March Dust—Moons of Mars— Planetoids—Occultation of Alpha
Leonis—Zodical Light-Snow
Bunting—Old Gaelic Ballad of "Deirdri:" Its Topography.
If for
the first few days March [1878] seemed inclined to emulate the peaceful
calm and sunshine of its predecessor, it very suddenly assumed a more
warlike aspect; a change came over the spirit of its dream; it became
boisterous and rude; snow, and sleet, and rain, and storm battling in
wild comminglement. It still continued what is called " open " weather,
however; there was no frost, no razor-edged and biting winds, and
vegetation was rather temporarily checked than seriously hurt or
hindered. After this wild burst, in vindication, it is to be presumed,
of the month's right to be called after the bellicose Mars, things
slowly but steadily improved, and the weather is now such as permits us
to get on with our spring work uninterruptedly
and pleasantly enough. "We have not yet, however, had a sufficiency of
the "March dust," so proverbially invaluable at seed-time; and nowhere
perhaps so invaluable, so absolutely essential indeed, in its proper
season, as in the "West Highlands. The day, however, is now lengthening
apace, and with a bright warm sun
overhead, and brisk north-easterly breezes, we shall doubtless soon have
dust enough and to spare.
Our reference to Mars the war-god,
reminds us that Mars the planet, with whose fiery effulgence every one
is familiar, has recently had an accession of dignity such as the
old-world star-gazers never dreamt of in connection with the ruddy orb.
It is found to have at least two attendant
moons, small, and so exceedingly difficult of detection even by the aid
of the best instruments, that it is only under the most favourable
circumstances that they can he observed. It is more than suspected that
a third, and even a fourth satellite, exists, and the planet will in
consequence be subjected to the closest possible scrutiny at all the
observatories at home and abroad for some time to come, in order to
determine with certainty the number of its attendant moons, and whether
they be two or more, to decide their sidereal revolutions, their
diameters, masses, and inclinations of orbits. By reason of his retinue
of satellites, Mars is now exalted to equal dignity with Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; and by the discovery another point is
scored in favour of the nebular hypothesists. It was on the night of the
1st January 1801 that the first of the planetoids, Ceres, was
discovered by Piazzi of Palermo. Next year Olbers of Bremen discovered
the second planetoid, Pallas, and
so constant and searching has been the scrutiny to which the planetoidal
zone, situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, has been
subjected, that the number of these minor worlds is now no less than
182, the last three in the series, Nos. 180, 181, and 182, having been
discovered since the beginning of February last. Of these three, two
were discovered by French observers; the third by Professor Peters of
Hamilton College, U.S., America. This last, however, is suspected to be
only a rediscovery, so to speak; to be identical with Antigone, discovered
five years ago by the same indefatigable observer. If this be so, the
asteroidal series amounts at present date to 181. In favour of the
ingenious hypothesis that accounted for the existence of these minor
orbs by suggesting that they might be the fragments of a large disrupted
world—of a large planet rent asunder by some terrible internal
convulsion—a great deal could be said while the number of fragments was
under half a dojcen or even double that number, but when the fleet of
orblets began to be counted by the score, the disrupted world theory was
dropped as no longer tenable in the circumstances. The hypothesis of
Olbers, however—for it originated with the discoverer of Pallas —led
to a great deal of curious research that resulted in no little gain to
astronomical science; and if it had to he given up as insufficient in
the case of a planetoidal zone, it left us a legacy that may yet he
turned to good account, that such a catastrophe, namely, as the
disruption of a planetary world into fragments that in the shape of
minor orbs would continue to revolve in orbits coincident with that of
the parent globe, is not only possible, but, under certain easily enough
conceivable circumstances, a probable enough occurrence.
