Perth, the Ancient
Capital of Scotland The Story of Perth from the
Invasion of Agricola to the Passing of the Reform Bill in 2 volumes by
Samuel Cowan J.P. (1904)
The Tay
- Salmon Fishing
A History of Highland
PERTH WALK, Scotland
Walking Tour in 4K
Volume I
Chapter I.
Foundation and Early History of Perth, the Ancient Capital— Roman
Occupation—Victoria—Site of Agricola's Camp- Site of Ancient and
Modern Perth—Bertha, St. Johnstoun, Perth—Walls, Gateways, and
Fortifications—Some of the Ancient Monuments—Battle of Mona Grampius
and supposed Site—Roman Camps at Battledykes, Haerfaulds, and
Kempstonehill—The Druids and their Customs—The Druid Encampment at
Perth (Kilspindie)—The Picts, who were they?—The Dawn of
Christianity—St. Columba at Inverness and Perth—Conversion of the
Picts to Christianity by Columba—The Columban Church and its form of
Government—Burning of Ions in 813 by the Danes—Dr. Anderson on the
Geology of Perth.
Chapter II.
The Ancient Church of St. John—Foundation and Early History—The
Cutty Stool, Knox's Pulpit, and the Royal Pew—Edward I. celebrates
there the Feast of the Nativity of St. John—Edward III. assassinates
his brother before the Altar—Tombs of James I. and the Gowries—Charter
from the Monastery of Dunferrnline granting the Town permission for
interments—Confirmation of this Charter by the Prior and Bishop of
St. Andrews—The Town in 1475 in trouble respecting a Chaplain for
the Altar of the Virgin Mary—Ordinance issued to the Provost and
Magistrates by the Cathedral Church of St. Andrews—The Incorporated
Trades seat the Church—Strange Marriage Customs adopted—The ancient
Bells of St. John's, and their remarkable Inscriptions—History of
the Communion Cups—The forty Catholic Altars which adorned the
interior, with names of Founders.
Chapter Ill.
The Ancient Monuments of Perth—The House of the Green —Lowawark and
Boot of Balhousie—The Ancient Castle of Perth—The Gilten Herbar or
Gilten Arbor—The Ancient Castle of Kinnoull—The old Mercat Cross of
the Burgh—The old Parliament House—Halkerston Tower— The Dragon's
Hole—The Inches—Perth Grammar School and Sang School—The Fair Maid's
House—Gowrie House—The Monkstower—The Spy Tower.
Chapter IV.
The Four Monasteries and the Ten Religious Houses—The curious Lease
of the Blackfriais Croft between the Prior and John Malcolm—The
general appearance of the Monasteries as they were, by an
Eye-Witness—The legend of St. William of Perth—The two Hospitals of
King James VI.—The Meikle and Little College Yards— Perth
Harbour—The Great Floods in the River from the earliest times up to
1814—The Ancient Bridges washed away and reconstructed—Curious
inscription on General Wade's Bridge—The Bridge that took eighteen
years to build and was carded away—The action of the Lords of the
Privy Council—John Murray of Tibbermore and the Magistrates quarrel
over Pitheavlis Quarry—The Lords of Session settle the quarrel on
Chapter V.
The Ancient Kingdom of Scone—Its Early History—Forteviot Palace—The
Ancient Abbey and Monastery—Foundation Charter of Alexander I., in
1115—The Moothill of Scone —Site of the Ancient Abbey—Royal
City—Friars Den and Gateway—Scone a Shipping Port in the twelfth
century —Establishment of Canons Regular at Scone—Charter of Malcolm
IV. in 1164—Coronation of Alexander III. at Scone—Coronation of
Robert II—Meetings of the Scottish Parliament at Scone, 1284, 1286,
1294, 1366—Charter by the Commendator of Scone creating Lord Ruthven
Sheriff of Perth—Charter creating Lord Rutbven Perpetual
Cornmendator of the Abbey and Monastery of Scone—Charter granting
the Lands of the Abbey of Scone to Lord Ruthven, 1581—The Ancient
Earldom of Gowrie, held by Donald Bane, afterwards King of
Scotland—Act of Parliament dissolving the Abbey of Scone in favour
of David Murray, Lord Scone, and conveying to him the lands of
Scone, forfeited on Gowrie'a Attainder.
