefore, had put above four score cases full of the Registers
into another vessel bound for Burntisland, called the Elizabeth, of
which John Menzies was master, and which ship has since perished with these
eighty-five cases of Records on board. Major Fletcher was exonerated by
Parliament, having done his utmost to preserve the Registers. It was found
by the trial and deposition of witnesses that John Young, who was the
officer in attendance on these Registers, did not consent to the taking of
them out of the one ship and putting them into another, and he was also
exonerated and declared free of any responsibility.
Cromwell erected his citadel at Perth, on the east side
of the South Inch, a little below Greyfriars burying-ground. This vast
building was a square, each side being 266 feet in length. The north wall
ran parellel to Greyfriars burying-ground, and extended from the river to
the site of Marshall Place. There was a bastion at each corner. It was
surrounded with strong earthen ramparts and a deep moat filled with water.
The walls of the Greyfriars, said to have been six or seven quarters high,
were demolished, and between 200 and 300 tombstones carried away to be used
as building material for the citadel Opposite to it they built a pier for
loading and unloading of vessels. It is further recorded that no less than
140 houses were pulled down, also the hospital, the Grammar School, the
stone pillars and abutments of the bridge, besides kilns and cobbles—all for
building material The surface of the two Inches was carried off to help to
build the ramparts. The families rendered homeless had to be provided for by
the town. The inhabitants were under military control, and could not help
In 1654 one of Colonel Daniell's men was hanged at Perth,
having been caught on his way to Atholl, and some days afterwards another
was hanged, having also been on his way to Atholl Evidently during that
period martial law prevailed.
The erection of the citadel which included stabling for
200 horses, was attended with great trouble, and was a source of much
dissatisfaction to the inhabitants. As an illustration of this, we have the
following letter of Colonel Daniell, Governor of Perth, to the Lord Provost,
of date 3rd November, 1657:—
I am informed that there is a suit depending between
William Wallace of Edinburgh, and Alexander Jackson, baker, Perth,
concerning the malt barns, kiln and coble called the Temple land, being part
of the suburbs of Perth. At the request of Jackson, I hereby certify the
Lords Commissioners at Edinburgh, that the said malt barns, etc., were
pulled down by order of the Lord Protector for the safety of the garrison of
St. Johnstoun in 1651; when the same building with the rest of the suburbs
at the west end of St Johnstoun were pulled down, the greatest part of the
stones were made use of for the citadel
We seem to have nothing recorded regarding the citadel
during the ten years it stood on the South Inch. The Commonwealth lasted
till Cromwell's death in 1658. His death at such a time was a great
calamity, for he was a man of excellent administrative powers, and he was
soon to be succeeded by probably the weakest man who ever sat on the throne.
He was interred in Westminster Abbey, but a brutal and disgusting event
happened on 30th January, 1661, when his tomb was broken open, his body
exhumed, hanged at Tyburn, and thrown into a hole. This was by the authority
of Charles II. and his English clergy, and shows
to what extent religious fanaticism was carried in these days, not to speak
of the relentless cruelty which characterised the later Stuarts as regards
those who opposed them. The course of events brought Charles
II. back to England in 1660, and the Town Council
of Perth, pretending to be pleased with the return of this reckless youth to
the throne, made him a gift of Gowrie House and grounds. In 1661, Charles
granted a Charter under the Great Seal in favour of the Council of the
citadel, with all its arms and ammunition, in consideration of their
faithful services to him and his progenitors, and for losses sustained by
the demolition of property for its erection. Sir George Kinnaird of Rossie
(ancestor of Lord Kinnaird) was instructed, with consent of the Magistrates,
to take it down. A share of the stones was to be given to Mercer of Aldie
for his services to the town, and to encourage him to build. High prices
were obtained at the sale, and after the sale of the guns and cannon the
burgh treasurer bought the lot for 4,000 merks and resold it in retail
Notwithstanding the Charter of Charles gifting the citadel to the town, it
turned out that his Majesty's exchequer could not afford the gift, and he
compelled the town to pay the sum of £366 16s. 4d. as its nominal value.
