(1809-1881), historiographer of Scotland, was born at Aberdeen 22 Aug.
1809. His father, of whose family connections nothing is known, was a
lieutenant in the army, whose feeble health compelled him to retire on
half-pay shortly after his son’s birth. His mother was the daughter of
John Paton, laird of Grandholm, a moody, eccentric man driven into
seclusion by frantic sorrow for the death of his wife, and possessed by
an insane animosity towards his own children. The family circumstances •
were thus by no means promising. Burton, however, obtained a fair
education after his father’s death in 1819, and gained a bursary, which
enabled him to matriculate at the university of his native city. On the
completion of his college course he was articled to a writer, but,
assuredly from no want of industry, found the confinement of an office
intolerable. His articles were cancelled, and he repaired to Edinburgh
to qualify himself for the bar, accompanied by his devoted mother, who
had disposed of her little property at Aberdeen to provide him with the
means of study. He in due time became an advocate, but his practice was
never large, and for a long time he found it necessary to earn his
livelihood by literature. His beginnings were humble. Much that he wrote
cannot now be identified, but he is known to have composed elementary
histories under the name of White, to have shared in the compilation of
Oliver & Boyd’s ‘Edinburgh Almanack,’ and to have furnished the
letterpress of Billings’s ‘Ecclesiastical and Baronial Antiquities.’ His
ardent adoption of Bentham’s philosophy probably served to introduce him
to the ‘Westminster Review,’ from which he subsequently migrated to the
‘Edinburgh.’ He also contributed to the ‘Cyclopaedia of Universal
Biography’ and Waterston’s ‘Cyclopaedia of Commerce;’ prepared (1839) a
useful ‘Manual of the Law of Scotland,’ afterwards divided into distinct
treatises on civil and criminal jurisprudence; edited the works of
Bentham in' conjunction with Sir John Bowring; and compiled (1843) ‘Benthami-ana,’
a selection from Bentham’s writings, designed as an introduction to the
utilitarian philosophy. About this time he acted for a season as editor
of the ‘Scotsman, and committed the journal to the support of free
trade. He also edited the ‘Athole Papers’ for the Abbotsford, and the
‘Darien Papers’ for the Bannatyne Club. In 1844 he married, and in 1846
achieved solid literary distinction by his biography of Hume, assisted
by the extensive stores of unpublished matter bequeathed by Hume’s
nephew to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. It was a great opportunity,
and if Burton’s deficiency in imagination impaired the vigour of his
portrait of Hume as a man, he has shown an adequate comprehension of him
as a thinker, and is entitled to especial credit for his recognition of
Hume’s originality as an economist. A supplementary volume of letters
from Hume’s distinguished correspondents, one half at least French,
followed in 1849. In 1847 Burton had produced his entertaining
biographies of Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes; and in 1849 he wrote for
Messrs. Chambers a "Manual on Political and Social Economy,’ with a
companion volume on emigration, admirable works, containing within a
narrow compass clear and intelligent expositions of the mutual relations
and duties of property, labour, and government. In the same year the
death of his wife prostrated him with grief, and although he to a great
extent recovered the elasticity of his spirits, he was ever afterwards
afflicted with an invincible aversion to society. Seeking relief in
literary toil, he produced in 1852 his ‘Narratives from Criminal Trials
in Scotland;" in 1853 his ‘Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy in
Scotland;’ and in the same year the first portion of his ‘History of
Scotland,’ comprising the period from the Revolution to the rebellion of
1745. Like Hume, he executed his task in installments, and without strict
adherence to chronological order, a method prompted in his case by a
delicate reluctance to enter into manifest competition with his
predecessor Tytler during the latter’s lifetime. The work was eventually
completed in 1870; and a new edition with considerable improvements,
especially in. the prehistoric and Roman periods, appeared in 1873. In
1854 Burton obtained pecuniary independence by his appointment as
secretary to the prison board, and in 1855 married the daughter of Cosmo
Innes. Though no longer necessary to his support, his literary labours
continued without remission; he wrote largely for the ‘Scotsman,’
became a constant contributor to ‘Blackwood’s Magazine,’ and edited
(1860) the valuable autobiography of Alexander Carlyle. His essays in
‘Blackwood’ formed the substance of two very delightful works, ‘The Book
Hunter’ (1860), containing a vivid personal sketch of De Quincey, and
‘The Scot Abroad’ (1862). Burton, who had always been a great pedestrian
at home, had now imbibed a taste for solitary tours on the continent,
which formed the theme of his latest contributions to ‘Blackwood.’ After
the completion of his ‘History,’ he undertook the editorship of the
‘Scottish Registers,’ a work of great national importance, and published
two volumes. The task has since his death been continued by Professor
