Parochial Registers.
There are, at the
Register House, Edinburgh, three volumes of records belonging to
Vol. I. contains a record
of births from 1634-78, and of marriages from 1633-75. Vol. II. contains
a record of births from 1678-1776, and of marriages from 1716-51. Vol.
III. contains a record of births and marriages from 1776 to 1819.
Then, in the custody of
the local registrar, there is a record of births, deaths, marriages,
from 1820 to 1854.
Cf. Report of Records at
Register House.
"The records of the
Kirk-Session begin in 1654, and consist of eight volumes, some of which
are in a very indifferent state of preservation. But, in so far as a
judgment can be formed, they all appear to have been pretty regularly
kept" (N. Stat. Acc., x. p. 408).
The records now in the
possession of Longforgan Session are numbered.
Vol. 8 (as it is marked)
extends from 1673-1699. It is a large volume, well kept, and full of
interesting matter.
Vol. 9 extends from 1710
to 1729. It is a book of 352 pages. It is also well kept, and the
minutes are full.
Vol. 10 contains minutes
for the years 1738-39, 40-41, 42-43-
Vol. 11 contains minutes
for the years 1743-1749.
Those two volumes were
found in the manse about 1822. They are in poorer condition, and are not
nearly so well kept.
Vol. 12 extends from
1782-1812. There is a long gap before 1782.
Vol 13 begins in 1813,
but after 1821 this volume came to be used chiefly as a cash book. This
volume is of value from what may be called its appendices.
From 1821 the records
are, on the whole, kept carefully.
The Parochial Registers
in the Carse do not, except in the case of Errol, go back to Reformation
times. The earliest entry in the Errol baptismal register is 1553. The
Saint Madoes record goes back to 1591. In the other parishes the entries
begin about the same time as in Longforgan.
The first entry at
Kinnaird is in 1633
The first entry at Inchture is in 1623.
The first entry at Kilspindie is in 1656
The first entry at Abernyte is in 1664.
At Kinfauns, the register
of births, baptisms, and marriages begins in 1646. In Liff, which
adjoins Longforgan, though beyond the Carse, the register of births
commences in 1633. See Turnbull's Memoranda, of the State of the
Parochial Registers of Scotland.
A writer in Blackwood's
Magazine (Feb. 1S4S), dealing with the bearing of certain facts in the
New Statistical, makes the following observations, which need to be
remembered about the records in Longforgan as well as elsewhere: "Most
parishes have also records of births or baptisms, marriages and deaths.
From these, and these only, this work could derive the element of its
important section of vital statistics; but how far were they fitted to
serve that purpose ? It is certain that they nowhere form a complete
register of these occurrcnces, and that, for the most part, they are
very defective. Baptisms appear to have been entered in the parish
register regularly till the year 1783, when the imposition of a small
tax broke the custom of registration; and when that tax was removed,
Dissenting bodies were unwilling to resume the practice. The proportion
of registered baptisms to births, for instance, is at the present time
not more than one-fourth in Edinburgh, and one-third in Glasgow. The
marriage register is also unavailable to statistical purposes, by reason
of the practice of double enrolment—in the parish of each party. In many
parishes no record of burials exists; in others, those of paupers are
The register of baptisms
in Longforgan was kept only fairly, some of the Dissenters declining to
register through the Established Church. The same may be said of the
marriage register. The burial register was very imperfectly kept. In one
period, where over four hundred baptisms are recorded, there are no
burials entered. It was late in last century till it was done with any
care. Even then it is an imperfect record of the actual number of deaths
in the parish. The register was made up from the fees paid for the use
of the mort-cloth. It needs, however, to be remembered that the poor did
not pay for it; and, on the other hand, that it was sometimes used for
persons who were brought from other parishes to be buried. Mr. Walker
{New Stat., x. p. 411) thinks that the number of persons removed for
burial from Longforgan, may be put against the number of persons brought
to it. We cannot say if this be so; but in view of what has been said,
we need to be careful in dealing with such statistics as may be gathered
of the number of births, marriages, deaths. In 1794 there were 35
baptisms, 35 persons of the parish were marned, and the mort-cloth was
paid for 16 times. The following year there were 43 baptisms, 20 persons
of the parish were married, and the mort-cloth was paid for 18 times. In
the decade preceding 1793 the mort-cloth was used 256 times, an average
of more than 25 per annum. The draining and other improvements that were
taking place were evidently lowering the death - rate. But its facts are
full of suggestion. 1794 was a prosperous year in the parish, and the
register tells us that 35 persons were married. 1795-96 was a very
trying year, and the number fell to 20. Last year (1894) there were only
9 marriages. In 1893 the number was 7.