Chapter VI.
BARONY OF GOWRIE: Family of Ruthven—BARONY OF SCONE: Family of
Murray, Viscounts Stormont, and Earls of Mansfield—BARONY OF
KINNOULL: Families of Erskine, Crichton, Oliphant, Hay—BARONY OF
GRAY AND KINFAUNS: Family of Gray, Family of Charteris of Kinfauns
—BARONY OF BALHOUSIE: Family of Eviot.
Chapter VII.
The Scottish Parliament: Scottish National MSS.—Battle of Luncarty—The
Dual Tragedy, Duncan and Macbeth—Malcolm Canmore,
Queen Margaret and Dunfermline Abbey—Interview between William the
Conqueror and Malcolm Canmore—Witch Pool at Woody Island—Perth
merchant ships in 1128—First Convention of Estates at Perth: First
Ecclesiastical Council—Reign of William the Lion, who resided at
Perth—His remarkable Bye-laws—Translation of his famous Charter of
1210—His Funeral Cortege at Perth Bridge—Curious interview of
Alexander II. and
Henry III. at York
— Romantic marriage of Robert Brace's
Parents—Alexander III. and the King of Norway—Sir William Wallace
and his heroic Career—Battle of Elcho Park—Fawdon's Ghost meets
Wallace at Gask House—First Siege of Perth.
Chapter VIII. Wallace sets fire to the Barns o' Ayr, and
burns the English soldiers—Epitaph
by Wallace on Sir John Graham, slain at Falkirk—Second siege of
Perth by Wallace, and capture of the town—Speech by Wallace when
desired to surrender —Edward I. arrives at Perth with his
troops—Betrayal and Execution of Wallace—Robert Bruce crowned at
Scone-Countess of Buchan imprisoned in a Cage—Siege of Perth by
Robert Bruce (third siege)—Siege of Perth by Robert Bruce (fourth
siege)—Beatrix of Perth—Death of Robert Bruce—Battle of Dupplin, and
seizure of Perth by Edward Baliol—King Edward's version of the
Battle of Dupplin (specially translated)—Perth taken from the
English after a siege of three months (fifth siege)—Siege and
capture of Perth by Edward III. (sixth siege)—The Treaty of Perth
(1335)of Edward and the Scottish nobles—Edward assassinates his
brother in St. John's Church—Edward's secret Letter to the King of
France, dated at Perth—Perth visited by the Plague—Siege of Perth by
the Regent of Scotland, and surrender of the English under Oughtred
(seventh siege)—The Drummond Family acquire Stobhall—Royal Mint
established at Perth—John Mercer and his son liberated by the
English—Expense of King Robert's Tombstone,
Chapter X. Battle of the Clans on the North Inch—Dundee
and Perth vessels captured coming from Flanders—Capture and Ransom
of James I., and his Personal Obligation to pay— Coronation of James
I. at Scone—His Assassination in Blackfriars Monastery—Assassination
of Douglas by James II.—Perth
Magistrates burn Noblemen's houses: extraordinary
conduct—Presentation at Perth of a Horse to James III. on the
occasion of his visit—Visit of James IV.
to Perth—Stobhall and the Drummond Family—The
Ferry Boats at the North Inch: Kincarrathie Boat— Lease to Lord
Stormont in 1536—Magistrates sink the Boat—Battle for the
Provostship in 1544, and sixty persons killed—Martyrdom of Six
Citizens—Methven Castle and its place in history—Methven Castle as a
Royal Residence— The Laird of Methven marries Queen Margaret—The
Famous Riot at Methven Castle in 1594—The Laird's wife presents a
loaded pistol at the Covenanters in Methven Wood—Her letters to her
husband regarding this incident.
Chapter XI The Sheriff of
Perth orders certain persons to be executed— The Provost ordains
thieves to be hanged—Two Provosts elected for the Burgh—The twelve
Burgesses who sat in the Tolbooth with the Provost and
Magistrates—The Magistrates appear before the Lords of Session to
explain their book-keeping—The Regent appoints Ruthven to be
Provost—Abolition of Craftsmen as Councillors—Seizure of the
Blackfriars property by the Town Council—Election of Magistrates by
the Queen—The King in 1572 elects the Council—Grey friars authorised
as a Burying-ground— Expulsion of the Town Clerk by physical
force—Council refuse to recognise the King's nomination of
Councillors—The Dean of Guild assassinated in the streets of Perth
by a Burgess, and the Burgess hanged—The King's characteristic visit
to Perth after he assumed the English Crown —The Town Council call a
Minister—The Town Council reformed and reconstituted by the
Convention of Burghs.
