This is the first definite effort to
restore our old Gaelic Medical
Manuscripts which have lain unknown for so many centuries.
From the national-historical point
of view the Text is very interesting, while from the medical-historical it
is even more so, and from the scholar’s point it must be of distinct
importance. I have tried to keep my eyes open in these three directions.
I have been impelled to endeavour to
do this work from a strong feeling that it ought to be done—that it was
indeed, for long years, calling to be done. My instinctive devotion to my
native language and the exceptional combination, with that, of my Medical
training and my very big experience, seemed to make the call imperative
that I should undertake the work, for
this necessary combination in the life of one
person does not occur very often.
I was
also encouraged by the patriotic
sympathy and enthusiasm of a nobleman who does his heredity full honour by
showing his keen interest in the tradition and literature of his race, and
particularly in the direction which this effort so far realises.
Very much remains
to be done in this way, and it must be
undertaken soon, because some of these MSS. are very far gone in
decay—especially those written on paper. This work may encourage, as it
certainly will assist, such as may wish to work in this field.
Hearty thanks are due to
the Publishers, who did this difficult work sympathetically and admirably.
LONDON, December 1910.
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