for my Clergie, I affirming vow,
The solid tructh to God, and then to You;
There are no People, nor no Land so blest
With Godly "Prcachers, and Gods word profest
Witli more sinceritie, taught, showne, and preach'd,
Than in my kingdome."
William Lilhgow.

1. John Goodefellow.
Settled, 1571.—Prior to the Reformation in 1560, he was a member of the
Chapter of St. Andrews. He may be the same as John Gudefallo, who was
minister of Benholme. He was a friend of John Spots-wood, Superintendent
of Lothian. Spotswood " left to the poor of the pars of Calder-Comitis.,
xx merkis, and giffis to Johne Spotswood in Blakisling, and his bairns,
xli of that in the hands of Johne Gudefellow, min. of Longforgan, for
his help at the schulis." In Calder-wood's
History, iii. p. 186, Johne Guidfallow,
minister at Longforgunde, is named along with David Robertsone at Rossy.
Literature on
Goodefellow.—Calderwood, iii. p. 186; Wodrow,
Biog., i. p. 350;
Test. Reg. ; Scott's
Fasti, i. p. 174; iii. pp. 714, 857.
2. Nicol Spittal.
1575.—Spittal was successively minister of
Fowlis in Gowrie, Benvie, Longforgan. He died at Dundee on the 9th of
April 1576.
Literature.—Reg. Min. ;
Test. Reg.; Reg. Assig.', Wodrow,
Miscell., i. p. 353; Mait-land,
Miscell., iii.; Scott's
Fasti, iii. pp. 712,
715, 7i9.
3. Robert Rynd.
Settled 1590. (Before Rynd came, Patrick Galloway of Fowlis had charge
of Longforgan.)
Rynd's father was a somewhat celebrated man in his day. His name occurs
for the first time in a list which was approved by the General Assembly
of 1560, containing "the names of them quhilks the ministers and
commissioners thinks most qualified for the administering of the Word of
God and Sacraments, and reading of the commone prayers publicklie in all
kirks and congregations, and given up by them everie one within their
owne bounds."
long after this he was admitted first Protestant minister of Kinnoull,
which he held along with the mastership of the Grammar School of Perth.
He was a staunch friend of Mr. John Row of Perth, and took a large share
in the business of the church. He was one of those who were appointed to
draw up. the Second Book of Discipline, was a member of no less than
eight Assemblies between 1576 and 1597, and was one of the Commissioners
for the; trial of thq Bishop of Dunkeld. He married Beatrix,, a,
daughter of the family of Pitcairn of that ilk. He died in 1610, at a
great age, and was said to have accumulated "great riches,' and to have
made "a god of his geir."
describes in his
History an interesting interview which took
place between Rynd and his friend Mr. John Row, whilst the latter was
lying on his deathbed.
"There was one passage remarkable in the tyme of his sickness, a little
before his death. The master of the gramer scule, commonlie call it
Dominie Rynd, cam to visit him,, and $aid, ' Sir, ye hae monie small
bairns, and alas! yee hae little or noe gear to leave them ; what will
become of them ? I fear they beg through the countrie. Sir, yee have not
been careful to gather gear to them as yee micht, both at Rome and since
ye cam to Scotland.' Mr. iolin Row turning him to the wall, lay.silent a
pretty space, pouring .out his soul',to. God. Thereafter, turning
himself, he says, ' Dominie, I have been thinking on that yee wes saying
to me. I will not justifie myself, , nor say I have been careful eneuch
to gather gear to my bairnes. I think I micht, and ought to have done
more that way than I have done. But, Dominie, I have laid" over my
bairnes upon God, and the weil ordered covenant, for we must lippen much
to the auld charter " Pro-videbit Dominus." But, Dominie, let me tyme
about speak to you. Yee have but ae son, and yee have great riches to
give him and ye male a god of your gear; and yee think who but your
onlie son—my son, say yee, he will have enough. But, Dominie, it fears
me ye have little credit,"and farre less comfort be him. Yea, it-may be
that when my bairns, whom I have laid ower upon God's gracious and all
sufficient Providence, may have competencie in the world, your son may
have much mister, and beholden to some of mine, for "it is God's
blessing that maketh rich."' And the event did speak the fulfilling of
this prophesie of the dying servant of Jesus Christ, for Mr Row's family
were all well provydit for; and Dominie Rynd, his only rich heir, he wes
minister of Dron, and wes a verie prophane and dissolute man; given to
drunkenness and manie evil vices, so that he became verie poore; and in
his own tyme, for povertie, was forced to sell his bookes to Mr. Johne
Row, the schoolmaster of Perth, son to Mr. John Row, minister at Carnock,
and grandson to him who uttered the prophesie; and after his death, his
wife, for povertie, turned ane gangrell poore woman, selling some small
wares, and often was refreshed with meat and drink in the house of one
of Mr. John Row, minister at Carnock, his sonnes, minister of Seires, in
Fife" (Row's
Besides Patrick, minister of Dron, William Rynd had three sons in the
Colin was minister successively at For-teviot and Auchtergaven, and then
for a time in Ireland. He was latterly in straitened circumstances, and
received aid from the Sessions of Kilspindie, Dron, and Aberdalgie.
William was a man of some note. He was the tutor and governor of John,
Earl of Gowrie, and went with him and his brother to Padua in T594-.
After the so-called Gowrie Conspiracy in 1600, Rynd suffered much for
his alliance with that nobleman. He was " tortured in the boots where he
gott . . . chops, so that his legs were crushed, and he sorely
tormented, but they could never extort out of • him any privitie or
knowledge of the fact."
Patrick and Colin, William came to be in reduced circumstances; and in
1644 the Kirk Session of Cupar gave to "ane minister callit Mr. William
Rynd of ninety-four years of aige, tua dolars."
Robert, minister first of Edmam, second of Merton, then of Fowlis in
Gowrie, was presented to Longforgan about 1590 by King James VI. He was
a member of the Assembly in 1610. Little is known of him, but his death
was startling.
the Chronicle of
Perth, this entry occurs : "In the toun of
dundee, vpown thursday night the xxix of December 1614 zeiris, Mr James
row, minister at Kilspindie, and Mr. Robert Rynd, minister at
Langforgown, lyand both in ane bed within the dwelling hous of —— and
baith being veill quhen they lay down, were founde vpon the morning
efter, both deid."
and Rynd were brothers-in-law, Rynd being married to Row's sister, a
daughter of the famous Mr. Row of Perth. Rynd died leaving no provision
for his family. For his soil, Mr. James, a royal missive was given to
the Archbishop of St. Andrews, 24th Feb: following, requiring his
presentation to the first competent living which shall fall vacant, "
that so lie might be a meane to keep his mother, brothers, and sisters
from the extreme of necessitie." It is more than doubtful if he got one.
Things, however, seem to have brightened for his brother Andrew,
minister (first) at Alva, and (secondly) at Tillicoultry. His name
appears among the benefactors of Glasgow University, to the building of
whose library he gave twenty nierks.
Literature.---Reg. Assig,
Sec. Sigill, and
Pres. St. Andrew s Syn.,
and Test. Reg.
(St. And andEdin.); Cald«mvoodD Row's Hist^my; Scott's
Reformers, p. 182 and p. 257 (Orig. Letter
ii.); Scott's
Fasti, i. p. 459, 529;
J bid. ii. pp. 691, 740;
Ibid. iii. pp. 715-719, etc.;
Chronicle . of Perth
; Wilson's
Presbytery of Perth; Mwty. Univ. Glasg.,
iii.; Wodrow's
History, Stevenson's.
4. James Jarden,
A.M. Settled, 1615.—He got his degree from St. Andrews in 1606. Later he
studied at the New College. He was presented by King James to
Caerlaveroch, but did not accept it. The same year, 1609, he received
presentation to Ferry-Port-on-Craig. Six years later he was translated
to Longforgan, where he laboured for fifteen years, dying in October
1630, in the twenty-first year of his ministry, about the age of
forty^our.- Of Jarderi's work we know little. The very year in which he
was settled, a large change came over the parish. In that year, 1615,
Castle Huntly passed from the family of Gray to that of Lyon. 1623-24
was a year of great hardship all over the district. The frost lasted
from Martinmas to the end of January, when it yielded a little. It
gathered again shortly after. How hard it was may be judged by this,
that "ellewin cairtis with 21 puncheonis of wyne" went up from Dundee to
Perth 011 the ice.
Literature.—Reg. See.
Pres. Sees., St. Andrews Syn., and
Test. Reg. (St. And.);
Bannatyne Miscell., iii.; Scott's
Fasti, ii. p. 426 ; iii. 715.
5. Joseph Laurie,
A.M. • Settled, 1630.—-Laurie is a man of considerable interest. He was
born in Glasgow. His father was Mr. Blaise Laurie, Professor of Greek in
the University, and "Regent there from 15831598." In a letter
{Letters, iii. pp. 402-3, Laing's
Edition) to Mr. W. Douglas, Professor of Divinity at Aberdeen, speaking
of "famous men of our University and City," Baillie names " Blasius
Laurentius, Mr. R. Laurie's grandfather,, born wirli us, and long a
Regent in our house, one of the bravest philosophs and humanists of his
foseph Laurie received his degree from Glasgow in 1606, and was admitted
to Kirkintilloch before September 1613.
brought a supplication before the Presbytery in 1617 against a reader
and musician named Duncan Birnet, who had called him "ane dissembled
hypocrite, one whose conscience was so wyde, that cairtes and wains
micht go throw it; ane teacher of the word that was unworthie, ane
beggar, and ane beggar's burd, that he had als meikle silver as micht
buy him from the gallows; lastlie, that he would brek ,his head at the
kirk ot Leinze." Duncan compeared and acknowledged the slander..
About the same time we read of Laurie visiting the Session of Glasgow,'
along with Mr. Robert Boyd, "principall commissioner directed for that
effect," and Mr. John Blackburn, and Mr. Alexander Rouatt.
Three years later, in 1620, Laurie was translated to Stirling. His next
charge was Longforgan, to which he was presented by King Charles I.
Baillie calls him "an excellent preacher."
During the time that Laurie was at Longforgan the castle was held by the
second Earl of Kinghorne. His sympathies were with the men who, later,
subscribed the Covenant. The parish registers (births and marriages)
begin in Laurie's time.
was translated to Perth in the end of 1634. In the account of his
settlement we get a good idea of the summary way in which the bishops
had come to exercise their jurisdiction in "ordaining ministers, and
admitting on their own authority, with small regard either to the
judgment of the Presbyteries or the wishes of the congregations of the
Church." Here is the only notice of it:—
Perth, the fourth of May, i635--Mr. Ninian Drummond, Moderator. (The
former days, there was no exercise or meeting because of the great storm
of snow, the lyke not seen in any man's remembrance living at this
present.) Whilk day ther was no exercise nor addition, be.cause those
who were appointed were not present. Notwithstanding, the brethren who
were present did convene within the revestrie of the. Paroch Kirk—to
witt, Mess^ John Robertson, Joseph Lawrie, minister of Perth, the said
Mr. Joseph being accepted before, be commission of the Archbishop of St.
Andrews, Mr. David Weemys," etc.
Laurie did not, however, feel tied to Prelacy, and took part in the
measures which shortly after issued in its overthrow, and in the
re-establishment of Presbytery as the national form of church
government. " On the 29th April, 1638, he took the oath against ' Budds
and Bryberie,' declaring that he neither was, nor would be, corrupted to
do anything prejudicial "to the freedom of the General Assembly about to
be held, nor to the Solemn League and Covenant." He does , not, however,
seem to have been so hearty as some of his friends desired. Baillie
writes in 1638: "In all our meetings I marvell that our tounsman, Mr. !
oseph Lawrie, lies never appeired : he was putt out by St. Andrewes and
the High Commission from Stirling : I took him long since for an
excellent preacher; he now serves at St. 1 ohnstoun; 1 heard he preaches
against the bookes (Books of Service); yet did I never see him in any of
our conventions for thir matters."
Laurie was chosen as the first Moderator of the Presbytery under the new
system, his colleague, Mr. Robertson, having hitherto held the position
permanently by the voice of the Archbishop.
Laurie died in 1640, at the age of fifty-four, and in the twenty-seventh
year of his ministry. He left two sons in the ministry; (1) Thomas of
Lesmahago, formerly of Robertoun ; and (2) Robert, who succeeded his
Robert Laurie, or, as he is often called, Robert Lowrie or Lawrie, had a
curious history, and has left his mark on more than one passage of
Scottish Church life. He was in his teens when his father came to
Longforgan, and when the home was transferred to Perth had barely
reached his majority. Robert was a student for the Church when his
father was at Longforgan. The first public notice that we have of him is
as a reader and uptaker of the Psalms in Perth. Under date, September 5,
1637, the
Chronicle of Perth says : " Mr. Robert
lawrie admittit reader and uptaker of the psalmes be the prouest,
baillies, and counsall, without consent of the ministeris and elderis.
Mr. John H
Robertsone, minister, being present dissentit thairfra, and depairtit,
and wold haive hed the full consent not onlie of the ministeris and
elderis, but also of the Archbishop of Sanctan-drois. George bisset
dissentit to his admissioun as elder, and efter consentit as councellor.
Mr. Joseph lawrie his father compeirit not, becaus his collige mr. John
refussit, zit willing."
months later, he took a prominent part in the swearing of the National
Covenant at Perth. Says the
Chronicle: " This (The Confession of faith
and bond of Covenant) wes publicklie red bcfoir none on peax day, being
the xxv day of marche 1638, be mr. Robert lawrie reader. Mr. Johne
robertsone preachit, being ane fast, and the haill kirk and
congrega-tioun tarie suorne thairto, be uphaulding of thair hands.
Before he was ordained he acted as the Perth Presbytery Clerk for two
years and a half. He was ordained at Perth in 1641, and remained there
till 1644, when he was translated to Edinburgh. During his tenure of
office in Perth a rather interesting case arose between the 1 own
Council and the Presbytery as to its jurisdiction. The following minute
states the case:—"Perth, 30th March, 1642. Mr. Robert
Laurie declared that the Town-Council has made ane Act, ordeeining that
Mr. John Robertson, and he sail preach on Sunday, before and afternoon,
per vices, and that the Council did send unto him and require him to
preach on Sunday before noon; therefore he craved the Presbyteries
judgment as to what answer he sail give them. After consideration, the
brethren ordeeined him to answer. The matter is ecclesiastical, and he
micht delay untill the Counsill shall propound the matter unto the
Presbyterie, and that the Presbyterie consider thereof."
