Catalogue of the McAlpine Collection of
British History and Theology Compiled and Edited by Charles Ripley
Gillett, D.D., L.H.D. Librarian, 1883-1908 in two volumes. (1927)
Volume I: 1500-1640 |
Volume II: 1641-1652
A Catalogue of the Publications
of Scottish Historical and Kindred Clubs and Societies
And of the Papers relative to Scottish History issued by H.M. Stationery
Office, inchiding the Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical MSS.
1908-1927 With a Subject-Index by Cyril Matheson, M.A., Assistant to the
Professor of History in the University of Aberdeen (1928) (pdf)
An Index to the Papers Relating to
Scotland, described or Calendared in the Historical MSS. Commission s
By Charles Sanford Terry, M.A. (1908) (pdf)
The Reports of the Historical
MSS Commission
By R. A. Roberts, F.R.Hist.S. Sometime secretary of the Commission
(1920) (pdf) |