on April 23rd, in the year 1826. The home of his boyhood was Springland,
on the bank of the Tay, a suburb of Perth. There are few scenes in the
United Kingdom more beautiful than those which surround the Fair City;
and the Missionary in Amoy, however intent on mastering the difficulties
of the Chinese language and on preaching Christ to the strange people
among whom he had gone to reside, could not fail to revert with pleasure
to the lovely landscapes amid which he had spent the early years of his
life. In his comparative loneliness, he would recall the days when he
roamed over the level sweep of the Inches, or climbed the hills of
Kinnoul and Moncrieff, and looked from the former on the Carse of Gowrie
and the green undulations of Fife, and from the latter over Strathearn
to the picturesque slopes of the Ochils.
David was for a time a scholar in the Perth Academy, the rector of which
said of him that his diligence in mathematics was such as favourably to
affect the whole class. When fifteen years old he was sent to the
Pestalozzian school at Worksop, in England, where he acquired some
knowledge of French and German. While at school, and when he returned
home, he observed the outward forms of godliness, but was destitute of
spiritual life. He needed the change which only the Holy Ghost can
effect, and a number of agencies were employed in bringing about his
conversion. His parents were truly pious, and his mother especially
strove to draw him to Christ. Faithful sermons stirred his soul. Once
after hearing the Rev. W. C. Burns in Perth, he said, “I never knew till
to-night what my Saviour did for me.” The time of communion in Perth was
drawing nigh, but he felt himself unworthy to participate in the
benefits of the solemn service, yet was desirous of doing so; and one
Sabbath evening, after having engaged in prayer with his sister, he
retired to his room, where, resting his soul on Christ, he was able to
rejoice in conscious salvation. He was filled with joy, and the
expression of his adoring gratitude was, “The Lord God Almighty, the
Lord Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, the triune Jehovah, be eternally
praised, be eternally glorified.” The following Sabbath he sat at the
Lord’s table in St. Leonard’s Free Church, of which the Rev. Mr. Milne
was pastor. Having found the Saviour, he invited others to Him, speaking
to those he met, visiting cottages and forming a class of young men,
over whose spiritual interests he carefully watched. His zeal was
intense. One entry in his journal was, “O Lord, my God, fill me with
prayer, with heart-bleedings for sinners! May we take heaven by violence
for them! Time flies, and souls are flying to hell. I must pray more for
a sense of what the loss of a single soul really is.”
In 1844 he went to Manchester to engage in business, but while attentive
to his secular duties, his heart was in the service of his Divine
Master. The growth of religion in his own soul and the salvation of his
fellow-men were the most prominent of his aims. He always contrived to
devote some moments of the dinner-hour to the Scriptures and to prayer,
and never lost an opportunity of speaking a word for Christ in the
warehouse or in the street. Hia pleasure in secret intercourse with God
was great; yet his was not an isolated piety; he delighted in communion
with Christian brethren, and rejoiced in them as helping forward the
glorious cause to which he had so ardently devoted himself. He resolved
to act as if there were no other human being with him, as if he “ alone
bore the standard; and yet to watch for and hail any who strive to bear
the standard, and take them by the right hand.
While in Manchester he came to the conclusion that it was his duty to
abandon his mercantile projects, and to enter on the work of the
Christian ministry. Preparatory to that work he enrolled himself as a
student in the University of Edinburgh. In college he engaged in
literary and scientific pursuits with great ardour, yet without the
slightest damage to his spirituality. He faithfully carried out his
purpose to study all day in the presence of Jesus. Whether employed on
mathematics or metaphysics, the orations of Demosthenes or the arguments
of Locke, he strove to gain something which he could use for the glory
of his Master. Though so devout in spirit, he was not indifferent to the
charms which, genius has thrown over the classic page, and could
thoroughly appreciate the magnificent intellects which in ancient and
modern times have so largely influenced the course of human thought: “I
observe that there is a certain healthiness in the atmosphere of truly
great minds which invigorates and strengthens. There is even a moral
nobility about such which is not found among men of a lower order. What
I admire most in these men and their productions is that air and reality
of nobility which all true greatness bears with it as a necessary
ingredient. They walk on a higher level; their step is more manly, too,
than other men’s, and they cannot stoop to meanness. Stern
unalterableness of purpose is a sublime feature of such characters; they
call up the idea of the eagle, whose eye as he soars catches the
minutest object and marks each, but never swoops till a worthy quarry is
discerned, whose fate is then fixed.”
Part of his summer vacations was spent at Bonskeid, a romantic seat of
the family near Pitlochrie. The majesty of the ancient hills was before
him, and he had delightful rambles through the Pass of Killiecrankie and
Glen Tilt, rejoicing at every step in the sublimities built up, and the
beauties spread out by the hand of his Heavenly Father. The rifts and
ledges of the mountains, the wild torrents that dashed their spray at
his feet, the trees that intermingled their variously-tinted foliage,
and the flowers that made the ground gorgeous as a mosaic pavement,
suggested themes of sacred meditation, and drew from him bursts of
ecstatic praise.