After all the privations the town had come through on Cromwell's account,
this exaction was ill advised, and it will be of importance to see how it
was brought about The Town Council, on 14th January, 1662, sent a petition
to the Exchequer on the subject It was brief and mysterious:—
The Provost, bailies and Council of the burgh of Perth,
to the Commissioners of Exchequer, shewing: That the most part of the stones
wherewith the citadel was built were the stones of the eleven great arches,
pillars and supports of our demolished bridge: above a third part of the
burgh, and of the stones of the sepulchres and wall of our burial-place (Greyfriars)
and of the Spey tower, hospital, and Grammar School And that his Majesty, in
consideration of the losses of the burgh and great sufferings thereof, has
been pleased to give, grant and dispone the citadel to the burgh of Perth
.... as the said gift bears. The petitioners desire their losses and
sufferings to be seriously considered, and hope that the Lords may put such
an easy composition upon our signature of the said citadel as they think
fit, and find the condition of the burgh to merit
Edinburgh, 16th January,
The Lords ordain the composition already put upon the
signatures above mentioned to be paid, with certification that if not
satisfied presently, the Lords will make it greater.
Bellenden, J.P.D.
After this arbitrary letter of Bellenden, the Magistrates
on 18th December, 1663, got discharge:—
James Stansfield, burgess in Edinburgh, granting him to
have received from Patrick Threipland, merchant in Perth, on behalf of
Andrew Butter, Provost, William Jackson, Alexander Rankin, William Sharp and
Patrick Bell, bailies, in name of the Council and community of Perth, the
sum of £366 16s. 4d. sterling, as the proportion which his Majesty's letter
of 4th June appointed the grantee of Perth citadel to pay for the
satisfaction of the English workmen concerned in the building of Leith
citadel. The Magistrates having now paid the money to James Stansfield, he
having power from the workmen and having given caution to the Duke of
Albemarle to make the money forthcoming, duly exonerates the Magistrates of
Perth of said sum and also of all claim the workmen may pretend to have in
the said citadel.
The Scottish Parliament which met in 1662 rescinded the
Acts passed in 1633 in favour of Presbyterianism;
passed an Act for the establishment of Episcopacy, and declared the National
Covenant and Solemn League and Covenant to be unlawful, null and void. The
Town Council of Perth at Michaelmas made the following declaration:—
We, the Provost, Magistrates, etc, sincerely affirm and
declare that we judge it unlawful in subjects, on pretence of Reformation or
any other pretence, to enter into leagues and covenants, or to take up arms
against the King; and that all these gatherings, convocations, and erecting
and keeping Council Tables that were used at the beginning for the carrying
on of the late troubles were unlawful and seditious ; and particularly that
those oaths whereof the one was called the National Covenant, as it was
sworn and explained in 1638 and thereafter, and the other entitled a Solemn
League and Covenant, were and are in themselves unlawful oaths, and were
taken by and imposed upon the subjects of this kingdom against the
fundamental laws and liberties of the same; and that there lieth no
obligation on us or any subject from the said oaths to attempt any change of
Government either in Church or State as now established by the laws of the
This is an announcement that, in the opinion of the
Magistrates, was demanded by the circumstances of the times. It was a great
responsibility to be a magistrate in those days, and it was impossible to
concur with the policy of the Protector and approve of that of Charles
II. Charles personally set little store by
churches, but the occupation of the Throne of England meant that he should
support Episcopacy, which he did. He had no right to expect the people of
Scotland to follow, and he was afterwards made to realise this. Among the
sufferers for nonconformity in Perth in these times (for being
Presbyterians, in fact) were—Lord Ruthven, fined in £4,600 Scots; Oliphant
of Gask, £6,000; Blair of Kinfauns, £4,600; James Duncan, 2,000 merks, for
being present at a conventicle at Bridge of Earn; Patrick Hay of Leys, 1,000
merks, for being present at a conventicle at Glendoick; Andrew Drummond of
Megginch, £500, because his wife was present at a conventicle, and his son
John, a merchant in Perth, was imprisoned till his father should pay the
fine; Alexander Christie and Thomas Keltie, merchants in Perth, were fined
in 600 merks each for attending conventicles, and were also put in the
Tolbooth of Edinburgh, and many other burgesses in Perth suffered the
like punishment In 1684 the Kirk-Session of Perth summoned a large number of
persons before them for the crime of attending conventicles.
