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The Scottish Rite
by Kelly d. Whittaker

The Stewart Kings while in Britain and later while in exile were the very forefront ot the Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  The Scottish Rite was founded on the most ancient of all arcane  knowledge and Universal Law. Their Breton heritage was closely allied to the noble families of Boulogne and Jerusalem.  This back ground was largely Templar inspired.

During the reign of Charles I and Charles II the 'invisible college' of the Royal Society emerged.  The 'college' revealed many great scientific discoveries of all time.   The Freemasons and Templar posed a hugh problem for the Puritans.  The puritans were very narrow minded people who accused many innocent people of witch craft that lead to the death of the innocents.

The 'invisible college' brought out discoveries such as; the Copernican heliocentric principle of the solar system, Boyles Law, Halley's Comet, Law of Gravity, Laws of Motion and the invention of the reflecting

The Scottish Rite taught many freedoms like every country in the UK should have their own parliament, schools should be free to the public, public libraries, freedom of religion and freedom of brotherhood.

The Scottish Rite became very popular in America and France during the Colonial days. After Bonnie Prince Charles was put down at Culledon, America was talking independence.   The United States declared their independence based on their teachings of the Scottish Rite.

The exiles from Culledon were mostly Freemasons.  There was a group of Knights Templar better known as the 'unknown superiors' that were banished.  Most of these men were sent to the Colonies.  These men helped to shape the struggle for independence.  General George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were both Knights Templar.

Once the United States won their independence, they wanted George Washington to be president.  Washington refused by telling them the people want a monarch of the Holy Bloodline.  Representatives of the USA were sent to France to invite Bonnie Prince Charles to become the King of the new formed country.  Prince Charles declined the offer due to his age and ill health.  There was no one else who was of legitimate bloodline to become the King so George Washington was elected the President.

The Scottish Rite is still upheld to the day.  Freemasonry spread through out the world.  The Shriners which is a part of the Freemasons had some of the best hospitals in the world.

A military religious order that began thousands of years ago by the Nazarenes had survived through the ages to be known as the Scottish Rite.  The order had it's days of darkness and many days of light.  But the members of the Scottish Rite continue their search for enlightenment with the theory, ' be good to all mankind and protect the great gifts God has bestowed upon them.'

Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated
The Complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Profusely Illustrated, by a Sovereign Grand Commander 330 with an Historical Sketch of the order, introduction and Critical Analysis of each Degree by President J. Blanchard of Wheaton College in 2 volumes (1905)

Volume 1 | Volume 2

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