Mountains—The Lochaber Axe, Ancient and Modern.
With occasional
gales, by no means out of place or untimeous at this date [October
1873], with the sun already in its retrogression, almost half-way back
through Scorpio, the
weather is upon the whole mild and more autumn-like than was any portion
of autumn proper itself. Winter, as yet, has hardly descended lower than
the highest summits of our mountain ranges, and how beautiful in the
golden after-glow, even at this season, are these same mountain peaks,
impending over us like so many living presences! Tutelary divinities we
sometimes fancy them, interested in all that belongs to the dwellers at
their feet, with living hearts under their rocky ribs, loving us even as
we love them, if we only knew it, and speaking to us in their own solemn
and mysterious language, as at midnight, in our communings with the
stars, we are startled now and again by the weird, inexplicable sighs
and sounds, and deep-toned murmurings that seem to rise from glen and
corry and frowning gorge—sounds of much meaning, doubtless, if one only
knew the language, and could respond, as the sea seems to do, in the
palpitation of its heaving waves, and the boom of its billows upon the
beach. Pantheism and atheism are the very antithesis and antipodes of
each other—errors both, just as blind credulity is the antithesis of
stubborn unbelief—but, if forced to decide in favour of either, give us
pantheism for choice, as the more poetical, at least, and pardonable
error of the two; for the recognition of a Divine intelligence pervading
and dwelling lovingly in all things is surely preferable to the cold and
bloodless anti-creed that professes to have searched the universe for a
God, but failed to find Him. For our own part, we have dwelt so long
among the mountains, and within sight and sound of the sea, that we have
learned to love them with a strange, undefinable affection, such as one
bestows only on what is at once weird and mysterious, as well as
intelligent and potent, and, upon the whole, beneficent and friendly. So
impressed are we with this feeling at times, that we fear that, however
weighty the advantages otherwise, a city life for us would nowr be
irksome and unenjoyable, and anything like a lengthened sojourn in a
mountainless land, far from the sight of ocean waves, well-nigh
unendurable. There is some meaning, however wild and improbable it may
seem at first sight, in the theory that accounts for the Egyptian
pyramids as erected by a nomade people, who finally settled along the
valley of the Nile, in remembrance of the mountains of their native
land, and to serve instead of these mountains in making the astronomical
observations for which the ancient Assyrians and Chaldeans were so
famous. Be these things as they may, we dearly love the mountains by
which our humble home is surrounded, whether basking in jubilant
sunshine or wrapt in sorrowing cloud, whether robed in midsummer green,
in autumnal purple, in brown and gold, or snow-covered and ice-bound to
their base; what time the day is shortest, and the sun, almost shorn of
his beams, shines but faint and far down at its farthest point of
southern declination. It is recorded of Queen Marv, of sanguinary, or
rather igneous memory,
that so affected was she by the loss of Calais, that had been in the
possession of England since the victory at Cressy under the gallant
Edward III., upwards of two hundred years previously, that she declared
in her last moments that, if her body was opened after death, the name
of the lost city would be found written upon her heart; probably the
nearest approach to anything like poetry to be found in any word or act
of her dark and bigoted and wholly unhappy life. If such, things were
possible—and the ancients, at least, believed they were—we should be apt
to say the same in our own case of the mountain ranges and sea viev\s
around us, with which we have held such intimate fellowship for upwards
of twenty years.
If one asked us where he could get coals, we should
without hesitation be disposed, were it but to keep the well-known
proverb in countenance, to direct him to Newcastle-on-Tyne. If he
consulted us as to where he could best procure a serviceable and
trustworthy sword-blade of finest workmanship and highest value, we
should probably direct him to Damascus or Toledo. If slings and
slingers, we should send him to the Balearic' Isles; if bows and arrows,
and how to use them with perfectest dexterity, to the Parthians; and in
so advising the anxious inquirer for coals, or the warlike weapons in
question, we should probably be disposed to feel that we had advised him
wisely and well. And suppose one wanted a "Lochaber axe," where would he
most naturally look for it but in Lochaber? And yet, in all Lochaber
there is probably at this moment not a single specimen of a weapon at
one time so common and so peculiar to the district as to have been
called after it. The Secretary of the Eoyal Institution of a seaport
city of England wrote us lately, begging us to procure for them a
Lochaher axe, to be placed in a collection of shafted weapons in their
museum. He wrote as if he thought there need be no difficulty about the
matter; living as we do in Lochaber, he seemed to think that we could
lay our hands upon such a weapon as easily as upon a tuft of heather or
a twig of birch. "We were, of course, obliged to write him in reply that
neither in Lochaber proper, nor, so far as we knew, in any of the
neighbouring districts, was there to be found a single specimen of the
formidable weapon in question. There should be a good many Lochaber axes
in the country however, though not in Lochaber. "We wonder if such a
thing as a "Jeddart staff" could bo had to-day in its proper locality?