In these times the Oliphants of Gask were much identified
with the life of Perth, and in the civil wars and tumults that prevailed
they were not slow to take their part, several of them, indeed, coming to
the front as leaders. In 1665 Laurence Oliphant was a prisoner of war, and
on 15th September, Lord Rothes, writing from Holyrood to the Provost, said:
"On sight hereof, you are to set at liberty Laurence Oliphant of Gask, in
respect that he has paid the first moiety of his fine, and this shall be
your warrant"
The latter half of the seventeenth century was full of
trouble so far as Perth is concerned, and it was not surprising that the
Magistrates should be reminded of their oath of allegiance at municipal
elections. The Lords of the Privy Council, on 13th September, 1678, ordained
that they shall have no right to their office until they have subscribed the
same; that every person who shall enter on office before doing so, is to be
punished as a usurper of the King's authority and his place be given to
another. The Lords, in terms of Acts of Parliament, required the Magistrates
and Council of Perth at their next election publicly to take the oath of
allegiance and sign the Declaration appointed to be taken of them and of all
persons in public trust The Magistrates were to return to the Clerks of
Council betwixt and the second Thursday of November such Declaration duly
signed, with the names of any who delay or refuse to sign the same,
certifying if they fail to do so they shall be proceeded against as
contraveners of the said Acts of Parliament and punished accordingly. Great
dissatisfaction continued to exist respecting the compulsory imposition of
Episcopacy on the people. The King and his Privy Council had no respect for
men's consciences, and freedom of opinion was unknown. This persecution
increased conventicles. Presbyterian ministers who had been driven from
their parishes and whose pulpits were supplied with Episcopal curates were
received at these meetings. The laird of Balhousie was severely fined for
attending a meeting at Glencarse. One of the ministers who lived sometime in
Perth and conducted conventicles was Alexander Moncrieff, the rejected
minister of Scoonie, and grandfather of Alexander Moncrieff, first minister
of the Secession Church, Abernethy. Moncrieff was ordered by the Privy
Council to be seized as a noted keeper of conventicles at Perth, but he got
notice of this and escaped.
The suppression of conventicles was undoubtedly carried
out in a very oppressive manner by the local authorities. Mr. James Mercer,
tutor to the laird of Megginch, was prohibited from leaving Perth while the
young laird and two merchants were taken prisoners in Edinburgh. The two
merchants were fined 500 merks Scotch each. But more extraordinary still,
George Hay of Balhousie was brought before Lord Lauderdale for having a
Presbyterian minister whom he kept as his chaplain. He was fined in 27,000
merks. It was said that this money was given to the Earl of Atholl to pay
the expenses incurred by him in entertaining Lauderdale. The Marquis of
Tullibardine was one of the King's Secretaries of State. On 29th March,
1680, the Provost and Dean of Guild were desired by the inhabitants to
communicate with him, so as to induce him to put a stop if possible to these
proceedings; and failing his doing so, the Provost was to appeal to the
Edinburgh authorities. Tullibardine, however, agreed to suspend proceedings
for three months, and in the meantime he and the Magistrates were to arrange
to debate the matter before the Lords of Session. From this period to the
Revolution of 1688 was a time of great distress in Scotland, on account of
the persistent attempts to force a religion on the people that they did not
want, and to wholesale persecution and slaughter of Covenanters or
Presbyterians for no other reason than that they would not surrender their
opinions. Many of the prosecutions and executions were carried out by
Lauderdale, who made himself the King's lieutenant in this discreditable
An election account of the period incurred by Sir Patrick
Threipland of Fingask, as a curiosity of the time, will be read with
interest by posterity:—
Account owing by the burgh of Perth to Sir Patrick Murray
Threipland of Fingask, Provost—

In the matter of the teinds the Magistrates, as patrons
of St John's Church, were sometimes greatly troubled and put to considerable
expense. In 1680 letters of horning to compel payment were issued against
Robert Lundy, Provost of Perth, and the other Magistrates by John, Earl of
Tweeddale. The charge included 46s. of feu duty of the Great College Yard,
46s. for Lord Ruthven's House, and £120 Scots teind or tack duty for the
teinds of Perth. The Magistrates were summoned before the Lords of Council
and Session, and in their defence stated that they were wrongously and
unwarrantably charged for this matter as they had hitherto paid it to the
hospital, and they desired their lordships to declare who was to get the
duty in future. They further said, "We being
patrons of the Church of Perth have a right to the teinds within the parish,
and to the teind tack duties of the same as our gift of patronage granted to
us by James VI. and Queen Anne, and our charter of
confirmation." The Magistrates offered to find caution for the amount,
pending their lordship's summary, the pursuer "to appear before them,
