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Forest, Lake and
Twenty years of frontier life in western Canada, 1842-62,
By John McDougall |

Chapter I
Childhood - Indians - Canoes - "Old Isaiah " - Father goes to college.
Chapter II
Guardians - School - Trip to Nottawasaga - Journey to Alderville - Elder
Case - The Wild Colt, etc.
Chapter III
Move into the far north - Trip from Alderville to Garden River -
Father's work - Wide range of big steamboat - My trip to Owen Sound -
Peril in storm - In store at Penetanguishene - Isolation - First boat -
Brother David knocked down.
Chapter IV
Move to Rama - I go to college - My chum - How I cure him - Work in
store in Orillia - Again attend college - Father receives appointment to
"Hudson's Bay" - Asks me to accompany him.
Chapter V
From Rama to St. Paul - Mississippi steamers - Slaves - Pilot - Race.
Chapter VI
Across the plains - Mississippi to the Red - Pemmican - Mosquitoes -
Dogs - Hunting - Flat boat - Hostile Indians.
Chapter VII
From Georgetown on the Red to Norway House on the Nelson - Old Fort
Garry - Governor MacTavish - York boats - Indian gamblers - Welcome by
H. B. Co. people.
Chapter VIII
New mission - The people - School - Invest in pups - Dog-driving -
Foot-ball - Beautiful aurora.
Chapter IX
First real winter trip - Start - Extreme fatigue - Conceit all gone -
Cramps - Change - Will-power - Find myself - Am as capable as others -
Oxford House - Jackson's Bay.
Chapter X
Enlarging church - Winter camp - How evenings are spent - My boys -
Spring - The first goose, etc.
Chapter XI
Opening of navigation - Sturgeon, fishing - Rafting timber - Sawing
Chapter XII
Summer transport - Voyageurs - Norway House - The meeting place of many
brigades - Missionary work intensified.
Chapter XIII
Canoe trip to Oxford - Serious accident.
Chapter XIV
Establish a fishery - Breaking dogs - Dog-driving, etc.
Chapter XV
Winter trip to Oxford - Extreme cold - Quick travelling.
Chapter XVI
Mother and baby's upset - My humiliation.
Chapter XVII
From Norway House to the great plains - Portaging - Pulling and poling
against the strong current - Tracking.
Chapter XVIII
Enter the plains - Meet a flood - Reach Fort Carlton.
Chapter XIX
The Fort - Buffalo steak - "Out of the latitude of bread".
Chapter XX
New surroundings - Plain Indians - Strange costumes - Glorious gallops -
Father and party arrive.
Chapter XXI
Continue journey - Old "La Gress" - Fifty miles per day.
Chapter XXII
Fort Pitt - Hunter's paradise - Sixteen buffalo with seventeen arrows -
"Big" Bear.
Chapter XXIII
On to White-fish Lake - Beautiful country - Indian camp - Strike
northward into forest land.
Chapter XXIV
The new Mission - Mr. Steinhauer - Benjamin Sinclair.
Chapter XXV
Measurement of time - Start for Smoking Lake - Ka-Kake - Wonderful
hunting feat - Lose horse - Tough meat.
Chapter XXVI
Mr. Woolsey - Another new mission.
Chapter XXVII
Strike south for buffalo and Indians - Strange mode of crossing "Big
River" - Old Besho and his eccentricities - Five men dine on two small
Chapter XXVIII
Bear hunt - Big grizzlies - Surfeit of fat meat.
Chapter XXIX
The first buffalo - Father excited - Mr. Woolsey lost - Strike trail of
big camp - Indians dash at us - Meet Maskepetoon.
Chapter XXX
Large camp - Meet Mr. Steinhauer - Witness process of making provisions
- Strange life.
Chapter XXXI
Great meeting—Conjurers and medicine-men look on under protest - Father
prophesies - Peter waxes eloquent as interpreter - I find a friend.
Chapter XXXII.
The big hunt - Buffalo by the thousand - I kill my first buffalo -
Wonderful scene.
Chapter XXXIII
Another big meeting - Move camp - Sunday service all day.
Chapter XXXIV
Great horse-race - "Blackfoot," "Moose Hair," and others - No gambling -
How "Blackfoot" was captured.
Chapter XXXV
Formed friendships - Make a start - Fat wolves - Run one - Reach the
Saskatchewan at Edmonton.
Chapter XXXVI
Swim horses - Cross in small boat - Dine at officers' table on pounded
meat without anything else - Sup on ducks - No carving.
Chapter XXXVII
Start for new home - Miss seeing father - Am very lonely - Join Mr.
William goes to the plains - I begin work at Victoria - Make hay -
Plough - Hunt - Storm.
Chapter XXXIX
Establish a fishery - Build a boat - Neils becomes morbid - I watch him.
Chapter XL
Lake freezes - I go for rope - Have a narrow escape from wolf and
drowning - We finish our fishing - Make sleds - Go home - Camp of
starving - Indians en route.
Chapter XLI
Mr. O. B. - The murderer - The liquor keg.
Chapter XLII
William comes back - Another refuge seeker comes to us - Haul our fish
home - Hard work.
Chapter XLIII
Flying trip to Edmonton - No snow - Bare ice - Hard travel - A
Blackfoot's prayer.
Chapter XLIV
Midnight mass - Little Mary - Foot-races - Dog races, etc. - Reach my
twentieth birthday - End of this book.