Church Accommodation.
The Established Church
was built in 1795, during the ministry of Mr. Cairns. It is a good,
substantial, plain, square building, with large Gothic windows to the
south, and a circular gallery. Mr. Walker writing in 1838 for the Neiv
Stat. Account, describes it as "very commodious and comfortable. It is
too large, however, containing more than 1000 sittings, nor is there any
probability of the ample accommodation which it affords being required.
But it could not be better situated for the great bulk 01" the
population," which numbered then 1638. It was then the only place of
worship. The Census of 1891 showed the population to be 1779, a decrease
of 75 since 1861. There are now, besides the Church in Longforgan, a
Free Church with accommodation for 400, a Mission Station under the
Established Church Session with accommodation for 300, and an Episcopal
Chapel with accommodation for a considerable number. In connection with
the last named, a large and handsome church has been bu'lt, but is as
yet unopened. These are all at Invergowrie. There is also a Mission Hall
in Kingoodie.
The following is from the
Register of Minister and Readers in the year 1574 :—

The Glamis Book of
Record, 1684-89, enters the stipend of the minister as 5 bolls wheat, 46
bolls beer, and 44 bolls oats (p. 4). Wheat was selling at about £6 per
boll, barley at from £4 to 6s. 8d. per boll, oats at from to Per boll.
On the lowest calculation this comes to about £350 Scots.
Cf. A. H. Millar's
Introduction to Book of Record, pp. 37, 38.
The following extract is
from Sinclair's Statistical\ vol. xix. p. 482 :—
"Manse.—The manse was
built 1753.
"Stipend.—The stipend is
11 bolls of wheat, 56 bolls of barley, 57 bolls of oats, 2 bolls of
meal, and jQ20 sterling, besides a good glebe, worth £10 sterling per
annum at least; so that, with the house, garden, and offices, it is
worth about £150 per annum, taken at a medium of 10 years back."
By the time that the New
Statistical was written, another manse had been built, and otherwise the
position was improved. This manse, which still stands, was built in
1823-24. It is spoken of as "an excellent house, commanding a delightful
prospect, and embracing every accommodation for a family. The glebe
consists of between 4 and 5 acres of good ground, and its yearly value
may be stated at £14 or £15. The stipend was augmented in 1824 to 18
chalders of grain, in the following proportions, viz. 138 bolls of
barley, 138^ bolls of meal, and 11 bolls of wheat, all payable by the
highest fiars of the county, together with £2, being an allowance for a
grass glebe, and £8, 6s. 8d. for furnishing Communion elements. The
whole has amounted on an average of the thirteen years that have elapsed
since the decreet of modification to about £308 a year" (New Stat. Acc.,
x. 419, 1838).
It was (1894) per crop
£280, 7s. 8d., exclusive of manse and glebe. In 1893, per crop, it was
^319, 14s. 5d.
A hundred years ago, a
proprietor in the paiish devised a plan for improving ministers'
stipends in Scotland. It
is sketched in his
account of Longforgan in Sinclair's Statistical\ vol. xix. pp. 482-83:
Plan for improving Ministers' Stipends.