Laurie's first charge in Edinburgh was Trinity College Church. He was
translated to the Tron in 1648. One of the things that interested him
much in Edinburgh was the Metrical Version of the Psalms; and he had a
share in the production of the present Scottish Version of 1650. He was
one of those who were appointed by the General Assembly of 1649 to
"re-examine the Paraphrase of the Psalmes, and to emit the same for
publicke use." In 1650, Jan. 1, we read: "The Commission of the Assembly
understanding the paines Mr. Jo. Adamson, Mr. Zacharie Boyd, and Mr. Rol
Lowrie have been at in the translation of the Psalines and other
Scripturall Songs in Meeter, and how usefull their travells have been in
the correcting of the Old Paraphrase of the Psalmes, and in compileing
the New, Doe therefore return them heartie thanks for these their
labours, and that the Moderator shew this to Mr. I o. Adamsone, Mr.
Robert Lowrie, and wrytte to Mr. Zacharie Boyd to this purpose." Dr.
Laing says that the fact that this version has continued so long in use
must be attributed to the care bestowed " by many learned divines to
render it at once a simple and faithful paraphrase of the original
text." Beattie says of it: " And this, notwithstanding its many
imperfections, I cannot help thinking the best.
Laurie seems to have tried the art of Zachary Boyd, and to have written
Scriptural Songs, A minute of date 22nd Feb. 1650 runs so : "The
Commission understanding that Mr. Ro Lowrie has taken some paines in
putting the Scripturall Songs in Meter, They therefore des.re him to
present his labours therein to the Commission at their next meeting."
Laing, however, says : "It may be added, that in the Minutes of the
Commission no further notice is taken either of these Scriptural Songs
by Leitch or Lowrie; which do not appear ever to have been printed."
later notices of Laurie introduce him in a somewhat different and less
pleasant light.
the Presbytery of Edinburgh petitioned Parliament, in 1661, for a
meeting of the General Assembly in order to a settlement of the church
government, and in favour of keeping the Covenant, he was one of those
who were appointed to wait on the Lord High Commissioner Middleton.
Before S*r Alexander Durham was crowned lyon king of arms in the face of
Parliament in 1661, Laurie preached a sermon in the House on "What shall
be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honour? " Next year he
was translated to the High Church. His sympathies had become
Episcopalian. He was the only, or almost the only minister in Edinburgh
who conformed to Episcopacy, and, in consequence, got the nickname of
the " Nest Egg." The same year saw him presented to the Deanery. His
character see.ms to have suffered with his change. Wodrow tells us that
he tried to calumniate the character of those who were executed for the
Pentland rising. " To blacken these noble sufferers, Mr. Robert Lawrie,
a little after their de.'ith, declared from one of the pulpits in
Edinburgh that they had gone down to the pit with a lie in their right
hand, but brought no proofs of his uncharitable and unchristian censure.
There was indeed a cause; he was hounded out to this bitter and unjust
reflection. Their death and the triumphant nature of it had left deep
impressions of the righteousness of their cause and their own innocence;
and this public calumny only left the speaker under a blot, yea, the
hatred and contempt of many, but did no hurt to the sufferers. Indeed,
from the time of these repeated public executions, the Episcopal
interest in the kingdom gradually and sensibly decayed, till the
prelates, the chief instruments of the bloodshed, were at length laid
aside as a public nuisance."
1672, Laurie was consecrated at Holy-rood Bishop of Brechin, where he
continued till his death, some five years later. He did not altogether
like Sharp's policy. In 1675 he was in favour of a General Council being
held, but gave in to Sharp. Ramsay of Dunblane stuck out a little, but
had also to yield. He made " more noise than Laurie the nest egg. Sharp,
however, gained the day.
died, according to Wodrow, a remorseful death. " So bitter a morsel was
a bishopric to many of them, that a little before his death at
Edinburgh, he discharged the bellman to cry him by the designation of
bishop, but ordered himself to be cried late minister of Edinburgh."
was a man of considerable ability and of varied learning. He was counted
an eloquent preacher. The only thing he published was a sermon, in 1660.
died at the age of sixty-two, in the thirty-seventh year of his
6. David Broune,
A.M. Settled, 1635.—He studied at St. Andrews, where he was laureated in
1612. He was admitted to Essie in 1617, whence he was translated to
Longforgan in 1635. Here he laboured till 1644. Beyond the fact that he
had a son Patrick, and two daughters Jeane and Annie, little is known of
Broune's ministry in Longforgan fell in the stirring times of the
Covenant. The lord of Castle Huntly was a staunch Covenanter. That there
were others in the parish who sympathised with it strongly, may be
judged from the following inscription on a stone in Longforgan
churchyard : " Hir rests ane trev covenanter, Androv Smyth, in Hvntlie,
aged 63, 1643. My savl to praise the lord. A. S.; E. F. Memento Mori."
-Was Andrew Smith, the " true covenanter," a descendant of the worthy
matron who succoured William Wallace, a still earlier champion of
Scottish liberty ?
was in Broune's time, also, that the teinds of Longforgan were assigned
to Dundee. The stipend in Longforgan was quite modest, and when the
tithes came to be realised, Broune thought that he ought to have some
augmentation, and so "desired that the Council would tak some course 11
a fair way rather than that he should be put to seek provision for his
kirk be law." This desire the Council were good enough to " tak in good
pairt," and they agreed "to meet with him and think upon the best ways
for his sattling." The meeting succeeded in making an arrangement for
the future, but when Mr. David "still desired satisfaction for his
stipend of 1642," the Council " continued the giving answer until the
next occasion." The next occasion does not seem ever to have come.
Broune died in 1646.
7. Alexander Mylne.
Settled, 1649. — By King Charles' charter, the burgh had now the
patronage of the kirk of Longforgan.
Several years passed before a settlement was effected. It might be
supposed that this was due to irritation at the lairds and the
parishioners who had frowned,at the rights of the town, or that it was
due to the greed of the burgh in seeking to get the tithes for the use
of the common good. But the records of the city show that the matter was
early discussed by the Council, which "considering how necessary it is
that the kirk be weill provided with ane able and qualifeit man for
serving the cure there, and being informed of the literature and
qualification of Mr. Alexander Mylne, expectant in divinity, resolved
and ordained that ane presentation be drawn up to him to the kirk and
modifest stipend."
Mylne was the son of one of the bailies. He studied at St. Andrews,
where he got his degree in 1639. Ten years later, he wras
admitted to Longforgan.
1661 he was translated to the Second Charge, or South Church of Dundee.
He died four years after, in 1665, about the age of forty-seven. "He was
proprietor of the town and lands of Pilmore, and bequeathed to the
kirk-session j° xxxiii li. vi s. viij d. for behoof of the poor. He marr.
Agnes Fletcher, and had four sons and a daugh. Alexander served heir
ioth Nov. 1666, James, Thomas, George, and Margaret. His lady, 'of her
voluntary goodness, gifted and dedicated, 24th July 1659, table cloths
and .towels to the service of the kirk of Longforgan in all tyme heir
Alexander Mylne's father, the bailie, and his brother Thomas, are both
supposed to have perished during the siege of Dundee in 1651, the latter
at the early age of twenty-two. There are two stones in the Howff placed
by Alexander, which record in a glowing way the:r worth, t he
one to his brother bears that it was put , up by Magister Alex. Milne,
Pastor Forgonen-sis (Mr. Alex. Milne, minister of Longforgan). It was of
Mr. Mylne that Earl Patrick borrowed a bed when he came to Castle Lyon
in 1660.
Mr. Mylne the family of Mylne of Mylnefield is descended. This family
was known as Mylne of Mylnefield from about the end of the seventeenth
century. The house is beautifully situated on a rising ground a little
to the south of the turnpike, and nearly midway between the villages of
Longforgan and Inver-gowrie. It has some noble trees about it, and its
grounds offer some of the most charming views in the district. Mr.
Thomas Mylne, the
laird in the second half of last century, was a man of enterprise. He
did a great deal to improve the land, and the parks of Mylnfield had a
name for the sheep they reared. Since then the estate has been broken
up. The house and surrounding policies are now the property of the
Misses Brand. From the style of its architecture the oldest part of the
house is judged to be three hundred years old.
8. James Middiltoune.
1661.— Middiltoune was ordained at Montrose
in 1659, whence he was translated to Longfonran in 1661. He died in
1672, in the thirteenth year of his ministry. His wife's name was
Elizabeth Murray, and he had a son John and a daughter Helen. " His
books, with utencils and abulze-ments, were estimat at iic
li. Frie geir, d. d., vc xxxiili. xivs. iiij d."
most interesting episode, perhaps, in the church records of the day is
the baptism of Earl Patricks eldest son. A large company, including the
High Commissioner's wife, Lady Middleton, was staying at the castle. The
baptism took place on the 19th May 1663. The record tells how on that
day John, Lord Lyon, eldest lawful son to the noble and potent Earl
Patrick, procreat betwixt him and Dame Helen
Middletone his spouse, was presented by the said noble Earl and baptized
by Mr. J as.
Middletone, our own minister, with all solemni-tyes requisite. Among
those present were the Earls of Errol, Morton, Panmure, Sirs Geo.
Kinnaird, Hay of Megginch, etc.
event of more public note in the parish occurred the year in which
Middiltoune died. In 1672, Charles II. granted a charter ;n
favour of Earl Patrick of Strathmore, erecting Longforgan into a free
burgh of barony, " with power to erect and constitute bailies,
burgesses, clerks, officers, sergeants, etc., and to admit all kinds of
trades to a variety of privileges ; to have a weekly market within the
burgh, and to have two free yearly fairs , '. . each to last three
days." It is to be feared that Longforgan has never risen to its
privilege of erecting and constituting bailies and burgesses. By the
same charter the barony of Longforgan was erected into a lordship, to be
called the Lordship of Lyon. It is likely that it was at this time that
the castle ceased to be known as Castle Huntly and came to be known as
Castle Lyon, a name which it bore for over one hundred years.
feudal system was then in full force. Everyone in the village was
subject to the castle. As much as three-fourths of the rent was paid in
kind in 1667, and part of the rest in constant service.
9. Alexander Symmer,
A.M. Settled, 1673. —He was a student at St.
Andrews St. Salvator's College, and received his degree in 1667. Having
passed his trials before the Presbytery, he was ordained at Longforgan
on the 7th May 1673. He laboured there for ten years and a half, dying
in October 1683, about the age of thirty-six, "an young man unmarried."
" His books and some little plenishing were estimat at jc
xxxiii li. vis. viij d., drogs furnished the tyme of his deceis jc
li. Frie geir, d. d., iiijc xcvij li."
8th volume of the Longforgan Session Records begins with Mr. Symmer s
ministry. The first page is pasted down ; but, on May 8, 1673, we read
that both sermons were preached by our own minister. He seems to have
been a painstaking man. He took from July 1673 to May 1674 to overtake
nine verses of the First Epistle of John, which was his " ordinary." He
was pretty often sick, which explains the large expenditure on drugs
referred to. His place on these occasions was frequently taken by
Expectants, who correspond to Probationers.
Rather a curious reference occurs to his absence on March i, 1674 : "One
sermon preached by Mr. John Dunbar (the day being tempestuouss) upon 20
Job 2n ver. : our own minr being diuerted by yc
death and buriall of ane Aunt."
There are a good many notices in the Records of the School. But it does
not appear that they indulged their teacher. One entry, in 1683, runs :
"Given out for four dealls to be a bed to the Schoolm1, 01 :
20 : 09.'
Money, however, was rather scarce. In 1683 "the money in the box being
compted amounted to 500 Merks with a 20 merk of Gold." There was,
notwithstanding, every desire to help forward the industrious, and one
of the grants given was a grant to Andrew Hallay, "Student att the Old
Colledge in St. Andrews to help to Lawreate him."
was at this time not uncommon to bury in the church. Burial in kirks, as
is known, had been forbidden by more than one act of the Assembly. Cf.
1588, 1643. Some of the lairds, however, insisted on doing what their
fathers had done, and broke church doors to do it. In some places the
practice was tacitly allowed. It was so in Longforgan.
There are three payments in two years for a. burial-place in the church,
one of 10 marks in 1679 by "the good wife off Templehall for a Libertie
to burie her daughter in the Church," one by Lochtown in 1681 for "a
buriall place for two children in the church," and another by William
Smith " for a buriall place to his son in the church."
Symmer had his difficulties to face with high and low, but he carried
them through successfully. One of his greatest troublers was Sir Geo.
Kinnaird. The head of the Inchture branch of this family succeeded in
1643 in the era of the Civil War. We know from the " Rentall
of the County of Perth," made up in 1649, the extent of his patrimony in
the Carse and in Longforgan. We read—
" Longforgan Parish.
Laird of Inchture, for Drymmie, Whelplaw, Unthank, and his part of Rawes,
^549, 6s. 8d."
Charles II. ascended the throne, Sir George got a charter under the
Great Seal of the lands and baronies of Forgan and Fowlis. He was
created Baron Kinnaird in 1682, and, as has been mentioned before, his
name appears, along with that of Strathmore, in more than one of those
lamentable documents intended to crush the Covenanters. The church
records prove that he was anything but a high-toned man.
During Mr. Syinmer's ministry the church itself seems to have been in a
sad condition. Shortly before he died, in the summer of 1683, Earl
Patrick tells us that "when the roofe of the Quire of the Church of
Longforgane was altogether ruinous, it gott a new roofe att the common
charge of the heritors." He adds : " I took occasione att the same time
to reforme mv loft and seat of the church and to build a roume off it
for a retyring place betwixt sermons r (p. 36,
Bk. Rec.). Part of this building still
exists. It is a square building standing diagonally at the rear of the
present church. When the old church stood, it was joined to it. The
lower part is used as the Castle Huntly burying-place. Above it was the
room where the laird stayed between sermons. After the Strathmores left
Castle Lyon, it served for a time as a session-house. Earl Patrick has
two quaint notices in his
Book of Record of the payment of the work :
" William Rennay in Dundee hes gott towards his payment for the painting
(such as it is) of the roofs of the Quir of Longforgone 40 lib. and a
boll of meall." " The Glazier's acct of glass and weir for my new loft
at the Church of Longforgan came to in about 60 lib. wch I
ordered to be payed by my factor att Auchterhouse, it comprehended
lykwayes the repairing of some broken glass windows att Castle Lyon."
Andrew Wright, Lord Strathmore's clever wright, did a good deal of work
at the church. 38 lib. was paid to a man Alison in Dundee for 100 dales
for the church. The earl has a curious entry about it: "There was 100
dales brought last year for the use of the church the payment of which
has been forgott, and on alisone having undiscreetly charged my servants
with it who bought them who aught rather first to have acquainted me,
upon the knowledge thereof I have immediately ordered the payment by
Thomas Steel in Dundee."