Masson. His last independent work of much compass was his ‘History of
the Reign of Queen Anne,’ published in 1880. Ere this date his
extraordinary power of concentrated application had become impaired by a
serious illness, and the book, dry without exactness, and desultory
without liveliness, hardly deserves to be ranked among histories. The
most valuable part is his account of Marlborough’s battles, the
localities of which he had visited expressly. From this time Burton
suffered from frequent attacks of illness, and indicated the change
which had come over his spirit by disposing of his library, weighing
eleven tons, as he informed the writer of this memoir. He continued,
however, to write for ‘Blackwood,’ performed his official duties with
undiminished efficiency, rallied surprisingly in health and spirits
after every fit of illness, and was preparing to edit the remains of his
friend Edward Ellice, when he succumbed to a sudden attack of bronchitis
on 10 Aug. 1881. Burton’s biographies and his ‘Book Hunter’ secure him a
more than respectable rank as a man of letters; and his legal and
economical works entitle him to high credit as a Srist and an
investigator of social science in historical labours are more important,
and yet his claims to historical eminence are more questionable. His
‘History of Scotland’ has, indeed, the field to itself at present,
being as yet the only one composed with the accurate research which the
modern standard of history demands. By complying with this peremptory
condition, Burton has distanced all competitors, but must in turn give
way when one shall arise who, emulating or borrowing his closeness of
investigation, shall add the beauty and grandeur due to the history of a
great and romantic country. Burton indeed is by no means dry, his
narrative is on the contrary highly entertaining. But this animation is
purchased by an entire sacrifice of dignity. His style is always below
the subject; there is a total lack of harmony and unity; and the work
altogether produces the impression of a series of clever and meritorious
magazine articles. Possessing in perfection all the ordinary and
indispensable qualities of the historian, he is devoid of all those
which exalt historical composition to the sphere of poetry and drama.
His place is rather that of a sagacious critic of history, and in this
character his companionship will always be found invaluable. To render
due justice to Scottish history would indeed require the epic and
dramatic genius of Scott, united with the research of a Burton and the
intuition of a Carlyle; and until such a combination arises, Burton may
probably remain Scotland’s chief historian. As a man, he was loved and
valued in proportion as he was truly known. With a dry critical
intellect he combined an intense sensitiveness, evinced in a painful
shrinking from deficient sympathy, the real and pathetic cause of his
unfortunate irascibility and impatience of contradiction. His private
affections were deep and constant, his philanthropy embraced mankind,
his gracious and charitable actions were endless, and it is mournful to
think that the mere exaggeration of tender feeling, combined with his
aversion to display and neglect of his personal appearance, should have
obstructed the general recognition of qualities as beautiful as
uncommon. His main defect was, as remarked by his widow, an absence of
imagination, rendering it difficult for him to put himself in another’s
place. In an historian such a deficiency is most serious, and could be
but imperfectly supplied by the acuteness of his critical faculty. In
biography it was to a certain extent counteracted by the strength of the
sympathy which originally attracted him to his theme; and hence his
biographical writings are perhaps the most truly and permanently
[Memoir by Mrs. Burton, prefixed to the large-paper edition of the
Book Hunter, 1882; Blackwood’s
Mag. September 1881. B. G.]
The History of Scotland
From Agricola's Invasion to the Extinction of the Last Jacobite
Insurrection by John Hill Burton, D.C.L., Historiographer-Royal for
Scotland in 8 volumes and one Index volume (1873)
First appearance of Scotland in history — The invasion by Agricola—The
battle of “The Grampians”—Fruitless search after its site—The name “
Grampius ” an invention of a more recent age—Other difficulties in Roman
topography—The accepted Roman geography of Britain founded on a forgery—
The name “Caledonia”—Hadrian and the Great Wall—Nature and purposes of
the wall—Antonine, Lollius Urbicus, and the northern wall—History of its
construction—Feats and character of Marcellus Ulpius—Authorities on the
history of the Romans in Scotland—Character of the people given by them
—Lupus—March of Severus—Carausius—Constantius—Beginning of
ecclesiastical history—Question how far Scotland Christianised under the
Romans—Fall of their power—Attacks on the Empire by the northern tribes.
THE ROMAN PERIOD. (Continued.)
Vestiges of the Empire : Popular respect for them—Relics of art and
refinement—Relics of domestic luxury—Arthur’s Oon—A Roman town in
Scotland—Money—Roman topography—The spurious Richard of Cirencester—Roman
warfare—The struggle with the natives—Nature of Roman
annexation—Question as to vestiges of Christianity—Legends—St
Patrick—Roman camps: their abundance in Scotland—Inferences from the
abundance—Roman encamping—Roman roads.