"It would be a good plan,
were Government to make an offer to proprietors to purchase their teinds,
which, il is believed, most would do. This would raise a very large
capital; and were the produce put in the hands of trustees, under the
direction of the Church, to be lent out by them to the best advantage,
and to empower them to buy land if they thought proper, to be applied
solely and entirely to pay the ministers' stipends, and to uphold the
church and manse, a permanent fund would be established 'immediately, to
accommodate the parishes with more beconvng places of worship, to lodge
the ministers more commodiously, and also, to make many livings much
better; and might, in time, be the means of making stipends keep pace
with the value of money. This is but the outlines of a plan, which maj*,
indeed, be liable to objections; but the advantages would be so great,
it seems to merit consideration. The stipends would still be unequal,
according to circumstances; but, by proper regulation, all of them might
be better. The clergy would then be raised to that rank and
consideration in society to which they are well entitled; and men of
learning and abilities would consider the Church as an object of
honourable ambition; heritors would no longer have causes of disputes
with their pastors; and the Court of Teinds, with a thousand etceteras,
might be set aside for ever."
It is evident that, a
hundred years ago, one mind, at least, in Longforgan, was exercising
itself on those questions which are pressing for solution to-day.
More recently, Mr. George
Paterson, another of the lairds of Castle Huntly, showed interest in a
question that is related to the ecclesiastical. In 1853 he published an
Ilistornal Account of the Fiars in Scotland. Four years later, he put
out another pamphlet, The Striking of the
Fiars in Scotland. The
chief part of this had been printed before in Macphail's Edinburgh
Ecclesiastical Journal, Feb. 1853. Some of the suggestions in these
brochures have been accepted in the Perthshire Fiars Court.
In 1838 there were six
schools in the parish—the Parochial School, and five others of a private
After the Disruption, a
school was carried on at Mylnefield by the Free Church, with an
attendance varying at different times from 50 to 120 scholars. On the
passing of the Education Act, the school ceased to exist, and the
education of the young of the parish is conducted now n two schools—the
Longforgan School with 145 scholars, and the Mylnefield School with 211
scholars; in all, 356. These schools obtained this year (1895) ^290, 8s.
rod. in grants, and are doing good work. The total spent on education
during the year, including the repayment of loans, has been ^939, is.
Sabbath Schools.
"There are also (New
Stat. Acc., x. 420, 1838) three Sabbath schools, which have been very
serviceable in diffusing among the youth an acquaintance with the Holy
Scriptures, and of which the good effects would be still more apparent
were the attendance upon them less fluctuating than it frequently is."
There are now five schools, well equipped with libraries, etc.
At the Disruption a
Sabbath school was started in Longforgan village at the suggestion of
Mr. Walker. It was headed by John Dickson, Alexander Moncur, and Henry
Prain. Lieutenant-Colonel Davidson, who came as a tenant to Castle
Huntly in 1851, took a lively interest in its progress during the time
he was in the parish. One of the visitors at the castle when the school
was being entertained was Dr. Islay Burns of Dundee. The school had its
ups and downs. At one time a determined effort was made by the laird to
stamp it out, but it lived through the storm. It is to the honour of the
then laird, that he afterwards frankly acknowledged his mistake.
Teachers Salary.
Answers to Queries made
to Schoolmasters in consequence of an Application to Parliament in 1825
for an Augmentation of Salary. The answers were returned to
Query 1. What were the
salary and emoluments of the schoolmaster at the earliest period at
which they can be correctly stated, and the branches of education taught
at the same period ?
Ans. 1. Before the year
1697, the salary to the schoolmaster was paid by a certain tax on each
plough (how much is not known), and by a tax on each house that had no
land of yearly. The Kirk-Session paid for a house, school, and garden to
the schoolmaster. The school fees in 166S were—for reading, 6§d. per
quarter; for writing, iod. per do.; for arithmetic or Latin, is. i£d.
per do. The school fees appear to have continued the same until 1758.
There is a want of records from 1758 to 1772 ; but in that latter year,
reading was raised to is. per quarter; reading and writing to is. 6d.
per do.; arithmetic to 2s. per do.; Latin, 2s. 6d. per do. In 1697 the
heritors fixed the salary at 5s. yearly, which continued till 1788, when
they voluntarily subscribed a salary of .£20 yearly. The average number
of scholars might then be about 80, as there were no p ;vate schools in
the parish, which would make the schoolmaster's emoluments from 1697 to
1772 to be about ^18 yearly, exclusive of house and garden.
Query 2. What were the
salary and emoluments of the schoolmaster between 1780 and 1803, and the
branches of education taught at the same period ?