10. David Forrester,
A.M. Settled, 1684.—The Record of Sept. 7, 1684, says: "Mr. David
Forrester entred minister att Longforgan this day. Previous to this he
had been at Lauder." Forrester was a student at St. Andrews, where he
got his degree in 1652. Licensed in 1656, he went to Lauder. Forrester
had some difficulties at Lauder, but he was successful in raising a
church, and took a considerable share in advocating Episcopal
12 views, he was a man
of position and means, being proprietor of Milnhill, to which his son
Alexander, advocate, succeeded. (Cf.
Tombst, Davidis Forrester de Milnhill.) He
was also a partner in the disastrous Darien Company. " Mr. David
Forrester, minister at Longforgen," is entered in the books of the
Company as holding stock to the value of ^ioo. Several local names
appear in the list. Thomas Miln of Miln-field held ^200; Lord
Strathmore, who then had Castle Huntly, £500; Rachel Zeaman, relict of
Mr. George Forrester of Knap, £\oo. Of names a little further afield, we
find Lord Kinnaird held £joo, Duncan of Limdie ^"iooo, the minister of
Foulis ^100, and Drummond of Megginsh ^500.
Forresters were a prominent Dundee family about this time, and one of
Mr. David's ancestors had frequently been Provost of the city. Earl
Patrick of Strathmore had many transactions with Alexander Forrester.
Before he set out for the west with his regiment, he received from Alexr
ffoster of Millhill 333 lib. 6 ss. 8 d.
There are some interesting glimpses in the Session Records of the parish
life during his ministry. The Strathmore family occupied the
castle, and there was sometimes service at it. Their influence was
considerable, and we find mention of the chaplain and other friends of
the family preaching. The present church tower bears the following
inscription : " Founded in the year 1690, and finished of the charge of
Patrick Earle of Strathmore and Kinghorn, Viscount Lyon, Lord Glammiss,
etc. The bells were giv'n by the session and the clock by the frank
contributions of the people." The bell presently used at Invergowrie
mission church was brought from Longforgan, and bears the date 1690.
would appear that Mr. Forrester was a man of vigour. One of his services
was to form a new Session, " since a great part of the old Sessioners
are dead, and they which remain earnestly desire to goe of for some time
at least, having been so long in place, that so others may have their
turn." After the new elders were appointed, there were ten, and in
special matters of importance the heritors were to sit with and help
them. These men were told off to work. One Sabbath it was intimated from
the pulpit " that the Elders are to look their Quarters before, after,
and in time of Sermon, and if any be found, as is usuall, in this town
or elsewhere vaging abroad or keeping from the Church, th'yle be brought
to publick censure." Sunday drinking was evidently a crying evil. Not
long before this, it was resolved by the Session that " y° two y*
collect ye poors' money go through ye Brewers
houses of this Town of Longforgan in time of Sermon." There were three
at this time. It may, however, be feared that the Church was too little
alive to the need of having nothing to do with ill-timed practices.
There are a good many such entries as these :—" Giv'n out to y° Masons
and Wrights this week as drink money. " Giv'n for Ale at repairing ye
Churchyard Trees." " To the Clocksmith (for his diligence) to drink." "
Giv'n to ye Wrights at mounting ye Sessione house
as Drink-money." " To ye E: of Strathmore his Cairters at yr
redding ye Churchyaird, as drink money." " To pay ale spent
at her funerall." A good many of the cases of discipline arose in
connection with drink. The tone was rather low on the subject, which may
also be said in regard to cases of immorality.

it did not boast of bailies, Longforgan seems, at least, to have boasted
of a town's piper in those days. His name was Patrick Morton. He was
summoned once before the Session for drunkenness, and for speaking in
the church in time of worship through his sleep. The piper was somewhat
refractory till he was summoned the third time, when he "compear'd and
willingly humbl'd himself before ye Session for his fault in
crying out Who pays me in time of Sermon, and he was absolv'd."
curious entry occurs in regard to the schools. Anything like private
adventure was frowned upon. A woman took up a school in 1697, but it was
quickly put a stop to. "The Beddalls appointed to discharge this town a
woman who had tak'n up a school contrair to all former practise and
order, and all such attempts either in this town or up and down ye
parish are prohibite yl so ye publick be not
wrong'd." When Rollock, named Commissary of Angus and the Carse of
Gowrie in 1580, was appointed to the High School of Edinburgh, the
burgesses were required to send their children there, or " pay to
Rollock a penalty for each boy elsewhere instructed" (Stevens,
High School,
p. 17). Mr. Forrester and his Session seem to have been prompted in
their ways by kindly motives. It was once, for example, enacted that
henceforth no pledges should be taken at contracts, but only sufficient
caution, and that in measure from the poor, "since people can scarce
want their money till due time of returning yni come."
Another entry is perhaps less considerate, but it gives a peep into the
times : " It's also ordered yl no Brydegroom kiss his bryde
before ye Minister, under the pain of ten merk."
the whole, we should say that the minister and Session seem to have
taken an .ntelligent interest in the state of the church. It is a little
amusing to break up into detail what we generally now slump as "
Sundries." One item stands : " Giv'n out this week for 600 nails."
Another: "Giv'n to the Beddall for soweing the thongs of the Bells
Tongues." Another: " For prins to ye fastening ye
Table Cloath."
of the things that engaged a good deal of attention was the clock. As
already mentioned, the clock was gifted by the people. But it seems to
have been a poor bargain, and was all along a costly and I troublesome
thing. In 1694 there was "giv'n out to David Lyon at Castle Lyon for his
gilding and painting ye Horologes, 65 lb. 18 s. 6 d. Shortly
after, we read of a fee being given to the officer for going twice for
the clocksmith, and "because he's not yet come he's to be sent for again
that the Clock prove not useless." The following amusing notice occurs
in 1722. The new beadle was to get £% Scots for his duties and 10 merks
money "for waiting on the clock in case it continue going." The
technical term seemed to be "waiting on the clock," which must have been
tedious, for on one occasion it stood five years without going. The
clock was reconstructed by an "ingenious self-taught carpenter" in 1878.
may be of interest to say a little of the services of the church.
Forrester had a reader associated with him, called Mr. Greenhill. There
were two services on the Sunday. We have little evidence as to how these
were attended. On the one hand church discipline was pretty strong in
the matter, but on the other there are references to vaging about and
loitering in the brewers' houses. Forrester was determined to improve
Sunday observance. The beadle, a worthless scamp, who was afterwards
turned off for " his many gross faults," was in the habit of making
graves on the Sabbath. That was forbidden "except on case of necessity,"
and an earnest attempt was made to gather the people to worship.
Commnnion was celebrated twice a year —the times, however, varied. There
was more than one diet. " The Communion intimated this day fourth-night
for ye first dyet; this day twenty days for yc
last dyet." In 1678 we read of the Action Sermon being appointed to
begin "preciselie by 9 oft" the clock."
minister appointed the elders " their severall places in geting about
the Sacrament of the Supper."
of the entries relating to the Communion may be given :—

Occasionally in those times there was 110 sermon, sometimes because of
the minister's indisposition, once during the vacancy after Forrester's
death on account of "the letter for ye 3\Iinr who
was to preach being miscarymrj and now and then because " the ways were
not passible by the aboundance of snow dayly falling down." Both during
Mr. Symmer's and Mr. Forrester's ministry, great care was taken in the
disposal of the church money. Some of the gifts to the poor are quaintly
expressed. There are such entries as these :— " To ye Poor."
" To the common poor." " To our own poor." "To the ordinar Poor." "To
poor men at the door." " Given to a daft man." " Given to a distressed
Gentilewoman." "Given to a distressed poor passenger." "Given to a poor
bodie." "Given to ane object of pitee." " Given to a vagabond." Given to
ane miserable object." " Given to more than an ordinary beggar." " Given
to 24 ordinary beggars." " Given to Robert Young, a poor man, to help
him to buy a cow, one pound sterling." " To a poor boy to buy a psalme
book." "To a poor boy to buy a New Testament." " To a poor minister
called Mr. Al. Campbell.' " Giv'n to Jo. Reddin, a broken Glasgow
Merchant who had a printed Counsell's warrant to relieve him on his
will be seen from the following entries how cosmopolitan were the
Longforgan charities. "Given to a Grecian priest named Mercury Sascurie."
"To ane Irish Protestant." " To a persecuted Polonian." " To a
distress'd Irish man." "To a professour of Tongues iled from France." "
To a Sea-man newly plundered by yc French." And in 1695, an
Act was read for a collection " for ye relief of 7 captive
Christians in Barbary." None, however, of the sums was deadly. More than
likely some of these cases were frauds. Possibly the distinguished "professour
of Tongues " from France, who was glad to get a coin at Long-forgan
church, was a stowaway in one of Earl Patrick's ships. And while alive
to the honour of a visit from a Grecian priest, the mention of Mercury
Sascurie recalls the l;nes in William Lithgow's
Scotland's Welcome to her Natii*e Sonne
concerning vagabonding Greeks.
"There's to a needfull Cauiat, I'le set forth, For eu'ry Noble Lord, and
Man of worth, For Bishops, Preachers, euery towne, and place, Where
vagabounding Greeks, use now to trace ;
Deluding- and deceauing you, with leyes, And Testimonials
fals; making you beleeue, They must their wives, their Bairnes, or
friends releive."
have found little trace in the records of anything like witchcraft. As
is well known, a belief in witches was widespread. Perthshire was not
behind the other counties in this faith, t here is an old rhyme,
relating to the Carse, which is said to have been used by the witches as
an incantation when about to supply themselves with milk from the cattle
of their neighbours. It runs—
milk, and deers' milk, And every beast that bears milk, Between St.
Johnston and Dundee, Come a' to me, come a' to me."
that there were people in Longforgan swayed by the power of witchcraft,
the following incident from the church records shows :—
June 28th, 1696, Jean Anderson gave in a claim against Mason Gil.
Blyth's wife, for "scolding her and calling her a witch," and that she
would prove her claim laid 03 1. 14 s. 00 d. Two days later, Jean Morom
the wife was called to the Session, and "being pos'd with the crime gave
no direct answer, but frivoul-usly replay'd if she said any such thing
it was more than she knew or minded of." Witnesses were accordingly
called, but none testified except John Mitchell. He "could not mind
everything yl past in their scolding, but only this that she
said avoid Satan. So nothing directly prov'n and the Session desiring
peace, call'd in Jean Anderson, who by the intercession of the Elders
and other friends, was content to be at peace with her neighbour Jean
Morom, provyding she would humble her-self before the Session and the.
witnesses for calling her a witch, etc. To which at length the said Jean
condescends, and so the people about call'd in with the witnesses, on
her knees with tears, she beg'd pardon that ever she had offended God in
such a manner, by calling her neighbour a Witch and in pronouncing
against her those words: You're not gracy, avoyd Satan, God be flwixt
the and me, and entreated her neighbour to be reconciled with her and so
August i, 1697, there was no sermon, because of the minister's
indisposition. Three days later we read : " Our Minister, Mr. David
Forrester, departed this life." Ten months after, the box and Communion
tokens, together with the cup, " were given up by ye Minr
Relict," and with this the last Episcopal ministry in Longforgan church
may be said to have closed. Mr. Forrester was in the sixty-third year of
his age. So far as we know, with the exception of Mr. Walker, who wrote
the New
Statistical Account of the parish, Mr.
Forrester has the honour of being the only Longforgan minister who has
done any literary work, and his book was published before he came to it.
title of his book is—The
Differences of the Time in three Dialogues:
The first, anent Episcopacy; The second, anent the obligation of the
Covenants against Episcopacy; The third, anent Separation: Intended for
the quieting the minds of people, and settling them in more Peace and
is a i2mo., printed in Edinburgh, 1679. The Preface indicates its
object: " Separation, which is the Epidemical Disease of the Time, came
to such a height last Summer 1678, that like a Flood it almost carried
all before it, in many places of the Land. These Dialogues were then
written. The Author, living among a People who were in hazard to be
draiven away with the spait of the Time, thought it his duty to fortifie
them against the danger, by letting them see the sin and
unwarrantableness of these dividing Practices, which were now grown to
be in fashion. And this, together with the Activity and Concurrence of
Magistrats in the Place who were careful to suppress the beginnings of
Schism in the Bud; was found not to be in vain ; for through the
blessing of God that People hath hitherto stood their ground; for which,
they indeed deserve commendation; though at first sundry of them out of
Novelty went to field meetings, yet presently they returned to the ways
of Peace and Order, a very few excepted."
is a hook of 225 pages. It is in the dialogue form "betwixt a Doubting
Person and an Informer."
1st chapter (105 pages) is an argument for the lawfulness of Episcopacy,
seeking at the same time to prove more, from (a) Scripture,
the most primitive times following the Apostles, (f) Confessions and
Concessions of the ablest Protestant Divines.
2nd Dialogue discusses more shortly the obligatoriness of the Covenants
against Episcopacy. And both were written to show in Cap. III. that
those, who separated from the Church did so on unsatisfactory grounds,
and were guilty of Schism.
book is full of learning and quotations from the Fathers and Reformed
Theologians, It is milder at the beginning than at the close, and is
marked by a good deal of special pleading. It is bitter on the Field
Preachers, and on those who denounced and forsOok the Intruding
may be added as a further comment on Forrester and his book that his
name appears in the list of late Episcopal ministers who subscribed an
address to the General Assembly of 1692. The Carse, unfortunately, had
too many of these changelings. It was of this Assembly that Dr. Arch.
Pitcairne wrote his fierce satire, "Babell."
the north wall, within the present church, there is a monumental slab to
his memory, with an inscription in Latin. It was raised by his two
daughters, Martha and Magdalena, and speaks of him as a most faithful
pastor and "viri vitae integritate eruditione et orthodoxia ornatissimi,"
i.e. "a man most highly distinguished by
integrity of life, erudition, and orthodoxy."
Martha and Magdalena Forrester erected also in the Howff, Dundee, a
handsome tombstone in memory of their brother, Mr. Alex. Forrester de
Milnhill. The Latin inscription is very laudatory. He died in 1715, at
the age of forty-nine, and was succeeded at MillbUl by his brother John.
slab in the west wall of the church bears the date 1698.