In January, 1855, he was licensed as a preacher, and thus gave himself
up to the work of the Lord: “Almighty and Eternal God, have mercy on my
soul for Immanuel's sake! This soul and this body are Thine by creation,
Thine by redemption. And by incomprehensible love and mercy called, as I
humbly trust, to be Thine in the ministry of the Gospel, in and by Thy
Holy Spirit alone, I do now surrender my whole body, soul and spirit
unto Thee the Lord Jesus Christ, and unto the Father for the glory of
God in the ministry of the Gospel. Thus by Thy powerful grace and
Spirit, granted continually unto and working in me, the one great end of
my life on earth shall be the glory of Jehovah in the salvation of lost
sinners, and the edification of the saints. By His grace and Spirit I do
also renounce the world with its honour and glory, and above all
self-glory, the flesh with all its works, and the devil. 0 Jehovah, pour
down the Holy Spirit on my soul! Thou glorified Immanuel, Thou hast the
Spirit without measure, O pour down of the Holy Ghost, making me full of
faith, and of the Holy Spirit, and so of Gospel power! ”Soon after being
licensed to preach, he was requested to labour at Hillhead, a
preaching-station of the Free Church, about three miles from Glasgow.
He had a passionate love for souls and expected conversions as the
result of every sermon; nor were hi3 efforts in vain, for numbers were
brought to God. But he could not content himself with the comparative
ease and comfort of a pastoral charge in his native land. When he had
been three months in Hillhead, he decided that it was his duty to go as
a Missionary to China. He began to learn Chinese, and leaving Hillhead,
went for a short time on the Continent, visiting Pompeii, Naples and
Rome. He returned to Scotland still bent on going to China, but was
detained some months on account of the death of his father, and there
was a fear that he would have to remain at home to take charge of the
family property. Providence, however, removed the difficulties, and at
length he had the satisfaction of hearing from Dr. James Hamilton that
the day was fixed for his ordination to the work on which he had set his
Before leaving home, he arranged that one-eighth of his patrimony should
be devoted to the spread of the Gospel in Scotland and seven-eighths to
the spread of the Gospel in China. He sailed from Marseilles, October
11th, 1856, and landed at Hong-Kong on December 1st. He re-embarked for
Swatow, where he was heartily welcomed by the minister whose discourses
had so powerfully affected his soul in Perth. “A door opened, and out
came in full Chinese dress and tail W. C. Burns! Taking me into his
room, according to his old wont, he said, ‘Let us engage in prayer,’ in
the identical old Perth tones.” Refreshed by the prayers and counsels of
his friend, Mr. Sandemau went on to Amoy, where he was to be located. He
wrote: “My soul would be bowed in thankfulness to God for the unbroken
train of mercies all the way from home to this my destination.” He
applied himself diligently to the acquisition of the language, and soon
attempted to make known to the people in their own tongue the wonderful
works of God.
He was greatly interested in missionary tours, and at Ma-ping, one of
the towns visited, had the pleasure of meeting several Christians Next
morning, the Sabbath, they were early astir, and prayer and praise were
poured forth as from the heart. There was some meaning in the confession
of these people, for during the previous week some of them had had their
fields bared of their ripe produce, and were otherwise persecuted for
the name of Jesus. But they stand fast, by the strength of their Lord,
and as it may be supposed, would be among those to whom Christ’s Word
was precious on that His holy day. The church was a large room, and the
minister was placed at the side opposite the street, so that his voice
reached not only the members who were in front, but any in the street
who stopped to listen. At the outside were two forms filled with Chinese
women, several having children in their arms. Among them were some
awakened ones seeking the salvation of Jesus. From their secluded
habits, it shows that there is a work going on when such hearers are
among the congregation. As it has happened among the Highland glens, so
in this region; souls have been brought to the knowledge of Jesus among
these retired Chinese valleys; one here and another there, set as single
lights in the few hamlets or small villages of dark idolatry; and all to
the glory of Him Who passes by the rich and the learned, and oftentimes
seeks out His own in the quiet places of the earth.”
Amid all the toils and cares of missionary life, Mr. Sandeman’s heart
was elated by the sense of the Divine favour. His religious experience
was almost seraphic in its glow and ecstacy. He could say, “To me to
live is Christ.’ Sometimes my life in some of its phases seems like a
romance of love and joy.” This exuberance of love and joy was, though
not understood by him as such, a preintimation of speedy flight from
“the land of Sinim” to the paradise of God. In 1858 he was stricken down
by cholera, which was then prevalent in Amoy. When those who were with
him asked if he had any message to leave for his friends, he said: “
Tell my mother I thought of her, because she taught me the way to
Jesus.’* He spoke of Christ as having always been exceedingly precious
to him from the moment he knew Him, and died full of faith and hope, in
the thirty-second year of his age.
Though his labours for China were so soon ended, his example remains as
an incentive to zeal in the Christianisation of that wide and populous
empire; and when pagoda and palace, crowded street and river-boat, are
filled with the light of the everlasting Gospel, and melodious with the
songs of a people, “washed, and sanctified, and justified,” the name of
David Sandeman will be remembered with gratitude, and it will be
acknowledged that it was not in vain he bade farewell to the waters that
glide past, and the hills that look down on his native Perth, and
pleaded with God, and toiled so incessantly in Amoy for the salvation of
the idolaters whose folly he lamented but whose souls he loved. |