Ans. 2. The salary, as
above, was ^7, 5s. until 1788, and the fees as fixed in 1772, which will
make the emoluments of the schoolmaster to amount to £26 yearly from
1780 to 1788. From 1788 to 1803 the salary was £20, and the fees were
raised to is. 6d. per quarter for reading, 2s. per do. for writing, 2s.
6d. for arithmetic, and 3s. for Latin, which will make the emoluments to
be about £40 yearly for that period. The average of the schoolmaster's
emoluments from 1780 to 1803 (23 yrs.) will thus amount to about The
branches of education taught were reading, writing, arithmetic, Latin,
and the practical mathematics. No private schools were in the parish for
the greatest part of tl ;s period.
Query 3. What were his
salary and emoluments between 1803 and 1824, specifying salary, school
fees, other sources of emoluments, size of his house ?
Ans. 3. The salary was
the maximum 4s. 5^d.).
The school fees were—2s.
per quarter for reading; 2s. 6d. per do. for reading and wvning; 3s. per
do. for reading, writing, and arithmetic; 5s. per do. for Latin; 4s. per
do. for practical mathematics. The house is large, consisting of six
rooms besides the teaching room. The annual average of permanent income
of the schoolmaster (after deducting the poor scholars, who might be
about £ of the whole number) was about ^37, 10s., exclusive of house and
garden. During this whole period there were two private schools in the
parish, which lessened the number of scholars at the Parochial
School.—See the note at the end.
Query 4. What were these
for the year ending in 1825?
Ans. 4. The salary and
school fees are the same as in the preceding Answer to Question 3; but
the number of scholars being a little below the former average, taken in
that Answer, therefore the income of the schoolmaster for the year 1825
is ^36, 5s., exclusive of house and garden.
Note.—The year is
understood in this Answer and in all the others to be accounted from the
end of the harvest vacation of one year to the beginning of the harvest
vacation in the next year.—See note at the end of the Queries for other
sources of emoluments.
Query 5. State whether
there be at present one or more schoolmasters established on the legal
provision; if two, whether there be two schoolmasters' dwelling-houses,
their size, the proportion of salary allotted to each, and the amount of
school fees received by each.
Ans. 5. There is only one
schoolmaster established on the legal provision.
Query 6. What is the
present rate of school fees?
Ans. 6. The present fees
for teaching at the Parochial School are—2s. per quarter for reading;
2s. 6d. per do. for reading and writing; 3s. per do. for reading,
writing, and arithmetic; 5s. per do. for Latin; 4s. per do. for
practical mathematics, in their various branches; is. for a full system
of book-keeping; 7s. 6d. per do. for geography and the use of the
Query 7. What is the
average number of scholars who attend one or both schools annually ?
Ans. 7. The average
number of scholars who attend the Parochial School annually is about 60;
but there are only three quarters :n the year to be accounted for at
that average, as one quarter is lost entirely by the harvest and other
country work.
Query 8. What are the
branches of education which the present schoolmaster is qualified to
teach, and the branches actually taught ?
Ans. S. The schoolmaster
is qualified to teach English, grammar, writing, arithmetic,
book-keeping, Latin, and the mathematics in their various branches, both
in theory and practice. All these branches are actually taught.
Query 9. State whether
there be at present any and what other schools in the parish; if there
be, when established, by whom maintained, whether Dissenters or others,
the emoluments of the schoolmasters, the rate of school fees, branches
of education taught, and by what numbers of children attended ?
Ans. 9. There are two
other schools in the parish. One of them, in the village of Kingoodie,
was established about the year 1800. It is maintained by Thomas Mylne,
Esquire of Mylnefield, who gives the schoolmaster a free house and
garden. The present schoolmaster is a member of the Church of Scotland.
The emoluments of the schoolmaster are about £20 annually, exclusive of
house and garden. The school fees are—2s. per quarter for reading; 2s.