Reaspns for placing this between the Roman part and the continuation —
Prehistoric vestiges — How they supersede the fabulous histories—The
geological conditions in which they are found—Reason why Scotland is
peculiarly rich in ancient remains—Ancient fortresses—The Caterthuns—Dunsinane
hill —Other instances—The vitrified forts—Lake dwellings and
strengths—The Catrail—The Danish Duns—Eden Hall — Mysterious hill-works—Tapuc
of Torwood—The laws in Forfarshire—Picts’ houses and other underground
buildings—Artificial caves—Cairns, chambered and unchambered—Maes-howe
—Disposal of the dead—Urns and incremation or burning— Reference of
incremation to Christianity—Manufactures in Flint—Weapons, stone and
metallic—Defensive armour — Question of the stone, bronze, and iron
ages—Decorations— Inferences as to art and civilisation,
Objects supposed to be connected with religion—Stone circles— Other
untooled monuments—Vastness of the field of the unknown and
conjectural—Narrowness of the known—Disconnection of the unworked with
the sculptured stones—Inscriptions—The sculptures of the east and of the
west coast— Nature of the several kinds of sculpture—Their
mysteriousness —Solutions offered from afar—Others nearer
home—Characteristics of a school of decorative art—Progress in
England—Wider diffusion in the west of Scotland and Ireland—Passes into
the illumination of MSS.—Examined as a Scots school of decorative art —
Connection with ecclesiastical history — Class of amorphous or chaotic
The Romanised inhabitants—Their degeneracy—Their disappear^ ance from
history—Aurelianus Ambrosius—The romances of King Arthur and his
knights—Their connection with Scotland —Incompatibility of their
chivalrous spirit with the conditions of the period—The Ossianic
literature—Britons of Strathclyde —The Picts—The great Pictish
question—Etymological war— Specimens of the victories on either
side—What they have gained—What is taught by ancient remains—What we
gather from classic authors—Weakness of their contributions to the
solution—The painted races — Early influence of Teutonic races—The
Scots—Originally a name for natives of Ireland— Came over in
colonies—Necessity for remembering the early meaning of the word, and
the time when it was transferred to Scotland—Their higher civilisation
and influence over other races.
Druidism the popular solver of difficulties—Inquiry how far it existed
and had influence—The briefness and uncertainty of Caesar’s account—The
importance attributed to it—Faintness of other ancient
references—Necessity of helping them by modem imagination—Unknown as
opponents to the early saints and Christian missionaries—The Magi as
encountered by these—The Magi in Scotland—Domestic revelations about one
of them—How far the Mythology of the Norse Eddas prevailed in Scdtland—Its
spirit as characteristic of the people—Prevalence of manhood over
cunning—Absence of the impurities incident to other Pagan systems—Its
domesticity—Its adaptation to the physical as well as the moral
conditions of the northern nations—Incompatibility with classical and
oriental systems.
St Kentigem and his mission in Strathclyde—Absence of assistance from
relics of Roman Christianity—Dealings with the King—St Palladius—Larger
position in history of St Columba —Church of the Irish and Albanian
Scots—Independent of Rome—Specialties separating from the rest of the
Catholic world—Its monasticism—Position and functions of women— Tendency
of later ecclesiastical literature to suppress these
specialties—Importance of the earlier sources—Personal history of St
Columba—His royal rank—Distribution of political'and ecclesiastical
power among ruling dynasties—His political difficulties—His
mission—Establishment at Iona—The architecture of his monastery—Relics
of ecclesiastical architecture separate from the Roman
type—Government—Position of bishops— Absoluteness of monastic
rule—Abstinence—Independence of the Romish hierarchy.
Columba’s disciples and successors—Adamnan, his biographer— The numerous
saints—Constitution of early northern saintship —Prevalence in the
Celtic race—St Teman—St Serf and other minor saints—St Cormac and his
adventures—St Maelrubha and his northern establishment—The great
question of Easter— Communications and contest with the northern English
Church —Paulinus—Aidan—Firmian—The question of the tonsure— The Romanist
shape and the Scots shape—Pressure of Catholic unity on the Scots
Church—Spread of Columbite churches
—Calamities of the central establishment at Iona.
History after the departure of the Romans—Strathclyde and its
dynasty—Disappearance from history—Pictland—Battle of Ncchtans-Mere—Its
influence on the adjustment of a national boundary—The extinction of the
separate Pictish nationality— The Scots—Their Irish origin—CarberRiadha—Fergus—Aidan
and the adjustment of the dynasty—Conference of Drumcat— Battle of Moyra,
and its epic—Scots claims on Ireland—The chronicles and their
import—King Kenneth and the union of the Picts and Scots—Its
mysteries—Condition of the Scots Celts—Their high place in civilisation.