11. Thomas Mitchell,
A.M. Settled,
1702. 13
Mr. Forrester's death there was a somewhat prolonged vacancy. It lasted
about five years. During this time a good number of ministers preached
at Longforgan, including John Forrester of Stirling, described as a
burning and shi iing light, Lyon of Kinnettles, Lyon of Tannadice, Lyon
of Rescobie, evidently friends of the Strath more family, also Balvaird
of Kirkden, his chaplain, and the Governour to the Master of Kinnaird. A
week after Forrester died, the elders ordered the "Clerk to record ye
places of ye texts in time coming." Whether this was intended
to discourage the repetition of old sermons, we cannot say, but it is
interesting to know the very texts which were preached upon, two hundred
years ago, in Longforgan.
members of Session in those days had quite a keen eye to their rights.
Here is a minute of Oct. 4, 1697: "It being certain that Janet Murray in
Milfield is contracted and proclaimed w* Geo. Martin in Liff, the Sess.
Clerk is appointed to write to ye Minr of Liff to
desist in yr matter till he get a line from this place
showing yl all dues are pay'd here."
Earl of Strathmore took an active part in the affairs of the kirk. It is
mentioned in the Presbytery Records that Mr. John Forrester was asked to
commune with the Earl anent the planting of Longforgan. During the last
years things do not seem to have prospered, and the church stood sorely
in need of elders. In 1699, Lord Strathmore wrote a letter to the
Presbytery asking them " to constitute an eldership in the parish of
Longforgan." He enclosed, at the same time, a list of persons whom he
thought fit to be elders. Messrs. Christison and Orr were appointed to
examine the fifteen persons named. In due time they presented their
report to the Presbytery. Some of its details are curious. Five were
absent from the examination. One refused to accept office. Six satisfied
the examiners as to their knowledge; they owned the Confession of Faith
and the church government then established, and kept up the worship of
God in the family. Three are spoken of as being weak in knowledge. Of
these, one " doth not ordinarily pray in his family," while another
"prays with his wife, but not with his family."
1702 the vacancy was filled by the appointment of Thomas Mitchell. The
facts of his life are few. His first appointment was as schoolmaster at
St. Martins. In 1697 was licensed by the Presbytery of Dalkeith. Two
years later, he was ordained at Coupar-Angus, whence he was translated
to Longforgan in 1702. He demittecl in 1708, and died in 1713, about the
age of forty-one, in the fifteenth year of his ministry. "His books were
estimat at vjc li., furniture, etc., ijc h ,
Inventar and debts, ijm jc Iv li."
' he
only interest that belongs to Mitchell's name arises in connection with
his father and his brother. His father was for long a minister in
Dundee. He was keenly interested n the Quaker Question, and published
(t) A Dialogue between a Quaker and a Stable
Christian; (2) "Ane sober Answer to an angry pamphlet, or a Reply to
Robert Barclay's Book I ruth cleared of calumnies; (3) Ane Catechisme.
brother William was a somewhat distinguished man. There are some
interesting references to him m Wodrow's
Correspondence. Wodrow says of him that " he
was one of our chief men, and singularly useful many years.' After
Principal Carstarcs' death, he was recognised as the leader of the
Church, and 011 account of his gifts as a preacher and as a speaker, and
"being perhaps the most wealthy-minister in Scotland, had great
influence at Court." In 1718 he received the thanks of the General
Assembly for a gift of ^100 to the Society for Propagating Christian
Knowledge. Mitchell has the distinction of having occupied the chair of
the General Assembly perhaps a greater number of times than anyone else.
Carstares was Moderator four times, Mitchell five, the last time being
appointed by a single vote. Wodrow says : " As I reckoned it on my
buttons, Mr. Mitchell had but one, and I am pretty sure he had not two."
There are some quaint descriptions of his appearances in the Assembly in
Wodrow's letters to his wife. On one sermon he makes a suggestive
comment: " This day we had an excellent sermon by Mr. Mitchell, upon
Zech. vi. 13, upon the regal power of Christ in his church. It were a
pity but it were printed, but the sermons that are most proper for the
press do not readily come there."
12. James Hodge.
Settled, 1709. — Mr. Hodge began his ministry at Mains in 1707, from
whence he was translated to Longforgan in August 1709, where he laboured
till his death in 1737.
short break took, place during the Rebellion in 1715. That was a
troubled time for more than one in the neighbourhood. The godly Mr.
Ramsay of Collace had his house attacked by the rebels who held Perth,
and he was compelled to retire. But, before long, the cloud lifted, and
the Duke of Argyle paralysed the rebel forces. During this period Mr.
Hodge was obliged to leave for a time. His absence was a short one, but
it was marked by an Episcopal intrusion. This was helped by the
sympathies of the Strathmore family being cast with the Pretender, who
paid Castle Huntly a flying visit in 1716. There are 110 minutes in the
Longforgan Records between Sept. 4, 1715, and Feb. 19, 1716. But a note
says: "Observe. That in regard the unhappy and unnatural rebellion
headed by the late Earle of Marr in favour of a Popish Pretender had the
entire management of this Countrey; Ministers for their safety were
oblid^ed to retire South so that we had no sermon by our. own Minister
(Mr. William Elphistoun," Episcopal Preacher intruding then into the
Church) untill the first Sabbath of February ensueing when His Majestie
King George his forces under the command of
Grace the Duke of Argile dispersed the rebels and reduced this Countrey
to its former liberties."
good deal of confusion and difficulty was introduced by the Episcopal
intrusion. Moneys were unaccounted for, and parties proved false. The
Presbytery had to appoint that " Precentors and Beddals within their
bounds who did officiate in these Stations in any parishes where Kirks
were intruded upon should be deposed." John Bathie, the beadle of
Longforgan, was one of the offenders, and was accordingly suspended from
his office, but a month later was reinstated, having "acknowledged his
fault" and "professed sorrow therefore . . . with Certification to be
proceeded against, if he be not more cautious for the future." The
schoolmaster was also deprived of his office amongst other things for
having attended King James in Dundee, and having his child baptized by
an Episcopal preacher. A thanksgiving service for the ending of the
Rebellion was held as appointed by Government, in June 1716, when Mr.
Hodge preached on the text Esther cap. ix. i.
parish does not seem to have been in a very healthy state when Mr. Hodge
was settled. The Sabbath Day was much profaned by people "walking in the
streets and drinking in the change houses of this town in time of
sermon." The following entry gives a peep into the sort of life which
was too prevalent in the Carse:—
1716. "Hie Minister represented that he upon the representation to him
of a design the herds in their bounds had aofnfreed to meet within this
parish this day (being the Lord's day) in order to fight; ordered some
persons to waite the place of their designed meeting, in order to yr
being prosecute as Profaner of the Sabbath. Then the several elders told
that upon the same representation made to them, they took care to
discharge all their own and neighbours' herds within this parish from
the said meeting. The session after enquiry whose herds had been their
conveened, they find those only in the parishes of Erroll and Inchture
mett in the place to the number of eightie persons, but that there was
none within this parish there, and these herds understanding they were
tak'n notice of, removed out of the parish with their design of fighting
frustrate. The session taking this affair under their consideration, and
finding the Sabbath day would be greatly profaned by such ane
unaccountable practice, judged it fit that some notice be taken of these
herds who came to the place, and for that effect recommends to the
Minister to write to the Minister of Errol and Inchsture thereanent."
Cases of im morality were painfully common, which would seem to indicate
rather a low tone in the parish. Mr. Hodge was resolute in dealing with
every form of open sin. He was strict to a fault, and highly
conscientious in his dealings with his people. One man guilty of
adultery had to appear eighteen times before the congregation, and, on
three of those occasions, in sackcloth. There were a good many
appearances in sackcloth about this time. A person guilty of fornication
had to appear three times, and one who had made a relapse six times; and
it was enacted in 1725 that if any persons should " in time coming be
found guilty of antenuptial fornication, they shall be liable to the
same penalty with other fornicators."
of the much frequented institutions of the parish was the Stool of
Repentance. There are some curious references to it. Andrew Deuchars the
wright got 8 lbs. in 1731 "for making a new stool of Repentance of his
own timber and for mending seats in the kirk." The same year 12s. was
paid "for materials to colour the stool of repentance," and three months
later Ss. " for running in Balls and for lead at ye Stool of
Repentance." It would seem from the Records that the Stool was never
other ways things were in rather a depressed state. Mr. Hodge had to act
both as Precentor and Session Clerk, and upon his shoulders the big
share of every matter fell. Cases of discipline were both many and
heavy, and it now and then needed the interposition of an authority like
the factor of the Countess of Strathmore to bring offending parties to
book. Two youths were summoned in 1731 for "fighting together and
beating one another in the kirk, and that in the very time of worship."
One of the lads objected, and the factor to the Countess of Strathmore
was appealed to to interpose his authority and oblige him to come. This
countess was the widow of Lord Strathmore who was killed at Forfar.
practice that prevailed during Mr. Hodge's time was lending money to
suitable persons. Little seems ever to have" been lost in this way,
though there were slight mishaps. Moreover, advances were made to people
for special ends. A hundred marks Scots were left in 1719 for the use of
the poor by George Greenhill, the late gardener at Castle Lyon, which
was given to the Presbytery Bursar. Frequent mention is made of moneys
"received from Mr. James Duncan, professour of philosophy in ye
Old Colledge of St. Andrews" in "part payment of a sum of 300 merks
borrowed by him from the session." Of Professor Duncan's career next to
nothing is known. There is no complete list of Professors in St. Andrews
previous to the middle of last century. But it appears from the
Matriculation Book that Duncan was Regent and Professor of Philosophy in
St. Salvator's College from 1716-17 to 1722-23 at least. These are the
first and last years in which his name appears.
or three of the entries in the Session Records may be given, partly for
their quaint-ness and partly for the peep they give us into the thoughts
and the doings of Mr. Hodge and his Session.
Collections were made—(1) "for the Relief of the widows and orphans of
the fishermen in the Mearns ; " (2) " for the Relief of the French
Protestants in Saxony and for the Scots Presbyterian congregation in New
York;" (3) " for William Duncane who had his house brunt," and "for
Francis Nicol who had his horse, the mean of his livelihood, taken from
him ;" (4) " for the Bridge of Strone," etc.
Several Fasts and Thanksgivings were held.
1726. " For a tree to support my Lord Kinnaird's loft, 4s." "It being
use and wont y® the collections at marriages belong to the precentor and
church officer equally to be divided betwixt them, the Session continues
the same." "Sold of uncurrent half - pennies, etc." " Mrs. Buchan, the
minister of St. Kilda's relict, 12s."
Hodge was married to Margaret Scrimgeour, and had five of a family—a son
and four daughters.
of the daughters, Jean, was married in 1732 to John Guthrie, younger of
that ilk. We read of a collection being made on the Wednesday that they
were kirked. One of [eans descendants became wife of the Laird of
Hodge died Nov. 21, 1737. He was much respected by his people, and has
left an example of painstaking, faithful service. Mr. Hodge deserves
mention also as a benefactor of the poor in Longforgan, having left 400
merks for their benefit. Mr. Hodge was laird of Bathkemmer.
on William Elphinston: He was settled at Logie in 1687, but "was
deprived for not reading the Proclamation of the Estates, and not
praying for their majesties William and Mary. He officiated as Episcopal
min. at Longforgan in March 1709, read the burial service at the funeral
of Mr. Silv. Latnmie, min. of Essie and Nevay, was deposed by the Presb.
of Dundee 26th Dec. 1716 for disloyalty; and died at Edinburgh, 9th May
1723. He marr. a daugh. of Mr. Andrew Honyman, min. of Kinneff, had a
son James, author of several miscellaneous works, and a daugh., who marr.
Mr. William Strachan, Kings Printer" (Scott's
Fasti, 736).
George Lyon, A.M. Settled, 1738.— I he story
of the vacancy at Longforgan is of some interest. Not long after the
death of Mr. Hodge, a meeting of the elders was held, at which, " taking
to their consideration the present desolate situation of this parish
since the death of their late Rev'1 and worthy pastor, and
judging it their duty to contribute to the speedy settlement thereof,
with the consent of heritors and heads of families, did and hereby do
appoint Alex. Jack etc . . . two of their number to attend the Revd
Presbytery of Dundee." They asked them to use their interest with the
Presbyteries of Meigle and Forfar to get Mr. George Lyon and Mr. Robert
Maxwell, preachers of the gospel in their bounds, to preach at
was chosen. When the heritors and elders asked the Presbytery to
moderate a call, the famous Mr. Willison was appointed to preach. Four
months later, in September 1738, Mr. Lyon was ordained to the parish.
good deal of interest attaches to the name of Mr. Lyon on account of.
his illustrious ancestry and his distinguished descendants, as well as
on account of the long and honourable service he gave to the Church. Mr.
Lyon could lay claim to a " lang pedigree." He was a descendant of the
ancient house of De Leonne in France, who attended William the Duke of
Normandy in his conquest of England. Nearly thirty years after the
battle of Hastings, about 109 r, his son, Roger de Leonne, accompanied
King Edgar, the son of Malcolm Canmore, to Scotland, and as an
acknowledgment of his services against Donald Bane, received Glen Lyon.
From him descended Sir John Lyon, whose son got the Thanedom of Glamis
from King Robert 11. The Thane of Glamis married the Princess Jean, King
Robert's second daughter. He received, further, the Barony of Kinghorn,
and his grandson was made a peer—Lord Glamis.
his first and second sons the family honours have been perpetuated. His
third son, William, got the lands of Ogle in the county of Forfar. His
descendant, George Lyon of Wester Ogle, had a son William, who in 1700
was admitted minister of Airlie." (Cf. Rogers'
Four Perthshire Families.) This was the
father of Lyon of Longforgan. He died in 1743, five years after his son
was settled. Two further facts may be mentioned about Mr. Lyon's father.
He was one of those who dissented against the deposition of Mr. John
Glas, the minister of Tealing, for Independent principles. Lyon lived to
see the sentence which was passed in 1730 removed, and Mr. Glas restored
"to the character of a minister of
the gospel of Christ,"—the Assembly " declaring, notwithstanding, that
he is not to be esteemed a minister of the Established Church of
Scotland, or capable to be called and settled therein, until he shall
renounce the principles embraced by him, that are inconsistent with the
constitution of this Church.' Mr. Glas was the founder of the body which
is known as the Glassites. The other fact is that Mr. Lyon of Airlie was
married to Agnes Glas, a sister of Glas of Tealing, so that the heretic
of Tealing was uncle to the minister of Longforgan.
of Longforgan was connected by marriage with another somewhat
distinguished minister of the day. His sister Jean married Moncrieff of
Culfargie, who was one of the founders of the Associate Presbytery, and
the first Professor of Divinity in connection with that body.
a great deal is known of the personal history of Mr. Lyon, the subject
of our sketch. He is described as a man of " unimpeachable character.