6d. per do. for writing; 3s. per do. for arithmetic. Reading, writi'.ig,
and arithmetic are taught in this school. The average number of scholars
for three quarters in the year is 60. The other private school is in the
town of Longforgan. It is maintained by George Paterson, Esquire of
Castle Huntly, who gives a free house to teach in. The present
schoolmaster is a member of the Church of Scotland. The emoluments of
the schoolmaster are about ^10, 10s. annually. The school fees are—2s.
per quarter for reading, 2s. 4d. per do. for writing, and 2s. 6d. per
do. for arithmetic. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are taught in this
school. It was established about the year 1799. The average number of
scholars for three quarters in the year is 30.
Query 10. What is the
greatest distance at which children go daily to school ?
Ans. 10. The greatest
distance that any of the scholars have to travel to the school is about
two miles.
Query 11. State whether
there be any part of a parish so distant from a school as to prevent
attendance; there be, what is the distance, and w hat is the population
of such part of the parish ?
Ans. 11. The northmost
part of the parish is about six miles from the Parochial School; but it
is not above two miles from the schools of the neighbouring parishes of
Abernyte, Kettins, and Lundie, where the inhabitants send their
children. There is, therefore, no part of this parish but the
inhabitants may send their children to some school. The population of
that part of the parish which cannot send their children to the Parish
School, owing to the great distance, is about one-eighth of the wdiole
population, which in 1821 was 1544.
Query 12. What proportion
does the population of any towns or villages in the parish bear to the
population of the whole parish ?
Ans. 12. The population
of the town of Longforgan is about one third; and the population of the
village of Kingoodie about one-eighth of the whole population of the
parish according to the census in 1821, by which the population of the
whole parish was found to be 1544.
Note referred to in
Answers to Queries 3rd and 4th.— In addition to his income as
schoolmaster, the present incumbent is also Session-Clerk, the average
dues of which office may be about ^4, 10s. annually, which sum is to be
added to the amount of income specified in Answers 31c! and 4th. George
Paterson, Esq., the principal heritor, patronises the Parochial School,
and has given annually for teaching poor scholars on his estates, since
the year 1818 (having allowed £3 annually prior to that year for the
same purpose), and also £1, is for teaching a Sunday school. Lord
Kinnaird, another of the heritors, has also given £2, 10s. annually,
since the year 1820, for teaching poor scholars on his estates. It may
be observed that these allowances are not permanent, or of right, but
only during pleasure. The whole average income from every source betw
ixt 1803 and 1824, in Answer to Query
3rd, was about ^55. And
the whole emoluments in 1825 from every source, in Answer to Query 4th,
is ^59, 6s., including bad debts, or fees that are at present owing, but
may never be paid.
Peter Forbes,
schoolmaster, Longforgan, 8th October 1825. -—We, the minister, and two
of the heritors of the parish of Longforgan, having read over, and
considered the foregoing Queries with the Answers thereto, as made out
by the schoolmaster, do certify them to be true, according to the best
of our knowledge.
(Signed) Geo. Paterson,
Robt. S. Walker, [Thos. Drummond.
Inns, etc.
More than one mention is
made in the Session Records of the Brewers' houses in the town of
Longforgan. In Earl Patrick's time there were three. When Sinclair's
Statistical was published, there were two inns in the village, one at
the west end, " and another about the middle of the town, upon a much
larger scale, with a brew-house, malt barn, bake-house, and good
stabling attached to it" (xix. 472). There were altogether in the parish
at that time two brewers, two innkeepers, and four alehouses (p. 488).
When the New Statistical
was written (1838), there were " four licensed public-houses in the
parish, besides the toll-house, forming the boundary between the
counties of Perth and Angus" (New Stat, Acc. x. 412). These were
situated in Longforgan, Kingoodie, Mylnefield. The result of this state
of things was melancholy.
There are now two
licensed houses in the parish—one at Invergowrie, and one at Longforgan.
Financial Statement of
Free Church Congregation in 1893.
In connection with the
Jubilee of the Free Church, "a Statement of Accounts for fifty years,
from the Disruption, 18th May 1S43 to 15th March 1893," was compiled by
D. M. Watson and John Smith, joint-treasurers of the church. This is a
somewhat unique compilation. It contains a list of the ministers of
Longforgan from the Reformation to the Disruption, the names of the Free
Church ministers, and elaborate statistics of the receipts and
expenditure of the past fifty years under thirty-four headings, etc. It
is a statement of great value as illustrating the growth of Christian
liberality in the district. A few figures may be given:—

A large sum has been
spent both on the church and on the manse since they were built.