The northern Sea-rovers or Vikings—Their migrations dating far back—The
cause of their being driven to wander—Fled before all despotic
influences—The Romans—Charlemagne—Character and influence of the
Vikings—Achievements in navigation— Ragnar Lodbroc—Harald Haarfagre—The
race of Ivar—Establish themselves in North England, the Scots isles, and
Scotland beyond the Moray Firth—The nature of their marine empire— —The
Maarmors and other subsidiary rulers—Relations between the Scots and
Saxon kings—Incidents brought up in the question of homage—Legends of
the early kings—Malcolm, Duncan, and Macbeda—Poetic and real history of
Macbeda or Macbeth—Influence of his reign.
King Malcolm Canmore—His investiture—Effect of the Norman Conquest on
Scotland—Special causes of the condition and influence of the Normans —
Their organising capacity—King William’s attack on Scotland— The feudal
system—Its influence in aggregating and breaking up kingdoms—The system
of records : value of, to history—Influence on power and property —How
abused—Malcolm’s connection with the representatives of the Saxon
line—Political effect of this connection—War with England—Death of
Malcolm and his son—His wife, St Margaret—Her inauguration in the
Calendar—Her influence on Scotland—King Alexander—Alliance with the
English royal family—Troubles in the Highlands—Death of King Alexander.
Dark period after Adamnan and the Columbites—Scanty notices in the
chronicles—How Christianity existed in the dark period —Light in the
revival under Queen Margaret and her sons— How this found the Church—The
Culdees—Their name—The inquiries regarding them—What they were not, more
easily found than what they were—Their unconformability with the other
elements of the Church in their day—Their irresponsibility—The
secularisation of their Church—Ecclesiastical contest bequeathed by
them—Their foreign relations—Attempts to prove that they spread a
Protestant Evangelical Church on the Continent—Sources of this idea—The
Irish missionaries distinct from the Scots Culdees—The great
ecclesiastical revival— Notices of a Culdee brotherhood—The millennian
crisis—Unfelt in Scotland—Its influence in England—The gradual formation
of bishoprics—Establishments of regulars—How the Culdees were pressed
out, and the influence of Rome established.
Accession of King David—The condition of his kingdom—The outlying
districts—Genealogical influences—Connection of the Scots and English
royal family—King Stephen and Matilda— Norman tyranny in England—Castles
and forest-clearings— Effect of witnessing the condition of England from
the Scots side—No Norman castles in Scotland—Invasion of England— The
battle of the Standard—Its historical character as affecting the
relations of the Normans with the other races—King David’s services to
the Church—Foundation of religious houses—Progress of the Catholic
revival—The sanctity attributed to him— Other opinions held about his
ecclesiastical munificence—His death—His successor, Malcolm IV.—Cession
and rounding off of territory—Raid into England—Capture of
Malcolm—Treaty of Falaise.
You can download Volume 1 here in pdf format
and also
Volume 2 |
Volume 3 |
Volume 4 |
Volume 5
Volume 6 |
Volume 7 |
Volume 8 |
also his other book...
Political and Social Economy
Its practical applications by John Hill Burton (1849) (pdf)
It is a common complaint against political economy, in the form in which
it is usually embodied, that though dealing with man, his passions and
wants, and with the elements of his happiness and his misery, it is as
hard and cold as if it gave expression to the laws of inanimate nature.
From every truth in political economy, the acting and thinking man
should be able to derive a rule of life, with reference to evils that
may be practically avoided, and good that may be rationally anticipated;
but he complains that even in matters like surplus population,
commercial revulsions, gluts, and panics, and labour and its rewards, in
which his temporal prospects, and those of the whole race, are so deeply
involved, he finds only cold formulas or abstract laws, derived from
what men usually do, not indicating what they might accomplish ; and
thus he fails to acquire from these abstractions the light and
assistance which he seeks, to cheer, encourage, and fortify him in his
path through life.
It may be mainly attributed to the want of living systems founded on the
true principles of political economy, that of late, projects founded on
a contradiction of the whole science, and resting on the most dangerous
and disorganising fallacies, have been so extensively adopted as to lead
to the direst calamities. The false opinions presented themselves in
that living, breathing form which the true science would not condescend
to adopt; and the multitude, demanding a guide that pointed to practical
conduct instead of merely developing rigid formulas, followed the first
that offered itself.
The following pages, containing an attempt to apply to action and
progress the truths which political economy has developed, embody
opinions which their author has long entertained. He has frequently
indulged in the hope of being able to present them in the form of an
elaborate analysis, tracing them back to their ultimate principles,
according to the rigid laws of scientific inquiry. In the meantime, the
enterprising Publishers of the series in which the volume appears, did
him the honour to believe that a rapid sketch, in a popular form, of the
general results of his inquiries, might, at a juncture like the present,
serve those ends of progress and improvement to which so large a portion
of their publications is directed.
Edinburgh, January 1849. |