His ministry was a long one, extending from 1738 to 1793, in which year
he died, in his eighty-third year, and in the fifty-fifth year of his
ministry. The Session Records that might help us to clothe his ministry
with flesh and blood are, unfortunately, largely awanting.
population was steadily increasing. There were between forty and fifty
baptisms in a year, and in one decade there were no less than two
hundred and eighteen people in the parish married. The general health
was good, although ague was rather common in the low-lying districts.
Mr. Lyon made the curious observation that the hilly parts of the parish
were the least healthy. The same remark was made of other parishes in
the Carse.
Dunsinane lies but a little beyond one end of Longforgan. Readers of
Shakespeare will remember how Macbeth says—
castle's strength Will laugh a siege to scorn; here let them lie Till
famine and the
ague eat them up."
There are traces of the plague in the century preceding Lyon's time. It
carried off five hundred persons in Perth in 1608-9. A stone used to be
shown, not far from Longforgan village, where a number of persons who
were said to have died of it were buried. The tradition was common that
the stone had an inscription recording the fact. One who saw it last
century speaks of it as being then defaced.
religious life of the parish seems to have been marked by little
movement. On the whole, discipline was less strict than during Mr.
Hodge's ministry, but it was still maintained. The penalty for
fornication was raised to £\o Scots. As an illustration of the
observance of Fast Days, two cases that occurred in 1746 may be given. A
woman was sessionally rebuked for employing a man to bring her lint home
on the Fast Day, whilst a mason and his wife were similarly charged for
having a cart yoked and for driving for the land. In one case of
discipline the intervention of the Justice of Errol was sought. Two
elders were suspended for gross neglect and carelessness.
year 1740 was a year of great distress to the poor on account of a
fierce storm in January, and it needed all. that Mr. Lyon and his
Session could do to cope with the " necessitous conditions" of the
people. But " his charity, benevolence, and attention to the poor made
him eminently useful and much esteemed."' A contemporary proprietor in
the parish pays this tribute to him : " During a ministry of fifty years
and upwards, besides a very conscientious discharge of his duty 111 his
official capacity, his charity, benevolence, and attention to the poor
made him extremely useful and much beloved. His character was
irreproachable ; he was a sincere Minister of the Gospel ; a good
Christian; and an honest man." The monumental slab in the northern wall
of the parish church was put there by his son William of Ogil, and is a
warm tribute to his father as "an eminent pattern of piety and
Lyon was a man of some means, and, in addition to the glebe, farmed a
good piece of ground in the neighbourhood of the village.
was twice married, first to Katharine Hodge, who lived but a short time,
and secondly to Margaret Rodger. By her he had three sons and two
daughters. The best known of his sons was the Rev. Dr. Lyon of Glammis,
who married Agnes Ramsay L'Amy, the writer of "Neil Gow's Fareweel to
Whisky," and other pieces. " Neil Gow's Fareweel " is said to have been
written by her at his request to accompany a tune of his own. The first
verse runs—
ou've surely heard o' famous Neil,
The man that pla/d the fiddle weel;
I wat he was a canty chiel,
And dearly lo'ed the whisky, O!
And, aye s'n1 he wore the tartan trews,
He dearly liket Athole brose;
And wae was he, you may suppose,
To play fareweel to whisky, O."
Lyon's younger daughter, Janet, married Dr. Moncrieff, physician at
Perth; Margaret, the elder, Principal Playfair of St. Andrews. The
Principal, then minister of Meigle, preached in Longforgan the Sabbath
after Lyon was buried.
Margaret deserves more than a passing notice. Besides being the wife of
Principal Playfair, this child of Longforgan became the mother of
illustrious sons, and is cherished as the grandmother of still more
illustrious grandsons. She is buried in St. Andrews, close by the grave
of Samuel Rutherford. Her .son George was Inspector-General of Hospitals
in the East India Medical Service. William was a Lieutenant-Colonel
of.the62nd Native Infantry of India. Hugh Lyon entered the Indian
Military Service, and took part in "the storming and capture of the
fortress of Ralunga."
and William returned to St. Andrews, and did much to adorn their home.
grandsons have been still more distinguished—
Lyon (who bears her name of Lyon), now Baron Playfair.
Robert Playfair, Lieutenant - Colonel, Consul-General for Algeria, and
author of many considerable works.
William, Physician-Accoucheur to H.I. and R.H. Duchess of Edinburgh, now
Duchess of Saxe-Coburg.
event of a more public kind deserves notice here. It will be remembered
that in consequence of scanty harvests about 1770, there were in several
parts of the country what are known as Meal Mobs. Perth was the centre
of the storm, but the tide of destruction rolled down the Carse towards
Dundee. The harvest of 1772 was poor, and before the end of the year
meal was very scarce. The poor were up in arms against the export of
grain. The first outbreak took place on the 21st of December, when three
or four hundred men from Abernethy and Newburgh met to wreak their rage
on a farmer at Elcho who was charged with keeping back grain from the
market. They neither found the farmer nor grain, and so they dispersed.
Four days later, on Christmas, rumour ran through Newburgh that a vessel
was being laden with corn at Errol. A little army of some sixty men set
out from Newburgh by boat and made for Port Errol, where the grain was
being loaded. The crew, the Errol farmers, and their servants, managed
to repulse them, and when reinforcements were summoned by the invaders,
they repulsed them again.
fiercer encounter still took place in Perth on the 31st of the month,
when the mob carried everything before them. I his was unfortunate. News
of it speedily reached Dundee, and 011 the 4th of January a Meal Mob of
several hundreds " earned off from the Packhouse about 400 bolls of
wheat and barley." For some days Meal Mobs disturbed Dundee, and on
Friday the 8th of January a large body of rioters marched to Mylnefield,
the beautiful seat of Mr. Mylne. Arrived there, the rioters made a
fierce onset on the house. The servants answered bravely, but after a
stubborn fight it fell into the hands of the mob. Their rage was wild.
Part of the building was torn down, the furniture of the house was flung
about and broken, while whatever could be seized on was stolen. When the
sack of Mylnefield was complete, part of the mob retreated laden with
spoil. " By this time," as the graphic narrative in the
Scots Magazine of the day continues, "a very
great body of Carse farmers and their servants, armed with muskets,
cutlasses, pitchforks, etc., had been called out by the ringings of the
several parish bells, and were drawn up in the neighbourhood of
Mylnefield; but as it was said the mob had many of them firearms, they
hesitated about approaching, till they were joinedby Colonel D-(Duncan),
who, on hearing the bells, had most generously left his own house with
only one servant, to give his advice and assistance in quieting these
disorders. He prevailed with the Carse folks to lay aside their muskets,
and led them directly on to the house of Mylnefield, where was a part of
the mob still remaining; of which, after a very feeble resistance, he
took a good many prisoners, and dispersed the rest. This gentleman's
spirited behaviour in the service he has now done the public, by
effectually breaking the mob, can be equalled only by the humanity and
tenderness shown to the poor misguided people, of which it mostly
consisted, in first getting the farmers to lay aside firearms, the use
of which would have been very fatal; and, afterbreaking the mob, in
preventing, as much as one man could, the fury of the Carse servants,
male and female, from breaking out on the poor creatures of prisoners,
and the rest of the routed and dispersed rioters.
"Upon an express coming from Mylnefield, informing that the mob was put
to flight, the magistrate who commanded the guard, marched them, to the
number of 130 effective men, to the West Port, in order to prevent them
so entering the town again in a body; but none appeared, except a few
stragglers, who were taken into custody, and examined, and afterwards
dismissed, as they appeared only to have gone there from an idle and
ill-timed curiosity."
Within a short time the power of the law reasserted itself, and
seventeen of the Meal Mob ringleaders in Dundee were put in the town
prison, " whence they were conveyed to Edinburgh, bound in carts, under
a strong guard of military ; where they arrived on Sunday night, the
10th of January, and were lodged in the prison of that city." Next
March, six of the Dundee Meal Mob rioters were indicted to appear at the
Justiciary Court in Edinburgh. Five were outlawed for not appearing.
Richard Robertson, a sailor, answered. He was unanimously found guilty
of having been engaged in the riot at Mylnefield, and was sentenced by
the lords who presided, to be banished to one or other of his Majesty's
plantations for life.
"Upon sentence being passed, the pannel made a short speech, informing
the court, that he had a wife and children, whose subsistence depended
entirely on him; that though he did not acknowledge himself guilty of
any crime, yet he was willing to undergo whatever punishment the court
should inflict upon him, however severe, if they would allow him to
remain at home with his family, and concluded, by saying, that if they
did not change his sentence from perpetual banishment, he would much
rather be hanged than submit to it."
little later, Janet Barclay, wife of William Craighead, weaver in
Dundee, who was among the rioters at Mylnefield, received sentence of
transportation for life.
This, however, is not the close of the story of the sack of Mylnefield.
We find the county meeting held at Forfar on March 10, voting the thanks
of that county to Colonel Duncan and the farmers in the neighbourhood
who had helped to quell the riot, and voting its thanks also to Mr.
Graham of Fintry for his spirited action on that occasion. Mr. Graham
had a personal reason. A month later we read— "April 12. At Dundee,
Robert Graham of Fintrie, Esq. ; to Miss Peggy Mylne, second daughter of
Thomas Mylne of Mylnefield, Esq
Whether Miss Peggy's prospects had anything to do with it we cannot say,
but Mr. Mylne seems to have been upset by the apparent slur on the
kindness of his heart.
county meeting at Forfar passed this resolution also: That as, from the
atrocious circumstances attending the unprovoked riot, or rather
robbery, at the house of Mr. Mylne of Mylnefield, people at a distance
might be led to think Mr. Mylne either a corn-dealer, meal-monger, or
some such obnoxious person ; the meeting, in justice to that gentleman's
character, which is, in every respect, very opposite to that of a
forestaller, think themselves bound, in honour, to publish the following
circumstances, which consist with the knowledge of the whole county :
That Mr. Mylne never deal in meal, or grain of any kind, further than to
dispose of the produce of his own estates ; not one boll of which he
ever exported ; and what grain he sold this season, previous to these
riots, was to two brewers and a baker in Dundee; one of the parcels of
barley, and all the wheat, he referred the price of to the brewer and
baker who got it, and who fixed the price of the barley at 14s. and the
wheat at 20s. ; the price of the third parcel he fixed with the brewer
who got it at 16s. 6d., notwithstanding that, some days before, a very
large quantity of barley was sold in his neighbourhood at 18s., a
circumstance which was known both to him and the brewer; which, it is
hoped, will plainly demonstrate that Mr. Mylne had no intention of
screwing up the prices of grain."
Laird of Mylnefield further brought an action against the County of
Perth in the Court of Session for damage done by the Meal Mob. A debate
took place as to how much Mr. Mylne was entitled to claim, and as to who
should pay it. The Court finally decided that he was only entitled to
the damage which had been done to his house, and that said damage should
be paid for by the inhabitants of Perthshire, and levied by the Justices
of the Peace.
A Retrospect.
may be worth while to pause here, for a moment or two, and try to
picture to ourselves the general condition of things in Longforgan.
fifty years of Lyon's ministry saw many changes, and more were brewing
when he died. Within the last thirty years of the century no less than
six-sevenths of the parish changed hands. Castle Huntly was sold by the
Strathmore family in 1777 to Mr. Paterson, whose descendants still own
it. The new proprietor did a good deal for his people.
his General View
of the Agriculture of the Carse of Gowrie,
1794, Donaldson says that previous to 1755 the humbler homes of the
Carse were " paultry and mean." Of late, however, several of the
proprietors have expended very considerable sums n erecting commodious
and substantial houses for the inhabitants; and the villages of Errol,
Balled-garno, and Longforgan, in place of being a deformity, have now
become an ornament to the country" (p. 21).
earlier houses in Longforgan were very lowly. ' I hey were "narrow,
low-roofed, and inconvenient." They were built "with turf and stone, or
with clay for mortar, and all thatched with turf and straw." There was
not a trace of lime to be seen in 1777 in the houses of the village.
good many of these houses disappeared at this time. Mr. Paterson put up
about sixty new houses on his property. Those in the village were a
great improvement upon the old. Robertson refers, in 1799, to the
neatness and taste of the buildings in Longforgan, Crieff, etc., and
speaks of these places as being almost entirely new. Within walls, these
houses measured 28 or 30 feet by 15. They had two apartments, with a
window in each to the street. Then there was a smaller room in the
middle, with a window to the back, which was used as a storeroom. The
door was in the centre. The houses were built of stone and lime. The
floors were of earth or clay. The garrets were laid with deal, and the
houses were covered with " sewed thatch of wheat-straw, tiles or slates,
with sky-lights." It cost to build them from £3o to £$0 apiece. A number
of new farmhouses were put up about the same time.
village had then some six hundred inhabitants. There were three farmers
in it, paying rents from £60 to ^150, and thirty-six acremen paying from
to £16.
Most of the latter followed a trade besides, but the little farm brought
many a* comfort. All the inhabitants, manufacturers or labourers, had
gardens. The following table will give some idea of the occupations of
the people of the parish:—

Wages were not high, but during the last quarter of the century they
went up rapidly.

Women got from £3 to £4 but usually got a part of it in lint and cloth.
Another table will bring out the change between

rent to meet, clothing to provide, and education to pay, these sums left
but a small margin. But a distinct improvement took place about this
time in the mode of living. Comparatively few used butcher meat, but
good wholesome food was fairly plentiful, and some of the lesser
luxuries began to be used. It is doubtful how far this change affected
the farm servants. Formerly, they lived with the family, and "their
usual food was broth made of kail and barley, or grotts (unhusked oats),
without meat, and bannocks made of pease and bean meal. Now (circa
1797) "they live apart from the family in their bothie, and get what is
livery meal, i.e.
2 pecks of oat-meal per week, and 3 choppins (quarts) of skimmed milk
per day."