We are especially
thankful to sec an increase of missionary liberality. M'Cheyne was
perhaps the first to give an impulse to this cause. The impulse has been
renewed by manj', notably by the Rev. Dr. Paton of the New Hebrides on
two memorable occasions, and the Rev. Dr. Laws of Livingstonia.
Longforgan Free Church
Manse Library.
The following reference
to this remarkable collection appeared lately in the Free Church Monthly
" In the Free Church
manse of Longforgan, is a library which deserves to be better known. The
idea of it originated, we believe, with Mr. Watson of Bullionfield, to
whose contributions it mainly owes its existence. The first proposal was
to establish it in Dundee, to connect it with the Free Library there,
and to make it open to ministers of all denominations. This plan,
however, was abandoned, and the library is now a local one, for the use
of the Free Church minister of Longforgan, the presbytery and the
deacons' court being trustees. Its cost, including bookcases, has been
about ^1300, an additional sum of ;£ioo being sunk, and the interest
spent on repairs, etc. The library is a very valuable one. It is rich in
patristic literature, and contains some rare books, such as Knox's
Liturgy (1611), Laud's Liturgy (1637), the Babylonish Talmud\ etc. It is
also well supplied with the works of the great English Church writers,
with the literature of Scotland during the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, and with many commentaries and books of reference."
Christian Agencies in
There are four
churches—(1) The Established Church, (2) The Free Church, (3) The
Scottish Episcopal Church, (4) The Established Church Mission. There
are, in all of these, two services of some kind on Sabbath. In
connection with one or all of them, there are Sabbath Schools, Bible
Classes, Sewing and Mission Work Meetings, Prayer Meetings, Tract
Distribution, etc.
There is a Mission Hall
at Kingoodie, where a Service and a School are held on Sabbath, and a
Prayer Meeting during the week.
Besides the strictly
Church interests, the people contribute something to objects like the
M'All Mission, China, Rescue Work, Colportage, etc. There is an
Auxiliary of the Bible Society and a Young Women's Christian
The meaning of Kingoodie,
anciently written Chingothe, Kyngudy, Ceinguddie, Kingudie, Kingaidy, is
puzzling. The first syllable Kin or Chin is, of course, the Celtic word
for " head," Ceann, Kyn. Goodie may be the Gaelic Gaoth, gen Gaoiihe,
the wind. Ceanngaoithe, or with the article Ceannagaoithe, the headland
of the wind. In Bouitie parish, Aberdeenshire, there .s a h;ll called "Kingooc.ie
Hill," 600 feet high. In the same parish there was a place, Kingoodie,
where there were marks of the remains of a chapel. " Kingoodie is now
part of the estate of Blair, and on its coming into the possession ol
Mr. Leith (a nephew of Mr. Leith Lumsden of Clova) he changed the name
of the house to Leithfield" (Rev. W. Temple's Tkanage of Fermartyn, p.
Dr. Davidson of Bourtie
informs me that the farm of Greystone or East Kingoodie (compare in our
district Greystane and Kingoodie), where formerly stood a hamlet, is
entirely exposed to the wind, and would exactly answer the above
derivation. The rest of the property of Kingoody —or, as it is now more
usually called, Blair—dips down from this elevated wind-swept point.
Kingoodie in Perthshire
owes its importance to its quarry. It is on the Mylnefield estate. Last
century, Mr. Mylne the proprietor built a number of cottages there for
the quarrymen. We cull the following from an interesting note on the
Kingoodie quarry in Sinclair's Statistical:—
"The Kingoody stone is of
a greyish colour, called by minerologists Grain-stone; it is difficult
to work; hard and durable to an uncommon degree; so much so, that the
fine old tower, the steeple of Dundee, which was built of it in King
David the Second's time, has shown scarce any symptoms of decay, except
where the influence of the town atmosphere reaches. Castle Huntly,
supposed to be built in 1452, has scarce a stone in it which has yielded
to the influence of the weather; and a gate at that place, built of
Kingoody stone, by Earl Patrick of Strathmore, 130 years ago, is crowned
with four pyramids, the points of which appear perfectly entire at this
day (1797), not measuring more in diameter than i-i6th of an inch. These
are only a few amongst many instances of its durability.