We recollect that during Her Majesty's first visit to Scotland in 1842,
when she was received by such a splendid gathering of the Clans at
Dunkeld, there was a company of a hundred men, commanded by the
Honourable Captain James Murray, brother of Lord Glen-lyon, the biggest
men that could be got in Athole and the surrounding districts, all armed
with Lochaber axes, and a very fine sight they were as they poised and
swung about their ponderous and terrible weapons. We were then but a boy
at school, just entering upon our teens, but the appearance of these
kilted giants, with their dreadful battle-axes, is as fresh and vivid as
if, since that bright and beautiful September noon, hardly thirty days
had elapsed, instead of upwards of thirty years. We doubt, however, if
the Lochaber axe, so called, as seen at Dunkeld on the occasion referred
to, and as usually shown in our collections of weapons, is at all a true
representative of the ancient arm so formidable in many a dour conflict
in the hands of the Camerons, Macmartins, Macmillans, and Macphees of
Lochielside, Glenarkaig, and Glen-lochy, and of the Macdonalds of the
Braes, and Mackenzies of Lochlevenside. The weapon as now shown is
decidedly too big, too ponderous and unwieldy ever to have been used in
actual fight. Only a Clan Samson or Clan Goliath, and all of them of
ancestral stature and strength, could hope to wield such an arm in the
heat and hurry of conflict with anything like dexterity and ease. Like
the immense two-handed | Wallace " style of sword that is sometimes
shown to you as having been the favourite weapon of some celebrated
warrior of the middle ages and subsequent centuries, but which it is
simply impossible that any mere man could ever have wielded with effect
in actual fight, the modern Lochaber axe is too gigantic for use, and
must have been manufactured, a big pattern of a lesser weapon, merely
for parade and show. That a weapon of the kind, however, once existed,
and was a favourite arm with the men of Lochaber, is unquestionable, and
a truly formidable weapon it must have been. With a crescent axe face to
cut with, it had a hook at the back by which horsemen could be caught
hold of and dragged from their saddles, to be despatched at leisure as
they lay helpless u pon the ground. The shaft was necessarily of
considerable length, about six feet, of ash or other tough wood, and of
no greater girth than a common hay-fork handle. The shaft of the modern
weapon, however, is between seven and eight feet long, and of a girth
that an ordinary hand does not suffice to grasp. The axe proper, too, or
head of the arm usually shown as a Lochaber axe, is nearly twice the
weight of that of the older and more business-like weapon. An Indian
tomahawk with a six-foot shaft, or a mediaeval knight's battle-axe with
a six-foot handle, such as that with which the Bruce cleft the skull of
Henry de Boune at Bannockburn, would probably be nearer to the pattern
of the original Lochaber axe than the ridiculously big and cumbrous
modern article. You remember the scene in Scott's Lord
of the Isles—
''Of Hereford's high blood he came,
A race renown'd for knightly fame.
He burn'd before his Monarch's eye,
To do some deed of chivalry.
He spurr'd his steel, he couched his lance,
And darted on the Bruce at once.
"As motionless as rocks, that bide
The wrath of the advancing tide,
The Bruce stood fast.
Each breast beat high,
And dazzled was each gazing eye.
The heart had hardly time to think,
The eyelid scarce had time to wink,
While on the King, like flash of flame,
Spurr'd to full speed the warhorse came!
The partridge may the falcon mock,
If that slight palfrey stand the shock;
But, swerving from the knight's career,
Just as they met, Bruce shunn'd the spear.
Onward the baffled warrior bore
His course—but soon his course was o'er!
High in his stirrups stood the King,
And gave his battle-axe the swing.
Right on De Boune, the whiles he pass'd,
Fell that stern dint—the first—the last!
Such strength upon the blow was put,
The helmet crush'd like hazel nut;
The axe shaft, with its brazen clasp,
Was shiver'd to the gauntlet grasp.
Springs from the blow the startled horse,
Drops to the plain the lifeless corse.
First of that fatal field, how soon,
How sudden fell the fierce De Boune!"
A real Lochaber axe-head we have seen, never the complete
weapon properly shafted, though surely real and genuine specimens of the
old and famous war-aim must be found in some of our museums. At what
period the Lochaber axe ceased to be carried as a battle-arm by the
Highlanders it is impossible to say; probably soon after the general
introduction of fire-arms into the northern half of the kingdom, for it
was certainly not used in the '45, nor, so far as we know, in the '15,
nor even in the wars of Montrose; so that for upwards of two hundred
years at least it has not been used in actual combat.