Chapter XII Register of the
Provosts, 1666 to 1800—How the Town's accounts were audited in 1577,
and the Treasurer clapped in the Tolbooth—The Incorporated Trades ;
their origin and administration—The Ancient Craftsmen and Merchants
Guild ; their exclusive rights and privileges ; their Festivals
Corpus Christi and St. Obert's Eve—The Vatican Archives.
Volume II
Chapter XIII The Raid of Ruthven, 1582—Capture and Execution of
William, first Earl of Gowrie—list of the Ruthven
Raiders—Kid-napping of John Anderson in Blackfriars Burying-Ground
—Ruthven captures him, and loses him—The Bloody Roll of the Burgh,
1556-1580 —'The Cautioners' Roll; the Horners' Roll; the Justice
Roll—Roll of Transgressors for 1630, cited for dishonest
trading—Coronership of the Sheriffdom of Perth—Remarkable quarrel of
1580, Perth and Dundee—Magistrates of both summoned before the
King—Dundee Magistrates personally deforce the Perth
Sheriff-Officer—Masters of the Hospital summoned before Privy
Council — Magistrates burn Gasconhall House at night, and carry off
the landlord in his shirt—Six of the Council imprisoned in Blackness
Castle — Lindsay of Kinfauns seizes Pitfour Castle, expels the
Family, and takes possession—Robert Martin kidnapped by the
Magistrates— Thirty-four men at night eject an Abercairny tenant,
and take possession of everything — Bruce of Gasconhall kidnaps two
Councillors, and has them stripped and whipped—John Welsh, the King,
and the Devil-Courts of justice to be removed to Perth.
Chapter XIV The Kirk Session Administration—Attending
Divine Service compulsory: Absentees fined—The Guildry and
Incorporated Trades to stop work and attend on Thursdays—The Bailies
to be excommunicated if they disobey the Session —The Session and
Bailies compel Lady Errol to attend Service—Church Officer to bring
red staff on Sundays to awaken Sleepers—Janet Watson having a House
of her own is ordered to get married—The memorable Church Assembly
of 17th December, 1596—The King and the Presbyterian Clergy
quarrel—Magistrates and Council of Edinburgh to be imprisoned in
Perth Tolbooth — Two Perth Magistrates fined in £68—Old Fish
Market—The Red Parliament of Perth, 1606—Riotous conduct of the
Eglinton and Glencairn families in High Street — The King and the
"Constant Moderator" quarrel with the Presbyterian Clergy—The
Moderator by physical force removed from the chair—Lord Scone orders
the Magistrates to apprehend the Synod and locks them out—Synod hold
their meeting on the street—Synod Sermon occupies four hours—Ross,
the preacher, put in Blackness Castle—Two sets of Perth Magistrates
quarrel, and ordered to find caution each for 10,000 merks to keep
the peace,
Chapter XVI. The Earl of Errol put in the Tolbooth—Laurence,
Lord Oliphant, puts two farmers in the Thieves' Hole, Dupplin —The
Blaster of the Tolbooth writes his own agreement— Provost and
Magistrates ordained to provide Scarlet Robes —Mistaken identity
case: Magistrates imprison the wrong man—Justices of Peace fix scale
of labour rates—Patrick Blair of Ardblair defies the
Justices—Imprisonment of the Weaver Incorporation for not paying
their taxes—Dean of Guild attacked at his house with swords and
dirks—Curious Proclamation: export of eggs stopped — Characteristic
petition to repair Tolbooth — King fixes four standard
holidays—Comic Incident on the High Street: Magistrate stripped and
whipped by twelve youths—The General Assembly and the Five Articles
of Perth—Tobacco selling in Perth at sixteen shillings per
ounce—Dunkeld refuses to recognise Perth Dean of Guild Court—Dundee
requires a hangman and gets one—Privy Council ordain all future
Provosts to be burgesses — Remarkable abduction of Elisabeth
Chapter XVII. Trials at Perth for Witchcraft, 1623—Three
Witches burned on the South Inch, 1598—Visit of Charles I., and
Entertainment on the River—The Morrice Dance—The famous General
Assembly at Glasgow of 1638—The Five Articles of Perth abolished —
National League and Covenant approved, and Episcopacy
condemned—Perth Town Council, the Conscription, and the Covenanters—
Dialogue in the Perth Tavern, Montrose and Murray of Methven—Battle
of Tibbermore; surrender of Perth, and flight of the
Inhabitants—Defence of the inhabitants by the two local
clergy—Execution of Charles L, and Proclamation of Charles II.—Entertainment of
Charles II. on the
River; Perth compelled to support the King's Life Guard —Coronation
of Charles II. at
Scone—Horning of unlicensed Craftsmen and illegal traders—Synod of
Perth chased by sixty women; extraordinary proceedings—Bailie Deas
requires the Town Council to be purged or Popery-Battle of
Killiecrankie—The Guildry Incorporation of Perth.