bringing with him the letters of horning, with the ground and warrants of
the claim thereof to be shown and considered, and to hear and see the same
suspended, and in the meantime to suspend the action pro forma
according to justice." It does not appear what was the result of this
action. In 1683 the Magistrates were nominated and appointed by the Privy
Council, and every suspected person was disqualified. Several were cited
before the Kirk-Session for attending conventicles, and handed over to the
civil magistrate for punishment
In 1685 Charles II., under whom
all these vexatious proceedings took place, died, and his brother, James
VII., succeeded him. Under James persecutions
became more numerous and severe. To be found reading the Bible or with a
Bible in one's possession, going to, or coming from church, was punished
with death. The Town Council of Perth were prohibited from meeting for the
election of Magistrates until his Majesty's pleasure should be known. The
Earl of Atholl was appointed to attend in the Council House when the
Magistrates and Council took the test No books were allowed to be printed
without the consent of the Chancellor, the Earl of Perth, and articles could
not be inserted in newspapers without the permission of the bishop or a
member of the Privy Council. Various persons were imprisoned for publishing
books denouncing Popery, while Catholics were allowed to circulate books
In the Record office at Perth there is a document of this
period of considerable importance (specially transcribed for this work). It
is the oath of allegiance to James VII., sworn and
signed by the Commissioners of Supply for Perthshire; and from its peculiar
terms is an interesting and historical paper, and of much value as a local
relic. Such an elaborate oath would not be entertained in our day:—
The Oath of Allegiance, Supremacy, Declaration and Test
signed by the Commissioners of Supply of Perthshire, to James the Seventh,
We, the noblemen and gentlemen, Commissioners of Supply
for the shire of Perth, appointed by the twelfth Act of his Majesty's first
parliament, do for testifying our lawful obedience to our most gracious
sovereign, James the Seventh, affirm, testify and declare that we
acknowledge our said sovereign as the only supreme governor of this kingdom,
over all persons and in all causes, and that no foreign prince, power, state
or person, civil or ecclesiastical, hath any jurisdiction, power, or
superiority over the same ; and therefore utterly renounce and forsake all
foreign power and jurisdiction, and shall to our utmost power defend, assist
and maintain his Majesty's jurisdiction, as we shall answer to God. (Follows
the acknowledgment of his Majesty's prerogative.)
Forasmuch as the Estates of Parliament, by their several
Acts of the nth and 25th January last, have in recognition of his Majesty's
just right declared that it is an inherent privilege of the Crown, and an
undoubted part of the Royal prerogative of the kings of this kingdom to have
the sole choice and appointment of the officers of estate, Privy Councillors
and Lords of Session, that the power of calling, holding and dissolving of
parliaments and all conventions, and meetings of the Estates, doth solely
rest with the King, and that as no parliament can be lawfully kept without
his special warrant and presence, so no acts nor statutes passed in any
parliament can be binding, or have the authority and force of laws, without
the special approbation of his Majesty or his Commissioner; that the power
of arms, making of peace and war, and making of treaties and leagues with
foreign princes or states, or at home by the subjects among themselves, doth
properly rest with the King, his heirs and successors, and is their
undoubted right, and that it is high treason for the subjects of this
kingdom to rise or continue in arms, to maintain any forts or garrisons, to
make peace or war, or to make any treaties or leagues with foreigners or
among themselves, without his Majesty's authority; that it is unlawful for
subjects to convene or assemble themselves for holding of Councils,
conventions and assemblies, to treat, consult and determine in any matters
of State, civil and ecclesiastic, or to make leagues or bonds, upon
whatsoever colour or pretence, without his Majesty's special consent and
approbation; that the League and Covenant and all treaties following
thereupon, and acts or deeds that do or may relate thereto are not
obligatory, nor do they infer any obligation upon this kingdom or the
subjects thereof, to meddle or interpose by arms, or any seditious way in
anything concerning the religion and government of the churches in England
and Ireland, or in what may concern the administration of his Majesty's
Government; and that none of his Majesty's subjects should presume upon any
pretext whatever to require the renewing or swearing of the said League and
Covenant, or of any other covenants or public oaths concerning the
government of the Church or Kingdom; and that none offer to renew or swear
the same without his Majesty's warrant and approbation. We conform to the
Acts of Parliament aforesaid, and declare that we acknowledge His Majesty's
royal prerogative, right, and power in all particulars, and in the manner
aforementioned ; and we heartily give our consent thereto, by these
presents, subscribed by us. (Follows the declaration appointed to be signed,
also signatures.)
