THE riot and uproar that took place in this quiet town, on the eventful day
of the Meal-Mob, will be in the recollection of many of the old inhabitants.
It rose to such a height that the Sheriff had to be sent for, and the riot
act read in three different parts of the town, and a great band of special
constables were sworn in. It was in Provost Thom’s time; but it might have
been said that Meg Inglis was Provost that day, for every thing went on by
her direction. She summoned the crew, and had the fish wives of Ferryden
drawn up in line of battle, parading the town, and tooting their horns. Rob
Ruxton was the ringleader among the men, and went up to Brechin, blowing his
horn, to bring them down to help the fray. For the part he took, he was sent
to the hulks, and some say transported for seven years. He went to conceal
himself somewhere over the water, but had not gone far enough, and was
discovered. There being no free trade in com in those days, the price of
meal, which was then more than now, the staff of life had risen very high,
and was out of reach of the common people. Sometimes when there was no riot,
there would have been such crowds waiting for supplies at the meal-market,
that, to get their turn sooner, some threw their meal pocks over the heads
of the mob, with their money tied up. John Davidson, auctioneer, being at
that time at Hatton Mill, was sent by his master with a cart-load of meal to
Dundee, where a meeting had been held the day before by the dealers, who let
it down 2s. a peck. On his return home, his master told him he must
immediately go to Montrose with another load. But being wearied with his
journey, and having got neither meat nor sleep from the time he had left
home, he said he could not go; the horse too wanted rest and meat; but after
waiting an hour, he sets off, and supplies the dealers, James Croal, James
Reid, and another. By that time a mob had begun to gather, and the women
hung into him, and nearly tore the pockets off his jacket; but having a
strong horse, he got out of their reach, and when delivering the meal, the
women, overhearing him tell the ne a s from Dundee that the meal was cheaper
there—for he made no secret of it, as it was nothing to him, being only a
servant—they got so enraged, that they were like to tear the man in the New
Wynd to pieces. The hurry went on ever after, and the mirth and fun grew
fast and furious, till it ended in real earnest—stones were thrown and
windows broken; the streets and wynds leading to the shore were barricaded
with boats and carts laid across to prevent com being shipped. “Tillygorum”
was to ship potatoes at the time; but the women pelted Mm with them, and Rob
Ruxton hit him with a brick on the back; others of them were put in jail,
both men and women. The riot act was read, and special constables sworn in,
who met in Provost Bumes’s garden, where they got bread and cheese and
porter; and the boys from the school got in, and at it they went, and helped
themselves to the bread and cheese. Johnnie Baillie, farmer, Barnyards, old
Montrose, took refuge in Calvert’s school from' the fury of the mob; a stone
was thrown in at the window after him, and he was let out at the back
window, and through the Bowling-green, to get home. D. Scott, Balwyllo,
going home on horseback, was set upon by a woman at the MalL He dismounted
and went in pursuit, and.when he got up with her, gave her a good whipping.
A farmer wag going down the fish-market Wynd after his carts, when Meg
Inglis seized him, and forced him in at the upper door of the fish market,
and sharpening the knife that she sheeled the mussels with, threatened to
stab him; she, however, pardoned him. Mrs Black, a tenant farmer in her own
right at Old Montrose, had to ride home through the Back-sands for fear of
being mobbed. When Provost Thom read the riot act on the Windmill Hill, Meg
Inglis said, “Awa' wi' ye, Provost; will ye read it, looksye, afore me very
&c, " She quenched his oratory with a mouthful of gutters. The Provost
ordered the constables to do their duty; but Meg and her forces routed the
whole brigade.
The author of the folio ing song (which I think numbered about twenty
verses), was Andrew Rough the gravedigger, who was not a little vain of his
composition, and was always ready and willing to sing it when asked:—
(Air—"Tam Glen.”)
“A reward o’ twa hunder shillins,
Was offer’d for’im dead or alive;
But I’m sure my dear friends had you seen him,
For him you wud scarcely gien five!
"But a rascal for greed o’ the siller,
Tauld whaur the poor tailor was hoddin,
An’ a party o’ sodgers gat'd owre,
An’ they catched the puir brute at the Boddin.”
There are three Foundries in Montrose, viz.: (1.)—The Montrose Foundry
Company, which employs about 50 men and boys, and has in connection with it
Mr Jack and son, who have great skill in machinery. Its near proximity to
the ship-building yard of Messrs Joseph Bimie & Co., may be a great
advantage to that Company, as they intend adding iipn ship-building to their
present flourishing business. All who wish well to the prosperity of
Montrose, must hail such an enterprise, which tends to give enlargement and
scope to its vast capabilities, as a shipping, commercial, and manufacturing
town. (2.)—The Links Foundry, Messrs Joseph Kerr & Co., who employ about the
same number of men and boys, and manufacture articles from a plough-board to
a steam-engine. (3.)—The Melville Lane Foundry, carried on by Mr Douglas and
Sons, themselves all workmen, besides others, in all amounting to 12.
Extracted from Council Records.