Occultations by the moon of planets and first magnitude
stars are always interesting phenomena, and for many years we have
rarely missed observing such conjunctions as they became due, even if
the hour was otherwise inconvenient, if only the weather chanced to be
favourable. Last week there were two occultations, which for particular
reasons we were very anxious to observe, and as the weather was clear
and bright we had but little fear of disappointment. The stars to be
occulted were Alpha and Delta Leonis,
the one on the night of the 16th, the other on the night succeeding. Alpha Leonis
is of the first magnitude, distinguished, like some others of its class,
from the mere alphabetical order of stars by its proper name of Regulus. Up
to within a quarter of an hour of the computed moment of occultation or
disappearance of the star behind the moon's disc, the sky was clear; and
as we stood at our post everything promised a highly satisfactory and
successful observation; but alas, as the moon and star, in nautical
phrase, were close aboard each other, a huge bank of cloud, driven by a
north-westerly breeze, swept over the scene, effectually occulting moon
and stars alike from the most penetrating gaze. It was provoking enough,
but there was no help for it. An observer in our climate must make up
his mind to frequent disappointments of this kind. We were still in
hopes that although the immersion was thus hidden from us we might he
more fortunate in the case of the emersion—the reappearance, that is—of
the star on the moon's western limb. But it was no use. Two or three
times, indeed, the moon shone forth for a minute or two together from
through an old cathedral porch-like rent in the intervening wall of
cloud, but only to be agam obscured; and thus it continued so
tantalisingly promising, that we stood to our post until a glance at the
clock showed that the moment of emersion was already past, and it was
useless waiting or watching any longer. The great object in closely
watching these occultations is to observe, with all possible certainty,
if there is any distortion or momentary projection on the moon's disc of
the planet or star occulted at the instant of immersion and emersion, in
order to decide if the moon has an atmosphere or not. We have seen
enough, we think, from our own observations during the last five and
twenty years, to lead us to the couclusion that such distortion and
projection is occasionally to be seen, and that therefore, contrary to
the general belief of astronomers, a lunar atmosphere very probably
exists, though it may be of greatly less weight and density than our
own. Looking over our astonomical note-book, we find that the winter
just past— let us hope that at this date we may so speak of it—was
remarkable for two things—the almost total absence, namely, of auroral
displays, and the exceeding brilliancy of the zodiacal light. We have
only two recorded instances of the occurrence of the aurora borealis,
both in December, and both but partial, faint, and ill-defined. The
zodiacal light, on the contrary, was remarkably bright and noticeable on
almost every evening in February and early March, its apex reaching up
to and beyond the Pleiades, and with an outline clear and sharply
defined as ever was sheaf of the brightest auroral light. So noticeable
was it on several occasions, that all the people of the hamlet began to
speak about it, and inquire what it could mean, for its perfect
quiescence, its appearance night after night in the same quarter of the
heavens, and the absence of anything like accompanying storms or aerial
disturbance, satisfied even them that it was not the fir-chlisor
" merry-dancers " as they used to know them. Let us assure our Celtic
readers that an attempt on our part to explain the nature of the
zodiacal light in Gaelic was
no easy task; and if the truth were known, we fear onr prelection quoad
hoc was
a sad failure.
We have received the following note from "A Constant
"Sir—Would you kindly let us know, through the columns of
the Inverness
Courier, the
proper name of the accompanying little bird, and what part of this
country it is properly a native of. It is never seen in Ross-shire but
during very heavy snow, and then they fly about in large flocks, and
disappear again as soon as the snow is gone.—I am, yours respectfully,
"A Constant Reader."
Neatly packed in a couple of lucifer match-boxes
ingeniously conjoined, the bird reached us, and the locale of
its being shot or captured we can only approximately indicate by the
fact that the package bore the post-mark "Garve" There was no difficulty
in at once recognising the bird as the snow-fleck or snow hunting, the Emberiza
nivalis of
Linnaeus, a common enough bird in early winter over the whole of
Scotland. Although it has been known to breed in Scotland, a few being
found all the year round along the summits of the Grampians, and other
mountain ranges to the north and north-west, it is probably a bird of
considerably higher latitudes than ours; visiting our shores as a
migrant in October or November, according as the winter is early and
severe or otherwise, and leaving us again in March or April. It is a
hardy little bird, of plain and rather sombre plumage, prettiest in the
act of flight, when the white on the edges and tips of the
tail-feathers, and quills, and secondaries, comes out in pretty bars,
contrasting pleasantly with the dark and chestnut brown, which may be
said to be the prevailing colour. The snow-fleck has hardly any song
beyond a tremulous twittering, and a few call-notes so loud and shrill
that in the strange and solemn calm that sometimes precedes a
snow-storm, they may be heard at a great distance. Our correspondent
should have stated where, when, and how the bird was got, a knowledge of
such matters vastly enhancing the interest and value of a specimen,
especially if it has any claims to be accounted a rara
We are indebted to our excellent Celtic friend, Mr.