The reign of James VII. lasted
four years, when on 4th April, 1689, the Convention Parliament or Estates of
Parliament declared he had forfeited his right to the Crown (by his despotic
conduct), and thereupon very properly deposed him. On the arrival of the
Prince of Orange some months before this, the Covenanters flocked to his
standard. This alarmed the Catholic supporters of James. The Chancellor
fled, but Atholl turned round and joined King William. The Duke of Hamilton
became the head of the Presbyterians, but Graham of Claverhouse remained
firm to the King. The citizens of Perth gave in their adhesion to the new
government, and at the Town Council meeting of February 18, 1689, the
following proclamation of the Prince of Orange was recorded. It would be
difficult to express in words the gratification which was felt throughout
Scotland, and particularly at Perth, on the arrival of this distinguished
stranger, who was destined to introduce a new economy, and to afford the
people an amount of civil and religious liberty which was denied them by the
despotic rule of James VI. and his successors on
the throne:—
Whereas the Lords and gentlemen of the Kingdom of
Scotland met at Whitehall at our desire to advise what is to be done for
securing the Protestant religion and restoring the laws and liberties of
that kingdom. According to our declarations we have, for the attaining of
these ends, called a meeting of the Estates to be held at Edinburgh in March
next Being desirous to do everything that may tend to the public good and
happiness of that kingdom, we have fixed the said meeting for the 14th day
of March. We do therefore require you on the receipt of this letter to make
intimation of the same on the first mercat day at the Cross of the royal
Burgh of Perth in the usual manner. And to appoint a day, at least five days
after the said intimation, for the whole burgesses to meet and choose their
commissioners for the meeting of the Estates on 14th March. A copy of this
letter and of your intimation containing date of election to be affixed on
the Mercat Cross: the burgesses and commissioners being Protestants without
any other exception or limitation. Given at St James's, 5th February, 1689.
Sic Subscribitur
William of Orange.
To the Town Clerk of Perth:
And for giving all due obedience to the foresaid letter
and commission intimation is hereby given to the burgesses of Perth being
Protestants that the day of election of Commissioners is appointed for
Thursday, the last day of July, and that they timeously convene the said day
so that they may enter on the election by 9 a.m. and proceed conform to his
Highness the Prince of Orange's letter. Direct to me on all points whereby
publicly intimating the same the 22nd February, 1689, as being the first
mercat day after receipt hereof, so that none may pretend ignorance.
Sic Subscribitur
Laurence Oliphant.
Some time after the Town Council of Perth signed the
following oath of allegiance to King William and Queen Mary, under date 18th
August, 1690 :—
Curia burgi de Perth tenta intra dictum burgum decimo
octavo die mensis Augusti Anno Domini, millesimo sexcentessimo nonagesimo
per prepositum et ballivos ejusdem burgi.
Curia legitime affirmata.
The Magistrates and Town Council of Perth with their
Clerk, Clerk Depute, and Procurator Fiscal, in obedience to the proclamation
of their Majesties' Privy Council, ordaining all persons in public trust to
sign the certificate and assurance underwritten to their Majesties, of the
date the 4th August instant, this has accordingly been done as underwritten,
whereof the tenor follows, 'We, the provost, magistrates, and council of the
burgh of Perth, do in the sincerity of heart assert, acknowledge and declare
their Majesties, King William and Queen Marie, as the only lawful, undoubted
sovereigns, King and Queen of Scotland, as well de jure as de
facto, and in the exercise of the government And therefore we sincerely
and faithfully promise and engage that we will with heart and hand, life and
goods, maintain and defend their Majesties' title and government against the
' late King James, his adherents, and all other enemies, who either by open
or secret attempts shall disturb or disquiet their Majesties in the exercise
[Here follow the signatures of the Magistrates, Deacons
and Council, who sign in presence of the Earl of Argyle.]