Chapter XVIII.
Arrival of Cromwell and surrender of the Town—Cromwell at supper in
John Davidson's house—The extraordinary
double shipwreck of the Scottish National MSS.—Cromwell builds the
citadel and seises property—Gowrie House gifted to Charles and
citadel gifted to the Town—Parliament of 1662 establishes Episcopacy
and disowns Presbyterianism—The Town Council declare the National
Covenant and Solemn League and Covenant illegal—Laurence Oliphant of
Gask in the Tolbooth—Presbyterian Clergy driven from their
Pulpits—Suppression of Conventicles—Prosecution of Presbyterian
Clergy by Tullibardine and Lauderdale—Sir Patrick Murray
Threipland's election account—Perthshire Commissioners of Supply and
special oath of allegiance to James VII.—Proclamation of the Prince
of Orange—Oath of allegiance by Town Council to William and Mary—The
old Council House of 1696—Proposed removal of St. Andrews University
to Perth—The Magistrates in 1701 present an address to King
William—The Town Clerkship,
Chapter XIX. Perth and the Reformation of 1559—The fight for the Sheriff
Clerkship—The famous Pacification of Perth subscribed by the Lords
of the Privy Council—Commendator of Aber-brothick becomes pirate and
seizes boats on the Tay— Perth and its commercial activity in the
middle ages-Detailed Report and condition of the Common Good— Town
Council petition Parliament to introduce Protection —Donald M'Donald
gifted for life to the Earl of Tullibardine—Two petitions to
Parliament by the Council against the Union—Duke of Atholl borrows
the town's hangman—Town Council present an Address to King
George—Public Library and Rules proposed in 1723— The Town and the
Monastery litigation case.
Chapter XX. The Rebellion of 1715 as affecting Perth—Seizure of Perth by
the Jacobites—Provost Austen and the Magistrates run
away—Appointment of Jacobite Magistrates—Ten Citizens put in the
Tolbooth and bailed out by Provost Austen— The Battle of Sheriffmuir—The
Chevalier at Fingask and Scone — Great Meeting of Jacobites:
Speeches by the Chevalier and Mar—Excited reply by a Highland
Officer-Flight of the Chevalier and Mar—The Chevalier's letter of
explanation to Oliphant of Gask—Jacobite prosecution of the New
Magistrates—Prosecution of Provost Davidson and the Jacobite
Magistrates—The Jacobites sentenced to be banished—They debate their
case before the Lords of Session—Answers to the debate by the
Magistrates — Summary of the Rebellion.
Chapter XXI.
Rebellion of 1715—The Earl of Mar and Colonel John Hay, Governor of
Perth—The Official Correspondence—Barony of Craigie, Family of
Ross—Barony of lnchbrakie, Family of Graeme.
Chapter XXII.