Other changes were taking place tending to the emancipation of the
people. Down to 1777 the feudal system prevailed, though less strictly
than before. In the leases which came into Mr. Paterson's hands when he
acquired Castle Huntly, the tenantry were bound to quite a number of
services. Amongst other things, they were thirled to a special mill. The
mill was that of Millhill. Originally, it belonged to the family of
Lyon, but it had passed out of their hands. And yet, out of this evil
system of thirlage, the people of Longforgan, and indeed all the tenants
of Castle Huntly, had still to grind their corn at this mill, though it
was no longer a part of the property. In early times, when mills were
few, it was a boon to the tenants to have their corn ground at almost
any price. Thirlage was a sort of compensation for building and
upholding a mill, and paying the wages of a miller. It is frequently
spoken of in leases as " doing debt to the mill." According to
Robertson, the multure amounted in some places to four lippies out of
every sixteen pecks, or about i^th part of the whole. On the lands of
Keithock, it is described in the Register of Cupar Abbey as "the ane-and-twenty
corne," i.e.
the twenty-first sheaf, which would amount to nearly five per cent. In
later times, when mills increased, and, with them, competition, the
system of thirlage became a heavy grievance. It was like a tax on
industry. To keep up its rent, the baron compelled his people to grind
their corn at his mill, notwithstanding that there were other mills
where it could have been done cheaper. The millers, too, took advantage
of those who were thirled, and proved themselves often as insolent and
overbearing, as they were inattentive and negligent. Before the century
closed, the system of thirlage was past.
There were other things that were equally absurd. In earlier days, the
small farmers and acremen had no leases at all. They were simply tenants
at will, and were tied down by most rigid conditions; and " so little
was the interest of the landlord understood, or the tenant regarded,
that so lately, as between the year 1750 and 1760, it was an established
custom, that the Earl of Strathmore's officers (who was the proprietor
at that time) actually seized upon one tenth of the crop yearly, upon
the lands of Longforgan, as part rent, and carried it, corn and fodder,
off the field ; and not one dared to lead a sheaf of corn till that was
done. Some time after, new tacks (leases) were entered into, more
favourable to the tenant; but, in all, still such a number of 15 feudal
services were required, as to show the practice of former times, and how
unwilling they were to give them up ; and what is very extraordinary, it
was not the landlords alone who were unwilling to give them up; for in
the year 1782, when the present proprietor of Castle Huntly proposed to
convert all the feudal bondages into a very moderate money-rent, some
very intelligent tenants were averse to convert even the
harvest-bondage, which of all others was the most oppressive, although
at the moderate computation of iod. per day per shearer. ...
tacks (leases) entered into, between 1760 and 1770, with the greater
tenants in this parish, were in general for 38 years, to themselves,
heirs, executors and assignees, with power to sublet. They were all
thirled to a particular mill; their restrictions were loose and
unguarded ; subject to bondage in harvest and a certain number of
carriages. . . . Liferent tacks were then not uncommon; and they
sometimes extended to two or three lives. In some tacks (leases) a very
extraordinary clause was introduced; the tenant had leave to name any
life he pleased during his tack (lease), upon which his possession was
to continue. . . .
this day (circa
1797) there is no thirlage ; there is no bondage in harvest; nor are the
tenants bound to day's work in planting, etc.
pay their rents in money and victual only. They are not bound to go
messages; and they only are bound to carry with their horses and carts,
a certain proportion of coals for the proprietor's family, if they
reside; which is exceedingly moderate, and some carts for lime, etc.,
which is seldom demanded; but it is expressly provided, that they shall
not be demanded either in seed-time or harvest (Sin.,
Stat., xix. pp. 517-20).*
Jacobin principles had some hold in the parish at the close of the
century, One cause of this in Longforgan, as elsewhere, was the reaction
of the people from the too great rigour of the system under which they
had been reared.
period saw a great improvement upon the land of the parish, and, indeed,
of the Carse. Passing glimpses that we get of earlier times show that
the Carse was very damp and swampy. This was the case in Longforgan. It
is not unlikely that Monorgan is really Mon-Fhorgan; the moss or marsh
(Gaelic, vioine)
of Forgan, the "f" having dropped out
through aspiration. Cf. Killallan, which is Kil-Fhillan, the church of
Fillan. In both cases the "h" marks the genitive. Earl Patrick speaks of
the ground as being very marshy and swampy. An amusing story is told of
one of the Carse lairds, who was in the habit of complaining of the
boorish stupidity of those whom he employed. The laird used to say that,
if he only had good clay, he thought he could make better men himself.
This came to the ear of the people, and roused their anger. It was not
long before they had their revenge. One day the laird got into a
quagmire where he stuck. He struggled to* extricate himself, but in the
nature of the case it was useless. At this moment a peasant chanced to
pass. The laird cried lustily to him to help him out of the quagmire.
Unhappily, the swain recognised him. He passed heedlessly on, willingly
deaf to his cries, just giving, as he passed, a knowing look, and
saying, " I see ye're making your men, laird; I'll no' disturb ye."
"Previous to the year 1735." says Robertson
{Gen. View, of A grit.
Perthshire, 1799,, p. 63), "even the fertile
soil in the Carse of Gowrie was astonishingly unproductive, in
comparison of its present state. The land was overrun in many places
with rushes, or disfigured with pools of water, at that time the usual
haunt of lapwings ; and the whole people subject to the ague. The
outfield ( = unreclaimed land) was cultivated as long as it produced
three or four, bolls from the acre. The infield ( = cultivated) was
generally cropt in four divisions, wheat, barley, oats, pease and beans.
About this period, some gentlemen and farmers in that district diffused
a spirit of improvement among all ranks in their neighbourhood; and the
rushes, the lapwing, and ague have now totally disappeared."
roads, too, were few and poor, and often impassable. Prior to 1790, a
good part of the Carse was inaccessible for nearly half the year.
Produce had to be delivered on horseback. This made the carting of
manure, etc., to the farms all but impossible. The state of the roads
affected everything. Robertson mentions how lime had been used with
advantage at Lauriston in Longforgan, but that the full benefit was not
reaped, owing to the distance and scarcity of fuel, which was, of
course, largely due to the want of good roads (p. 33).
1790, the turnpike from Dundee to Perth was begun. The keystone of the
arch that spans the Invergowrie burn at Mylnefield bears the date 1791.
In addition to this, the heritors of Longforgan spent some hundreds of
pounds in improving the cross roads. This large improvement was both a
cause and an effect of the increasing value of land. We subjoin from
Statistical Account two or three
illustrations of this increasing value :—
1777, the rents doubled what they were in 1750, in consequence of the
beginning improvements in agriculture at that time."
18 years more,
i.e. in 1795, the value of property actually
doubled what it was in 1777, and from the same causes, added to the
decreased value of money."
"About the year 1750, the best clay farms were let at 5s. per acre. A
few years after, when valued for new leases, they were supposed to be
overrated at 10s. In 1759, the same farms were let at 17s. In 1782, they
rose to 25s. In 1786, they were let at 45s. And the same lands would
probably let now at 50s. per acre at least' (p. 525).
"Another estate, of about 300 acres, in 1777, brought a rent of ^65,
which now pays .£305, besides 75 acres of very thriving plantations,
which were at that time not worth more than 2s. per acre on an average.
They were valued lately by a nurseryman at ,£3375 sterling. Their
weedings yield about 10s. per acre per annum ; and if they continue to
thrive equally well, may, when fifty years old, be worth four times the
sum" (p. 501).
There was a good deal of waste land in Longforgan, where now and then a
fox might be seen on its way to some poultry-yard, and even " a
strolling red-deer," and where the cry of the plover and the snipe and
the heron might be heard. In 17S0, between the bank of Longforgan and
the clay, there was a piece of ground called the Latch. (A farm road
there is still spoken of as the Latch Road.) It covered 20 acres, and
was so morassy that, at bits, it could not carry a horse. This was
improved by the digging of ditches, and twenty years later, what was let
in 1780 at 5s. per acre, was worth from 50s. to When Mr.
was settled in Longforgan, there was an uncultivated moor of some 600
acres which ran across the parish from east to west. Little was to be
seen on it but whin and broom, [his moor was divided in 1761 among the
adjoining proprietors of Castle Huntly and Mylnefield, and is now
represented by plantation and arable land.
was about this time that the newer methods of work began. The old
implements were giving place to new and better. Querns were rapidly
disappearing. It was time. Before thrashing-mills were introduced, much
waste and embezzlement took place. The first thrashing-mill in the
district was introduced in 17SS by Mr. Paterson, who had an inventive
turn and was fond of experimenting. Eight years later, there were
fifteen; fifty years later, there were thirty-two. Except five or six
011 high ground, which were driven by water, they were all driven by
horses. Steam power had only been tried in one case in the Carse by
1838. How far we have travelled from that state of things!
crops in Longforgan seem generally to have been good, and there are the
details on record of great crops. One of the crops which the people of
Longforgan were especially successful in raising, was lint. The familiar
cry of potato disease comes to us from last century. Besides a large
industry in live stock, there was some bee culture, a little
cheesemaking, a larger quantity of butter, which found a good market in
Dundee. When the smaller farms were merged in greater, poultry-keeping
fell off considerably. In earlier times, the lesser farmers and the
acremen used to pay a portion of their rent in kind—in fowls. This both
kept up the breed and met the wants of the neighbouring market. In time,
however, the practice ceased, and this branch of work fell off. The
change was probably necessary, but it has taken away something from the
picturesqueness of our country life, and when such things are
disappearing so fast, we read regretfully that there were once eight
dovecots or pigeon-houses in the parish. One has just been pulled down
at Invergowrie. It must, however, be said that the pigeons were
destructive. 1796 was a trying year in the parish. It is calculated
that, in that year, grain equal to the maintenance of 3000 persons was
devoured by pigeons in the county of Midlothian. In a parish about the
same size as Longforgan, with 1S00 inhabitants, the doves of its six
pigeon-houses are reckoned to have eaten 120 bolls yearly. Each
pigeon-house consumed 20 bolls of corn. It is little wonder that the
farmers complained.
short reference to harvesting will bring this sketch to a fitting close.
At this time, the practice was to hire shearers for the whole harvest,
which lasted generally about three weeks. Wages ran between 20s. and
30s. for men, and between 14s and 20s. for women. In 1780, the harvest
cost in one farm in the parish 5s. per acre; in
t781, 5s. 8d. ; 1782, 6s. ; 1783, 7s. 1 id.
Before the century closed, it had gone as high as 10s. per acre.
the shearers get bread and beer in the field,
i.e. a choppin (of about an English quart)
of beer, and the bread of i-i4th of a peck of oatmeal for breakfast ;
and for dinner 3 mutchkins (pints) of beer, and i-i4th of a peck of meal
m bread; and with some, it is also a practice to get half a lippie of
oatmeal every night,
i.e. 1 8th of a peck, while the harvest
lasts, for their supper, which they may either use or take home to their
families. . . .
was, till very lately, the custom to give what was called a Maiden
Feast, upon the finishing of the harvest; and to prepare for which, the
last handful of corn reaped in the field was called the Maiden. This was
generally contrived to fall into the hands of one of the finest girls in
the field; was dressed up in ribbands, and brought home in triumph, with
the music of fiddles or bagpipes. A good dinner was given to the whole
band, and the evening spent in joviality and dancing, while the
fortunate lass who took the maiden was the Queen of the feast; after
which, this handful of corn was dressed out, generally in the form of a
cross, and hung up, with the date of the year, in some conspicuous part
of the house. This custom is now entirely done away; and in its room to
each shearer is given 6d. and a loaf of bread." Sin.,
Stat., xix. pp. 549-50 (circa
14. Adam Cairns.
Settled, 1793.—Cairns was brought up at the parish school of Temple. He
was licensed in 1787. Six years later, he was presented to Longforgan by
George III., and was ordained in September 1793. The manse to which he
came was built in 1753, during Mr. Lyon's time. Shortly after he entered
the charge it got a thorough repair, and "is now (1797) a most excellent
convenient house; it has very good offices, all lately repaired, a good
garden, and is beautifully situated, commanding a most extensive view of
the river Tay, and the rich grounds below." With the house, garden,
glebe, and offices, the position was worth about £ 150 per annum.
Cairns was settled, there was only one ruling elder in the parish, and
things were in the sleepy condition which the reign of Moderatism had
produced in Scotland. The condition of the poor was not less urgent than
it had been. One of the entries in 1818 is as follows: "The Session
taking into consideration that their Clerk, from his entry, has had the
marriage Pawns allowed him, and for which he taught some poor Scholars;
but as the necessities of the Poor are now more urgent and pressing,
they resolved that, in future, the Pawns shall be paid into the Poors'
Fund. They further resolved that the said Pawns shall be regulated in
the following manner, viz. When the Proclamation is on three Lord's
days, the Pawns shall be one Shilling and Eight Pence. When on two
Lord's days, the Pawns shall be Two Shillings and one Penny. And when on
one Lord's day, the Pawns shall be Three Shillings." The Clerk did not
approve of the change, and "produced letters from the Session Clerks of
the Parishes of Fowlis Easter, Murroes, and Blairgowrie (in all which
Parishes he had been Schoolmaster and Session Clerkj, showing that the
Marriage Pawns had been allowed him and his Successors in Office, in all
these Parishes, and none of the dues were given to the Poor." We have
quoted it, however, as suggesting- the necessitous case of
the poor.
was a year of much hardship. The crop of 1795 was so deficient, that
before February, 1796, there was widespread want. This was abated by the
spirited action of the heritors. " Mr. Mylne of Mylnefield, and Mr.
Wemyss of Laurieston, who had oats, took charge of their own tenants;
but as Lord Kinnaird and Mr. Paterson had neither oats nor meal of their
own, they sent from London 400 quarters of the best mealing English
oats, which they directed to be ground into meal, to be sold at the
Dundee market price to all of their tenants who wanted, and who could
afford to pay; and to those whose daily earning were not sufficient to
maintain themselves and family, they ordered the meal to be given out
weekly at a reduced price,
i.e. at is. per peck, and to continue till
next harvest; and to the poor for nothing" (Sinclair's
Stat., xix. pp. 485-86). The Session at the
same time resolved to give " their resident poor meal instead of money;
and to every person entitled to is. to give in its place one peck of
good oatmeal."
1811, long remembered in the district for its comet, was as prosperous
as the year 1812 was trying. " By the harvest being rainey, and by an
excessive Wind on a Sunday that Harvest, which shook a great part of the
corn that was uncut, the supply of meal was very scanty, and the price
rose gradually from is. 6d. per Peck to 2s. 6d. per Peck, and at last to
the great price of 3s. per Peck, and could not be got, but with
difficulty at any price, so that the distresses of the Poor have been,
and are still, very great."
may be of interest to give a condensed statement of the number of the
"listed poor," and of the amount received and expended in the twenty-six
years between 1790 and 1815. During these years "the listed poor were
348, giving an average of 13^ " — the greatest number ever being 18. In
1838 the number on the roll was 20. It is now (1895) 24.
These figures will show that there were comparatively few who needed
this form of help, at the close of last century. It is spoken of as
extraordinary that there was only one travelling beggar in the parish.