This building stretched across the High Street where the
staircase of the new Council Chambers now stands. For a public edifice it
was of plain construction. It formed a barrier towards the river on the side
of the East Bridge port, having two archways which could be shut up and
defended in times of danger. Its removal opened up that part of the town to
further improvement On 18th June, 1694, the magistrates were authorised to
agree with wrights, masons, and others respecting a new Council House on the
north shore, and to do the same for 7,000 merks, On 21st September
following, a contract was entered into with William Milne, wright at Dupplin,
on these terms. A protest was taken against the work by Provost Oliphant and
his supporters; and the Deacon of the Wrights also protested against William
Milne being employed before he was entered a freeman. This retarded the work
till the Magistrates got a decreet from the Privy Council of date 25th
March, 1695. One of their lordships' reasons for granting the request was
the Council having to meet in the session-house of the Kirk. Towards the end
of 1696 the building was completed, and a characteristic entry appears in
the record. The Council ordered a large table and carpet for the same, and
if the carpet could not be procured in Edinburgh, to send to London for it;
also three dozen good rash-bottomed leather chairs. They also ordered a
landscape to be painted above the chimney-piece. All this was praiseworthy,
and indicates improvement in the education and personnel of the
Council. The old staircase, known as the "braid stair," was removed, and a
circular tower or staircase erected. These buildings have recently been
replaced by the present handsome and commodious buildings, which will stand
for generations to come.
A scheme of great importance was discussed from August,
1697, to May, 1698, by the Provost and Magistrates of Perth and the
University court of St Andrews, with the approval of the Earl of
Tulli-bardine, principal Secretary of State for Scotland. This was no less a
proposal than the transference of St. Andrews University to Perth, the
erection at Perth of university buildings, and the transference of the
staff. The proposal arose from the languishing condition of St. Andrews and
from its being in a very remote and isolated position, and not a place for
attracting students. The reasons for the proposal were ably set forth in the
letter of Sir Patrick Hume to the Earl of Tullibardine:—
Edinburgh, 3rd September, 1697.—This day I met the
Lord Advocate concerning the matter of the university, and we considered the
foundations of the several colleges and are both of opinion that there is
nothing in them nor in law to hinder, but that if the King thinks fit a
university may be transferred from St Andrews, and settled in another place
where it may be more convenient for the interest of the nation, and that the
King may do it by Charter under the Great Seal, but the thing being new and
of great weight, we apprehend your lordship would not solely take the
responsibility of advising the King, nor would the King incline to do it
without legal advice. What we have advised is that there should be reasons
drawn showing that in law the university may be transferred to another
place, and that it is most fit and convenient, and for the interest of the
nation that it should be settled in Perth. These reasons are that St Andrews
is a remote point of land lying at an outside, and living there is dearer
than at other places. On these and other grounds the university had of late
years considerably decayed. Whereas the town of Perth is very near the
centre of the kingdom, and living is as cheap there as any where else, and
being inland people have greater conveniences of sending their children
there than to a remote place like St Andrews. Perth being near to the
Highlands, gentlemen there will have greater facilities for sending their
children, and it may tend much to the civilising of the country that the
university is settled in Perth. It is important that the universities should
be situated at an equal distance from each other. As Edinburgh is at an
equal distance from Glasgow, so the University of St Andrews should be at an
equal distance from Edinburgh. One of the reasons why it is so decayed is
because it is too near Edinburgh, whereas if settled at Perth it would be at
an equal distance from Edinburgh, and Aberdeen would be at an equal distance
from Perth. These reasons will be more fully sent to your Lordship
afterwards, and they may be given in with a petition to the King in which
his Majesty may write to the Council that they may take the advice of the
officers of State, and such lawyers as the King shall name, how far legally
the College may be translated to another place, and whether it be not
convenient, and for the interest of the Realm that it be settled at Perth.
If the King is advised in the affirmative, he may give a Charter under the
Great Seal which may be confirmed by Parliament
The Earl of Tullibardine to the Provost of Perth,
February 16, 1698.
I wonder that the town of Perth and the University of St
Andrews have not yet come to a settlement as to the removal of the
University to Perth, which would prove so great an advantage to the town. I
hope the town will go as far as they can to accommodate them—the King grant
the order for removal, which order I will endeavour to procure, after you
have acquainted me that all is settled.—I am, etc.,
Extract Minute of Town Council, February 29, 1698.
