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The Esoteric Beginnings
by Kelly d. Whittaker

Arimathea was dead and Bon the Blessed ruled the Keepers of the Grail.  Bron had inherited the position by marrying Ann the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea.  Bron incorporated the Druid/Celtic teachings with the Sangrael teachings.

The new esoteric Christian church taught the dual god-head of Jehovah as being male and female.  They began their prayers by saying, "Our father and mother in heaven."  This was completely different to all the teachings of Juidism and Christianity.  The Order of the Grail Keepers religion evolved through the next 900 years.

The Knights were sent on a Holy Quest to the Holy Lands to find the Arc of the Covenant.  The Arc was discovered and the writings of the old Laws was published.  These Laws taught angelology, astronomy and geomotry.  The Laws also consisted of the Callabas teachings of White and Black magic.

The Templars were growing wealthy.  Participants came from very wealthy families.  They signed over all they owned to become apart of the organization.  The Knights Templar as an organization owned a large part of France.  They would finance most canidates of the royal seats.

The Catholic Church had heard rumors that the Knights were participating in unholy acts as part of the annitiation into the organization.  This was the influence of the Arabic beliefs that had filtered into the Knights Teachings.  From the 1100's to the 1300's the Knights actually practiced such things as homosexuality, spitting and urinating on the Cross, kissing black cats under the tail and massaging oil from a killed infant into the idol Bephomet.

In March of 1314, Jaques de Molay confessed to the alligations against his organization.  De Molay was the Grand Master of the Knights Templar.  He was burned at the stake for his practices and teachings.  While he was on the stake being suffocated by the smoke, he cursed the Pope and King Phillip V saying they would both join him in meeting God within the year.  This came true, both men died of unexplainable causes within the year.

Here is a description of the Arabic god Bephomet:

.:. Baphomet .:.
The Goat of Mendes

The practice of magic -- either white or 
black -- depends upon the ability of the 
adept to control the universal life force 
-- that which Eliphas Levi calls the great 
magical agent or the astral light [A:.A:.
/ "orgone" / whatever -B:.B:.]. By the
manipulation of this fluidic essence the
phenomena of transcendentalism are
produced. The famous Hermaphroditic
Goat of Mendes was a composite
creature formulated to symbolize
this astral light. It is identical with
Baphomet, the mystic pantheos of
those disciples of ceremonial magic,
the Templars, who probably obtained
it from the Arabians.

Medieval Bricklayers and the Amerikan Magickal Mystery Tour

Following are some observations -- both pro and con -- regarding the highly secretive and oft misunderstood fraternity known as the Knights Templars.

The first batch of quotes comes from Manley P. Hall's 1988 master- piece, "The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopaedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy" (ISBN 0-89314-830-X) and the remainder reflect the painstaking research of one William Bramley in his epic Paradigm-Buster "The Gods of Eden" (Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-71807-3).

"The true story of the life of Jesus of Nazareth has been unfolded to the world, either in the accepted Gospels or in the Apocrypha, although a few stray hints may be found in some of the commentaries written by the ante-Nicene Fathers. [it was the Nicene council BTW which also yanked the book of Enoch from the "cannonized" texts so searching ante-Nicene sources for clues becomes essential in our Quest for the "Holy Grail." -B:.B:.]

"The facts concerning His identity and mission are among the price- less mysteries preserved to this day in the secret vaults beneath the "Houses of the Brethren." To a few of the Knights Templars, who were initiated into the arcana of the Druses, Nazarenes, Essenes, Johannites, and other sects still inhabiting the remote and inaccessible fastness of the Holy Land, part of the strange story was told. The knowledge of the Templars concerning the early history of Christianity was undoubtedly one of the main reasons for their persecution and final annihilation.

"The discrepancies in the writings of the early church fathers not only are irreconcilable, but demonstrate beyond question that even during the first five centuries after Christ these learned men had for the basis of their writings little more than folklore and hear- say."

-CLXXVII: Mystic Christianity, Hall's "Secret Teachings"

"The Roman Collegia of skilled architects were apparently a subdivision of the greater Ionian body, their principles and organization being practically identical with the older Ionian institution. It has been suspected that the Dionysians also profoundly influenced Islamic culture, for part of their symbolism found it's way into the Mysteries of the dervishes. At one time the dervishes referred to themselves as Sons of Solomon, and one of the most important of their symbols was the Seal of Solomon -- two interlaced triangles [the "Star of David" -B:.B:.].

"This motif is frequently seen in conspicuous parts of Mohammedan mosques. The Knights Templars -- who were suspected of anything and everything -- are believed to have contacted these Dionysiac architects and to have introduced many of their symbols and doc- trines into medieval Europe."

-CLXXV: Freemasonic Symbolism, Hall's "Secret Teachings"

Origins of the Knights Templar

Behind the Crusades lay the Brotherhood. The Christian Crusaders were led primarily by two powerful knight organizations with intimate Brotherhood ties: the Knights Hospitaler and the Knights of the Temple ("Knights Templar").