William Mackay, Inverness, for a copy of his exceedingly interesting
monograph on The
Glen and Castle of Urquhart, one
of the most interesting spots in the Highlands. Mr. Mackay attempts to
make Glen Urquhart classic ground by associating the story of Dearduil
and Clann-Uisneachean, as related in the mediaeval Gaelic ballads, with
the locality, by pointing out that there is a Dun Dearduil in
the neighbourhood—a place so called after the hapless heroine of the
ballad story. But in the old and unquestionably authentic ballads her
name is not Dearduil but Deirdri
; Deirdir and Daordir. Dearduil
is a much later form of the name, not older, Mr. J. F. Campbell hints,
than the Darthula of "Ossian" Macpherson. But there are other Dun
Dearduils besides that referred to by Mr. Mackay; one, for instance,
near us in Glenevis; and it is to be observed that all the places so
called are vitrified forts. An old man in our neighbourhood, one of our
best seannachies, always
speaks of the Glenevis vitrified fort as Dun Dearsail or Dearsuil, and
this is probably the correct form of the term, closely connecting it
with dears and dtarsadh,
to shine, a shining; to beam and be etfulgently aglow like flame of fire. Remembering
that all the
places so called present more or less marked traces of vitrifaction, in
the formation of which fire and flame, on
a large scale, must have been the chief and most remarkable agents, the
name comes to have a fitting and appropriate enough meeting, without the
necessity of taking in the name of Deirdri or Dearduil at all. Mr.
Mackay next gives a translation of a couple of quatrains from the oldest
known version of the Clann-Uisneachan ballad; that, namely, of the
vellum manuscript in the Advocates' Library, bearing the date 1238, and
quoted in the Highland Society's Eeport on Ossian
"Beloved land, that eastern land,
Alba, with its lakes;
Oh, that I might not depart from it;
But I go with Naois.
Glen Urchain, O Glen Urchain,
It was the straight glen of smooth ridges:
Not more joyful was a man of his age
Than Naois in Glen Urchain."
Mr. Mackay will have it, of course, that this " Glen-Urchain
" is his Glen TJrquhart. The Gaelic name of Urquhart, however, is
invariably a trisyllable; but this apart, the Glen-Urchain of
Mr. Mackay has no existence in the ballad from which he professes to
translate. The quatrain stands thus in the original :—

It is Glen Urchaidh, observe,
not Urchain; the
Glenurchay of Argyllshire, in short, not the Glen Urquhart or Urchadan
of Inverness-shire. This is further proved by the context, the
immediately preceding and succeeding stanzas, which speak of Glen Mason
and Glendaruel in Cowal; of Duntroon; of Innisstry-nich on Loch Awe; of
Eite or Etive, &c. In so far, in short, as this story of
Clann-Uisneachan of Ireland has to do with Scotland, we find it
connected with Argyllshire, where indeed we should most naturally look
for it; and chiefly with Glen Etive and Loch Etive, where we have Dun-Mhac-Uisneachan;
Grianan Dheirdir; Caoille Naois; Eilean Uisneachan, &c. &c. In
Argyllshire, too, it was that the Clann-Uisneachan hallads were
preserved till discovered and taken down from oral recitation hy the
collectors. And if Dun-Dearduil and "Glen-Urchain" must he given up as
having no connection with the ballads in question, so would it seem to
follow that some other etymology than any connection with the name of Naois, must
be found for Loch Ness, Inverness,