"Mr. Mylne, the
proprietor, employs from fifty to sixty hands in the quarry of Kingoody;
four boats for transporting stone, which are navigated by nine hands,
and not only sends stones to the whole extent from Montrose to Perth by
water, but likewise for fifteen or sixteen miles of country round by
land carriage. He also sends considerable quantities to England; and
lately undertook, by contract, to furnish stones from this quarry to two
navigable canals, the one called the Gippon's Navigation, near Ipswich;
the other the Chelmsford Canal, near Maldon, in Essex. He has built a
considerable village upon the spot for the labourers, the inhabitants of
which at present amount to 116 of all ages.
"Although it does not
properly belong to this paper to interfere w ith the business of revenue
or finance, yet as the subject is curious, it is worth while to remark,
that owing to the interpretation put upon the wording of the late Act of
Parliament, for imposing a duty upon stone sea-borne, by the revenue
officers, the exportat on of stone from this quarry, in all probability,
wi1! soon be at an end. For, although the whole revenue arising to
Government, betwixt the 5th day of July 1794 and the 5th day of July
1795, from this duty, was only ^16, 18s. 3f}d., jet, from the distance
between Kingoody and the ports of Perth and Dundee, such is the
difficulty of procuring coast-despatches for a cargo of stone, worth
only 17s., and not exceeding iod. per ton in value, as to prolong a
voyage, performed, before the commencement of this Act, in twelve hours,
to three days. Whatever reasons Government may have for continuing this
Act, as it is at present, does not fall within our province to say; but
although of very small import to them, it is a very material concern to
the proprietor and his employees; lor, in the year above mentioned, this
duty alone occas. Dned a delay of work equal to twenty times the value
of the duty paid."
Robertson (General View
of the Agriculture in the County of Perth, p. 35) speaks of it as
"unquestionably the finest in the county. Many astonishing slabs are
raised at Kingoodie."
Morison, in his Guide to
the City of Perth and its Environs, published in 1S12, says of the Depot
(for 7000 prisoners of war) bu;lt at Perth in that year: "These
buildings are chiefly of whinstone, from quarries n the vicinity of the
town, and that of Kingoody Quarry in the neighbourhood of Dundee." The
inner work of the Pell Rock Lighthouse is of Mylnefield stone.
In 1838, when the New
Statistical was written, the company which rented the quarries were
employing between 50 and 60 men. Good workers had 14s. a week. There
were three boats carrying stone.
There are now (1895)
between 60 and 70 men employed.
Rossie Priory, the seat
of Lord Kinnaird, was built 01" stone from another quarry in the parish.
In Edward's Description
of the County of Angus, 1678, he makes it terminate in one direction,
"at the quarry of Kingudie."
The quarry was the scene
of an unfortunate railway accident in 1852. A Ira n was thrown over the
bridge beside it. The guard, Charles Balfour, was so dreadfully injured
that he lay between life and death for months. He recovered, however,
and was appointed stationmaster at Glancarse. He wrote "The Iron Horse,"
describing a journey from Dundee to Perth, in the early days of the
railway. The piece has a local interest. We give two verses :—
"Come Hieland man, come
Lowland man, come every man on earth, man,
And I'll tell you how I got on atween Dundee and Perth, man;
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they did her ca', man;
It was ruggit wi' an iron horse, an awfu' beast to draw, man.
Sing fal la la.
The beast it roared, and
aff we gaed, .through water, earth, and stanes, man;
We ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thought we'd brak our banes, man;
Till by and by we stoppit at a place ca'd something Gowrie,
But ne'er a word had I to say, but only sit an' glower aye.
Sing fal la la."
This song may be found in
Ford's Harp of Perthshire, where a place is also given to the songs of
one or two local men. Amongst these are the authors of Random Readings
in Verse and Prose, and Up Glenesk.
"In Scotland, the fourth
of July used to be known as Martin of Bullion's Day, in honour of the
translation of the saint's body to a shrine in the cathedral of Tours.
