marquis of, a title of the duke of Hamilton; see HAMILTON, duke of.
is also a surname, Mr. George Clydesdale, minister of the parish of
Glassford, Lanarkshire, died in the month of January 1627. In the
Inventory of the effects of George Cleland of Glenhoof, Monkland, who
“deceist in the moneth of Marche, 1647" it is stated that being an
aged man living in company and household with his son, he “had no guds
nor geir, at the time of his deceis, except allanerlie the sowme of
ffourtie punds Scotts money of yeirlie yaird maill, awand to him be
Richard Cliddisdaill and George Neilsone, weiffaris (weavers), for the
saill of two yairds in Dry gait, Glasgow.”