Army of Salvation.
Last week I took part
in the STUC better way march in Edinburgh, 20 thousand people joined
the march to express their concern about the impact of the cuts from
Westminster. That combined with the cuts to Scotland's block grant
means a very difficult time ahead for us all. At equal opportunities
committee this week we had some written evidence from Fawcett that
explained the disproportionate effect of benefit and welfare reforms
on women. Women who are usually the main care giver and typically in
low paid jobs. Proposals to cut income support will result in people
being evicted from their homes and in the long term will cost the
devolved service much more money because of the health and social
care requirements.
So I'm thinking it
looks like people in the lower earnings bracket will pay to sort the
problems caused by labours mis-management of the economy and their
failure to regulate the banks. I think all profits made by banks
should be taken by the government until the whole situation is
I do believe that
there is a better was as STUC says, I think that better way is for
Scotland to have all the powers of an independent nation to enable
us to grow our way out of recession. With new oil and gas
discoveries being found recently it is imperative that Scotland
asserts her independence to stop the revenue from these discoveries
disappearing down the Westminster plughole. One of the most
laughable things I heard this week was some bloke on newnicht
suggesting that Norway was going to run out of money and that they
needed to diversify. I think I will continue to be in awe of the
very sensible control Norway has of its oil money meaning that the
impact of this will result in that money working for Norway and her
people for evermore.
Here s some
additional info just to get you thinking about what is possible and
ho our unionist opponents try to do us and other countries down.
The better way
campaign can be found here;
check out the video of the march part two and you may see someone
you know.

As Scotland waits to
hear what spending cuts will be imposed on the nation by the UK
Tory/LibDem government various news reports have strengthened the
case for Scotland to control its own finances.
· In the Scotsman
leading Irish economist demolishes Labour’s attack on Ireland’s
economy and points out some uncomfortable facts for Iain Gray about
Labour’s economic record and those “politicians [who] love their
Westminster careers more than their country”;
· In the Holyrood
Magazine Savvas Savouri, the Chief Economist with Toscafund Asset
Management, says that in an economic crisis fiscal responsibility is
essential for Scotland; and
· Norway's central
bank has announced that their oil-fuelled state pension fund has
grown to a massive 3 trillion Norwegian kroner (£324bn or $513bn).
Commenting on these
latest developments SNP MSP, Christina McKelvie - said:
“On the day we
discover the fate of the Scottish economy from a London government
determined to cut too far and too fast it is ironic that we also see
new information on the success of the Norwegian oil fund in
cushioning it’s economy and protecting public pensions, Labour’s
attack on Ireland turn to dust, and new voices supporting real
financial responsibility for Scotland.
“With full
responsibility for our finances we could avoid the worst impact of
the cuts coming from London that threaten Scotland’s economic
recovery. Financial powers will not magic the cuts away but they
would make a difference and allow Scotland to grow our way out of
recession instead of being stuck with the Conservative and LibDems
economic ideology.
“As Alex Salmond said
at our party conference our belief in independence is about creating
jobs and growing Scotland’s economy. In contrast our opponents
prefer party advantage instead of economic advantage for Scotland.
“A North Sea oil fund
could provide greater stability, protect the economy, create jobs
and support the creation of a low carbon economy.
“Scotland can learn
from our neighbours and experience the benefits of investing a share
of energy revenues into a fund that provides a permanent source of
wealth for our nation.
“With Cameron and
Clegg’s cuts now starting to hit hard working people in Scotland,
more powers and independence are an essential part of making
Scotland the better country we all want it to be.
1. Marc Coleman’s article in the Scotsman taking Labour to task for
its attacks on Ireland can be accessed here:
In his article Marc Coleman wrote that Labour would “do better to
look at their own record in Scotland” and pointed out that:
“Ireland's GDP per
capita is 30% above the European Union average, while Scotland's,
sadly, is well below it. Labour has ruled Scotland for 13 years, and
it's been a very unlucky 13 indeed with Scotland's population and
relative living standards falling far behind…
"And, according to
forecasts of the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Commission,
once the correction of the last two years is past, the Irish economy
will resume its record of growing faster than both Britain and the
"The nation that
invented the phone, television, penicillin, the Enlightenment,
modern economics (I could go on), is just as capable as Ireland, if
not more so, of rapid growth. But not if its politicians love their
Westminster careers more than their country. And not if a
one-size-fits-all economic policy – ideal for the south-east of
England but devastating for Scotland – draws economic activity and
talent away from the north and towards an already over-congested
Mr Coleman is
economics editor of Dublin-based Newstalk 106-108fm and a
contributor to the Sunday Independent.
2. Savvas Savouri’s
article in the Holyrood Magazine on how allowing Scotland to take
control of its own finances makes sense can be read here:
In his article Savvas Savouri wrote:
responsibility for Scotland is not only practical but desirable if
the UK economy is to move to a more solid budgetary footing.
“From the perspective
of Whitehall, devolving tax policy to Holyrood is sensible, both
economically and politically, as it will finally end the disconnect
of a Scottish Parliament that is charged with spending money without
the responsibility of generating revenues.
“What’s more, I am
convinced it would serve interests on both sides of the border for
Holyrood to be granted economic powers well beyond those being
offered in the Calman report.”
Savvas Savouri is
Chief Economist with Toscafund Asset Management.
3. A report on how
Norway’s oil fund has grown to 3 trillion Norwegian kroner can be
read here:
Looking forward to
the pitiful attempt at a conference for labour this weekend in Oban
made me reflect back on our own conference. Our conference was full
of hope and togetherness whereas Oban for labour will be a litany of
grudge and gripe full of recrimination and negative scheming. Ian
Gray is a joke and labour have nothing to offer the people of
Scotland. You don’t need to look any further than not so red Ed when
he said he would work with the ConDem government to bring though the
very welfare and benefit reports I talked about at the start of my
diary this week. Labour are not interested in the ordinary man or
woman they are only interested in power and the trappings of power.
Keep them out of government in Scotland and elect a party who is
concerned with ordinary Scots and has ideas that will bring some
hope to us all.
And thinking about
polls you should read the blog update from Calum Cashley where he
explains how the recent poll was weighted against us.
very interesting indeed.

Fiona and me

John Swinney and me

Winnie and me
Following on from my
march in Edinburgh I was very honoured to be invited to Hamilton
Town House to hear the Salvation Army International Staff Songsters.
This was the first time they had got back to Scotland for 3 years
and what a treat they where. Wonderful music and wonderful singing
certainly had everyone clapping and singing along. It was a very
uplifting event and Glad and Sven are a wonderful asset to the Army
and the people of Hamilton. Keep up to date with the events in the
Hamilton Army through Sven's blog;
Last night I got
along to the Herald Society awards it was a lovely event with lots
of inspirational winners. You can see the details in next weeks
It has been another
very busy week in the parliament b between committees and emergency
legislation. It does take it out of you but it is also a very
fulfilling experience.
I'm off to see
Hamilton Accies play Motherwell tomorrow to show my support for Show
Racism the Red card.
Have a smashing
weekend see you next week.