'1 his state of things may be accounted for, by the comparatively
prosperous state of the parish at this time. Wages, indeed, were not
high, but the living was simple, and there was plenty of work.
Kingoodie quarry gave employment to a large number, and so did the
making of the Perth and Dundee turnpike. Then there were other buildings
being erected. Women and children could easily get work in the fields
for three-fourths of the year. Others had it steadily in weaving.
During the same period, ^1588, 4s. 7^d. was received for the poor, and
^1595, 2s. 4d. spent —an average of
£61, 7s. In 1838,
£98, 9s. was spent; in 1895 the total
expenditure of the Parochial Board on the Registered Poor, was ^129,
13s. id. The sums given were very modest. The twelve persons on the
Session list in 1795 had, on an average, less than a shilling in the
Poor's Fund was raised partly by interest on an invested sum of ^230,
partly by weekly collections averaging 10s., partly by fees for
marriages and burials, partly from seat-rents, and partly by gifts and
fines. A few entries may be given :—
"Oct. 2, 1805. To Cash from Lord Kin-naird for the use of the Poor."
"Nov. 26, 1805. Funeral of the Right Hon. Lord Kinnaird, 5s. To Gratuity
at the Funeral of the Right HonWc Lady Kinnaird, who died two
days after the burial of her husband, £$, 3s."
"Dec. 20, 1S07. To Cash received at the Funeral of Lord Gray, £5.
"July 16, 1S09 Received for the Poor, a gift at the funeral of Charles
Kinnear, tenant at Inchmichael, the sum of Ten Guineas,
£10, 10s." And a like sum was given in 1S02
by George Paterson of Castle Huntly on the death of " his lady."
year the laird made another donation. On the 12th of May the castle was
observed to be on fire. By the exertions of the people of Longforgan,
the fire was prevented from destroying more than the wing in which it
broke out. Mr. Paterson gave
£5 then.
£4, gs. was received from some persons, who
were fined by the Justices for a breach of the Lord's Day; and
£2, 2s. was received from C harles Hunter of
Dron, "as a fine from Peter Falconer, Sadler in Forgan, for shooting his
dog." Mention is made of a fine of 6s. 8d. for a private rebuke by the
minister; and another of £i, 10s.
are two entries in 1814 of gifts by the laird of Castle Huntly. The
laird did not forget his collection when detained from church.
11s. 6d. is entered as Mr. Faterson's collection," paid up, as he has
not been in church for some time past, owing to distress."
same year, a guinea was presented by him, " being the amount of what the
Customs of the New Market or Tryst held tb is day in Longforgan came to
(this being the first year Custom was taken, it being free of Custom for
seven years before). This Fair or 1 ryst was established in 1807 by Mr.
Paterson, and was held on the last Monday of April. Longforgan had two
other markets dating from 1663, one on the first Wednesday of June, and
another on the first Wednesday of October. (Cf. Act in favour of the
Earl of Kinghorne for two yeerlie fairs in the toun of Longforgun, Sept.
5, 1662.) A good deal of business used to be transacted at those fairs.
Farm servants were engaged and cattle sold. Time has changed these
customs, and what is now known as Forgan Market is only a shadow of what
't was. The markets were held at the Market Knowe. This was a tumulus on
the moor of Forgan, "about 6 feet high, and 28 yards diameter,
surrounded with a ditch 10 yards wide;."
Three national events were celebrated publicly in Longforgan during Mr.
Cairns' ministry. The first was on the occasion of the victory of his
Majesty's fleet at Trafalgar, in which battle Lord Nelson was killed. An
extraordinary collection was made for the widows and families of those
who fell in the action, and the parish was asked to "appear in mourning
in token of respect for the memory of Lord Nelson." When George III.
died, 6§ yards of black flannel were bought, " with other necessaries,
for covering the Pulpit and. Desk, as a token of respect to the memory
of our deceased Sovereign." But the greatest demonstration took place on
the occasion of the |abilee of George III. in 1809. It was intimated,
011 October 22 nd, that a thanksgiving sermon would be preached, and a
collection for the poor made, that they may be enabled to rejoice as
well as others.
following is a description of the day's doings: " The day was ushered in
by ringing of the Bells, displaying of Flags and other demonstrations of
joy; at 12 o'clock, public worship began, when our minister preached a
suitable Sermon from 1 Peter ii, 17, 'Fear God—Honour the King.' After
Sermon all the Tenants of Castle Huntly with as many of their families
as could attend, were feasted by George Paterson, Esquire, of Castle
Huntly, in the Garden belonging to Mr. John Hume, master of the Inn,
where upwards of 600 persons dined together. In the Inn, the principal
Farmers, with the Minister and Schoolmasters, dined together. A Bonfire
was lighted up at the Cross in the evening, and two Hogsheads of Porter
distributed among the people. The whole ended with peace, harmony, and
joy, without any riot or disturbance whatever." The only mishap was the
rending of the great bell, which was sold for ^5, and it was five years
before the clock went again. An old residenter, who died in 1884, told
me that she remembered being let in, as a child, at the close of the
Jubilee Banquet and getting cold potatoes — which were to her a great
During Mr. Cairns' time a good deal of overhauling took place. A new
church was built in 1795, and most of its furnishings were renewed. It
may be of interest to give the cost of some of these. Two new Communion
Flagons cost £1, us.; a Folio Pulpit Bible,
1 os.; a Psalm Book for the use of the Minister in the Church, 6s.; a
Chest to hold the
Session Books and Papers, 16s.; 1200 Tokens with the Matrices, £2, os.
nd. The Beadle had
£2 a year; the Precentor
£3 ; the Clerk
These were modest sums, but other outlays were, of necessity, higher in
proportion. We are reminded that Rowland Hill had not done his work when
we find sixpence entered for the postage of a letter; and we are
inclined to smile when we read of five shillings being given, in 1808,
as expenses to a "man who came from Dundee to inform the Session that
Widow Gray was dead."
of the larger changes took place in connection with education. Till
about the year 1800, there was but one school for the parish. 1 here was
a " very tolerable" school house, with a house tor the master attached
toit, and the post was worth about ^"50 a year. Mr. Paterson of Castle
Huntly, under whose patronage the school may be considered to have been,
took a lively interest in it. He paid for twelve scholars whose parents
were unable to meet the school fees or school wages, as they were
called, and used to give prizes of <w Bi'bles, New
Testaments, Collections, account - books, pens and paper."
About the year 1800 a private school was established in the village of
Kingoodie by Thomas Mylne, Esq. of Mylnefield, and another in the '1
town " of Longforgan by Mr. Paterson, the laird of Castle Huntly. In
1825, the average number of scholars at Kingoodie was 60; in Mr.
Paterson's school at Longforgan, 30. ' The parish school had an average
of 60. 1 he effect of the Education Act in increasing the attendance of
scholars has been striking-. There are now two schools in the
parish, one at Longforgan, one at Mylnefield. I11 1821, with a
population of 1544, the average attendance was 150 ; in 1895, with a
population of 1779, the attendance averages 297.
There are few indications of much spiritual life in the parish during
this time. The number of communicants was high, sometimes over 700. But
it was not an unknown thing to see weavers of Kingoodie returning from
the Sacrament drunk. Discipline was much relaxed, and it does not seem
to have been administered in a helpful way. The late Mr. Gilfillan gives
us a peep in his Journal of a kind of life that, we believe, was more
prevalent a hundred years ago than it is to-day: "15th September 1863.
Was at Longforgan to-day at the funeral of a child. The father's grief
is great, but he consoles himself by the hope of infant salvation. . . .
Met a curious specimen, a man eighty - nine years of age, who appears
seldom to have had one thought above the clods, to which he is now
reluctantly bending. Dr. R. was once pressing him about his soul, when
he broke in and said, ' Eh, man! when I was young we used to sit
drinking till it was three in the morning. It was fine fun.' R. gave him
up in despair." There are other traces of much low life. 'I he warmest
religious life was to be found outside the Established Church. There
were about the year 1800 a few Dissenting families in Longforgan
belonging to the Relief, the Independent, the Original Secession, and
the Secession Churches. These numbered in all about 40 persons. There
were 12 Episcopalians. The nearest Secession place of worship was at
Myrekirk. On the Sabbath, some of those worthies found their way there,
either in a cart, or both (man and wife) seated on one horse, f here
were a good many fellowship meetings held in these homes; and it was not
an uncommon thing for the Seceder ministers in passing through the
country, from place to place, to put up for a night in one of the homes
of Longforgan. By this means, news of the churches as well as of public
events was spread, and godly impressions made upon the old who loved the
truth, and upon the young who were seeking it.
of the better signs in the parish was the support given to the Carse
Bible Society. No less a sum than £6, 6s. is entered on the records of
the Session as having being paid.
Cairns was twice married—first to a daughter of Mr. Miln of Kinnaird,
and secondly to Elizabeth Hally, who died in 1847. He died himself in
1821, in the sixty-fourth year of his life, and in the thirty-ninth of
his ministry. By his first wife, Mr. Cairns had a son who was destined
to occupy a position of some prominence.
Cairns was born at Longforgan Manse, on the 30th January 1802. He got
the rudiments of education in the parish school. At the age of fourteen
he went to St. Andrews, where he took a good place. After a fierce
spiritual conflict he found the light. In 1824, he was licensed by the
Presbytery of Cupar. One of his first sermons was preached in Longforgan.
'I hereafter he assisted for a time the Rev. Sir Henry Well wood
Bart. An affectionate friendship sprang up between the venerable baronet
and his assistant, as the following incident related by Cairns will show
: " The late Sir Henry Moncreiff was, in the best sense of the term, my
father. I loved him while he lived, and I venerate his memory. It was my
privilege to be much with him during his last days and his last hours.
One forenoon, as his end approached, he began to bewail the unworthiness
of his life, declaring in moving words that he had been an unprofitable
servant. I ventured to say to him, ' Sir, you should not speak of
yourself in that way. Remember how much good you have been enabled to
do. What an example you will leave for the benefit of others, and
especially of such as 1 am!' He replied with all the decision of his
character, 4 Stop, you are wrong ! I have no good thing in me
; I leave you no example. I am nothing but a poor dying sinner. Christ
is all! I am nothing, and I leave nothing. Christ is all! I now see more
clearly than ever I did before the greatness of the ministry; and had I
to begin life again, I would go through the whole world preaching the
glorious gospel, holding forth Christ and Him crucified, the only refuge
and hope of the perishing. There is nothing else worth living for."'
first charge was at Manor, where he was ordained in 1S28. Five years
later he was translated to Dunbog, and thence to Cupar in 1837. At this
time the Ten Years' Conflict was raging. Cairns took the Non-Intrusion
side, and was one of the noble band of men who, rather than surrender
the Crown Rights of Jesus Christ, surrendered his position and its
emoluments when the Free Church of Scotland separated from the State in
1843. After the Disruption he went for a time to Gibraltar, his health
being poor. In 1853 he received the degree of D.D. from the University
of St. Andrews. Demitting his charge at Cupar, he sailed for Australia,
and was inducted the same year to Chalmers' Church, Melbourne.
Influential as Dr. Cairns had been at home, his settlement in Melbourne
was the beginning of a career of nobler influence. The discovery of the
goldfields had drawn thousands to Australia, and it was at this critical
time that Dr. Cairns was sent out by his Church at the head of a little
band of ministers, whose mission was to supply the young colony with the
means of grace. . "This was a splendid gift to a young country. It would
be difficult to overestimate the far-reachtiig good resulting from it.
The influence of Adam Cairns and that band of men whose hearts God had
touched has been powerfully felt to this day as an important factor in
the Christian civilisation of Australia, and will long continue to be so
is a far call from Longforgan to Victoria, but it may help us to
understand the opportunity which had come to this son of Longforgan
Manse, if we recall one or two facts about the colony. Two years before
he went out to it, there were about 100,000 people in Victoria ; three
years after he settled in it, there were almost 400,000 The yield of
gold in 1853 was more than 12J millions. The average of the eight years
ending 1S61 was nearly 10 millions, and during the thirty years prior to
1881 it had produced over 202 millions. When Cairns went out in 1853, he
took an iron house with him. It was brought out at a cost of £\ooo. "As
an illustration of the enormous rise in wages through the gold
discovery, the cost of erection amounted to as much as the original
was a trial to Cairns to leave Scotland.
is with peculiar pain," he said in the General Assembly before he left,
"that I take leave, as I must now do, of the Free Church— the Church of
my heart, my affections, and my hopes—the Church of my country and my
God." But he threw himself with extraordinary spirit into the work that
waited him. In 1852, ten churches were built; in 1853, seventy-nine. His
own church was built in seventeen days, and everything was pushed
forward with an energy which was constantly reinforced by his great
personality. For the first twelve years of his ministry in Melbourne he
seldom had more rest than "about four hours out of the twenty-four." But
his toil was Australia's gain. T he press was loud in his praise. One of
its leading organs has testified : " By his marked strength and
individuality of character, he succeeded in rapidly bringing about a
great change in the prospects of his Church in Victoria. His eloquence
and earnestness soon won him a large congregation. Mainly by his efforts
the union of the Presbyterian bodies was effected, the Scotch College
was built and carried on, provision for education made, young men
trained for the ministry, and much other important work done for the
social, religious, and intellectual advancement of the colony."