The Council having heard the letter of Lord Tullibardine,
signifying that he wondered that the University and the town of Perth had
not yet come to a settlement, which was considered by them together with a
letter from the masters of the University, dated 12th January last In
compliance with that letter they appoint Bailies Davidson, Ramsay, and the
Convener to meet with the masters of the University at Newburgh on Tuesday
to discuss the transference of the said University. At the Newburgh meeting
the Commissioners stated that they had a commission from their constituents
to assure the masters of the University that they shall make them heartily
welcome; and that for their encouragement they shall make that great lodging
whereof they are heritable custodiers situate next the Speygate Port to be
for the university's service, with the yards and pertinents thereof, and
likewise they shall have the sum of 20,000 merks in readiness for defraying
the expense of the rest of the buildings of the said university, which,
together with the lodging, may be estimated worth 80,000 merks. Yet they are
sensible that this will be found insufficient for building of three several
colleges as they are at present at St Andrews. Therefore, and for the better
expediting of the work, they desire to be informed by the masters of the
university how many chambers and rooms will be required for accommodating
each of the three colleges. On being informed of this, they will take advice
what sum it will require over and above what they propose, that they may
address the King's Majesty for obtaining a public grant for expediting so
good and so public a work. Second.— That the offer that was made by
the university of the vacant seats of the new college may be forthcoming
according to the submission at Huntingtower. Third.—That in case the
transference shall take effect, and the university be accommodated in Perth,
the whole buildings, yards, and others belonging to the university shall be
given to the town of Perth to recompense them for their expense in this
The retirement from office of Lord Tullibardine at the
time when the correspondence drops, seems to have been the only cause why
the matter was not carried out and why there is not at present a university
in Perth rather than at St Andrews. It is singular that a proposition of so
great importance to Perth should have been allowed to drop in so mysterious
a manner without cause assigned. In many respects this was unfortunate, for
no more central place could have been found than Perth. The carrying out of
the scheme would have had a material effect on the city and its inhabitants,
and on its commercial and general prosperity. The attitude of the Town
Council was very creditable. The correspondence does them much honour, and
manifests a spirit of liberality and appreciation that was equal to the
great scheme they had in hand, and this at a time when a narrower policy
might have been expected to prevail.
The Magistrates and Town Council resolved, in 1701, to
present the following loyal address to King William. The arrival of William
created immense excitement:—
We, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects,
having the honour at this time to represent your Majesty's royal burgh of
Perth, that for the antiquity thereof, and other privileges, it has been
honoured by your loyal ancestors, is ranked the second burgh of this your
ancient kingdom. Having under our consideration that this burgh has never
been behind others in witnessing their zeal for religion and loyalty, but
rather before them, as is evident from that famous instance of defending the
Protestant religion, laws, and liberties against the French in the reign of
Queen Mary, in which action they exhibited such wonderful courage and valour
that it is remembered to their credit to this day.
We cannot then allow ourselves to degenerate so far from
the noble steps of our ancestors as to neglect this opportunity of joining
with others of your Majesty's dutiful subjects in witnessing the deep sense
we have of the great deliverance from Popery [and slavery] whereof the King
of kings hath made your Majesty the royal and glorious instrument; of the
great blessings of the free exercise of our religion, laws and liberties
which we enjoy under your Majesty's happy and auspicious reign ; and
feeling the unparalleled injustice of the French King in causing to be
proclaimed the pretended Prince of Wales, King of this and your Majesty's
other dominions contrary to all right and faith. Wherefore in just
indignation at this proceeding, we humbly crave leave to assure your Majesty
that we will constantly adhere to you as our only rightful and undoubted
sovereign, and to the utmost of our power defend your royal person and
support your government against the pretended Prince of Wales, and all
others your Majesty's enemies without exception. Signed at Perth the 8th day
of December 1701, by your Majesty's most faithful, most loyal and most
dutiful subjects and servants. (Here follow the signatures.)
The dismissal of Robert Graham from the Town Clerkship in
1716 was followed by considerable discussion as to who was to be his
successor. The Council eventually appointed James Richardson, and entered
the following deliverance on the Record:—