The Secession Movement and the Wilson Church—State of the River in
1732 made navigation near Perth impossible— Magistrates and Trades
petition for authority to discharge vessels at Newburgh and
Errol—List of Justices of the Peace in 1740—Remarkable censure on
the keeper of the Tolbooth by the Lord Advocate—Perth and the
Rebellion of 1745—Oliphant of Gask and the midnight riot—The
Tacksmen's fishing boats "commandeered"—Lady Nairne and her
daughters support Rebellion—Lady Nairne invites doubtful Jacobites
to her bedroom, and orders them to loin the Rebels—Duchess of Perth
kidnaps the Crieff letter-carrier and seizes his letters—Denounces
him and the Crieff people as "d-----d Judases to the Duke of
Perth"—Perth without either Magistrates or Council— Magistrates'
addresses to the King and Duke of Cumberland —Magistrates assemble
on the ground, and present Gowrie House to the Duke—Characteristic
Refreshment bill of the Magistrates—General Wolfe and Provost Crie
on Civil and and Military Law—Wolfe's Officers made burgesses.
Chapter XXIII. Ancient streets and Market Booths—Address by Magistrates to
George II. —Address by Magistrates to
George III. on his Accession—The Banking Mania of Perth, 1793:
six local Banks started — Appointment of first Chamberlain of
the Burgh—John Wesley made a Burgess—The New Bridge of 1764—Meal
Riots of 1773—Address by Magistrates to George III.—American
Rebellion — Insufficiency of St. John's Church, and Erection of St.
Paul's—Perth Political Societies of 1782—Ludicrous incident on the
North Inch: Adjutant stripped and whipped by women—Foundation of the
Perth Library and Museum—Foundation of the Gaelic Chapel—Raising of
the 90th Regiment: Lord Breadalbane and the Fencibles—Death of the
Tolbooth—Ecclesiastical Arrangements of the City: Deed of
Disjunction and Erection; Boundaries of the Four Parishes, and
Confirmation by Court of Session—Official Position of Perth in the
Roll of Burghs—Embodiment of the Perthshire Yeomanry —The French
Prisoners and French Depot of 1812.
Chapter XXIV. The Fairs and Markets of Perth—Establishment of the Four
Pre-Reformation Fairs: Palm Sun'-E'en, Midsummer, St. John's,
Andrewsmas, and the Post Reformation Market, Little
Dunning—Establishment of the Post Office, 1689— Proclamation by
William and Mary—First letter of the Postmaster-General—First
Postmaster of Perth—Postal Arrangements, 1732—Reform Bill Agitation,
1832—Claims of Perth for a Member of Parliament—Address by the
Magistrates to the Grand Duke Constantine—The Melvill and Munro-Melvill
Trusts — Foundation of Murray's Asylum—The ancient and modern Seals
of the Burgh— The official Seals of the Monasteries, including that
of the ancient Abbey of Scone—Kalendar of Charters granted by the
early Kings to the Town of Perth—Translations of these prepared for
this work—Some of the Charters of the four Monasteries.
Traditions of Perth
Containing Sketches of the
Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants during the last century by
George Penny (1836)
Presbytery of Perth
Memoirs of the members, ministers of the several parishes within the
bounds; from the Reformation to the present time; compiled from the
records of Presbytery and other sources by the Rev. John Wilson,
Clerk of Presbytery, and Minister of Forgandenny (1860) (pdf)
The Harp
of Perthshire
A Collection of Songs, Ballads, and other Poetical Pieces chiefly by
Local Authors with notes Explanatory, Critical, and Biographical by
Robert Ford (1893)
Perthshire in
Bygone Days
One Hundred Biographical Essays by P. R. Drummond, F.S.A., Hon.
Member of the Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth (1879)
The Episcopal History of
Perth 1689-1894
By the Rev. Geo. T.S. Farquhar, M.A., Oxon., Canon and Precentor of
Perth Cathedral and Supernumerary of the Diocese (1894) (pdf)
Its annals and its archives by David Peacock, Master of King James
the sixth Hospital, Perth and includes some very detailed accounts
of visits by Royalty(1840) (pdf)
By Peter MacNair, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Curator of the Natural History
Collections in the Glasgow Museums Lecturer on Mineralogy and
Geology in the Technical College, Glasgow, With Maps, Diagrams and
Illustrations (1912) (pdf)
Roman Camps in Scotland
This talk was delivered by Dr Rebecca Jones (Historic Environment
Scotland) on 13th January 2020 as part of the Callander's Landscape
winter series. It looks at the form and development of Roman camps
across Scotland, with some focus on Bochastle near Callander.
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