Extraordinary aspect of the Sun—Sunset from Rokeby—Mr. Glaisher—"Demoiselle"
or Numidian Crane at Deerness—The Snowy Owl in Sutherlandshire—Does the
Fieldfare breed in Scotland?—The Woodcock.
We have
just had a week of the finest weather imaginable, dry, bright and
breezy, and with uninterrupted sunshine. The greater part of our hay
crop has, in consequence, been secured in splendid condition, without a
drop of rain, in fact—a piece of rare good fortune in Lochaber. We do
not know if the extraordinary aspect of the sun at its rising and
setting on Monday, the 13th instant [June 1870], was noticed elsewhere
by any of our readers. On the morning of the day in question it
presented a strangely mottled, yellowish copper-coloured disc, so
singularly unusual as to induce an old seaman, nearly eighty years of
age, in our neighbourhood, to call our attention to the circumstance. In
the evening a little before its setting, it assumed a lurid blood-red
colour, which was very remarkable, and forcibly reminded us at the
moment of Scott's lines in Rokeby—
"No pale gradations quench his ray,
No twilight dews his wrath allay;
With disc like battle-target red,
He rushes to his burning bed,
Dyes the wide wave with bloody light,
Then sinks at once—and all is night."
We were-unanimous in predicting an immediate and violent
storm of wind and rain, but the next morning came in bright, breezy, and
cloudless, and such it has continued ever since. Such phenomena, and the
nature of the weather following them, are always worth recording.
Virgil, in his first Georgic instructs
the husbandman to confide in those indications of the weather afforded
by the aspect of the sun, for the rather curious reason, however, that
the obscuration of the solar orb gave faithful warning of the impending
fate of Caesar ! A very striking instance of a form of sophism, well
known to the logician, in which an accidental circumstance is assumed as
sufficient to establish efficient connection. On the morning of
Wednesday last we had a smart touch of frost here in exposed
situations—a strange and anomalous phenomenon in the dog-days truly !
But when we remember that Mr. Glaisher (who for
purely scientific purposes has
put his life into greater peril than any other living man), in his
recent aerial ascent met with a regular snow-storm at the elevation of
only about one mile above the earth's surface, we shall not wonder so
much, perhaps, that a frost current should, under certain circumstances,
occasionally penetrate earthwards even in the dog-days. We should have
stated above that on the 13th we carefully examined the solar disc with
an excellent four-feet telescope belonging to Ardgour, when it presented
only two "spots" or maculce, and
neither of these of remarkable size or form, situated close together on
the orb's southwestern limb.
We are are glad to observe that the "Demoiselle" or
Numidian crane recently shot at Deerness has been preserved, and is to
fall into careful keeping. Its feeding on oats, however, is very
extraordinary, and only to be accounted for by the supposition that its
natural food was so scarce in a locality so unlike its own sunny clime,
that it was fain to fill its crop with the readiest possible edible that
presented itself. The snowy
owl, a
specimen of which is stated to have been recently shot in Sutherland, is
by no means a rare visitor in Britain. A pair, male and
female, in full plumage, were shot on the links of St. Andrews, by
Captain Dempster, of the Indian Army, in the winter of 1847, and are
now, we believe, to be seen in the University museum of that city. They
have been known to breed in Shetland, but never, so far as we are aware,
on the mainland, or anywhere, indeed, farther south than 59° or 60° of
latitude. Is the specimen in Mr. M'Leay's possession male or female 1
What is the colour of its plumage—pure white, or slightly barred and
mottled with brown 1 These are important questions, and every account of
such rare visitors should be as minute in such particulars as possible.
The snowy owl, like the Arctic fox, hare, ermine, &c., his supposed to
change its plumage with the season, the immaculate white of its winter
dress being exchanged for a summer garb of mixed, spotted, and barred
brown and white. It is highly important that such a point as this should
be decided. The scientific name given it—Surna
incorrect. It is probably a misprint for Strix
so styled by Linnaeus, and after him continued as most appropriate by
succeeding naturalists without exception. In Sweden, where it breeds and
is very common, it is said to feed principally upon hares, hence Buffon
calls it La
Chouette Harfang, the
latter word being the Swedish for the white or Alpine hare. It was the
French naturalists, also, who first gave the name Demoiselle to
the Numidian crane, its symmetry of form, tasteful disposition of
plumage, and elegance of deportment, in their opinion, fully justifying
the complimentary appellation. Its economy was first carefully studied,
and a correct description of it given, about the beginning of the
present century by the naturalists who accompanied the French expedition
to Egypt under Napoleon, who, whatever his faults were, was at least
neither indifferent to, nor neglectful of, the interests of the arts and
sciences. Does the fieldfare breed
in Scotland 1 We are afraid the reply must still be in the negative. We
have little doubt that the bird seen by Mr. Fraser of Hamilton was the
missel-thrush, and that the nest and egg in his possession belong to the
same bird, that is, the Tardus
vixivorus, and
not to its congener the Turdus
pilaris. We are
led to this opinion hy the fact that the female missel-thrush is very
like the fieldfare in plumage, and not very noticeably different in
size. The nest referred to by Mr. Eraser was, he says, situated in the
fork of a tree, about fourteen feet from the ground, exactly
about the height the throstle generally fixes upon for its nest,
according to our best authorities, the fieldfare builds at the top, or
very near "the top of the tallest pines." We give but little weight to
the shape and markings of the egg as described, for it frequently
happens that the eggs of different birds, even of the same species,
differ in a very remarkable manner. The hint, however, that the
fieldfare may sometimes
breed in Scotland is worth attending to, and we have marked it down for
future inquiry and investigation. It was for long a question of fierce
debate whether or not the well-known
woodcock bred
in this country. The matter has, however, been of late years completely
set at rest by the researches of naturalists, clearly bringing out the
fact that it not only breeds in Scotland, but that such an event,
instead of being rare, is, on the contrary, of comparatively frequent
occurrence. This very season, about the middle of May,, one of Ardgour's
keepers brought us the wings of a young woodcock, with the quill
feathers still pulpy and soft, which, of the original bird, was all he
could secure from the clutches of a hawk that was breakfasting on the
dainty morsel in the woods of Coirrechadrachan. We also understand that
at least two woodcock's nests, with eggs in them, were known to some
parties in this neighbourhood at the beginning of the season. It is,
therefore, possible that
the fieldfare may yet be proved to breed in Scotland, but the evidence
for the establishment of such a fact must he much stronger than that
brought forward by Mr. Fraser.