The "Knights Hospitaler" were so named because they operated a hospital in Jerusalem to help pilgrims in distress. The Hospitalers began operations in the year 1048 as a charitable order. Their purpose was aid and comfort. When the first Crusaders successfully captured the Holy City, the Hospitalers began to receive generous financial support from the wealthier Crusaders. In the year 1118, seventy years after their founding, the Knights Hospitaler underwent a change of leadership and purpose. They were made into a military order dedicated to fighting the Moslems who were continually trying to recapture Jerusalem. With this change of purpose came a change in name; the Hospitalers were variously called the "Order of Knights Hospitaler of St. John...Knights of St. John of Jerusalem," or simply, "Knights of St. John." The Hospitalers had named themselves after John, son of the King of Cyprus. John had gone to Jerusalem to aid Christian pilgrims and knights.

There is some doubt as to whether the Hospitalers were founded as a Brotherhood organization. They reportedly did not function as one at the outset. However, they soon became affiliated with the Brotherhood network by adopting Brotherhood traditions and titles. They became ruled by a Grand Master and developed secret rites and rituals.

By 1119, one year after the Hospitalers had become a fighting order, the Templar Knights were in existence. The Templars originally called themselves the "Order of the Poor Knights of Christ" because they took solemn vows of poverty. Their name was later changed to "Knights of the Temple" after they were housed near the site where Solomon's temple had once stood. Although the Templars and Hospitalers had a common enemy in the Moslems, the two Christian organizations became bitter rivals.

The Templar Knights began their existence as a branch of the Brotherhood. They practiced a deep mystical tradition and used many Brotherhood titles, notably "Grand Master." Like the Hospitaler Knights, the Templars received large sums of money from well-to-do Christian crusaders. The Templars thereby became enormously wealthy and were able to transform themselves into an international banking house during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The Templars loaned large sums of money to European kings, princes, merchants, and to at least one Moslem ruler. Most of the Templars' riches were stored in strongrooms in their Paris and London temples, causing those cities to become leading financial centers.

After the fall of Jerusalem and the final victory of the Moslems in 1291, the fortunes of both knightly orders changed. The Knights of St. John (Hospitalers) were forced to flee the Holy Land. They took up residence on a succession of islands during the ensuing centuries. With the changes of location came changes in name. They became the "Knights of Rhodes" after moving to the island of Rhodes. They were the "Knights of Malta" when they moved to that island and ruled it. While on Malta, the Knights became a major military and naval power in the Mediterranean until their defeat in 1789 by Napoleon. After enjoying temporary protection under Russian Emperor Paul 1, the Knights of Malta had their headquarters moved to Rome in 1834 by Pope Leo XIII. Today they are known as the "Sovereign and Military Order of Malta" (SMOM) and have the unusual distinction of being the world's smallest nation. Located in a walled enclave in central Rome, SMOM still retains its status as a sovereign state, although new Grand Masters of the Order must be approved by the Pope. SMOM runs hospitals, clinics, and leper colonies throughout the world. It also gives active assistance to anti-Communist causes and is surprisingly influential in political, business, and intelligence circles today despite its small size.

[Recent American members of SMOM have included the late William Casey (American C.I.A. director), Lee Iacocca (chairman of the Chrysler Corporation), Alexander Haig (former U.S. Secretary of State), and William A. Schreyer (president of Merrill Lynch).]

The Templar Knights did not fare as well as the Hospitalers after the Crusades. They were forced to flee with the Hospitalers to the island of Cyprus, whereupon the Templars split up and returned to their many Templar houses (" preceptories") in Europe. The Templars came under heavy criticism for their failure to save the Holy Land and rumors circulated that they engaged in heresy and immorality. Accusations were made that the Templars spat on the cross during their initiations and forced members to engage in homosexual acts. By 1307, the Templar controversy had become so strong that Philip IV the Fair of France ordered the arrest of all Templars within his dominion and used torture to extract confessions. Five years later, the Pope dissolved the Templar Order by Papal decree. Many Templars were executed, including Grand Master Jacques de Molay, who was publicly burned at the stake on March 11, 1314 in front of the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. Nearly all Templar properties were confiscated and turned over to the Hospitaler Knights. The long and intense rivalry between the Hospitalers and Templars had finally come to an end. The Hospitalers emerged as the victors. The Hospitalers' victory could not have occurred at a more fortuitous time for there had been serious discussion within Papal circles about merging the two orders -- a plan which would have been completely unacceptable to both.

Despite the downfall of the Templar Knights, the organization managed to survive. According to Freemasonic historian, Albert MacKey, the Knights Templar were given a home in Portugal by King Denis after their banishment from the rest of Catholic Europe. In Portugal, the Templars were granted their usual rights and privileges, they wore the same costumes, and they were governed by the same rules they had before. The decree which re-established the Templars in Portugal stated that they were in that country to be rehabilitated. Pope Clement V approved the rehabilitation plan and issued a bull (official proclamation) commanding that the Templars change their name to " Knights of Christ." The Templars, or "Knights of Christ," also changed the cross on their uniform from the eight-pointed Maltese cross to the official Latin cross.

The Knights Templar had a complete reforamation after the ungodly practices of the organizations had been reveiled.  They did not completely disband.  They still were trying to establish the Royal Bloodline and did not give up.

The Achievements of the Knights of Malta
by Alexander Sutherland in two volumes (1831)
Volume 1  |  Volume 2

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