There >s some uncertainty about the origin of the term Bullion, though,
according to the Ukeliest etymology, it is derived from the French
bouillcr, to boil, in allusion to the heat of the weather at that time
ot the year. There is an old proverb that if the deer rise up dry and
lie down dry on Mania of Bullion's Day, there will be a good gose-harvest,
i.e. an early and plentiful one. . . . There are traces of both Martin
and Bullion in Scottish topography. In Perthshire there is the parish of
St. Martin's, containing the estate of St. Martin's Abbey. Some miles to
the east is Strathmartin in Forfarshire, already alluded to, and no! far
from t in the same county we find Bullionfield, in the parish of Liff
and Benvie. It is probable that these names are in some way connected
together." (Cf. Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs, by James M.
Mackinlay, F.S.A., Scot., pp. 4S-49.)
In Pennant's Tour in
Scotland, i. p. 78, we read: "Repassed the Tay at Bull on's Boat;
visited the field of Loncarty." Bullion's Boat is not very far from St.
The beautiful gateway
leading into Greystane, just across the road from Bullionfield, was a
part of the old St. Paul's Churchyard, London.
Storms and Distress.
The Ettrick Shepherd has
a paper of thrilling interest in his Tales on storms. He says: " Storms
constitute the various eras of the pastoral life. They are the red lines
in the shepherd's manual—the remembrancers of years and ages that are
past—the tablets of memory by which the ages of his children, the times
of his ancestors, and the rise and downfall of families are invariably
ascertained. Even the progress of improvement in Scottish farming can be
traced traditionally from these, and the rent of a farm or estate given
with precision, before and after such and such a storm, though the
narrator be uncertain in what century the said notable storm happened. '
Mar's year,' and fl that year the Hielanders raide,' are but secondary
mementos to the year nine, and the year forty—these stand in bloody
capitals in the annals of the pastoral life, as well as many more that
shall hereafter be mentioned."
Hogg describes the
thirteen drifty days about 1620, the blast o' March 24th, 16—, when many
thousands of sheep perished in a forenoon. "The years 1709, 40, and 72,
were all likewise notable years for severity. In the latter, the snow
lay from the middle of December until the middle of April, and all the
time hard frozen. Partial thaws always kept the farmer's hope of relief
alive, and thus prevented him from removing his sheep to a lower
situation, till at length they grew so weak that they could not be
removed. There has not been such a general loss in the days of any man
living as in that year. It is by these years that all subsequent hard
winters have been measured, and, of late, by that of 1795. . . . But of
all the storms that ever Scotland witnessed, or I hope ever will again
behold, there is none of them that can be compared with the memorable
24th of January 1794, which fell with such peculiar violence on that
division of the south of Scotland that lies between Crawford-muir and
the border. In these bounds there were seventeen shepherds perished, and
upwards of thirty carried home insensible, who afterwards recovered; but
the number of sheep that were lost far outwent any possibility of
calculation. One farmer alone, Mr. Thomas Beattie, lost seventy-two
scores for his own share."
It appears from the
Records that remain that most of these were times of storm and distress
in our district. One or two facts may be given. In 1607 there was a
steady frost from December 1 to March 21, and "passage upone the yce
over Tay all the tyme (at Perth) and passage ower and ower at the mil of
The frost of 1623-24 is
spoken of as surpassing anything that has been experienced. There are a
good many allusions to snow and impassable roads during the same
century. If 1709 was disastrous, 1740 was dreadfully so, owing to the
wildness of the storm in January. More memorable still is the storm of
1772. For a year or two the harvests had been scanty. The suffering was
intensified by the great storm of 1772 and the poor harvest, and
culminated in the Meal Mob riots which affected the district. The same
causes, the storm, and the scanty harvest of 1795, issued ;n widespread
suffering. The year 1812 is another black one in the annals of the poor.
Of recent storms the most famous arc the Tay Bridge storm of 1879; the
wild November gale of 1893, when thousands of the forest giants of
Scotland and some of our noblest trees were hurled to the ground; and
last, but not least, the long and strong frost and the blinding blizzard
of 1895. |