After twelve years' hard toil, his nervous system gave way, and he
returned to Scotland for a time. His address to the General Assembly in
1865 contains, perhaps, the best account we can give of h s early work,
and it is a noble specimen of his eloquence : " Twelve years have
rolled' away since I bade you farewell. I went with your Commission in
the very height of the prodigious stream of emigration, to Victoria,
consequent on the discovery of the goldfields, to do what I could to
provide for the spiritual wants of our people, and to co-operate with
others in building up our Presbyterian cause in that far distant land. I
have now returned, as it were, to report progress—to tell how your
Commission has fared in the hands of those to whom ?t was
confided. Well, I have seen many strange and many wonderful things. I
have seen a city, little better than a collection of hovels, built of
brick, of wood, of zinc, of corrugated iron, of canvas, of lath and
plaster, of wattle and daub, rise and expand into the form and
dimensions, with something of the beauty and something of the splendour
of a magnificent metropolis. I have seen a state of social anarchy and
utter confusion give place to one of order and comfort—the certain proof
of a thriving and, I hope, upon the whole, a very promising young
commonwealth. I have seen a population of 70,000 or 80,000 multiplied
eight times. I have seen a country, whose only roads were bush-tracts,
intersected with railways of admirable construction. I have witnessed,
also, the origin and development of those philanthropic institutions
which attend the progress of Christian civilisation; hospitals for the
sick and maimed; refuges for the destitute and helpless ; asylums for
the orphan and stranger, the deaf and dumb, etc. I have assisted at the
setting up and establishing of a system of common schools, which has
ripened into a liberally supported educational system, almost
commensurate with the necessities of the population. Alongside of this
national scheme for the education of all, there are well-appointed and
ably-conducted grammar schools, of which the most popular and most
prosperous is our own Scotch College, under the efficient management of
Mr. Morrison. And this educational edifice is crowned, as it ought to
be, with a university, built at great cost, with a competent staff of
professors, with ample means, and very considerable pretensions. But
more interesting- to this audience will be an account of our
religious operations. Twelve years ago, there were in the colony just
fourteen Presbyterian ministers of all sections. These were divided
amongst themselves, weakened each other's hands, and embarrassed each
other's movements. Now, the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, the United
Church, consists of ninety-four ministers, ordained and settled in
charges, together with ten at the disposal of our Home Mission and
eligible for calls, and two missionaries, one to the Chinese, and
another to the Aborigines.
happy Scotland, highly favoured of God ! No country can compare with
thee, either as to the riches of gospel privileges, or of names that are
so many towers of strength. Let no one suppose that lapse of time, or
remoteness of position, has cooled or tended to cool the ardour of my
devotion to my native land. No ; Scotland is dearer to me than ever. I
love every feature of her countenance, every line and nook and point of
her varied and beautiful scenery. Dear to me are her mountains and
hills, her glens and straths, her lochs and rivers, her mossy waters and
wimpling burnies, her bonnie haughs and heathery braes ; dear to me are
the voices of her nature—the song of her birds and the murmur of her
streams, the warbling of the lark as he climbs the sky with quivering
wings, of the mavis from the tree top, of the cushat from the leafy
grove, of the lintie from the waving and tasseled broom; dear to me are
all the turns and windings of her strange, eventful, romantic history,
from Fingal and his heroes. . . . But immeasurably dearer is Scotland to
me, for her noble army of martyrs and confessors, from Hamilton, from
Wishart, from him of the lion heart and eagle eye, the fervent, the
sagacious, the prophetic, the indomitable Knox, down through a long and
illustrious succession of burning and shining lights, of whom the world
was not worthy, to him, in many respects the brightest of them all, the
champion of all righteousness and goodness and truth—that tongue of
fire, that old man eloquent, the beneficent, the gracious, the
incomparable Chalmers. To these men of God and their associates, to
their sanctified wisdom, to their self-denying lives, to their wrestling
prayers, Scotland is indebted for her marvellous prosperity, for her
peerless and imperishable renown. In that far-off region of the earth
from which I have come to visit you, [ have often experienced the agony
of homesickness, a vehement craving for my native country. At times
Nature has reasserted her former sway. Feeling has broken loose <n a
tide of emotion that has quite overwhelmed one. Busy memory has recalled
some fondly loved face or form, some dear friends or happy scenes, or
perhaps some line or verse of a ballad has haunted me l;ke a
why left I my hame? why did I cross the deep?
Why left I the land where my forefathers sleep?
I sigh for Scotia's shore, and I gaze across the sea;
But I canna get a blink o' my ain countrie.'
truth is stronger and better than sentiment, and the love of Christ is
at once sweeter and more constraining than any tie or sympathy of
nature. My choice is Australia; my deliberate choice is Australia. I
will soon go back, never to return, with no wish to return, because I
believe such is the will of the Lord. There He hath appointed me to
labour for Him. J'here is the sphere of my ministry, the home of my
children, and by and by in its soil this anxious body will find a quiet
tomb. In that sunny land I expect and wish to spend the remainder of my
days in serving the Lord, as He shall enable me, and as a fellow-worker
with others in opening up and preparing the way for the coming of the
great King, to take possession of His own, for the ends of the earth are
His by the promise of the eternal covenant. ' Bind thy sword upon thy
thigh, thou most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty; and ride on,
ride on prosperously, because of truth, and meekness, and
1878, Dr. Cairns celebrated his jubilee. An address was presented to
him, which speaks of him following in "the footsteps of several
generations of honoured forefathers." He died suddenly three years
later, on the morning of Sabbath the 30th January 1881. The week before,
he preached from the words: "And Enoch walked with God, and he was not;
for God took him." " Next Sabbath morning he was found 'asleep in
Jesus,' with his left hand under his head, and an expression of perfect
calmness on his countenance." He was in his eightieth year, and had
served twenty-seven years in the Colonies.
following memorial minute records the reverence in which he was held:
"In the Courts of the Presbyterian Church he was an acknowledged leader,
and to every important movement of the Church he contnbuted the powerful
assistance of his enthusiasm and energy, being especially helpful in all
questions affecting the purity of the Church's government, discipline,
worship, or doctrine.
Having been appointed to the principalship of the Theological Hall, his
large acquaintance with theology, his soundness of doctrine, and the
kindly vehemence of his nature, made him an invaluable teacher of our
students for the ministry.
"While taking a leading part in the affairs of the Presbyterian Church,
he always showed a warm interest in the other evangelistic
denominations, and in all public matters which involved the spiritual or
moral good of the community, especially signalising himself as a
champion of the Sabbath, and an unflinching advocate of scriptural
was a strong advocate of, and did much to bring about, the union of the
Presbyterians in Victoria. Several works, it may be added, came from his
pen — (i) Some
Objections to U}iiversal Atonement stated\ and the C'urrcnt Objections
to a Particular and Efficacious Atonement considered.
Two Discourses. ' Cupar, 1844, 8vo. (2)
The Second Woe. Edin., 1852. (3)
On the Origin and
Obligation of the Sabbath. (4)
Account of Dunbog (New
Stat. Acc., ix.), etc.
long before his death, Dr. Cairns revisited Longforgan. His love for the
old home and the haunts of his childhood was keen. But the generation
that knew him was away. Few who had gone up to the church to hear the
young probationer in the twenties, were there to welcome the grand old
man of Melbourne. They were sleeping in the churchyard side by side with
his father.
15. Robert Skene
Settled, 1822. —Mr. Walker began his ministry at Auchter-• gaven in
1808, whence he was translated to Kinclaven in 1812. On the death of Mr.
Cairns, he was presented to Longforgan, where he was admitted on Sept.
5, 1822.
thing that seems to have got an impulse during the earlier years of Mr.
Walker's ministry was Sabbath schools. In 1827, an extraordinary
collection was made for providing books, as rewards for the scholars
attending the Sabbath evening schools in the parish. Of these there were
three in the parish in 1838. It was the time, also, of quickened
missionary interest. In .1824 a collection was made for missionary
purposes, amounting to ^11, 9s. 1 id. Dr. Dickson of Edinburgh pled the
cause of the Scottish Missionary Society in 1830; and ten years later,
on his return from Palestine, Mr. M'Cheyne lectured on his mission.
14s. io^d. was collected for the Jewish work. But there was need for
much effort, as the following anecdote will show. Meg Craw was somewhat
of a character. She seldom, if ever, darkened the kirk door. Still, she
rather encouraged her family to go. But Meg, who kept the purse, would
scarcely ever give them anything for the collection. One day her
daughters went to her, feeling sure that they had a claim which Meg
could not refuse. "Mother," they said, "there's to be a special
collection the day for the bringing in o' the Jews." Darting a wild
glance at them, she exclaimed, " The Jews? I've heard o' thae craiters
a' my days. If they winna come in, let them bide oot; never a bawbee
will they get frae me." Crestfallen, the girls had just to go and blush
to the ladle once more.
entry dated May 22, 1831, may be given, which suggests changed thoughts
towards the Church : " Mr. Ross, probationer, preached, our own Minister
being distressed, and in the time of divine service an alarm was brought
to the Church of a house being on fire in the Town, and the whole
congregation left the Church, and came back again after the fire was
mention of M'Cheyne reminds us, that Mr. Walker's ministry began when
the great Evangelical movement was advancing to its victory. Mr.
Walker's friends belonged chiefly to the Evangelical party, and in the
years preceding the Disruption, it is men like Hamilton of Abernyte,
Grierson of Errol, Ewing of Dundee, who appear as his helpers.
Longforgan shared, if to a small extent, the marvellous blessings that
came to Dundee and the district in connection with the labours of
William Burns and M'Cheyne. Burns had anxious souls in Longforgan, and
M'Cheyne had those in the parish who loved to call him their father in
Christ. The religious life of the village was greatly helped by the
warmth of the Seceders in it. They were too few to have a regular
minister, but there were a good many prayer meetings in private homes,
and there was frequently a service on the Sabbath evenings in summer. It
was a common thing for the student who preached in the forenoon to the
Seceders in Haldane's tabernacle at Abernyte, to come on to Longforgan
at night. One of the still-remembered students was the late Dr. Gardiner
of Dean Street, Edinburgh. At other times, ordained ministers came. Mr.
Gilfillan of Dundee came once a year, and Mr. Nicol of Pitrodie oftener.
No public building, of course, could be got for these services. They
were held in sheds and barns, and, frequently, in the open air. " The
meetings were advertised by a written "notice tacked on trees at each
end of the village. I hey were largely attended, and compared with the
canny preaching common in most country places, the barn preachings were
much enjoyed"
(MSS. Account). All this helped, without a
doubt, to cherish the deeper life of the people. Besides this, other
things were working. Abernyte was one of the adjoining parishes. 1 here
James Hamilton had been permitted to excice a widespread interest. Many
persons, both in the.parish and beyond it, were, under his ministry,
touched by the Spirit of God. The news of it spread, and helped to
kindle interest elsewhere. And then, there were all the spiritual forces
working, which culminated in the Disruption in 643.
During the Ten Years' Conflict, Mr. Walker, who was of a quiet and
retiring nature, took no prominent part. He was frequently urged by the
more vehement advocates of Non-Intrusion to pronounce himself. But he
stood uncommitted to the last. All he would say was, "If the crisis
come, I hope I will be enabled to stand true to my convictions." When
the crisis came, and the Disruption of the Church took place, and when
others who were much more pronounced than he stayed in, Mr. Walker went
Feeling was hot in Longforgan over the Church question, as it was
everywhere. One of the lairds is credited with saying, " Had it not been
for that wasp Candlish, the whole affair would have blown over." There
were keen discussions, by the fireside, over . the Voluntary Question,
and over the Non-Intrusion articles in the
Dundee Warder, and the
and The Secession
Church Magazine. Sometimes there were larger
meetings, addressed by ministers and laymen from Dundee. When the hour
struck, a number of those who had pledged themselves, even in the
Session, drew back. Only one of the elders went with Mr. Walker. His
name was John Dickson. Mr. Henry Prain, who knew him well, describes him
as a devout and simple-minded Christian. "He was faithful in the
discharge of all his duties; if possible, more than faithful to his
obligations as a Free Churchman and a Free Church elder. His attendance
at church on Sabbath, at church meetings on week-day evenings, and at
all prayer meetings, as well as his visitations to the sick, were
systematic and regular. Other things might stand over, these never.
Summer and winter, sunshine and storm, were alike unable to keep him
back. Once only, in more than twenty years, and near the end of his
days, did I know of him turning back. It was a day of storm. 1 he snow
was drifting fiercely. He started for church and went so far, but for
once he had to turn. One who saw him said, ' John Dicksoi s near Irs end
now, for he has turned back from the church.' ... By his death the Free
Church lost a pillar, the village a true Christian inhabitant."
Though only one elder went out, there was a goodly body of the people.
There were few of the more wealthy among them. There were only two
farmers, but there were some of the most active and pious of the people.
was, originally, intended to build the new church at the east end of
Longforgan village ; but, as a site could not be got there, it was
erected at Mylnefield. It cost a little over ^400; but it ought to be
said that the carting .was done free. A number of the farmers gave help,
but the burden of this service was borne by the two farmers who had cast
in their lot with the Free Church. To these two, Mr. Jackson of
Longforgan, one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the Reform Bill
of 1832, and Mr. Miller of Carmichaels, and to Mr. Alexander Moncur, a
young manufacturer in Longforgan, who gave yeoman service in connection
with the building and with the organisation of the congregation, the
Free Church cause owes much.
During its erection, service was generally held in a meadow in the open
air, behind the present church, and old worshippers still love to relate
how, with but one or two exceptions, the Sabbaths were fine.
church was opened early in 1844.
Walker's case was attended by not a little hardship. His position at
Longforgan was a comfortable one, and he was not very strong. But he
made little complaint. Once, when asked by a friend as they were passing
the glebe, if he did not feel a good deal in leaving the old home and
its interesting associations, all he said was, " Yes, I do; but I am
much happier in my mind now, than I could have been had I remained in
the. church."
some years, as no site for a manse could be got, he had to stay in
Dundee, and walk out, in storm or sunshine, to Invergowrie to preach. A
site was got, at length, in this way. On one occasion, when Mr. Walker
was preaching, a fire broke out in a neighbouring farm. He bade the men
amongst his hearers go and help to put it out. . The farmer belonged to
the Established Church, and Mr. Walker's action led to the granting of a
site. .
may, however, be added that Mr. Walker did not seem to be injured by the
change. His strength seemed to renew itself, and his labours were more
manifold than before.
Walker was twice married. He wrote the account of the parish for the
New Statistical in 183S. He died in 1854, in
the forty-sixth year of his ministry. A memorial tablet has been placed
in the Free Church, of which he was the first minister.
Walker was succeeded in the ministry by the Rev. John Hunter, with whom
the Rev. Adam Philip was associated as colleague in 1881. Dr. Ritchie
was presented to the Established Church when Mr. Walker surrendered the
charge. His death (July 3rd, 1895) removed one of the few remaining
ministers in the Establishment who held charges previous to the
Disruption. Dr. Ritchie attained the ripe age of ninety. He celebrated
his jubilee seven years ago. The Rev. N. K. Mackenzie, appointed
assistant and successor in 1885, is now sole minister. The incumbent in
the Scottish Episcopal Church is the Rev. W. Simons.
do not propose to follow the story further in detail. There were some
regrettable things done at the Disruption, and there have been
regrettable things since. But, notwithstanding, the work of God goes on.
Souls have been saved and saints have been trained. Ministers of the
gospel have gone from the parish, and the people of Longforgan are doing
something, however humble, to recruit the honourable services of the
country and the manifold activities of Christian work. The parish has
been refreshed with the dew of heaven. We long for more. To the next
chronicler of our Annals, we hope it may be permitted to tell of greater
" times of refreshing," of more missionary zeal, and also of the reunion
of the Presb)rterian community in Longforgan and in Scotland. |